(CH4) Sick Day

Today is Tuesday, another day, another usual morning.

But that wasn't the case.

Rushia, for instance, fortunately woke up before Tama did and avoided some major misunderstanding, got up from hugging with Y/n carefully as to not wake him up, and ran the hell away from their room, this happened at around 3AM, Tama gets up at 4AM.


4AM. Y/n and Tama's room.


Tama was in a wonderful beautiful cloud castle with giant teddy bear guards, and doll people, playing with her Big Brother on the garden.

Tama: Look Oniichan! I found a bug! Hehe! It's a tiny one!

Her Oniichan pats her head proudly

Y/n: Wow! Nice catch Tama! Maybe you can be an insect researcher when you grow up!

Tama, who was clearly enjoying the headpat, giggled at Y/n

Tama: Silly Oniichan! I don't want to be a bug researcher! It's gross!

Y/n: Hoho, then what are you holding right now?

Tama looked at her palm to see the tiny bug

Tama: Ahh! But just because I caught it doesn't mean I like bugs oniichan!

Tama pouts

Y/n laughs

Y/n: Well it was nice knowing you Tama, see you soon!

Tama: What do you mean, oniichan...?

Y/n, still headpatting her, slowly turned to dust

Tama: No no no! Stay with me oniichan! Don't leave me like uncle Oscar did! Please!

Tama: No!

Dream end

Tama wakes up in a cold sweat immediately tearing up

Tama looks for her big brother and spots him in his bed sleeping soundly

Tama: I don't want oniichan to leave me...

Tama gets up from her bed and walks up to Y/n's bed and sits on it, near Y/n.

She lays down and hugs Y/n and crying on his chest.

Y/n unconsciously moved his hand on her head and pat it, calming down Tama.

Tama accidentally sneezed on Y/n

Tama: Chu! A-ah! So sorry oniichan!

Tama was so sorry, she wiped the sneeze of him and continued hugging.

After a few minutes, Tama was calm, from the headpatting, oniichan being next to her making her feel safe, and his warmth.

Tama gets up from his bed and gets ready to go to her school not needing to worry about any bullies because she knows her oniichan will beat them up and protect her if she tells him!


10AM. Y/n and Tama's room.

Y/n wakes up from his long sleep, very tired.

Y/n: Ugh... My head... I feel like my head's splitting into pieces... Like thousands of needles were piercing it...

Y/n moved both of his hands to his head to try to ease the pain but it won't go away.

Y/n: Just how much did I drink last night... I don't remember anything after the drinks...

There it is again, the sharp migraine

Y/n: Ow! Oh my god this hurts...

Y/n got up from his bed and limped around trying to find pills for his headache, he remembers buying Medicine when he went grocery shopping.

He successfully found the painkillers and was about to drink a pill but...

He suddenly got the urge to vomit.

Y/n ran to his bathroom and unloaded his stomach's contents.

Then there was knocking on his door.

???: Hello? Y/n-san? Are you doing okay in there? Yagoo asked me to check on you since you don't wake up this late...

Y/n continued barfing.

???: Hello? Well I'm coming in...! I need to know if you're okay or not so forgive me for being rude!

Then his door was opened.

??? Inspected around the room, looking for Y/n.

??? Spotted spilt pain killers near the bathroom

???: Y/n-san... Are you... Okay?

Y/n flushed the toilet, indicating he was indeed inside.

??? Took a peek in the bathroom to see Y/n kneeling over the toilet

Y/n: Yes... I'm... Doing fine...

Y/n tried to stand up but fell

???: Oh no!

??? Approached Y/n laying down

Y/n could now see who this Mysterious person was.

The person was a yellow eyed black-red haired woman, wearing red and black clothing, with fox ears and a fox tail, with bells on her arm.

The woman extended her hand towards Y/n

Mio: We already met before, but if you forgot then my name is Ookami Mio, we met on the beach remember?

Y/n: Ah... It's you.

Y/n took her hand and got up

Mio: Well I may not be confident of my nursing skills, but I will try my best to take care of you! but let me tell Yagoo and get my equipment first.

Y/n: Al...Alright.

Y/n leaned on her to his bed.

Mio put him down and bid goodbye in the meantime.

Y/n felt weakness everywhere. This was the first time, he should have not drank that much alcohol in one sitting.

A few minutes later he heard another knock at his door

Y/n: Come... Come in.

Mio entered the room with necessary equipment, thermometer, blankets, warm medicine, etc.

Mio put down her equipment on his table and approached Y/n laying in his bed after.

Mio: Let's check your temperature first, okay?

Mio spoke in a calm motherly way, immediately putting Y/n at ease and making her remind him of his mother.

Y/n: Okay.

Mio took a thermometer and put it under his armpit

After a few seconds it beeped signaling it finished getting his temperature

Mio took the thermometer and read it

Mio: Hm... 38°C... You have a fever Y/n-san, I don't know why but it shouldn't be connected to the drinking competition last night, there must be some external force in play here.

(Ahem ahem Rushia, Tama ahem)

Y/n: A fever? Ah... I... I see.

Mio: Hehe! Don't worry I came prepared!

Mio took out blankets, a towel and... Food ingredients?

Y/n: What... What are those ingredients for?

Mio: I'm cooking you chicken soup, so just don't worry and eat well okay?

Y/n-san: If you say so then alright.

Mio: But let me do this first.

Mio soaked the towel in cold water and organized his bangs before putting it on his forehead.

Y/n: Cold...

Mio: Ofcourse it is, you dummy! Hehe.

Mio took a blanket at put it on Y/n

Mio: Now go take a nap or something while I cook the soup for you okay?

Y/n: Yes.

Mio smiles at Y/n before carrying the ingredients to his kitchen and cooking some chicken soup.

Y/n: Hey Mio...

Mio: Hm? What is it Y/n-san?

Y/n: Thank you...

Mio: Oh? This much is nothing! You don't need to thank m-

Y/n: Thank you for reminding me of my mother...

Mio: What?

Mio: ... I'm sorry Y/n-san...

While the soup was cooking, Mio left it and went to Y/n.

She sat by it and put his head on her lap, essentially giving him a lap pillow.

Mio: If it makes you feel better then I'll do this.

Y/n: Y-you don't need to... You already are doing far more than you have to!

Mio: No no, it's fine, just... Relax.

Y/n: Okay...

Mio: I'll wake you up when it's time to eat the soup, you need all the rest you can get!

Y/n: I get it, I get it.

Mio: *Ahem* Alright.

Mio clears her throat and sang a lullaby to make Y/n sleep.

Mio was caressing his head while singing

There was only one thing on Y/n's mind during this event.


She even sang the lullaby his mother always sang to him.

Then, with the warmth of her lap, gentle touch of her hand on his head, and the calming beautiful soothing voice, he fell asleep.

Mio finished her song to see Y/n sleeping.

Mio gave a small smile and kissed his forehead

Mio: I'm sorry for what you had gone through.

Mio then smells something burning

Mio: Aa-a-h! My soup is burning!

Mio gently gets off Y/n's bed and tends to the chicken soup to turn it off.


Y/n gets woken by Mio gently tapping his hand and telling him to wake up for the chicken soup.

Y/n slowly opens his eyes to see Mio preparing the soup near the bed so he doesn't have to get up

He opened them fully and looked at Mio

An illusion of his mother took form as Mio, mimicking her very movements

Y/n: Mom...

A single tear fell from his eyes

He immediately wiped them though.

Mio: Okay it's time to eat Y/n-san!

Mio took a chair and sat besides the bed, soup in hand.

Mio took a spoonful of soup and brought it close to Y/n's mouth

Mio: Say ah!

Y/n: What the heck? Why even feeding? I can do this by myself you know... This is embarrassing...

Mio: Are you sure?

Y/n: Yeah!

Mio: No, I insist! You have to rest! Your fever might get worse!

Y/n: Fine... I'm only allowing this because you remind me so much of my mother.

Mio happily fed Y/n and took care of him for the entire day.


I am back. Break over, back to updates.

Tell me how was the chapter.

Then, see you next time.
