(CH9) Unplanned!

Sorry it took me like almost a month to update

Please forgive this stupid and lazy donut for his actions

Then, if you have forgiven me, thank you.
If not then... Unfortunate...

Well, I've no use in wasting your time on this silly little introduction so let's head on straight to it

25/12/2021 (Shhh)


The next day (Thursday morning)

It is currently morning, Y/n did his usual morning routine (breakfast, brushing his teeth, exercise, and showering), and is now currently on his computer, browsing his feed on YouTube

Y/n: Alright, let's see here...

'Industrial revolution and it's future'

Y/n: Not that one

'Sh*tpost status #6 compilation'

Y/n: Hmmmmm no thanks.

'Cute hololive moments'

Y/n silently clicks watch later and saves it to his private playlist called "Interesting... *Sips coffee*"

Y/n: Nothing seems to be interesting

'Y/n face reveal?!?!'

Y/n: Pfft- as if, you know what I'll leave a comment

Y/n clicks on the video, likes it, and leaves a comment saying "Omg real!2!1! 🥶"

Y/n laughs at it because it was a clickbait video with the content of a poorly drawn Y/n without his mask, or atleast a speculation of what he looks like, and behind it was a 'Rickroll'

Y/n clicks off the video and searches for more

Then all of a sudden, a high pitched scream of a female voice can be heard in the background

Y/n: What? Are they fine? I should check it out

With that, Y/n leaves his computer, and proceeded to wander off to the hallway checking the rooms if they were fine


??? POV

I was in the middle of my chatting stream when I suddenly hear someone scream in a high pitched voice in the background, must be Rushia!

???: Damn it Rushia! Urusai!

I giggle at Rushia's obnoxiously loud scream.

Looking towards my chat, I see many people coming to agreement with me, and that Rushia should be quiet, but I saw a comment saying "Mio-san, you left your door open, that's probably why you heard her"

Mio: Ah! Sorry sorry, it's fine, I don't really care if I leave the door open like that!

Viewing chat again, I see questions about the coming Christmas and New Year, and what I'll be doing by then

I answer

Mio: Hmmm... If you really want to know... Then I'm not so sure... Well, first, I'll attend Ayame's birthday, then I'll get to Christmas, but I don't really have plans for the most part...

Suddenly I get a shiver from my right

I look to my window and see that it's starting to snow

Mio: Ah! It's snowing! Well it's expected, but, it's very lovely!

Mio: But it's really cold so I have to close it, sorry!

I proceeded to get up from my seat and walk to my window, revealing my doorway fully


3rd POV

Y/n is seen walking around the hallways, trying to find the source of the scream from earlier

Coincidentally, it also snowed as he walked out of his room, so he went back in, grabbed a thick coat, and made hot chocolate and put toppings on it (A toasted marshmallow and a chocolate bar on it with whipped cream), and continued doing what he was supposed to do

Which was walk around trying to find out where the scream came from

Occasionally walking past open rooms with noone in them (probably they were eating breakfast at the cafeteria), Y/n made it a habit to look in the open rooms since they were empty, but never stepping inside, just standing by the doorway

Y/n sees an open door, thinking it was empty, he walks to it, and looks at the decorations

(Note: I have no idea how her, or any of the hololive member's rooms look like, so if her room was mentioned in her streams or videos then I'm sorry, have this as an apology

We good? Nice.)

It was very cute, there were many plushies and it was themed black and red

Not knowing Y/n was being watched through Mio's stream and chat, they were going crazy at the sight of Y/n

Y/n: I like this room, this one's cute.

At this point Mio's chat all thought the exact same thing


Y/n took a sip of his hot chocolate and proceeded to make another comment

Y/n: That beanbag over there looks nice and com-

But he got caught red handed by Mio walking back to her chair and spotting Y/n

Y/n, embarrassed, looked st Mio

Y/n: I'm sorry, I thought no one was here.

Y/n took a sip of his hot choco

Y/n: Uh, goodbye.

Y/n awkwardly waved goodbye and tried to leave

Mio: Wait! I don't mind!

Y/n: What?

Mio: I said I wouldn't mind if you stayed! If you want to, I can get a seat for you, Y/n!

Y/n: Is that really necessary?

Mio: Ofcourse, I don't want you to get tired from standing!

Y/n: Thank you. I appreciate the offer. I'll go join you in whatever you were doing I guess

Mio got up and took a spare chair from somewhere and placed it next to her and gestures Y/n to sit down

Y/n walked inside and sat down on a chair

Mio smiled (like :3) and looked at the camera

Mio: Well it's a bit unplanned, but here's Y/n

Y/n in turn, looks at the camera, sips his hot coco and says

Y/n: Hello.

Mio waits for the rest of her introduction only to realize

Mio: That's it...?!

Y/n: Uh, yeah

Mio: Are you really okay with just saying hello? What if someone doesn't know you and think you're like, my boyfriend or something!?

Y/n: Uh... I mean, I am a boy, but I don't think we're friends... Also fine, I am U/n, happy?

Mio smiles again

Mio: Alright! It's enough.

Y/n: So, uh. What were you doing before I barged in?

Mio: You didn't barge in but, I was talking to my viewers before I saw you by my door

Y/n: Mind if I say hi?

Mio: Ofcourse not!

Y/n sips his hot coco and waves to the camera

Y/n: Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well today!

Mio smiles once more to Y/n greeting her viewers

Mio and Y/n then proceeded to talk about stuff, life, games, etc. And they had so much fun. Mio also mentioned the fact that she accidentally slept on top of Y/n, erupting a massive misunderstanding and encouraging the excited fans into further shipping Y/n x Mio, but Y/n abruptly silenced them by stating that he was thankful for taking care of him while he was sick and sorry he made her unable to have a good sleep, Mio and Y/n just laughed it off and after a few more hours of streaming, Mio ended the stream and bid goodbye to Y/n

Mio: You know, I wouldn't mind being friends!

Y/n: Ah... You... You won't?

Mio: Ofcourse!

Y/n: Thank you!

Y/n waves to Mio, smiling under his mask and shedding a tear under his shades, grabbing his empty cup and leaving for his room


Helloooo!! Everyone! I'm sorry if I updated sooo late! I swear it wasn't intentional! I just... Uh, was very lazy.

I don't really have much to say, but thank you for reading!

Did you enjoy this chapter? If you did, thank you! If you didn't, hopefully atleast you didn't find this cringe...

ANYWAYS that's all, thanks again for reading!



???: I wonder when we're going to get revealed?

Shut up!

???: D:
