(CH16/(Aka CH17)) Preparation For The Council's Meeting

As promised, I updated the actual next chapter early.

I never go back on my word

...Well most of the times

Also, yes.

Baelz is Australian, I did my research don't ask why she's upside down in the image above


Y/n, Tama, and Yagoo were still looking at Tama's new room.

Meanwhile with Mumei...

Mumei is currently looking at Y/n's things, like the dumbbell, the gamerchair, his headset, etc. Basically anything that catches her eye.

After a while Mumei stopped finding interesting things and lays down on Y/n's bed and pulling out her phone

She unintentionally gets a scent of the bed

Mumei was expecting to recoil in disgust but...

Mumei: It... smells a bit nice actually. For a guy's room this is pretty... Surprising. His room is well organized and clean too! I'm starting to feel that maybe this isn't so bad anymore, I think we can get along!

Mumei: But anyways, I have to talk to my friends! We need to do our debut. We've been talking about it for so long ever since we got hired by Mr.Yagoo!

Mumei turns her phone on and opens discord and taps the private server that she and her friends made a while ago

(Chatting in Discord will be signified with "Example")

Mumei: Hai you girls on? @everyone

(Sorry to poor soul who got mentioned 🗿)

Baelz: Yep Iam here!

Ceres: Me too!

Kronii: Me three.

Sana: Me fourth... What else am I supposed to say?! 💀

Baelz: Bruh moment

Mumei: You could have maybe said like... Nevermind I forgot... But anyways!

Kronii: So why did you call us?

Baelz: Girl, I think she was about to get to that

Kronii: Oh you shut the h-

Mumei: Ahem! So um, anyways! We always wanted to do our debuts together right?

Ceres: Ofcourse!

Kronii: Yes.

Sana: What they said

Baelz: Yeah same!

Mumei: Well we got here now, why don't we do the debut right now?

Kronii: I mean... Sure but... We just got here you know... I kind of want to rest for a little bit before that

Sana: Me too...

Ceres: Same here, again

Baelz: Shut up you three! We've been planning this for the time we've been streamers! There is no time for rest! It's our time to shine! The time for rest comes later girls!

Kronii: Well maybe you're right, I guess I can take my nap later

Sana: Alright well if you say so...

Ceres: Aww... Bae you're so precious even in discord...

Baelz: Bruh

Mumei: So do we all have an agreement here?

Ceres: Yes!

Sana: Yes ofcourse!

Kronii: Uh yeah.

Baelz: Hell yes!

Mumei: Alright! After I wait for Yagoo and Y/n with his adorable little angel sister to come back! His sister is soooo adorable girls! You should see her for yourself!!

Baelz: Wait who's Y/n? Your boyfriend or something?!


Ceres: Mumei how could you.. Not tell us that!

Mumei: It's not like that!!! Do you remember the guy earlier in the morning? He's the Y/n guy I'm talking about! He apparently works here or something and is actually somehow became my roommate... And also Yagoo kept mentioning in the calls that there won't be enough room for all of us and it was me who got no room for myself... But don't worry girls I am safe I have observed him carefully and he will do me absolutely no harm!

Ceres: I am still a bit skeptical but okay! I'll trust you and your intuition.

Sana: Sooo are they there yet?

Mumei: Not yet sadly

Baelz: Darn! Well I'm to go and brainstorm on what we should do for our debut!

Mumei: Okay!

Kronii: Why don't we do a chatting stream where all of us talk about ourselves and the viewers etc.?

Sana: That is... A good idea! I'm in!

Ceres: I like this idea!

Mumei: Bae?

Baelz: I was thinking more of a horror game debut but okay! I love it!

Sana: Absolutely not!! There is no way we're doing a horror stream for our debuts!

Ceres: Yeah! That sounds terrible!

Baelz: Um okay.

Mumei hears the door being opened

Mumei: Okay they're here now! Ttyl! I'll make sure to ask Yagoo if we can debut now and where do we stream!

Sana: Have fun!

Ceres: Knowing Mumei, you probably would forget

Mumei: No I won't I promise!!!

Baelz: Oh sure you would 🤨

Kronii: Well please tell him quickly I am very bored

Mumei: Okay goodbye girls!

The 4 said goodbye to their feathered friend and went to do their own individual activities

Mumei turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket

Yagoo: Hooh! That took longer than I thought.

Y/n: Well it seemed like Tama loves her new room alot.

Tama: Yep yep! I have my own computer niichan! I won't have to bother you about playing games ever again!

Y/n: Aw... Don't be like that I don't even get bothered in the first place.

Y/n ruffles Tama's hair

Tama: Hehe.

Yagoo: Alright well as I said earlier, can you help me move her stuff later?

Y/n: Mhm, sure, let's go.

Y/n: Tama you can wait here and play with... Mumei while we get your room ready okay?

Tama: Okay niichan!

Mumei: Wait!

Y/n/Yagoo: Hm?

Mumei: Uh, Mr. Yagoo!

Yagoo: Yes?

Mumei: Um... Me and my friends have been planning to do this for a long time...

Yagoo: Which is?

Mumei: We want to do a collab together! We planned to also do it today!

Yagoo: Yeah sure. After me and Y/n finish up in Tama's room, I'll go and get Y/n to show you a large empty streaming room! There should definitely be a few of those.

Y/n: Wait, me!?

Yagoo: Yes, you!

Y/n: But why?

Yagoo: Because you also need to learn this place better, you've been here for less than a month remember

Y/n: But... Nevermind... I understand... I think... Well... I do recall you showing me the streaming rooms, the small, medium, and large ones so I should be fine.

Y/n:Um, Mumei, you can wait for me, I'll show you your guys's streaming room after.

Yagoo: That's the spirit!

Yagoo smacks Y/n on the back

Y/n: Ow!

Mumei: Okay!

Yagoo: Well, let's get going!

Y/n: Yeah.

Y/n and Yagoo went back and forth to move Tama's things to Tama's new room

While Tama and Mumei played, Mumei was just dying of cuteness everytime Tama hugged her because she wanted a big sister like Mumei

...No, she didn't realize what that meant because she was occupied with Tama's cuteness


Yagoo: Well, that should be it!

Y/n: Oh man. I just realized how much things Tama has. And it's... Alot

Yagoo: Oh, looks like your little sister and Mumei are bonding quite well!

Yagoo bumps his shoulders on Y/n's and points to the two

Y/n looks towards what Yagoo was pointing towards and saw Mumei and Tama playing, Mumei carrying Tama on her back and playing "Superman", but in this case, it's "Supercute" because Mumei keeps dying because Tama keeps making adorable sounds (like giggles, laughs, chuckles, etc.)

Y/n: You two look like you're having alot of fun!

Tama: Yah yah! This is so much fun Niichan!! Can we have big sis Mumei as my actual big sister!?

Mumei stops dying and realizes what she said

Mumei: W-what do you mean!? Oh... I'm sorry Tama! I didn't mean to yell at you...

Mumei immediately gets Tama down from her back and hugs Tama even though Tama doesn't look like she's hurt

Tama: Um Niichan can't you just make big sis Mumei your girlfriend or something so you two can always be together so I can always have fun with big sis Mumei?

Mumei: WHATTT!? NO!-

Mumei covers her face in embarrassment

Y/n understood a little of what that meant but he pretended not to notice

Y/n: Okay, well, Tama, you can go to your room now. I turned on the computer and put Minecraft in it so you can play!

Tama: What!? Really!? Yay!

Tama ran to Y/n, hugged him and ran to her room to play Minecraft

Yagoo: Ahem, well I'll leave you two to it, I need to go back down and work. Have fun!

Yagoo waved goodbye and left

Y/n: Well... Let's go, Mumei, I should have seen an empty streaming room earlier.

Mumei got herself together and calmed down

Mumei: Okay! Let's go Y/n san!

Y/n: Oh, and you should probably call your friends so that I don't have to... You know... Go back and forth

Mumei: Perfectly understandable!

Mumei: Please wait for a bit...

Mumei goes on discord again and messages her friends to come out because Y/n is going to be showing them where they'll do their debut

Mumei: Okay let's go! They should also be heading out now!

Y/n: Alright.

Sounds of doors being opened can be heard as Y/n and Mumei left



I don't really have anything to say for this chapter


If it's anything


Please join my discord server

It's dying

I need more people please I don't want it to die 😰

You don't have to but hopefully you do!

Well, anyways, see you next chapter!


Word count: 1577
