Chapter 3: a new recute

Bananas pov:

  After that I made a new friend. I decided to try to make a friend every

break. Yeah, it might seem hard to do, but it would be worth it in the meantime.
I fixed my bow tie my show about to start, and I had a feeling that this was going to be great!
And of course, the announcer announced. "He's got smiles for miles it's the dancing banana!"
I opened the yellow doors once again and had my goofy smile on my face and walked down the stairs, not falling this time. And one person was missing. But I still carried on with my job and waited for them to choose a category. There was a timer, of course, but I still waited.Of course, it was still crazy and insane as always a lot of players this time got hit by a car battery but we should be careful or else they lose their brain cells then their not smart enough to answer the question at all! Three, this time got caught on fire, and only one got hit by a w sign. And then, after a long round, it came to an end, and so then I announced the rounds campion once again. "Aisha! You're our new champion of this round!" I yelled. The audience started to cheer and then leave, but then I saw two familiar faces in the crowd.

Switching to no one's pov:

The banana walked up on the two fruits, and those two he knew already it was broccoli and pear!
Banana surprised them from behind, causing them to both jump out of horror.
"Hey, didn't I say to warn me!?" Pear called out while facing him. "Wait, what do you mean by that he did that before?" Broccoli said, confused. "Yeah, I'm his close friend. Unfortunately, " Pear exclaimed.
"What!? You never told me this cmon I'm your bestie!" Broccoli said. "Wait, you're best friend with broccoli!?" Banana said. "Yeah, since freshmen year of high school." Pear replied. "Okay, enough. I still want to know why you didn't tell me about this. I think it's pretty awesome! I would love to be friends with him too, ya know!" Broccoli said. "Another friend!? Ooh why I'd love that. i only have one so far!" Banana called out. "Only one!? Is it just pear?" Broccoli said very, very, very much confused. "Yup, it's just Pear and I. I'm trying to make more friends because I am very much lonely..." Banana responded.
"Well, if you want, we could be friends!" Broccoli said, hoping for the answer to be a yes. "Yes, yes! I would love that a lot!" Banana said. Broccoli then got super worried to be very happy and hugged his new best friend!

"Awww Jeez, I'm learning to make friends!" Banana said in his mind.
The broccoli then let go and wanted to introduce the banana to his other friends by inviting them all to a slumber party! Yeah, even if he just became friends with the banana, he wanted to also help him out on making more friends at the slumber party. So then the broccoli gave the banana his address off his blue notepad he always had he called it the "handy Dandy notebook" or something like that.
The banana gladly took it still with a Goofy smile. He was excited because this was his last round of the show after his break. So then he hugged his new friends, and they wondered off home.

The banana waved them goodbye and carried on with his last round of work. It didn't take long until the round ended, and then finally, he announced the last and final champion. "Anisa! You won this round!" After that, he wondered off into the yellow doors and sat down on the couch in relief because it was now time for him to clock out and finally go home with his nephews. The banana gathered his things and got his nephews in the car, and started to drive off home. "Hey, kiddos, I got some good news for ya!" Banana said. "What is it uncle please tell us!!!" They all yelled very concerned of what the good news were. "Well, we are going to a slumber party tomorrow and we could meet some new fruits and become friends with them!" Banana explained, making the nephews yell out of exitment, this caused the banana to giggle. "When is the party anyways?" Peel asked. "It says on this paper we will be leaving tomorrow at 7PM." Banana replied. "Ooooh, I can't wait that long!" Oldest wined.

We finally got home, and the banana opened the car door for the nephews, which caused them to race each other to the door. "Haha! You guys are just way too slow!" Oldest nephew called out, making the others angry. "Nuh-uh, you just had a head start!" Middle yelled. "Guys, this isn't fair. Oldest nephew always wins, and we never do!" Peel said. This made them all mad and started to yell at each other and was about to start a fight, but then their uncle walked up to them and said. "Kids! Chill out you all are the winners. Let's go inside it's time for bed for the three of you. They ran upstairs and hurried to bed, waiting for their uncle to tuck them in. The banana read them one of his favorite books, Romeo and Juliette.
