(CH38) Look who showed up last!!

Matsuri: Phew... We made it without dying...!

Y/n: Phew. I made it within 5 minutes.

Matsuri: But weren't we like... 200 something meters away!?

Y/n: I just had to. You made me

Matsuri: ... You sure do love her alot hm?

Y/n: Ofcourse I do, she's my only family left after all. I don't know what I'd do if something happens to her

Matsuri: So stop talking like that!!! You're planting many red flags!!

Y/n: *sigh* Well whatever, let's go to your room to eat

Matsuri: Well, yeah, but... Can you put me down now?

Y/n: You sure? You sprained your ankle

Matsuri: Yeah! Besides, it's embarrassing...

Y/n: Well, okay

Y/n lowered himself and Matsuri got off

The moment Matsuri's sprained leg hit the floor she fell because it hurt even more

Matsuri: Ow!

Y/n: See? What did I tell you. Tsk tsk tsk

Matsuri: Don't "tsk tsk" me...!

Y/n: Well, I'm going to your room now and ordering takeout

Y/n left Matsuri lying there while he went to the stairs to go upstairs

Matsuri: ... Do you even know where my room is?

Y/n stopped

Y/n: Uh... N-No

Matsuri: Hmph! That's what I thought!

Y/n: Well, how are you gonna get up then?

Y/n turned around and crossed his arms

Matsuri froze for a second to think about it

Matsuri: ... Help me

Y/n: ... Right.

Y/n went up to Matsuri to help her up and support her upstairs

He occasionally met a member, and Matsuri would say she sprained her ankle to avoid a misunderstanding

After some more walking later, they reached Matsuri's room, it was pretty far from Y/n's

But Y/n wanted to give the gifts to Tama immediately

Y/n: Wait for me, I'll just go give the plushies we got earlier to my angelic sister real quick

Matsuri: Sure, but can't she eat with us?

Y/n: Actually... Good idea, I'll ask her if she wants to eat

Y/n left and saw his room, good thing it was named with "Guest room (Y/n/Mumei)"

Y/n: Oh how nice, I didn't even notice they had this here...?

Y/n entered his room to see Mumei asleep with Tama on her lap

In simpler terms, Mumei was giving Tama a lap pillow

Y/n covered his face and felt his heart explode

Y/n: How... How adorable!

Y/n: I wish I could hug Tama right now, but that would wake up Mumei, and Tama, I don't want to disturb their moment

Y/n: They look so cute together! It's almost like they're actually sisters!

Y/n: Well, sleep well Tama, I'll go put this on your desk

Y/n took a page from his sticky notes and sticked it on the big bag, and wrote:

'As promised, here's my gift, Tama! Goodluck on your test tomorrow, love you!

-Niichan (Y/n)'

Y/n smiled and carefully left making sure they don't get disturbed

Y/n walked back to Matsuri's room that he luckily found again first try

He opened the door again to see...

To see Matsuri sniffing a pair of clothes that looked to not be hers

They stared each other down for a moment before Y/n broke the silence

Y/n: ... What are you doing?

Matsuri: O-O-O-O-Oh I-I-I-I-I was j-j-j-j-just smelling my o-o-o-o-old clothessss!

Y/n narrowed his eyes at Matsuri but it was pretty pointless as she can't even see his face anyway

But even with that information, she knew that Y/n was definitely getting suspicious

Y/n sighed

Y/n: Well, whatever, I do that sometimes too, what do you want for takeout

Matsuri: I just dodged a nuke right there!!!

Matsuri wiped the waterfall of sweat from herself and sighed in relief

Matsuri: Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Matsuri's underwear were... Showing a little because of her sweat, it pretty much highlighted a brick wall.

Y/n: No? Just you, it's pretty cold actually. It's raining too.

Matsuri: Oh it is? I didn't know!

Y/n: Maybe you're getting deaf?

Matsuri: Oh shut up

Y/n: Heh.

Y/n: Oh and you should change, I have no idea what made you sweat that much but you pretty much are drenched, you'll catch a cold at that point

Matsuri: O-Oh? Okay.

Matsuri went to her closet first to het some new pair of clothes and a towel, before going to her bathroom and closing the door

Some rain going down could be slightly heard, due to the noise blending in with the rain in the background

Y/n: This is such a relaxing day...

Y/n sat on Matsuri's beanbag and sat back and chilled

Y/n: Let's order some sushi and tonkatsu, maybe some soda too

Y/n took out his phone and opened a food delivery app and ordered sushi, tonkatsu, and soda, and put an extra note for the delivery man to say 'for Matsuri's room' incase Y/n or Matsuri don't notice them at the building

Y/n exits the app and searched his YouTube and took a long breath

Y/n: Haa... This... Beanbag is so comfy. And the rain doesn't help at all.

Y/n: This is a really bad time, and I shouldn't really sleep right now but. I don't care anymore... I'll take-

He shortly fell asleep after that



But before passing out, Y/n got a notification on his phone

It briefly said


"I was gonna say this a few days ago, but I forgot and it only crossed my mind now, it will start tomorrow at 7AM, but we will prepare and actually go at 4AM. we will go to l/n (location name) and do the annual event! But I didn't tell anyone that you'll be coming so it will be a surprise! Make sure you come!!! (By the way I announced this a week ago so I'm sure you saw it already!) I have lots of plans for this year's event!

From the best (totally), Yagoo


And after a while, Matsuri finished taking a shower, and totally forgot Y/n was there and went out butt naked

Matsuri: E-Eh? Eeeeeh?!?? I totally forgot!!

Matsuri immediately went back inside the shower and peeked her head out

She looked at Y/n who was just staring at her wall

Matsuri: Wh-What's he doing?

Matsuri covered herself up with a towel and waved her hand in front of Y/n

She even poked him for extra measures

Matsuri: What? I got worried for nothing... He's sleeping!

Matsuri: Hmph! You should have atleast told me... Now who am I gonna eat the take out with?-

Matsuri: Oh crap! Right! The takeout! Maybe I should just eat this with-no that's rude, I'll just leave his half of the food for him for when he wakes up

Matsuri hurriedly put on clothes and rushed downstairs to get the takeout



It was another day, another morning

Y/n slowly started waking up

He really did wanted to move but his body said no and that it's comfy, too comfy

After 5 wars later, Y/n won and got up from the beanbag and yawned, instinctively closing his eyes

The sun blinded Y/n the moment he opened his eyes

Y/n: Gah! My eyes!

Y/n: Oh wait, I'm wearing sunglasses.

Y/n hit his head on a wall in sheer disappointment and went to check his phone

Y/n: Hm... Unread messages... 5, I wonder who it's from

Y/n unlocked his phone and took a look at the messages

All of it was from Yagoo

Y/n: Hm... Let's see here

Y/n slowly read through the message and the more he read the more he realized how screwed he is

In more simple terms, it was pretty much like:

Y/n: Oh god, I'm so late! Why didn't they wake me up?!

Y/n continues reading the messages and it was actually Yagoo trying to wake up Y/n but getting no reply

Y/n: Uh, let me do this

Y/n texted Yagoo back with "I didn't get woken up, I woke up this late, I'll go there in a bit, hope I'm not too late"

And sent it

And literally just as Y/n was about to put his phone back in his pocket, Yagoo replied

"Seriously?! I thought Mumei came to wake you up! I'll go have a talk with her right now, but you need to hurry, things actually start in about 20 more minutes!"

Y/n: Well, 20 minutes is plenty of time! I think. I hope.

After Y/n put his phone back in his pocket, he left Matsuri's room and went to his room to do it morning routine but much quicker

15 minutes later, Y/n finished everything and immediately head out, he chose to wear relatively thick clothes because he could feel the cold from the open window

A random hoodie Y/n bought and found in his drawer

Neat looking pants Y/n liked and bought impulsively in his home town

And for shoes he basically wore any black shoes.

Y/n: God I love dragons. And these pants

Y/n: Well, let's head out then, if you're done checking me out

Y/n looks at the reader and did a peace sign



Y/n: Well, I'll head out, I hope Tama gets a passing score on her test...

Y/n did a short prayer for Tama before going downstairs and leaving the building

After he got down, and meeting noone at all, he got his phone out and searched up the location in google maps

Y/n: Huh... That's... Pretty far, I guess I'll need to run there, well I don't really mind since this is cardio and I haven't done cardio in a long while

Y/n took earphones that he stored in the other pocket and plugged them in

He opened soundcloud and went through his playlist that consisted of literally anything that he finds nice to listen to, there is no specific genre. It's all mixed

Y/n jogged all the way over to the supposed meet and greet, while ignoring the looks from other people some looked in awe of his height, some for the drip he's wearing, and some even recognized who that was

Y/n: But man, I need to get there in 5 minutes? How absurd, the place is really far, I guess I need to get serious about this

Saying that, Y/n ditched jogging and started sprinting towards the location while noticing he got a notification, so he continued running while checking out what the notification was

It was a text from Yagoo again, that read

"Dude. Go take a taxi or something, knowing you would love to walk here and be too late!"

Y/n replied with

"Not a chance, I'm not going to suffer for this"

And again, Yagoo replied and ended with

"Right, that motion sickness of yours, sorry. But you ought to hurry since it's 3 more minutes...!"

Y/n sent a thumbs up emoji and put his phone back in his pocket

And since he was not paying attention to where he was going, he bumped into a woman that was as tall as him (6'2½, but Y/n is actually pretty close to being 6'3 but he is still counted as 6'2)

Y/n: Ah, sorry!

???: Oh, uh, its fine! You must be in a bit of a rush so spare the apologies and go right on ahead!

Y/n: Oh, thank you

Y/n moved on past her and kept running

Y/n: What an interesting person, she's almost as tall as I am, but she kinda looked like a gang member though.

???: Woah, that guy had some nice drip! But he felt familiar for some reason, oh well!

??? Adjusted her glasses and looked at her watch


??? Also sprinted towards Y/n's direction

Y/n: OH GOD IS SHE ACTUALLY A GANG MEMBER?! I can't fight! Not here and not now! I gotta go faster! And besides I can't hit women! My dad would kill me from heaven!

Y/n increased his speed significantly and leaving the girl in the dust

???: Oh? Is this a challenge? If so, I accept it! Random citizen! Orraaa!!

??? Ran faster and almost matching Y/n's speed

They ran for a minute before they could finally see the building

Y/n: Woah. That is big.

???: That's what she said!

Y/n: Why are you still chasing after me?! What did I doooo!?

Y/n ran even faster than before

???: Damn I didn't know you can go faster!? Fine I give up on this one... You win! I'll just... Ha... Take a break here for... A second or... Two... Hooh! I'm winded, I severely underestimated that guy! Kuso!

Y/n: Phew. I guess that gang member gave up on me! And right on time! 2 more minutes before the event starts!

Y/n was about to enter until he realized...

Ticket Guy: Welcome sir and thanks for supporting Hololive! Ticket please?

He needed a ticket to go in.

Y/n: ... How am I supposed to get in now?

Ticket Guy: ... Ticket?

Y/n: Well, err.. Uh... Ehm... Hm... I don't know what to do here

Ticket Guy2: Wait! I know that guy! Boss Yagoo told us to let a guy with sunglasses and a weird mask like that through! Plus, it's U/n!

Ticket Guy: U/n?! Oh! I'm a big fan! No wonder you looked familiar! Please sign me an autograph!

Ticket Guy2: Me too!

Y/n: Oh, eh. Sure

Y/n took the pen that was given to him and gave their Hololive uniform an autograph

Sure enough, after that, Y/n was let through with 2 happy fans behind him

With this small moment, Y/n got a little happy and smiled beneath the mask

Y/n: Maybe being a little famous isn't that bad

Y/n thought as he walked inside and checked the place out

To say it was big was a massive understatement. This was absolutely humongous

You could see hololive related stuff all around the place, it was truly spectacular. And there were lots of people, no.

You couldn't say it was a lot, there were way more than that, it was like a mall in of itself, just beautiful

Y/n: This is breath taking...

Y/n walked even more to see the things around.

And due to Y/n's lack of attention to his surroundings, he bumped into another person

Y/n: Please don't be another crazy person-

???: Oh! Y/n!

Y/n: Huh? You know me?

???: Um, y-yes, actually! You don't remember me?

Y/n: ... What?

Calli: I'm Calli! Well, you do have a good reason to not know... Since I am kind of undercover right now

Y/n: ... That explains it then

Y/n said as he looked at Calli's getup

Y/n: You look pretty cool in that

Calli: You should say the same for yourself!

Y/n: Oh come on, these are just random clothes I found in my close-

Y/n got interrupted with his stomach rumbling

Y/n blushed from the inside and turned away

Calli raised her eyebrows and got a smug look

Calli: What was that?

Y/n: I-It's nothing!

Calli: Reeeally?

Y/n: ... I haven't eaten breakfast yet

Calli: Pfft-

Y/n: ... I had to rush, okay? I woke up late and I didn't even get woken up for this...

Calli: Huh? But I thought Mumei was supposed to wake you up!

Y/n: Yagoo said that as well

Calli: Eh, I guess she forgot it, knowing her 💀

Y/n: I guess she did...? Waaaaait a minute, could she be one of my people?

Calli: Yeah I guess you could say that, you are pretty forgetting as well!

Y/n: You're not wrong...

Calli: Anyways, h-hey.

Y/n: Hello...?

Calli: I saw you giving those two g-guys autographs earlier...

Y/n: I did, is something wrong?

Calli: Can you g-give me an au-autograph t-too?!

Y/n recalled that she was a big fan of him due to Yagoo back in the resort

Y/n: Ohhhhhhhhh

Y/n: Sure! If that's what you want, what do you want me to sign?


Y/n: Uh, what's up? You look troubled

Calli: Oh it's nothing I was just thinking of something! But please s-sign this

Calli embarrassingly pulled her phone out showing her phone case was actually U/n themed

Y/n: Woah! Isn't that...?!

Calli: Y-Yeah I know it's embarrassing!- You can laugh...

Y/n: That's the really old merchandise I sold like 15 years ago! And I only put out like 25 in stock since I didn't have much money back then! I can't believe you have it, I almost even forgot about it until now!

Calli: O-Oh? Well... Thank you! I have always been a fan, I was your first subscriber too! And your single merchandise goes for like, 10,000$ minimum on eBay if you're wondering

Y/n: ... What?

Calli: Yeah, no joke

Y/n: ... I had no idea about that!

Calli: I expected you wouldn't hehe, this is pretty much a relic so the price is worth it! And I'm never selling this, ever

Y/n: I don't think I'll even ask you to sell it though... But anyways, you have a marker?

Calli: Uhhh I think I have one let me check my pocket

Calli felt her pockets to find a Hololive themed permanent marker she bought from a souvenir shop, it was her, pretty much

Calli: Here it is!

Calli gave it to Y/n and Y/n was about to sign it until he looked at Calli's face

She took of her sunglasses and was cleaning it, but her look was incredibly precious and made Y/n blush

Y/n ignored it and was happy for her too, since this is the only thing he can give her at the moment

Y/n: Here you go, since you've been with me from the beginning, I ought to make it special, so I did just that, I poured my heart and soul on that signature

Calli shakingly took her autographed phone from Y/n

Y/n got a bit nervous

Y/n: W-What's wrong? Do you not like it?

Calli: I... Love it!!! Woo!!! Thank you so much!!!

Calli put it up to her face and rubbed it on her cheek lovingly

Calli: I can die happy now...! Even though I can't really do that!

Y/n: She really likes it... I feel bad now, I should collab with her soon

Y/n's stomach rumbled again, ruining the moment

Calli: Oh yeah, I forgot about it, I actually haven't eaten breakfast yet, and there's a food court around there... So... Wanna eat breakfast together?

Y/n: That sounds great, I'm starving!

Calli: A-Alright! Let's go!

Y/n: Lead the way, since I don't know where he is

Calli giggled at Y/n and led him to the food court

Calli: What do you want to eat?

Y/n: I don't know really, I usually just cook and eat whatever first that comes into mind

Calli: Well, what is the first thing that came in mind now?

Y/n: ... Chicken wings

Calli: ... Chicken wings huh... Same...

Calli: I'll go orde-

Y/n: Uh, no, I will, I can't just let you do everything

Calli: But it's my treat!

Y/n: I insist though.

Calli: ... Well fine

Calli pointed to a stall

Calli: That's for chicken wings

Y/n: Thank you.

Y/n stood up and walked to the stall

... So did the other girl on the next table

Y/n turned to the girl and...

???/Y/n: EH?! YOU AGAIN?!

???2: Big sissss what's taking you so longggg I'm starving!

???: O-One moment Coco!

Y/n: Coco?!

Coco: Oh hi Y/n!

Coco: Wait Y/n?!

Calli: Hello senpai!

Y/n: Just what is happening!?


I have nothing else to say apart from

