(CH20) Lost World

It was me Kakyoin!

(Also this art is so adorable oh god-

Foreshadowing, maybe? Wink wink ๐Ÿ˜‰)

I am chad! Maybe.

๐Ÿ“  Or ๐Ÿงข?

Anyways let's head straight to the chapter


It was the next day

Y/n slowly starts to open his eyes and wake up

After a little bit of trying to get up from his worst rival called "Bed" he finally defeated it and got up

He yawned and stretched to get the sleepiness off his system

Y/n gets up from his bed (finally) and looks to Mumei's side of the room to see she's still sleeping

Y/n: What time is it anyways... I feel like someone forgot to tell me.

Hey! Shut the hell up! I'm not a damn watch you can rely on! I can ruin your life in a single sentence!!!

My mood is not good today forgive me, anyways.

Y/n scoffs and looks at his phone that he always puts on his bed next to him

Y/n: Hm... 7:20AM... That's quite... Early.

Y/n: Is there something wrong with me or something? I swear I don't wake up early.

(Cue flashback of Marine sneaking into his room, picking his lock and sniffing his used underwear in his laundry)

Y/n: ... I don't want to try figuring out why I'm up early...

Y/n clears his throat and begins his daily routine

Taking a shower, doing his workout, etc.

He took his glasses and put them on, no worries about the mask because it always stays on.

Y/n: Oh, I almost forgot I had a roommate... I guess I'll cook her breakfast too

(Skip cooking part if you hate it, I brought it back because of a petition from some time ago)

Y/n starts making whatever good breakfast he thought of

Y/n: ... Vegetable broth will do I guess, I'll make a bowl or two's worth

Y/n took a pot and washed it, after that he dried it with his stove's heat

He took a teaspoon of butter and put it in the pot

While he was waiting for the pot to heat up, he took his flat chopping board (from Russia by the way *wink wink old chapter reference I'm so cool*) and chopped some onions, a few garlic cloves, carrots, celery, tomatoes, etc. He also took a carton of vegetable broth.

He took the onions and garlic and put them in the pot, sweating them until they become clear

Y/n at this point starts to whistle instinctively and it started to wake Mumei up

The whistling was not loud, but Mumei was already starting to wake up, because of the beautiful delicious aromatic smell of what Y/n was cooking

After the onions sweated, he took the tomatoes and mixed them in with the onions and garlic

And it started to slowly turn a little red.

Y/n poured a cup of the vegetable broth in the pot, and added some salt and pepper.

Y/n took a spoon from his shelf and had a taste

Y/n: Good enough.

Y/n washed the spoon and put it aside, as he was going to use it for Mumei's spoon

He added the other ingredients, and waited for them to soften (took about 5 minutes)

Y/n: How about a twist...

Y/n took 2 eggs from his fridge and cracked it into the pot

Y/n: This is gonna be disgusting. But I mean... Anything goes

He shrugged as he stirred them in

He also added some cornstarch that he mixed in water earlier to the pot to make it thick

Y/n threw a bay leaf in there and it was finished

Y/n: Hm... It looks good, smells good, and seems good, let me taste it.

Y/n took the spoon fron earlier and took a sip

Y/n was surprised that it actually works

Y/n: Gonna make this for myself and Tama soon, this is amazing

Y/n: Oh wow okay, that was good. I'll just leave some for Mumei when she wakes up

Y/n hums a tune as he took a bowl, spring onions, and a cover

Y/n poured the soup in the bowl

He cut the spring onions as a garnish and sprinkled them on the soup after putting a cover on it

(Cooking part end you can start here)

Y/n: Mhm looks good enough... For dessert maybe fruit.

Y/n got a handful of berries from his fridge, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.

Y/n put them on a container as well.

Y/n: This should be okay enough

Y/n continued humming and turned around to see Mumei drooling in front of him

Y/n: Oh. Uh...

Mumei: Good... M-Morning!

Y/n: Good morning... You hungry?

Mumei: Yeah...

Y/n: You want this?

Mumei: C-Can I eat that?

Y/n: Yeah?

Mumei: I can?

Y/n: Yes

Mumei: For real?

Y/n: Yes.

Mumei: Thank you Y/n s-sir you're the best roommate ever...!

Y/n: Oh u-um, it's no problem... Here. You don't have to use respect by the way. I don't mind it.

Y/n blushes because of the compliment

Y/n handed the soup to Mumei and she quietly and shyly rushed to Y/n's table and waited, even though her stomach could be heard rumbling

Y/n noticed

Y/n: Why are you waiting? You can start by yourself, you're hungry, right?

Mumei: M-Maybe, but I have my manners too! I will wait for you!

Y/n: That's... Understandable. Thank you and sorry for making you wait

Mumei: It's no problem at all!

Y/n took his own bowl, poured the soup, and sprinkled some of the garnish on it and walked over to the table and sat down

Y/n: Thank you for the meal

Y/n started to eat his breakfast, and it was the go signal for Mumei

Mumei took her spoon and put it in the soup and back to her mouth, taking a sip

Mumei: It's... Delicious!

(I died in the making of this chapter)

I died as well

Anyhow, noone really cares.

Y/n blushed after looking at Mumei's smile

Y/n: Uh... My face is heating up, did I get sick too? Well... Maybe I am, it's pretty cold outside.

Mumei made that face every single time she would take a sip of Y/n's soup

And Y/n would blush every time


After a while, they finished breakfast, it is now 9AM.

Mumei: Um, thanks for the breakfast Y-Y/n!

Y/n: Oh it's nothing.

Mumei: I'll make it up to you, somehow I promise!

Y/n: Uh... You don't have to, it's okay.

Mumei: I will!

Mumei: I am going now, me and my friends are gonna stream a collab together and I'm gonna be late!

Y/n: Well, goodluck! Have fun!

Mumei: Thank you!

Mumei and Y/n bid goodbye to each other and Mumei left

Y/n: Hm..

Y/n: I have no idea on what to do again

Y/n deadpanned to himself but ofcourse you're here so you could hear that joke

(Man shut up stop breaking the damn wall I am busting my back fixing the wall every time you break it!)



Y/n thinks to himself on what he should do today

Y/n: Hm.... Oh!

Y/n gets a good idea

Y/n: I should stream! I haven't streamed in quite a bit, I don't even remember the last time I went live...

Y/n: Ahem. Now that I've found what to do today I'll do it right now

Y/n: Minecraft stream, maybe...

After a short pause, Y/n makes up his mind

Y/n: Yeah sure Minecraft stream.

Y/n sits on his gaming chair and turns his PC on

While waiting for it to turn on Y/n makes sure he has everything ready, like his hair, clothes, etc.

Y/n combs his messy hair and fixes any crumpling of his shirt

And after he finishes, his pc booted up

Y/n immediately went to work with setting up the stream.

And after about 10 minutes of prep he finished

Y/n: Alright, mic check, hello.

It gets repeated back to him

Y/n: Pass

Y/n: Alright, I'm going to start it.

Y/n clicks the "Go live" button on YouTube and Twitch

At first he showed his loading screen for a little bit because he needed to do something which was go and pee

While he was doing that, his viewer count spiked immediately it was first at 60k now it became 489k in a span of 30 seconds and it was still rising

But Y/n didn't notice he had chrome open on the side of his screen and the tab he searched last night was there

"Why do I love and care for my little sister so much, how do I be a better brother"

Resulting in chat sending alot of emotes of wholesome seal of approval

Like literally, it was being spammed, people were already clipping this short moment even though the stream just started

Y/n comes back from the bathroom and yawns and chat gets hyped to see the stream finally starting,

Y/n looks at the camera

Y/n: Hello.

Y/n: Now most or some of you may be wondering why I haven't been streaming much since last time, that's because there's alot of things to do here, and I don't exactly have the free time to stream very frequently like I used to before, I'm sorry, but let's snot dig too deep there.

He clears his throat

Y/n: I'm going to stream some Minecraft today!

Chat gets excited and spams poggers emotes

Y/n: Ah, I see you guys also happy with this! I'm glad!

Y/n sheds and wipes a fake tear off his sunglasses

Y/n: Alright I don't want to waste your guy's time anymore, let's start this. I'll be playing on my hardcore world today!

Chat gets filled with positivity on hearing that Y/n is going to play on his hardcore world again, it was because the last time he played on it was 3 months ago and they were getting excited

Y/n: I feel something bad is going to happen but oh well, probably not, just a hunch!

Y/n: Hope so, atleast

He laughs nervously

Y/n clicked Minecraft and opened it

Even though Y/n felt something bad was going to happen he still went with it because he loves his viewers

Y/n grabbed a water bottle he had lying around, faced away from the camera and took a few sips before going back to the pc

His chat were pouting begging for face reveal

Y/n: Nah.


Anyway, Y/n got back to Minecraft, he opened his world and joined it

His spawnpoint being in his massive netherrite fortress that took over 2 months of nonstop grinding ofcourse

Y/n: Soooo... I don't really know or planned anything to do today so I'll let chat decide!

Y/n waits for a few seconds while humming

After he thought it was enough waiting he looked at his chat to see many different ideas

But the most prominent one being "Build a base in The End!"

Y/n: Ooh, building a base in the end sounds great, I'll do that for this stream!

Y/n took some food from his chest and snagged a totem just incase and also a spare elytra and fireworks

Y/n talked to his chat on the way to his end portal, he used the nether to travel

It took a minute of walking and chatting before Y/n finally reached the exit portal and straight inside a stronghold that Y/n got unexpectedly lucky with

Y/n equips his totem instead of his fireworks and went in the portal, still chatting with his viewers

He spawned in the end where he fought the Ender Dragon, he went to the End City from there

Y/n entered the end city and looked for a good spot to build the base

After a few minutes of searching he found a nice spot

Y/n: Here should be good! I'll mark this spot

Y/n builds a giant pole (cheap but effective) so that he could see the spot

Y/n: Now let's get some materials

Y/n: What kind of base should this be chat?

Y/n asked his viewers while he got his bottle of water and turned away from the monitor and taking sips from it, while holding the W key

king him unable to see the giant gap headed straight to the void

The viewers screamed at Y/n at what was about to happen

Donations rushed in spamming Y/n to look at the stream

Y/n: Hm?-

Y/n heard the slapping damage sounds and immediately spit his drink showing half his face and immediately turning around and processing what happened

His heart rate rose

8 hearts

Y/n realized what was going on

6 hearts

Y/n opened his inventory

4 hearts

Y/n quickly switched his netherrite armor with the spare elytra

2 hearts

Y/n grabbed the fireworks

Totem of undying activates

Y/n spams the fireworks in hope of getting out

"U/n fell out of the world"

"Spectate world"

"Delete world"

Y/n stood there speechless

His chat spammed F

No, Everyone spammed F, clippers clipped it with great sadness

Word began spreading of Y/n losing his hardcore world worth 7 and a half years

Y/n: N-No...

Some screaming could be heard in the background

Y/n shakily adjusts his mask to not let it show his mouth anymore

Y/n took off his sunglasses and showed his eyes

His eyes were tearing and it was flowing

Y/n covered his eyes with his hands and sobbed quietly

Chat was still spamming F and basically anything sad like "Rip world" "NOOOOOOO" etc.

Y/n smashed his head on his keyboard and typed out gibberish because he pressed the T key

Y/n: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.......

Y/n released the most painful sigh ever

Y/n: That... Actually ha-happened... W-Wow...

Y/n: Hah... Hahahahaha...


Next chapter gonna be soon like tomorrow

Hopefully you liked or atleast enjoyed today's chapter

If you didn't then it's okay

Hopefully you did though

Anyhow, peace!


Face reveal

2426 Words
