[Special] (Bonus) Oneirophrenia


I can't. . . The moment where everything was supposed to begin, didn't. . .

I'm not so sure myself anymore. . . Is he really coming back. . . ?

I really need to catch some sleep. . .

???: Why the long face neechan?

I turn around and see. . .


Subaru: T-Tama? I-Is that you?

Tama: Um... Yes?

Subaru: T-TAMA!

I immediately went and hugged Tama and hugged her tightly while sobbing

Tama: O-Oh? Neechan is there something wrong? D-Did I make you cry?!

Subaru: Y-You're supposed to be dead! I-I think!?

Tama: W-What? I think neechan is going crazy hehe... I can't die! If Tama dies then... Niichan will be sad!

Subaru: N-Niichan...?!

Impossible. . . Could it be. . . ?

???: Ah, there you are! What are you doing in Subaru's room, Tama?

Tama: Niichan!



Subaru: ... Y/n?

Y/n: Hm? Good morning! You sure woke up late toda-

Cutting him off, I hug him tightly while crying on his chest

Y/n: A-Ah? D-Did you get a nightmare?

Ah. . . That's right! Everything must be a nightmare! So that was it!

Subaru: I did...

Y/n: Aw, there there, it's alright now

Tama: Yep yep! I am here!

Y/n: Haha, yes, you are

Subaru: I had a bad dream where you left me...

Y/n: W-What?!

Subaru: Yeah!

I wipe my tears and cheer up, after all, that was just a dream! A bad dream!

Y/n: I would never do that.

Tama: Yeah! Niichan would never!

Subaru: Hehe, I know you won't.

Subaru: Good morning!

Tama: Good morning!!

Y/n: Good mo-

Subaru: Honey~


Y/n: H-Honey...? I-I think we're way too e-early for th-that...

Subaru: Hehe~ I'm just so happy... I still can't believe it, what happened...

Tama nodded from the sidelines, I bow to you, master Tama! You made it happen! My goal!

Y/n: W-Well... Alright... Wanna go get breakfast? Or do you want me to cook?

Tama: I want niichan to cook! Pwetty pwease!

Subaru: I think we should get some breakfast outside, maybe tomorrow!

Y/n: Ah, alright then! Let's get going.

Subaru: Alright!

Y/n: Oh right, Tama

Tama: Mhm?

Y/n: I know you have a quiz tomorrow, can you study while we're gone?

Tama: Will you buy me more plushies?

Y/n: Yep!

Tama: Yay!! Okay! Tama will go study in her room, thank you niichan!

Y/n: No problem.

Tama goes ahead and leaves my room

Subaru: She's so cute.

Y/n: I know, right?!

Subaru: Is she cuter than me?

I try and gather all my feminine charm and look at him

Y/n: D-Don't look at me like that...

His ears are turning red~ he's blushing!~

It's gonna be me! I know it is! I know how much Y/n-nii loves m-

Y/n: I'm sorry. But Tama is just way cuter.

Subaru: Gak!

Y/n: I'm sorry, let's just... Go get breakfast

That was a failure... But I'll make sure to break his defenses soon and make him choose me!

Subaru: Alright!

He was about to leave my room until it reminded me the dream I had where Y/n left me

I immediately and impulsively grab his hand

Subaru: D-Don't leave!

Y/n: ...?

Subaru: Ah!

A-Ah! I accidentally held his hand! What should I do now. . . That was embarrassing. . .

I let it go immediately after realizing

Y/n: Still scared of that nightmare?

I'm embarrassed to admit it but. . .

Subaru: Y-Yeah...

Y/n: Here, let's hold hands while we go there, so you can feel that I'm always here. I'm never leaving, okay?

Subaru: Okay! Thank you...!

He smiled at me and I got butterflies in my stomach. . . I'm glad things turned out this way.

I smile back and his ears turned red again~

We went downstairs and out the building while I ignored the weird stares everyone gave me, jealous? Heh! I gave them a smug look.

Y/n: Oh look! Everything is spooky themed now!

Subaru: Eh? What's the occasion?

Y/n: It's Halloween today... *gasp* Do you possibly have a worse memory that I have!?

Subaru: Wh-What?! No! You have the memory of a goldfish!

So it's Halloween?! I don't even remember it being Halloween!

Y/n: Hey! That's not true!

Subaru: Oh really? When did we first met then-

Y/n: We first met in my hometown in (c/n) [country name] in 2009 while I was minding my own business in the playground I saw you being bullied I went and helped you you thanked me then we became friends fun fact you were my first friend back then and then we hung out almost every single day and after like a year I realized you were not a boy but we still were best friends and after a few years you suddenly left and I became sad for a long time unti-

Subaru: OKAY OKAY T-THAT'S ENOUGH! Y-You win okay?

I begged him to stop because I was getting more and more embarrassed on how he remembers it as clear as day. . . How much does he love me really?! N-Not that I'm complaining. . .

Y/n: Mhm, that makes it 119 - 75, me being 119 and you being 75.


Y/n: How could I not? Oh! Besides that, there's a haunted house over there! Let's go over there!

I feel my chest and decide if I should force myself to go or not, my safety or for Y/n?

Well. . . The answer is obvious.

Subaru: Sure!

Y/n: You'll be fine, right?

Subaru: Y-Yeah!

Y/n: Well, alright!

We went to the haunted house and lined up

. . . This is taking forever. . . I'm getting nervous for some reason. . .

I hold his hand tighter accidentally and he looks at me

Y/n: Something wrong?

Subaru: A-Ah, sorry, my bad

Y/n: You scared?~

Subaru: Eh? N-No!

Y/n: Hmmm~

He looked at me and... I blush.

Y/n: Well, you can always come to me whenever you're scared. I'm always there waiting

. . . I blush even harder

Y/n: Aw geez, stop blushing! Here, wear this.

He took off his mask and put it on me. . . !

Subaru: Wait!-

Y/n: Shhh!~

I look at him and he winked at me. . . Ah. . . I feel like I'm going to explode. . . !

???: Welcome to Haunted Tokyo! The fee will be 3,000¥ per person! People who are of faint of heart are prohibited inside, for safety reasons.

Y/n looks at me. . . I feel like he is telling me "Are you still sure about this?"

And I am!

I nod and I think that killed him for some reason

Oh, he's back to his senses

Y/n: Oh shoot, I forgot to bring my walle-

Hearing this, I immediately took my wallet out and paid for us both

???: Thank you! Enjoy your time, muahaha!

We were showed the way inside and as we went in the lights turned off and the door behind us shut closed


I jump and immediately cling to Y/n

Y/n: Pfft-

Subaru: Wh-What?! You said I can come to you whenever I'm scared!

He blushed after I said that

Subaru: No take-backs!

Y/n: Sorry... I just cringed while remembering that

Subaru: Pfft-

Y/n: Why are you the one laughing now?!

Subaru: Hahaha! Well let's just go! I feel like I'm not as scared whenever I'm with you!

I put my head on his arm and hug it

Y/n: I-I see.

I could see him blushing from here~


We walk forward, and I jump at literally everything, while he doesn't even make any noise! This isn't fair at all! I want him to hug me too!

Y/n: Okay, maybe let's try this instead.

Subaru: Eh?-

I get cut off by him turning me around and facing him, and putting his arms around me. . .


We both blush as red as a tomato. . . Maybe redder. . .

Y/n: I-If you don't like it just tell me-

Subaru: N-No I like it! Wait no, I love it!

He smiled and I died

Y/n: That's great to hear. Let's go?

Subaru: Sure! But let me d-do something f-first...

Y/n: What is i-

I put my hands on his cheeks and pull him closer

Y/n: W-Wait-

I kissed him. . . On the cheek, with the facemask he wears.

I let go of his cheeks and he straightened his posture

He turned around but I can tell he's as red as I am!~

Y/n: Well... You should warn me on the times you do something like that.

Subaru: Okay!~ I'll give you a kiss, on the lips this time, mask off, if we make it to the en-

U-UAH! He carried me so suddenly!

W-Wait. . . HE'S CARRYING ME?!

Subaru: W-Why are you carrying me...?

Y/n: OH! SORRY! I immediately and instinctively did that as you said that! Let me put you do-

Subaru: I-I didn't say I didn't like it... Baka...


Subaru: L-Let's go! Fighting!

Y/n: ...

He gave a thumbs up and progressed through the building as I smiled and buried my face on his chest

I could hear the 'monsters' but then stop the moment they see us.

It's embarrassing.

But I don't dislike it~

Ah. . . Y/n, My knight in shining armor.

I love you so much. . .

. . .

We made it to the end.

Subaru: We did it!

Y/n: Well, I was the one doing all the heavy lifting, figuratively and literally.

Subaru: What about me?

Y/n: You did all the work, ignore what I said

I smiled at him, he's so nice to me, what is there not to like? He's so cute and lovely. . .

I slowly put my lips to his

Y/n: But there's alot of people here...

I still continue, even though he said that

Y/n: ... I suppose it's fine.

He smiled and took off my mask, and kissed me on the lips.

Subaru: I love you, Honey.

Y/n: ... I l-love you too, d-darling.

I wish this would never end.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .


I immediately slam the alarm instinctively.

"H-Huh? Where did you go, Y/n-nii?"

I look around and realized I'm back in my room

As I slowly started realizing. . .

"Ah. . . It was a dream. . ."

. . .

A single tear ran down my cheek.

. . .

"I miss you."
