(CH30) An incredibly 'EN'joyable day! (6/9)

That picture up top is really cursed

(I gotta agree)

Then why did you put that up there

(Ask your mom)

... I've never seen my mom

(L + ratio + no mother + yb better + this you?? 👨‍💻👨‍💻🤓🤓👶)

You're making me cry...

(... I'm very sorry for my actions)

I'm seriously going to quit 💀



Y/n went to the beach, sat down and felt the white sand with his hand

Y/n: This is some really good quality sand... Just how much did Yagoo spent to rent the entire place out?

Y/n said to himself and continued walking to Yagoo after standing up

It was pretty bright outside, even though it is a little cold, it made no sense but it's the weather I guess

Y/n: Why are we even swimming in the middle of February...

Yagoo: Ah, Y/n you're finally here! Come help me marinade these please!

Y/n: Sure sure.

Y/n: Also I gotta ask something

He washed his hands on the sink (there's like a mini kitchen on the beach)

Yagoo: Ask away!

Y/n: Why are we in a resort in the middle of February? In a beach no less

Yagoo: I figured it would just be a fun little vacation! C'mon, you're having fun aren't you?

Y/n: Hm... Not really.

Y/n smiled a little from his mask

Yagoo: Oi... You smiled just now didn't you?

Y/n: Wait what

Yagoo: I'm just kidding! How should I know? Now let's marinade these meats! There's alot. Like last time

Y/n: It's understandable since there's so many people here

Yagoo: Oh right I wanted to ask you how did you get jacked?! I want to have a body like that too!

Y/n: Eh??? Well... If you really want to know, then, do 100 pushups, 100 situps 100 squ-

Yagoo: Isn't that Saitama's training regime?!

Y/n: N-No?

Yagoo: *stareeeee*

At this point Yagoo and Y/n started marinading while talking and having fun, with Y/n's simple ingredients that Y/n made in a rush

And by doing all these, and with Y/n being preoccupied, he did not notice the pink haired girl behind him

???: Oh god. Oh god I'm actually here. How did I get the courage to do something like this?! Shut up, me! You've been hoping for this moment for a long time! This is now or never! A once in a lifetime opportunity! This might never happen again!

???: ... What was I supposed to say again...?!

The girl became very nervous and started shaking, and the result is, the pen and paper she was holding made noise and Y/n heard it immediately

Y/n turned around and looked down (height difference 6'2>5'5)

Y/n: Oh uh. Hello. Can I help you?

Y/n crossed his arms


???: C-Can I have your babies?!

Y/n/???/Yagoo: WHAT?!

Yagoo: A-Ahem... Calli...?! That's quite... Bold of you...

Calli: N-No that's not what I meant to say!!!

Y/n: How am I supposed to give you babies that I don't have... Hm...

Y/n said while seemingly very serious in the request Calli gave him while scratching his hair

Calli: I didn't mean to say that! I'm so sorry!

Yagoo: HMMMMMM...

Y/n: Well, if it's not what you meant, then what is it, then?

Calli: I meant to say... Can I have your autograph?!

Y/n: My autograph?

Yagoo did a 'I have my eyes on you' and also a thumbs up st the same time

Calli: Is he seriously encouraging me...!?

Y/n: Oh, sure, an autograph is easy enough. Do you have any pen and paper

Calli: Right here!

Calli handed the pen and paper to Y/n

Y/n wrote his signature and drew a ✌️ symbol because why not


Calli walked away slowly and jumped while squeaking in glee

Y/n: She's pretty weird.

Yagoo: Because she's probably your biggest fan

Y/n: Yeah that's what I was thi- wait, what?

Yagoo: I'm telling the truth, she's a very big fan of you Y/n. 9 times out of 10 I catch her watching or looking at U/n related content in her free time. Hell, she even has a ton of your merch.

Y/n: Oh god... Really?

Yagoo: Yep! Are you sure you're gonna let her walk away just like that? Don't you think you should recognize her more for being so dedicated to you?

Y/n: I don't know... It feels a bit weird, but I'll try

Yagoo: Alright! Oh! And change your clothes. Please don't wear a trenchcoat and clacks in a beach...

Y/n: Oh cmon... Fine, it's a good thing I brought beach clothes in case something like this does happen.

Yagoo: I wasn't expecting you to prepare this much

Y/n: Oh trust me I prepare

Yagoo: Welllllll, alright, then, have you prepared a kimono for the festival tomorrow?

Y/n: Wait what

Yagoo: So you haven't, well it's fine I have a spare kimono for you just in case!

Y/n: Damn, thanks Tanigo san

Yagoo: Now go, she's getting pretty far, we'll take care of the marinading! If you manage to get her here ofcourse

Y/n: Alright alright.

Y/n walked to Calli and pat her shoulder

Calli: Huh? Who the hel- A-Ah! It's you?! Weren't you supposed to be helping Yagoo?

Y/n: That was the case, but he told me to do something else, so can you please take care of my place for me for a bit? I'll owe you.

Calli: This isn't so bad! Sure!

Y/n: Alright.

Calli: Let me just hide this paper in my room, I'll come back after!

Y/n: Me too.

Y/n and Calli went their separate ways for now, and Y/n went to his room

Opened it, and found it empty

Y/n: Huh. That's weird, aren't there people here? Oh. They might be doing something.

Some screaming and puking could be heard from the cafeteria area

Y/n: Oh yep... They're definitely in the cafeteria... Atleast Haachama's practicing.

Y/n: Well, I guess all I need to do now is to change

He spent some time searching since he forgot where he put his bag

But it didn't really take a long time, since it was beside his bed

Y/n: Oh there it is.

Y/n searched his bag for the beach clothes

Y/n: They're definitely somewhere around here...

Y/n: Found them

(For the one above, you won't have a shirt underneath so you'll be showing your chest)

Y/n wore the attire above

Damn my man looks good!

Anyway, Y/n walked out with those new clothes on and his old clothes in his bag

Y/n: Damn, why is it hot now? The weather in Japan makes no sense...

As Y/n said, it's actually hot now for some reason. But maybe because it's like 1pm, the peak of sun.

Y/n: Good thing I wore my waterproof mask and sunglasses incase I were to swim.

Y/n cleared his throat and went back to the beach


Yagoo: Oh welcome back Y/n!

Y/n: Thank you.

Y/n: Oh? You changed too?

Yagoo: Yep. The sudden change in the weather was quite unexpected... But luckily I brought beach clothes!

???: Um... Y-Y/n... When do we barbecue these?

Y/n turned to the voice and saw Calli

(Calli's bikini, but put alot of blush on her cheeks)

(No. Not those cheeks.)

Y/n immediately spit out blood and fucking died

(Cut!!! What are you doing?!)

Ahh I can't help it just look at that!!! You're going to kill me!

(Understandable have a good day)


Y/n was speechless due to the sudden change Calli made as well

And he can't hide whatever he was thinking

Y/n: You look very beautiful and gorgeous, anyway, to answer your question, in about an hour or two.

Yagoo: Oya oya~

Calli looked away and covered her face

It was very obvious that Calli got flattered and embarrassed from this sudden comment, and Yagoo knew.

Calli cleared her throat and cleared her thoughts

Calli faced them again

Calli: O-Okay! Then what do we do in those 2 hours?

Yagoo: Well, what else do we do? There's a beach right here! Let's all swim!

Y/n: Eh, sure why not.

Calli: Can I go call the others?!

Yagoo: Sure!

Calli went back in the resort yelling if people wanted to go to the beach like a Dad telling his kids it's time for dinner

Y/n: So... You still got any beer?

Yagoo: I figured you were going to ask that! Heh!

Yagoo pulled a pack of beer from the cooler

Y/n: Corona?!

Yagoo: W-What? It's the only beer that was on stock after the sake! I still have more of those by the way.

Y/n: I love corona.

Yagoo: Oh? That's surprising, well, anyhow

Yagoo took 2 bottles and gave one to Y/n

Yagoo: Wait... I forgot to bring a bottle opener

Y/n: Bruh. Fine, let me do it for you

Yagoo: And just how are you going to open them without a leverage?

Y/n: Watch.

Y/n took his bottle and opened it with in between his thumb and index finger

Yagoo: Wait what

???: Woah!!! That's so cool! Can you teach that trick to me please?! I'm begging you!

Y/n immediately turned around to see a familiar blue haired girl behind him

Y/n: Hmmmmm... Aren't you... Lamy?

Lamy: Yes! I'm surprised you remember my name!

Yagoo: Oh hello Lamy san! Do you want some too?

Lamy: I have no idea how you smuggled those in but give me some Yagoo san!

Yagoo: Alright

Yagoo: Y/n can you do the honors?

Y/n: You betcha

Y/n opened it with the same trick

Lamy took it and immediately took a sip

Lamy: Ah! Corona? This is some nice stuff!

Lamy: But I'll go now! Sorry for disturbing!~

Lamy waved embarrassingly to the two and shortly leaving

Y/n: Well... That was weird.

Y/n drank from the bottle by taking the lower part of his mask and folding it upwards

Yagoo: ... Why did you not open mine too?

Y/n: ... You didn't ask

Yagoo: ... I guess that was my fault... Here

Yagoo gave Y/n his bottle and Y/n opened it, returning it to Yagoo

Y/n: She should be here in about...

Yagoo: Who?

???: NIICHAN!!!

Y/n: Now.

Yagoo: Oh dear... Tama!

Y/n turned around to be tackled by Tama, it wasn't enough to fully topple him but it sure was enough to topple his heart

Y/n: Ahhh!!! Tama!

Y/n hugged Tama tightly

Tama: Niichan! I mished you! Also c-cant br-breathe

Y/n: Ah... I missed you too!

Tama: Mumei and subaru neechans were so nice to me! I had so much fun! We played tag! And looots more!

Y/n: Oh? Is that so? Can we play tag then?

Tama: Really?!

Y/n: Tag! You're it! If you catch me I'll barbecue you something really good later! Hahaha!

Y/n tagged Tama and ran, but it wasn't serious running and it was more of a jog, he made sure to reduce his speed very slow so that Tama can catch up

Tama: Hey!!! That's no fair!!! Come back here niichan!

Tama chased after her niichan while laughing unbelievably cutely

(You know Fubuki, right? And Matsuri? Remember their short collab together in Matsuri's stream about Fubuki becoming a baby? That's her laugh. Now that will go kill everyone that knows where it's from)

(Literally this)


Yagoo just watched them and smiled

Yagoo: I wish I had a little sister!


Y/n and Tama kept playing until Tama decided she wanted to swim

Tama: Ha... Nii... Ha... Niichan... Can we swim?!

Y/n: Oh, sure! Let's go!

Tama: Yay!!!

Tama held Y/n's hand and hummed softly while Y/n quietly died from her cuteness

Y/n: I don't know what I'll do without you Tama, I love you so much!

Y/n headpatted Tama while they walk to the water

Y/n and Tama got in the water and played

Until Tama noticed that there was someone somewhat close to them

Tama: Niichan!

Y/n: Hm?

Tama: Can we go over there?

Tama pointed to the girl

Y/n: ... Are you sure?

Tama: Yep yep!

Y/n: Well if you say so!

Y/n went there with Tama

Meanwhile ...

???: Oh crap! I went too far!! I'm too short for this!!! The waves are taking me!! A!!! My floaty got popped by a branch too!!! This sucks!

The blue-white haired girl thought to herself in a panic

For a moment it seemed like all hope was lost for the incredibly short blue-white haired girl

Until a random hand touched her shoulder and kept her up

???2: Hello there.

???3: You looked like you needed help!!!

???: W-Who's there?! Waaaaaah!!

??? slowly turned around with the look of absolute horror in her eyes

But it immediately dissipated to see U/n and Tama

???: Phew. So it were you guys!!! Don't go scarin me like that!

Y/n: It was her idea.

Y/n pointed to Tama, which was on his shoulders

Tama: Not me!

Y/n: I'll take the blame

???: Well... Whatever it is, thank you!

Y/n: What?

???: Well... It's because I'm short... And the floaty I was on got popped by a branch... I don't know how to swim either...

Tama: Tama doesn't know how to either!

Y/n: Wow. That's... Why'd you go this far though?

???: I got pulled by the waves

Y/n: I see. Well I don't know what to call you, so what's your name? Since you probably already know mine

Gura: Oh, um, the name's Gura! Gawr Gura!

Y/n: I see, alright Gu-

Tama: Ooh ooh! Niichan niichan!

Y/n: Hm?

Tama: Can you teach me how to swim?! Please please!!

Y/n: Eh... I don't know...

Gura: C-Can you teach me how to, too? I don't want to keep using floaties...

Y/n: I'm not sure about this...

Tama and Gura both gave Y/n puppy dog eyes

Y/n: Nghhhhhhhhh... Fine! I'll teach you the very basics.

Tama: Yay!

Gura: Yippie!!

Tama and Gura instinctively hi-fived

Y/n smiled behind his mask

Y/n: I hope these two can be very good friends

???: Can you teach me how to swim too?!-

Gura: Kiara you already know how to swim!!!

Y/n: Oh. Kiara! I think I remember that name from somewhere.

Kiara: Ah... You don't remember the name of the girl you ate and cooked with?! How bold... I'm tearing up!

Y/n: I'm very sorry. Please forgive me. I have bad memory!

Kiara: I-Idiot I was joking!

Kiara blushed

Tama: Hoho??? Something... SPICY! Is between Niichan and Kiara!!

Kiara: Oh right! Y/n you haven't met Ina right?!

Y/n: Uh, yeah? Who's Ina?

Kiara: Do you want to collab with all of us sometime?

Gura: Yeah! I support this!

Gura said with a thumbs up while being supported by Kiara (since she can't swim yet)

Y/n: Maybe I should use this as the reward for Calli that Yagoo told me earlier

Y/n: Ah. Who am I kidding. She probably wants a solo collab or something, I'll try thinking about it some time

Tama: B-But Niichan can you still teach us how to swim?

Y/n: Ofcourse.

Tama/Gura: Yay!!

Y/n started to teach Tama and Gura the basics of swimming, like, how to stay afloat, how to float, breathing techniques, do's and donts, the important stuff.

And Kiara kept trying to get Y/n yo teach her how to swim even though she knows herself that she can swim perfectly fine already

Kiara also constantly tried making moves on Y/n. Like, complimenting him, pretending that she felt something on her leg and jumped to Y/n, all of which flew out the window due to just how dense this mf is


I swear to god, boss, why did you make such a dense main character... If this were any other guy Y/n and Kiara would have been married immediately after this

(All I can say is plot)

... You... Nevermind

(Me what?)



You suck *books it*

(Get back here you little!-)
