(CH3) A Competition?

I rember πŸ’‘

I forgor πŸ’€


After Kiara and Y/n hung out, Y/n went inside the building and killed time. Tama went home at 7pm, she immediately hugs Y/n with a smile, Y/n head patting Tama resulting in her falling asleep in doing so, Y/n carried tama to her bed

(there are 2 beds now, because since Yagoo wasn't really expecting another person coming with Y/n, it took time to order and ship another bed for Tama.)

He gently put down Tama and Y/n also went to bed.


Y/n wakes up at 8pm, like usual, does his morning workout that he remembers, fortunately no strange encounter like last time

He cooked himself breakfast, ate, went to the shower, bathed and brushed his teeth

Y/n: Probably just another usual morning, I should find something to do.

Marine comes busting through the door with her heart eyes

Marine: Baby I am something!~

Y/n spits out his water on Marine



Y/n spit out his toothpaste and wipes and cleans his mouth, and grabs a mouthwash and began gurgling it

A few minutes later he spits it out and cleans his mouth again, puts on his mask, and then gets ready to go out to Yagoo

Y/n then remembers something

Y/n: Oh right, I have a job, I should go and do that first.

Then he proceeded to went out and go to his job at a sweets store, working until 12pm, to which he promptly bid Onodera and her family goodbye.


Y/n walks back to the building and heads straight to the staff room

Upon opening the door however, Y/n is met with a new person, a sky blue haired girl with a part of it looking like a heart, yellow amber eyes wearing a white cap and some sort of earring having some sort of talk with Yagoo

Yagoo notices Y/n and gestures for him to 'get over here and help me'

Y/n, dumbfounded, just shrugged and went along and approached the two

While getting near, Y/n could finally hear the conversation

???: Please Yagoo-old man! Pleeease!

Yagoo: Oh please stop it Lamy-san, I know this is another one of those reasons for you to drink alcohol all you want!

Yagoo pretends to notice Y/n though he already did a while ago

Yagoo: Y-Y/n!

Y/n: What's up.

Lamy: Oh, you're that new guy a few weeks ago! Can you please help me convince Yagoo...

Lamy gives Y/n puppy dog eyes, begging him to help her with her master plan

Yagoo urged Y/n to resist

But Y/n did resist but

Y/n: I'll help you but what are you planning?

Lamy leans towards Y/n's ears and whispers something Yagoo can't hear

Y/n: You want me to help you host another alcohol drinking competition this night?

Lamy: Please! It's so boring here!

Yagoo intruded in the conversation

Yagoo: Y/n don't believe this scheming liar! She's just making another excuse to drink alcohol all she wants!

Lamy: Please Y/n! You're the only hope I have left!

Y/n: Ugh... I mean, it is kinda boring here... The last event we had was like, what, 2 something weeks ago? And that was to Coco, but thankfully she stayed though... Don't you think it's about time for another event Tanigo-san?

Lamy: See old man? Even Y/n agrees with me here!

Yagoo: Damn... Alright alright fine!! This will be the last time you convince me to give you all the alcohol, Lamy!

Y/n: So it's a yes then, great, should I buy the alcohol?

Lamy/Yagoo: Yes please!/No, Lamy will do it.

Yagoo: Lamy will buy it, she's the one who suggested this entire thing in the first place.

Lamy: Oh come on...

Yagoo: If you don't buy it no competition.

Lamy: Give me the cash!

Yagoo gives her a credit card

Yagoo: You have a 200,000Β₯ allowance, make it quick. I'll tell the girls in the meantime of the event and I'll think of a prize.

Lamy: Yahoo!

Lamy runs out the building to a liquor store to buy all the good sake and beer she could find

Y/n: Alright, Yagoo, what's the prize going to be? Cash prize?

Yagoo: Hm... I'm still thinking...

Y/n: I have an idea, what if the price was something simple, like a week break off work?

Yagoo: I mean... That could work, I guess that's the prize then! Thank you for helping Y/n!

Y/n: No problem Tanigo-san!

Yagoo: I should probably get used to me getting called by that.

Time flew by with Y/n desperately finding something to do, Yagoo continuing to invite the girls to the competition, Lamy anxiously waiting for night to fall so she could drink alot of alcohol.


Night has fallen and it is the time for the drinking competition to begin

More and more people began flocking to the events area (there is one now what I say is what happens)

People began signing up for the competition, some just came to watch

Ofcourse, Y/n applied earlier.

After a few minutes of applying, the roster is complete

(I don't really know which member hates or likes alcohol in the following examples so don't come at me for this, I only watch Korone)

Botan vs Lamy

Pekora vs Miko

Noel vs Flare

Y/n vs Coco

Etc... (Too lazy to put in more girls so that's not complete)

Y/n bodies Coco, with Coco passing out after 10 shots and Y/n standing victorious

Most of the matches were draws, and the survivors got destroyed by both Lamy and Y/n

After a few more matches, Y/n faces Lamy one on one on stage, the shotglasses facing each competitor, each other waiting in anticipation

Lamy: Hoho... I wasn't expecting you to get this far! But nonetheless you shall get defeated by me! Muahahaha!

Y/n: Could say the same about you-

Yagoo: GO!!

Yagoo starts the match, Lamy immediately downing shot after shot, Y/n started a little late since he was still monologuing.

Ultimately, Lamy started showing signs of weakness at 20 shots, Y/n still kept a straight face through his mask that he adjusted a bit so he could drink

Lamy: I... *Hic* I rally ned tis *hic* brek!

Y/n thought of an idea, and smiled at Lamy, Lamy had a light blush, probably because she was getting drunk.


Yagoo: What!? Th-The winner of this competition is Yukihina Lamy!

The crowd applauds Lamy!

Earlier, at 30 shots, when Y/n noticed Lamy starting to give out he 'passed out' first, thus giving Lamy the win, since he heard she really needed the break

Lamy promptly passed out, a few members went to carry her and take her to her room

Yagoo: Can someone help Y/n up pl-

Y/n: I'm up, I'm alright, I'm going to bed, goodnight.

Y/n jumped off stage and went upstairs, limping a bit on the end

Yagoo immediately noticed and asked if someone were to check on him

A few people immediately raised their hands

Yagoo: Hm... Rushia! Go check on Y/n for us would you? Thanks.

Rushia squeaked internally, and went up to Yagoo to ask something else

Rushia: Umm... Yagoo, can I sleep there as well? What if he s-starts sleepwalking y-yknow... Not that I like him or anything! I'm just worried!

Yagoo made a smug face at Rushia and ushers her to go ahead

Rushia: I do hope he's alright...

Rushia goes up to her room to change into her pajamas

After changing, she went to Y/n's room and took a peek

She saw Tama sleeping on her bed, and Y/n passed out drunk and sleeping on the floor.

Rushia: Pfft- He looks cute! Well I don't really want to do anything, so I'll just sleep on the floor.

Rushia helps Y/n up and puts him on his bed and tried to go to the floor to sleep

But drunk Y/n had other plans


Drunk Y/n pulled Rushia and hugged her tight

Rushia: Eeek! Y-Y/n!?

Drunk Y/n: Waaaah.... Mom...

Drunk Y/n hugged Rushia tighter

Rushia at this point was a blushing mess

Rushia tried to get away but

Drunk Y/n: Mom... Don't leave me again... I miss you... Waaaah...

Rushia: S-so Y-Y/n lost h-his mom... That's so sad... May-maybe we should stay like this, s-since he think I'm his mom...

Rushia hugged Y/n back and put her head on his shoulders and patted his head.

Rushia: Yosh yosh, it's okay now, mom is here... Don't be scared...

(At this point I was dying of cuteness at my own writing)

Drunk Y/n: *hic* Waaaaah...

Drunk Y/n cried on Rushia's shoulder until he slept

Rushia: S-so I hugged my favorite YouTuber of all time just like that...? Wow... How the world works is fascinating, not that I'm complaining though... This is so comfy...

Then, Rushia went to sleep herself.

( definitely having the time of his life rn)


Hopefully this wasn't so cringe and you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Honorable mention:

Shout out to Ame for gifting me 2 gamepass in AFS

Thanks man

(I'm Juryhdarell)

That's it for this chapter, please endure the wait for the next chapter!

Donutkakyoin out, peace!
