Chapter 1: lonleyness

Bananas pov:

"*sigh* Another day of work and still haven't made at least one friend!I just keep messing it up and making it awkward...But I did make a Close connection with that Broccoli guy he seemed really cool." I explained.


Banana then made his way to the couch and then threw himself on top of it, then started to tear up a bit."I wish I had friends..."Banana said with his face on the couch, he was still teared up.Then one of his nephews walked in."Uncle?"Middle nephew said worried.The Banana quickly wiped his tears while his back was facing his nephew."Are you okay, uncle?"Middle nephew said, still worried."Yup, all fine!"Banana said and finally turned around, facing his nephew."Oh well, are you sure? I thought I heard crying over here."Middle nephew said confused."Okay, maybe I did lie, but it's just because I just don't want to feel alone all the time!"Banana explained."But you do have us, don't you?"Middle nephew responded."I know I have you guys. I mean, I love you guys, but I'm not trying to be rude with what I'm about to say, but I kind of want friends.Banana explained.

It was dead silent. I think you could even hear crickets in the background...
So then the nephew stared at him and then walked up to him to sit next to him on the couch.
Banana was scared for what his nephew was going to say to him.But Middle nephew just hugged his uncle and replied with."Well, we could help you tomorrow, uncle!"Middle said.
The bananas face got to sad back to his goofy smile and said."Thank you!"

Jeez, why did that take longer than I expected ..?

298 words
