(CH2) Bottom Left

Y/n's stream with Gura and Amelia went really well, Gura and Ame reaching 250k views because of Y/n's very presence, and Y/n hitting 1m views because of the combination of some Gura and Ame's viewers coming to watch Y/n's stream.

After a few hours, the stream had come to end, Gura and Amelia bid goodbye to their viewers and most importantly Y/n, the two asked Y/n to come collaborate some time again. To which Y/n happily accepted.

It is now 11AM, so the stream lasted like 4 hours. And as usual, most (90%) of the donations Y/n got were sent to charity. Y/n smiled at the fact that there were alot of donations today (18,000$+). Though he didn't really care how much he gotten, just the fact that the money he's giving will be helping people in need.

Anyhow, Y/n became hungry after that. Y/n scavenged his fridge for any leftovers, there were but they were all spoiled.

Y/n: Oh cmon... These were so good! Something must've contaminated them to make them spoil THIS fast. I need to be careful next time I store food.

Y/n immediately threw all the spoiled food to the garbage bin

Y/n: Well now that that's taken care of, what should I cook toda-

Y/n looks at the contents of his fridge to find it completely empty

Y/n: E-e-e-empty?! This sucks! I didn't go grocery shopping! Come on I should atleast have remembered this a week ago after I moved here! Well, I guess I'll go grocery shopping. Probably even eat at a restaurant since I won't have any time to cook something once I finish. Oh and I should probably fix this habit of talking to myself. I probably look creepy... Sheesh.

After a few minutes of searching, Y/n found his wallet and put it in his pocket, he went downstairs to the staff room, and as usual, the two are there. A-chan and Yagoo working.

Yagoo notices Y/n from the corner of his eye and stops what he was doing and turns to him

Yagoo: Oh hello again Y/n, what brings you here right now?

Y/n: Hmm... Well I didn't really do the groceries when I was running out of food since, well, I have no idea where to go here I don't even know where the grocery store even is!

Yagoo: Oh hahahaha well you'll know this if you stay in this area for a long time hopefully, well don't worry, the nearest grocery store is pretty close to here. Turn left, straight, left again, and a right, and there it is. Here let me draw a way for you.

Yagoo tears a piece of paper from his notebook and draws a small map from the building to grocery store. Very helpful for Y/n, and gives it to Y/n to which Y/n definitely accepted

Y/n: You're a lifesaver Tanigo san!

Yagoo: You're welcome, and for the last time call my by my nickname here 'Yagoo'!

Y/n waves goodbye and exits the staffroom

Now that Y/n got the directions to the grocery store, he went there and did well, what any normal human in a grocery store would. Bought everything he needed, and for Tama as well.

An hour passed and he was finally done doing the groceries, he paid for then and went back to the building surprisingly not getting lost, and got to his room and put everything he bought in order in his fridge.

Y/n's stomach rumbles really loud, resulting in Y/n putting a hand on his stomach instinctively and blushing really red.

Y/n: That was really embarrassing... hopefully noone heard that! Well I guess I'll eat out then, my vicious stomach hahaha.

Y/n got up from his sitting position and walked out the building in search for a restaurant.

After a few minutes wandering around he bumps into an orange-mixed-cyan haired woman, wearing white plaid clothing, and cat ears headband.

Y/n: Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I'm going. Sorry sorry.

???: A-a-h I'm sorry! I'm sorry for standing still and doing no- wait Y/n!?

Y/n: Huh who are you? I'm not even going to question how you know my name... Sorry, I have to go eat, I'm starving.

Kiara: Uhh well I'm an EN member in Hololive, y'know, the one that you're working for right now, my name is Takanashi Kiara, u-umm... Ring a bell? Please remember me! Y/n-senpai! It's alright if you don't since I already know you have a terrible memory hehehe, so I'll forgive you for that.

Y/n: Uh... I'm sorry but I have never heard of a Kiara if I remember correctly, well I'm still hungry. I'll go now, but we could collab some time if you want!

Y/n smiles under his mask, Kiara frowned

Kiara: Oh alright! Well since you're hungry, I'm actually going to a KFC right now since I'm too lazy to cook hahaha... Do you want to eat with me Y/n?

Kiara fidgets her fingers shyly waiting for a response in a cute way

(Remove tail or keep it but in this chapter I'm removing it since it looks weird and creepy in public.)

Y/n: Cute... I mean... Sure! I don't mind, eating with other people makes food delicious anyway. Please lead the way since I don't really know any food restaurant here.

Kiara: Great, follow me!

Kiara takes Y/n's hand and runs to a KFC

Y/n: Woah what's the rush?

Kiara: I'm hungry!

Y/n: Well me too.

After a few minutes of running they reach a KFC, the two enter and order.

The two look around for empty seats but there's nothing else apart from a 2 seater that's on a sofa and not 2 individual chairs (basically like shoulder to shoulder, y'know...)

Kiara: Oh uhh well I guess since that's the only seats empty then let's wait for our food there!

Kiara sits in the seat and waits for Y/n eagerly

Y/n: Uh...

Kiara: What are you waiting for? Your seat might get taken, y'know!

Kiara pats his seat signaling Y/n to hurry up and sit down

Y/n: Alright... I've never ate with a girl before, nonetheless practically a stranger. Well since she told me that she works for Hololive I guess I can trust her words and just enjoy the meal.

Y/n walks to the seat and sits down, and putting his hands on the table, waiting for the food.

Kiara: So uhh, how was the stream earlier?

Y/n: Hm?

Kiara: How was the stream?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Kiara: You baka... I was watching your stream you know? The Kiara.ch guy? That was me!

Kiara pouted

(Without hat)

Y/n felt really bad

Y/n: I'm really sorry, I'm not really good with memory stuff, but now that you mention it I do recall seeing your name and reading it, you asked me about mining ancient debris right?

Kiara's mood changed from a pout to an immediate happy face

Y/n: Well if we don't have anything else to talk about then we can just wait for the food

Kiara: Wait, I have a question

Y/n: Okay then ask away

Kiara: Are you sure you haven't heard of Takanashi Kiara in your life before? Especially highschool?

Y/n: I don't know if you're messing with me but I haven't heard of that name before apart from earlier.

Kiara: Ah... I see...

Y/n: Well I do remember a fraction of my highschool... There was this girl close to your name... Kia... Riana? Keara? Something like that. She was really a nice girl, but she would often beg me to tutor her so it would get annoying at times, but I could never ever get mad at a friend.

Kiara: My heart is confused... I don't know if he's friend zoning me or not, but I'm happy he remembers at least that much!

Y/n: speaking of which, why are you asking me about this in the first place?

Kiara: Oh it's nothing! Just nothing at all! Just a bit curious, y'know!

Y/n: Hm... Alright, I see... Oh look, it's our food I think

Kiara and Y/n look at the incoming KFC worker

The KFC worker puts their order on their table and went back to the counter.

Y/n: Alright finally, I'm starving.

Kiara: Well said as I am!

Y/n pulled up his mask a little bit so he can eat, Y/n and Kiara began to eat.

(Timeskip brought to you by Kiara hugging the soul out of Y/n, RIP Y/n, you will be missed!!1!)


Halfway through their meal Kiara noticed that there was a stain on his cheek

Kiara: Oh Y/n! There's a stain on your cheek, hold still, let me get it for you...

Y/n: Hm? A stain? I can get it myself though... But alright.

Kiara took a tissue and wiped it on Y/n's cheek, making sure her face is as close to Y/n as possible but without making him uncomfortable, and intentionally caressing his cheek in the process

Kiara blushed and Y/n got a light blush.

Y/n: You can stop now you know? This is too embarrassing... This is humiliating... My cheek is clean enough...

Kiara immediately pulled her hand away from his cheek and recoiled

Kiara: Oh um sorry! I wasn't really paying attention... I'm really sorry...

Y/n: Well it's fine, please just don't do that again haha.

Y/n said as he began to start eating again, but with a clean cheek.

Kiara started to eat again but tried to eat as messy as possible so Y/n could do the same for her and clean his cheek, maybe even 'accidentally' getting pushed from behind and kissing him 'unintentionally'

Oh but alas, Y/n didn't even bother to look at her that much, Kiara just made a fool out of herself and shyly wiped her messy face with a tissue in embarrassment.

The two finished eating, went outside, and walked to the building. As they walked they talked

Kiara: Oh Y/n! Do you think we can collab this week?

Y/n: Oh of course, I'll try to make some time for you, what type of collab are you thinking?

Kiara: Hmmmm... I'm thinking a cooking stream? You know, where we cook? That stuff?

Y/n: Oh alright, you best not get impressed by my chef skills though!

Kiara: Haha! I bet your cooking is worse than Haachama!

Y/n: Oh shut up! You'll get so impressed by my skills!

Kiara: Let's see about that! How about we stream on Wednesday night?

Y/n: Alright, bet.

Kiara: It's a collab then!, Better not be late, don't forget! A collab!

Y/n: Alright alright, but stop shouting at me! We're getting weird looks from the people around us...

Kiara blushed in embarrassment and put her head down.

Kiara: Oh umm I'm sorry...

Y/n: Oh it's fine, alright though, I'll make sure to remember your collab with me, Wednesday night right? I promise not to be late!

Kiara's mood immediately changed to being exceptionally happy!

Kiara: Alright! You better keep your promise!

Kiara ran to the building, since they were like a few dozen more steps away.

Y/n: Hey wait! Oh haha. Such an energetic girl, she kinda reminds me of that one girl in my highschool, ah... She gives the same vibes as Kiara, takes me back... Wait... She can't be... Is she the same person...? No, that can't be, what am I thinking haha. Better go now.

Y/n continues walking towards the building, when he got there he entered, said hello to Yagoo and every member he saw, and went to his room and used his computer.


I don't really have anything else to say but,

I have just a few words for you readers

How's the book so far? Is it up to your tastes? Hopefully I get some good reviews!

And how was this chapter? Hopefully it didn't make you cringe that much... Sheesh.

Well that's everything I have for this chapter, as usual, enjoy waiting for the next chapter!

Then, I shall get going, goodbye readers!
