(CH32) His Terrible Direction Skills (8/9)

The time is currently 8:30AM, everyone already woke up from the sleepover and went to do their own thing. Some went back into their room, some went to check out the place more, etc.

And during all this time Y/n was still passed out

That is until a few seconds later when he begins to finally wake up

It took him a few seconds for him to register where he was and what just happened last night

Y/n: Weird how I don't have a headache. Maybe I didn't get a hangove- Nah, no chance. What time is it...? Well... Atleast I hope it isn't as bad as the hangover I got at that competition, so I won't complain. And it's not like Mio will be there to take care of me again.

Then suddenly a specific wolf sneezed from some place

Fubuki: Bless you!

Anyway, Y/n slowly got up but realized he couldn't

... Because Tama was on his stomach, sleeping

Y/n: Tama?!

Y/n thought for a few seconds as to why she was there

Y/n: Ah... I see. I think she had way too much fun so she got pretty tired, she stayed up pretty late too! But heh, this is the first time I woke up earlier than you. Wait, I shouldn't be proud of it because it's Tama

Y/n hugged Tama and pet her head, and Tama smiled in her sleep

A few minutes later Y/n decides it's enough and very carefully got out of the mattress and was threading the needle as to not wake up Tama

Success! Tama was not woken up! and Y/n was free from the mattress

Y/n: Phew. That was like defusing a bomb... Don't ask why I know the experience. Also I smell a bit of women's perfume on me, weird... I don't remember using perfume, ever.

Weren't you a vigila-

Nevermind. Anyway, Y/n here got up and pat himself off

And he even noticed that noone touched his facemask and sunglasses (most did not even dare because of the amount of respect they had for Y/n)

Y/n: Weird. Well, that's always a nice thing... I guess?

Y/n was about to leave the sleepover room when he decided

Y/n: Eh, sure, one last time.

Y/n pet Tama's head one more time before promptly leaving

And after he left he got a headache immediately

Y/n: Damn. Maybe I should have stayed, it turns out Tama heals me... But it's definitely understandable, she's like an angel!

Y/n clears his throat

Y/n: Anyways I should hurry up and do my morning routine, since I am definitely going to feel pretty weird without doing it

Y/n finger combed his hair because it was a little messy because of Tama

After a bit of walking, Y/n finally finds his room even though he has terrible direction skills

He entered the room, it felt a little weird and out of the usual

Y/n: Eh, it's just because I'm hungover.

Y/n totally ignoring the flags went and got into the room shower near the balcony

He went in and prepared the things he was gonna use, the shampoo and and soap were put near him. He put the shampoo bottle on the toilet bowl for quick access

Y/n left the door unlocked, but closed because, well, noone's in anyway except for him

He took off his clothes including his mask and facemask and hung it on the shower rack.

(Ofcourse he does, who the hell showers with a facemask and sunglasses on?!)

Y/n, apparently-

(He definitely would do that...)

He would... Anyway.

He turns the valve on and it was on hot

Y/n: I don't like this at all. It's way too hot...

He adjusted the temperature, changing it from hot to a cold shower

Y/n: Ahhh.. Much better.

Y/n showered for a bit and thought of unusual things

(Shower thoughts moment)

Y/n: Hm... I wonder what would everything be if I never streamed csgo that day? Would it still be the same?

Y/n: Honestly, I doubt it, but I mean... Parallel universes... Could exist... Then... Is there a universe where I never even started a youtube channel?!

Y/n sweat but the sweat immediately got flushed down by the water

Y/n: No, I can't imagine it... Come to think of it. How did I even discover YouTube in the first place? And be the second account ever made at that? Let me try to remember... If I put my mind into it I should find that memory. Maybe.

Y/n put his hand on his chin and stroked it trying to remember, as the cold droplets of the showerhead ran through his hair all throughout his body


???: Hmm! That sleepover last night was so fun! And funny! I almost lost it when I was dared to kiss the person in front of me...! And for some reason... It was Y/n! I have no idea how that happened, but good thing Y/n refused! But was it really a good thing..? Wait what am I thinking! He's my childhood friend! I can't! Anyhow, I should shower. Lamy accidentally spilled sake on me last night anyway...

The mysterious girl went in a room and walked to the shower

???: Eh? The shower is on? That's weird. But someone might be using it, damn! I'm late!

??? Was about to leave but noticed that the door was unlocked after she tested it

???: Oh! It was unlocked! Mumei definitely forgot to turn the shower off then, ehe. But it could also be Korone!

??? Turned the doorknob and opened it to see...

???: Oh hey Y/n!

Y/n looks to the side to see Subaru

Y/n: Sup Su-chan.



Subaru got a pretty good look of Y/n's very toned body from behind, fortunately he wasn't facing her

Subaru: Omaee!! Just what are you d-doing here?!

Y/n: I was gonna ask you that!

Subaru: But this isn't your room!!!

Y/n: What do you mean? I'm sure this is mine!

Y/n turned off the shower and wanted to face Subaru, since talking to her without actually looking at her is rude in his eyes

Subaru: S-S-S-Stop! Don't t-turn this way!!!

Y/n: Uh... Okay, I'll just get the towel to cover myself, I'll explain after

Y/n faced her anyway and Subaru had no choice but to put her hands on her eyes. In actuality... Subaru's curiosity got the better of her and she made a small gap between her fingers and saw almost everything

Don't worry though! His thing was being covered by the shampoo bottle he put aside on the toilet bowl earlier.

(Thank god)

And Y/n instinctively whistled while covering himself

Y/n finished covering his bottom half with a towel and made sure to tie the knot tightly for it to not fall off on him

After doing so, Y/n looked at Subaru to see her face is pretty red, as red as a cherry almost

Y/n: What's up? Why's your face like that? Are you sick!? Do you want me to test your temperature?!

Y/n genuinely got worried for her best childhood friend due to her heart condition

Subaru: N-No! I'm fine!

Subaru composed herself and calmed down

Subaru: Tell you what, do you want to have breakfast with us? You can explain it there!

Y/n: Oh, sure. Who are your roommates again?

Subaru: Tama, Mumei, and uh, Korone

Y/n: Oh thank god-

Subaru got a little... Offended, maybe even a little jealous?

Subaru: What? Who?

Y/n: What?

Subaru: Uh... Nevermind... Sorry

Y/n: I was just about to say that, I'm thankful I already met those people you mentioned!

Subaru: Oh...! Alright!

Subaru: Should I call them?

Y/n: Well, go ahead

Subaru pulls her phone out and walked to the living room to call her roommates as Y/n closed the bathroom door and dried himself off and put on his clothes from before

After a few minutes, Y/n finished dressing, and Subaru called everyone excluding Tama because she doesn't have a phone

Y/n and Subaru are just chilling on the couch

Subaru: Soooo how are you supposed to explain how you got here?

Y/n: Well... I don't exactly know to be honest, I was just following my gut and I ended up here

Subaru: ... That's so like you

Y/n: ... Yep...

Subaru: Remember when you kept getting lost every time you tried going alone to my house?

Y/n: Oi oi! That's because I'm terrible with directions!

Subaru: Ahhahaha you definitely are!

Y/n: Yeah but remember that time when I caught you taking a nap under the sink because it was 'cold'?

Subaru: C-Chotto! I thought you said you were going to promise to keep it as a secret!!

Y/n: Well, technically it's still a secret because we're the only ones here right now yes?

Subaru: Well... But... Kuso! You're right, whatever!

Y/n: Hahahaha!

Subaru: By the way you should probably put your getup on... They should be here any moment now

Y/n: Oh crap you're right, it's just that I trust you very much that I completely forgot it!

Subaru: H-Hey! Stop that!

Y/n: Stop what?

Subaru: Randomly complimenting me!

Y/n: But... Didn't you always like getting complimented? There was a time where we dueled in who can give more compliments-

Subaru: But that was when we were kids..! It's embarrassing now...

Y/n: Oh... Alright, I'll stop.

Subaru: B-But... I didn't say you could stop... Nevermind.

Y/n got up and took his mask and sunglasses from the bathroom and put them on

And as he did that, he heard the door open

???: Ah Subaru! Is breakfast ready?!

???2: Is it?! I'm hungry!

???3: I saw big sis Mumei on the way here so I followed her!

Mumei: Well you must be hungry too!

Subaru: Ah... Yabe!

Tama: What's wrong big sis Subaru?

Subaru: I totally forgot to cook breakfast! I'm sorry Mumei-san! Tama-chan! Koro-san!


???: Oh you can leave that up to me

The three turned to the voice to see...

Y/n with an apron!

(Basically this but add the mask from a few chapters back and change the getup, darken the sunglasses too)

Tama: Niichan!!!

Mumei: Wait Mr Y/n?!

Korone: Eh?! Y/n-san!?

Tama ran to Y/n and hugged her and rubbed her face on his stomach and Y/n immediately pet her head

Y/n: Uh, I can explain after I go take care of your situation, think of it as an apology for accidentally ending up here

Subaru: You don't have to!

Y/n: Nah! It's fine.

Tama: Niichan makes the best breakfasts!! Ever!!!

Y/n: Aw.. You're embarrassing me!

Mumei: I can vouch!

Korone: Both of you are getting my hopes up!

Subaru: Well... What are you gonna make? There's not much in the fridge

Y/n: Well, I haven't checked myself so we'll see

Mumei: Well you'll be a bit disappointed haha

Mumei awkwardly laughed

Tama: There's not much because Korone-nee and big sis Mumei kept snacking on the-

Mumei immediately covered Tama's mouth

Mumei: I-It's nothing!

Korone: Y-Yeah!!

Y/n: Well uh, okay then

Y/n walked to their fridge and opened it to see...

Not alot of ingredients.

There was flour, eggs, onions, and other ingredients, Mumei and Korone definitely snacked on the things that can be eaten raw

Y/n: Well, it's not much

Subaru: See? That's why we can just order take ou-

Y/n: But it's workable

Subaru: Wait what?

Tama and Mumei hi-fived

Y/n: Well you girls can just play or whatever while I make this, I'll just improvise since I'm not sure on what to make yet

Tama: Okay niichan!

Korone: Okay!

Mumei: Mm!

Subaru: Well... Since you keep insisting... Okay...

Y/n: Alright then

Everyone began doing their own thing, mostly talking though.

Y/n took out the things in the fridge, it may look little at first but once he took them out it was actually quite alot

Y/n: Woah, I think I can make waffles and an omelette with this!

He was about to close the door until he finds rice at the bottom

Y/n: Rice?! Who puts rice in the fridge!?

After a short sigh of disappointment, Y/n also took the rice bag and closed the fridge, making it empty

Y/n went to the counter and took some pots and a pan

He washed and cleaned them all thoroughly

Y/n looked towards everyone and counted

There were 5 people including him, so he took about 3 cups of rice and he put it on the pot

After moving the pot with the rice to the sink, he washed them twice.

Y/n put water enough to cover the first joint in his pinky finger, after it was enough he turned of the tap water and placed the pot to the stove and turned it on medium-low heat

Y/n: Oh wait I could make it better, given the ingredients here...

Y/n took the pot off the heat and turned off the stove for a moment

Y/n looked in the cabinet above to see various spices

Y/n: Jackpot

He took a bay leaf, a few star anise, and the pepper shaker

After shaking the pepper shaker a couple times he put the rest inside the pot of water and placed it straight in the stove, again on medium-low heat

Y/n went back to the counter to take the eggs, butter, and the spring onion

He checked if there was a cutting board in the kitchen somewhere and there was

Rushia: Achoo!

He took out the cutting board and chopped the spring onion and put it aside

After that, taking the pan he took earlier, he placed it on the next stove and put it on low heat.

Y/n found a mixing bowl and he cracked the eggs in there with one hand, and whisked them until no egg whites were visible anymore

While the pan was heating, he took a piece of butter and melted it in the pan

Some time passes and it all melted

He poured the scrambled eggs on the pan and thought

Y/n: Maybe I should make scrambled eggs instead? Yeah sure why not

After finding some chopsticks that were lying around, he made sure they were clean before he scrambled the eggs on the pan slowly

And if it got too hot, he took the pan off the heat to further scramble, and putting it back on the stove

Again, some time passes, and it was done, so was the rice.

The scrambled eggs were incredibly appealing, they weren't dry at all! Y/n put the garnish, and a few shakes of pepper on it after.

The rice was also really fragrant and mouth watering

In the corner of Y/n's eye he saw a waffle iron hanging around

Y/n: Let's make some waffles as well for the dessert

Thankfully there were still a few eggs left so he used it to make the batter

He put the waffle iron on the stove after putting the pot and the pan he used earlier in the sink

Some minutes pass and the waffles were done

Since there was only sugar and leftover berries around, he used that as toppings for the waffles, he sprinkled sugar on them and cut the berries and placed them around neatly. The plating was so high quality that you could swear it was from a fancy restaurant without context

Y/n: Well... That was everything I guess, I'm a bit disappointed I couldn't make more but I mean, it's still nice

Y/n shrugged and turned behind him to call everyone but...

They were already there, sitting on chairs for the counter

Y/n: Eh? How long were you guys over there watching?!

Tama: We've been here the entire time! Niichan I even tried calling out to you but it looked like you were in a daze!

Mumei: Yeah! You looked very focused... So we didn't want to bother you!

Korone: It looks delicious...

Subaru: I didn't know you can cook Y/n-nii!!?

Y/n: Well...

Subaru: You always burnt everything when you tried helping my mom cook!

Y/n: H-Hey! Stop! It's embarrassing! And I told you to not use that nickname when there's other people around!

Korone: Eh?! What's your relationship with Subaru Y/n-san?!

Y/n: I'm not sure if everyone knows already but Subaru is my childhood best friend.

Subaru: Yep!

Mumei: I had no idea!

Korone: Me too!

Tama: Okay but can we start eating, everyone!? Tama is hungry!

Korone: Yeah!

Y/n: You can be awfully honest sometimes Tama, but alright!

He took bowls and plates, and also chopsticks and placed them on their table

After doing so, Y/n took the dishes out and placed them on the middle of the table

(For those confused, the counter also acts as a table. In order to save space)

Some time later after everyone taking what they want, it was time to eat

Everyone: Thank you for the meal!

They all simultaneously put the food in their mouth and they got overwhelmed with how good it was for being so simple

Korone: Uwoooah!! This is too good!!!

Mumei: I want to eat like this for the rest of my life!

Tama: Then you can marry Niichan!

Everyone, especially Mumei and Y/n spit out their food

Y/n: T-Teme!-

Subaru: This is absolutely delicious! I never knew he could cook... I'm even more... No... I can't. But anyhow this is way too good!

Subaru shook her head and they all continued eating after Y/n scolded Tama not to say something like that next time
