Chapter 6: morning insanity

there might be some ships - BUT I only do it for a joke because ahem it's funny (to me at least) and also this is like a humanized au, you know like fruit head, human body yeah I think you get it.
Anyways, on with the chapter.

Bananas pov:

It was the morning, and I woke up to see no one else in the room. I got up and stretched, then made my way downstairs to see everyone watching spongebob again on the couch. "Morning!" I said happily, they all looked at me and replied with. "Good morning," everyone replied, with a smile except pear, of course, looking disappointed as always. "Jeez, he's so moody all the time," I thought. I made my way to the couch and sat down on the floor near the moody pear. "Jesus, will you ever stay away from me?" Pear questioned. "Nope, you're my first friend, so I stick with you," I replied with my goofy smile. I got closer to pear to tell him something, but then he got uncomfortable. "Hey, uhh pear, do you remember anything at all when you were drunk last night?" I whispered. "No, no, I don't at all. "Well, you said I was cute. Did you mean that in a friendly way or uhmm, you know -" I whispered again. Pear looked away immediately as soon as I said that.

"I-In a friendly way." Pear responded, still looking away. I giggled. I moved away from pear and watched spongebob like the rest were.

Switching to pears pov:

"Oh God, oh God, oh GOD, I feel my face burning up! This is not normal!" I thought. I was still looking away. I finally looked back to look at the banana, then the TV. Oh God, I tried to pay attention to the tv, but then I felt my right side warm. And I feel eyes on me, I looked to my right again to see the banana just next to me, again... I was literally on the urge of sweating, and then I-i felt something -.

"Oh shit! This can't be happening!" I thought. "He was holding my hand w-what do I do!?" I said to myself. I quickly said. "Uhmm, I see that your hand is on mine..." I said. The banana noticed, of course, giggled and got MORE closer! Ugh, I can't get enough of this guy.. he kept inching closer and thought like I didn't even notice. "Can you quit it?" I said. The banana just sat there his smile turned into a little frown and moved away. I felt like I could finally breathe again, Jeez.

Back to bananas pov:
(BTW, I kind of cringing rn💀)

"Ugh, you're such a goof, really getting closer. Ugh, stupid." I said to myself. I just don't get why he's so annoyed over little things, I was planning to do like a surprise hug but screwd it all up. Man, what a friend I am. All I did was just sit there a tiny bit sad, but the tv took the feeling away. "Man, I feel like a kid again," I thought. Speaking of kids, my nephews were in the kitchen on the oldest nephews' phone, watching videos. "Oh my God, uncle, you're on the news!" My middle nephew yelled. I got up and walked over to see what their talking about. I saw that my goofy silly ass face was on the news on a wanted paper. It's not too surprising because I'm wanted in almost every country. "Woah, you're wanted?" Broccoli asked. "Yup, not too surprising." I replied. "Well, we used to be wanted to!" Broccoli added. "Broccoli, you know that was the past..." Lemon explained. "Wait, let me get this straight. You guys were wanted once?" I said, now very concerned. "I was wanted for slaughter, pear was wanted by kidnapping and killing, and apple well he was wanted because he killed only doctors." Broccoli explained. (An apple a day keeps the doctors away)

"I was wanted for killing and eating different fruits and also kidnapping." Orange explained. "Guys, that's not even necessary to say to our friend!" Lemon added, not liking where this is going. "Ooh, lemon, you should tell him your story!" Orange said. "Yeah!" Everyone cheered. "No, nonono! I won't!" Lemon declined. "Fine, I'll tell it!" Orange said. "So lemon went to a house party in New Jersey and broke in and put a bomb in the house and immediately left the house, and the house exploded, and they were wanted to 5 million bucks!" Orange explained. Lemon just slaped him on the face while his blue blanket was covering their whole face. "Ow -." Orange said sarcastically.

I was just shocked not knowing any of this kind of stuff. All i did was just walk back to the couch and sat down near pear agian. "I'm going to kill myself." Pear said sarcastically. "Don't do that!" I said. "You idiot... I was being sarcastic dumbass I'm not actually going to kill myself for a stupid ass reason." Pear explained. All I did was just hug him for no reason. That's what friends do, right?

"H-hey, stop that!" Pear said. Everyone just laughed and giggled but then turned their attention back to the tv. Pear was fully red of embarrassment. "Are you a pear or a tomato?" I teased, causing the pear to get more embarrassed and mad. "Oh shut up!" Pear said and pushed me off of him. I laughed a little and gave him some space. "Uncle bossman, our mom just texted us!" Oldest nephew said. "She said that we have to go back home back at St. Louis." Middle explained. "When?" I asked. "Today..." Peel said. I got pale, and I needed to buy a flight there. So then I sighed and went on my phone and bought a flight at 5 pm. (The time: 10 : 34 AM) "Come on, kids, we got to go back to my house to pack up." I explained. "Aww, okay." They said, sad. "Sorry I got to go." I said, hoping they'll understand. "Oh, okay, well, bye!" Broccoli said kindly. "Bye banana!" Everyone said. I got my stuff from upstairs and got my nephews and went to the car to go home.

"I wish the kids could stay with me... but that is their mother and my sister, so I can't help but take them back home to their parents. I felt like a dad for once." I thought. And also the sad thing is that they have to go by themselves. I can't go with them but on the plane it took an hour so I won't have to worry much. "You know I love you guys, right?" I said to my nephews. "Yes, we know." They said slightly annoyed. (understandable)

No one's pov:

They finally got home to pack up. "Alright, don't forget anything, okay?" Their uncle Reminded. "We won't." The  nephews replied. They got all their stuff into each of their suitcases. ( By the time they were done, it was 4:30) Their uncle drove them to the airport to drop them off. "Alright, kids, well here you go!" The banana said. "Bye, uncle, see you in the summer!" The three nephews said. The banana was slightly sad but kept reminding himself that summer was next month, so it was okay, but a long time. (Kind of) so then the banana drove back home slight tears on his face but brushed the feeling off saying that it was okay. When the banana got home, he just decided to head to bed to make him feel at least a little bit better. 

I don't know if I'll keep this goofy ahh au or change it back (I'll think about it)
And also I'm going to kill myself 💀

1310 words
