(CH19) Fluffiness Overload

Sup readers it's me your most favorite, totally not lazy, amazing, and best author here



Sorry if I took almost an entire month to write this chapter I am getting more and more lazy to be honest

Not to waste anymore of your time, let's get to the actual chapter.

(Some warning: This chapter may be a bit bad due to me getting rusty from writing)


It is currently the next day after Y/n has made his appearance in the HoloCouncil debut with it's members being: Baelz, Mumei, Kronii, Sana, and lastly Ceres

After Y/n had helped them by showing up, their channels all got atleast 150k in a single day, Mumei got more subscribers with her reaching 175k

Well, that's yesterday, let's focus on today

Y/n had trouble sleeping last night because Tama was not near him/sleeping with him (not in the sexual way, wtf u doing 🗿)

Mumei had trouble as well, but nowhere near as much trouble as Y/n had, he stayed up to 1am while Mumei finally slept at 11pm

And now it is morning, approximately 10am (9 hour sleep gang)

Mumei was still asleep

Y/n slowly started waking up

Y/n got up from his bed and yawned, and stretching after

Y/n: Well, Tama's not here, but let's just do my routine normally. Wait, she's in school! Noone is going to wake her u-ohhhhh wait, I realized she can be independent. It's fine I guess

Y/n began doing his morning routine

About an hour later he finally finished

Y/n: That was more tiring than usual...

He yawned one last time until leaving the room

But he almost forgot something

Y/n: Oops, almost forgot

Y/n goes to his drawer and gets his mask and glasses that he put down whenever he showers

Y/n: Okay, finally time to start the day

Y/n: Heh, let's ask Tanigo san what to do again, since I can't think of what to do today!

Y/n chuckled to himself as he left the room

He waves to whoever he meets as he goes downstairs to Yagoo

After about 2 minutes of walking downstairs he reached the staff room

Y/n forgot to knock before entering and he is met with Yagoo on a chair

Yagoo rotated his chair and faced Y/n (kind of in a villain way)

Yagoo: Ah, Y/n! I was expecting you.

Yagoo: Your next line is: "That was evil! But got anything for me to do again?" Is it?

Y/n: That was evil! But got anything for me- Hey what!?-

Yagoo: Hmm hmm yes yes, I'm not getting too shabby

Y/n: That was supposed to be my thing!

Yagoo: Our thing.

Y/n: ... Fine

Yagoo: Well, anyways, you asked if you wanted to do anything today right?

Y/n: Yeah I don't really know what to do today to be honest

Yagoo: Well good, I have got just the perfect thing for you!

Yagoo takes out his phone and calls someone

After a few seconds the person picked up

???: Uh yes Yagoo san?

Yagoo: Hello. Do you remember what I said that could happen earlier?

???: Wait... You don't actually mean...

Yagoo: Yeah well, yes, it's actually gonna happen, so prepare before you come down, besides, you'll need someone to go with you because who knows what will happen to you alone!

???: Ah! Okay. Got it! Thank you!

??? Hung up after

Y/n: Who was that?

Yagoo: You'll know later, by the way are you seriously going out in that? You look like some... Edgy tourist or something!

Y/n: I technically am, minus the edgy part

Yagoo: ... You have a good point

Yagoo: But you definitely can't go out in that shabby looking clothes! They're... Too plain for outside!

Y/n: But...

Yagoo: Wait here.

Yagoo goes further in the staff room to a closet and picks some clothes

After a minute of Yagoo looking for clothes, he finished and came back to Y/n

Yagoo: Wear these!


Anyways back to the chapter)


Y/n: You want me to go out... With this?

Yagoo: It's still definitely better than your all black plain look, you look menacing that way! Besides, it's only for today! By the way you can keep them if you want.

Y/n: Well... Alright? Let me go change, is there a bathroom here?

Yagoo: Yeah, it's over there

Yagoo points to the men's bathroom

Y/n: Thanks

Y/n: Where's A-chan by the way?

Yagoo: I tasked her to recruit another employee! She'll be back after some time, finding employees is not really easy.

Y/n: Alright, well, do I just wait for the person you called earlier here?

Yagoo: Yep, she actually should be here right about...

Yagoo: Now

As Yagoo said that the door gor knocked on and slowly entered revealing A cute blonde haired girl with a weird horn headband with a bag

???: Ah hello!

Y/n leaned to Yagoo and started whispering

Y/n: Tanigo san... Is that person her?

Yagoo: Yes, why?

Y/n: She looks... Kind of fluffy?

Yagoo: Oho... You said what now?... I see I see!

Y/n: Well nevermind, what do I do now?

Yagoo: Just be with her, she wants to go outside and relax, you should relax too, you've been doing alot of things lately, and I figured you should take a breather!

Y/n: Can't you come instead of me? Also I'm fine, I don't need a break

Yagoo: Well I'm kind of busy... And no. I insist, take your well deserved break, now

Y/n: I understand... I guess

???: Um... Hello!

Y/n stopped leaning on Yagoo and slowly walked to the girl while crossing his arms

Y/n: Hello. Who are you?

Watame: Oh me? I'm Watame! You probably don't remember... But I'm the one you helped build a sheep house for!

Y/n: Ohhh! I don't remember...

Watame: Guh-

Watame: Well, that's alright I guess! Do you want to go now?

Y/n: Sure.

Watame: That's great! I'll wait for you outside

Watame waved goodbye and left the staffroom

Yagoo: Don't be out for too late!

Yagoo whispered to Y/n before they went out

Yagoo: Goodluck!

Y/n: What?

Yagoo pushed Y/n away to Watame to begin the day

Y/n: Weird...

Y/n walked towards Watame who was already outside

Y/n: I think I have my phone with me...

Y/n checks his pockets

Y/n: Okay, good thing I put it in there when I was changing.

Y/n walks up to Watame and checks out what she's doing

Y/n: Hello.

Y/n popped up behind Watame

Watame: Wah!!! You scared me!

Y/n: Sorry

Watame: It's okay! That scared me...

Watame: Ahhh I can't wait to go out finally relax!

Y/n: Why do you even want to go outside anyway? Inside is much more comfortable and relaxing in my opinion

Watame: Um well... How do I explain this... I love going outside because I love the smell of fresh air and the sunlight hitting your skin!

Y/n: Okay. But are you going to go out with those clothes?

Watame: Hm?

Y/n: It's pretty cold today... It's snowing

Watame: Oh cold? No, it's not cold at all for me! I can handle this much!

Y/n: Well... If you say so, if you want to, I can lend you my jacket if it gets too cold

Watame: That's sweet of you Y/n san... Well, we should go before it gets too late!

Watame smiled at Y/n

(Fuck I'm dying please why is this cute sheep so cute- there has to be some scientific explanation as to why-

Also imagine the weather is snowing)

Y/n: Alright!

Y/n: Where are we going first?

Watame: Hmmm let's go to the park!

Y/n: Alright.

Y/n: Wait... Park? There's a park here?

Watame: Hehe, ofcourse silly!

Watame: Follow me!

Watame started walking to somewhere and Y/n followed after, Watame and Y/n talked on the way there about whatever that was interesting


They took some time of walking, but they finally reached the park

Watame: And we're here!

Y/n: This looks nice, I think I'll visit here some time, I hope this wasn't a bad idea coming here-

???: Woah no way!!!

Y/n: Oh no.

Y/n turns and sees Subaru behind him near the lake

Y/n: Wait, Subaru!?

Watame: Ohh I forgot to mention, Subaru comes here often!

Subaru: Yep! What's up Y/n!

Y/n: Oh I'm good, how about you?

Subaru: I'm doing good as well, thanks for asking!

Y/n: Well, what are you doing here?

Subaru: Oh, me? I usually come here to feed the ducks...

Y/n: Can we join?

Watame: I want to feed some ducks too!

Subaru: Sure!!

Subaru looked very happy to see her friends are interested in her hobby too

Subaru: So what I do is just grab some peas and maybe some bread from back home, and I just throw it gently to the ducks! And if we're lucky...

Subaru tossed some peas to the nearby ducks

Some ducks took notice and began feasting on the peas

One duck came close to Subaru

Subaru began petting the duck while feeding it

Subaru: One of them will let you pet it!

Subaru kept petting the duck and treating it almost like a dog

Subaru: Now you guys!

Subaru: ... Guys?

Watame was just staring in awe at Subaru petting the duck

Y/n's mask slowly filled with blood

Y/n: This... Cuteness... I can't handle it...

Subaru: Woah!!! Y/n are you okay?!

Subaru looked at Y/n worriedly

Y/n: I'm fine let me just

Y/n pulls out another mask, he turned around and put it on

Y/n: Alright, I'm fine now

Y/n turned back to see Subaru and Watame petting the duck

Y/n: I am not fine but this is a blessing for the eyes!!

Y/n put out a thumbs up before falling down on the grass and looking at the sky

Y/n spread his arms on the grass

Y/n: Oh man it is cold.

Subaru: You're not wrong... Why is watame wearing such thin clothe- ohhh I get it, nevermind! I just remembered.

Y/n: Hmm okay.

Y/n: I am so tired...

Subaru: Can I lay there with you? I want to gaze at the clouds too!

Y/n: Haha sure. Like old times

Subaru laid down next to Y/n and looked at clouds that looked funny or cool

Watame: I feel like I'm being left out...

Watame: C-can I also lay down?

Subaru/Y/n: Ofcourse!

Watame carefully laid down next to Subaru

The 3 started to point at clouds or whatever interesting they could find

Watame: Funnily enough, this is kind of fun!

Subaru: I know right! Me and Y/n-nii- I mean san!!

Watame: Hmmmmmm... Do you two know each other?

Y/n: Yes.

Subaru: Yeah!

Watame: Don't tell me... You two are in a relationship?!

Subaru started to heat up and roll around the snow in embarrassment.

Subaru: I-IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!

Y/n: We're childhood friends!

Watame: Ohhhhh!! That makes more sense now!

Subaru: Ah... Yes! Childhood friends!

Watame: Do you guys want to go somewhere else?

Y/n: I want to rest here for the rest of the day to be honest

Subaru: Same here!

Watame: Aw! That's a shame... Well alright, let's stay here until later!

Y/n: Mhm...

Y/n slowly closed his eyes and before he knew it, fell asleep, with the snow falling on his face and Subaru also falling asleep and hugging him for warmth

And ofcourse, Watame didn't need extra clothes or whatever, she's... A sheep.


Y/n woke up to find that it is late (around 7pm)

And Subaru probably already left before them

Y/n: Ah, sad. I wanted to talk to her about another collab...

Y/n: Well, Yagoo told us not to go out for too long, I should wake up Watame

Y/n woke up Watame by tapping her shoulder

Y/n: Hey, wake up

Watame: Huu... My family...!!! Don't get eaten!!

Y/n: What?

Watame suddenly wakes up in a cold sweat

Y/n: Oh, you're up

Watame: What time is it...?

Y/n checks his phone

Y/n: 7:20PM

Watame: Oh... It's kind of late, let's go home!

Y/n: I was already planning to

Y/n gets up

Y/n was going to continue forward and wait for Watame to get up herself but

Watame: ... Can you... Help me up

Y/n: Sure.

Y/n takes Watame's hands and helps her up

Watame: Oh... I think I'm sick... This has never happened before!

Y/n: I told you you shouldn't wear thin clothes

Watame: Gomenn...

Watame sneezes

Watame: Chu!

Y/n: Let's go home now.

Watame: Okay.

Watame and Y/n began walking home

Watame was freezing

Y/n was quick to notice

Y/n took off his jacket and put it on Watame

Watame was a bit surprised at first

Watame: T-Thank you

Watame's cheeks started to blush

Y/n: Now I'm cold. Haaa, hahaha. Well that's alright, I can't really leave a lady out in the cold, I won't be able to call myself a man

Watame started to blush even more because she is embarrassed

Or is she?

Y/n and Watame continued walking until Watame asked Y/n

Watame: C-Could y-you hold m-my ha-hand? It's cold...

Y/n: Oh, sure.

Y/n holds Watame's hand and he felt that it was burning hot, the opposite of what she said

(But Watame had the white jacket on, and she's blushing a bit)

After some more time of walking

They went home and bid their goodbyes

Y/n told Yagoo that they're alright but that Watame got a fever

Yagoo told Y/n he'll get Mel to look after her but he found it weird that she got a cold

Y/n went back to his room and slept.



So rusty

Please don't gaslight me I am forgetting my own writing style

I am not proud with this chapter

It is quite long though, but still kind of awful, you can't polish a turd

Oh well, see you next chapter. I guess

I'm discouraged...

