1. Animals that howl


Hey, here is chapter 1.

Picture of Suzzanah (Emmy Rossum) to the side, but you can imagine the cast as whomever you like :)

This chapter is unedited, so please excuse the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes if any. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

Standing in front of the humongous 20 story building, with breathtaking architectural designing and tinted glass windows that reflected the light of the hazy cloud covered morning sun, I felt awed at how different life suddenly was, in comparison to how it used to be in the past.

One thing was for sure, I definitely traded up- from being a waitress in a small time diner to being the personal assistant of one of the sector heads of a multi-million dollar company. Life never ceased to amaze me.

I inhaled deeply before bracing myself for whatever this new job had to throw at me and walking in through the large automated glass doors.

As soon as I entered the lavishly furnished, posh looking lobby, a cold gust of air conditioned air hit me and I shivered. My body's threshold for cold was rather low. When everyone else was sitting around me in tank tops and shorts, I was usually busy massaging my arms to conserve body heat even while dressed from top to bottom with no skin showing at all.

I was selected in an overseas interview for the job of personal assistant to the business head of the ROYALE Industries, a multi-million dollar company composed of a long chain of different industries and branches all over the world.

Today was my first day, and to say that I was nervous was an understatement of gargantuan proportions. As I waited for the receptionist to make calls to the people who would be informing me of my duties I recalled my arrival at the staff quarters last night.

***Previous night***

It was raining heavily, and I was drenched from top to bottom because I had not carried an umbrella with me. And although I had always loved the rain, arriving at the accomodation provided for me by the company, panting and shaking like a wet dog was not the kind of first impression I wanted to make, especially because I was to share a room with another fellow colleague.

Thankfully my room mate was not in the room when I arrived and the warden seemed like a nice enough lady who would not judge me based on my appearance, or so I hoped.

After a nice hot bath, I changed into a clean warm pair of pajamas. I wasn't hungry so I decided to skip dinner and snuggled into bed feeling exhausted.

But ofcourse, it had to be one of those times when you were dead tired but you just couldn't sleep, and I found myself staring at the unfamiliar ceiling while listening to the rain fall persistently on the sunshade outside the window.

My room mate, whose name I was told was Carla, hadn't shown up, and I was wondering what could have held her up.

Although I was now used to sleeping alone, I disliked it terribly. When I was younger, I used to sleep with my sister. I really missed her. She was faraway, overseas, working hard at her job and I had to do the same.

Suddenly the sound of the heavy rain started to quiet down. I looked out the window, but it was dark so I couldn't tell if it was still raining or not.

Slowly I slid out of the hard orthopedic bed and walked to the window. The cloudy night sky was starting to clear up and I looked under a street lamp to see that the rain had almost come to stop, and was now nothing more than a light drizzle.

I glanced at the wall clock that probably belonged to Carla, it was nearly midnight. I knew I needed to sleep because it was a big day for me tomorrow, but for some strange reason I was itching to go outside and just gaze at the sky for sometime.

I had always been heavily influenced by my feelings. It was like my feelings ran me, and if I ever felt like doing something, I made sure I did it regardless of how silly or unnecessary the deed seemed at the time. Life was too short to live with regrets and I never wanted to look back and think how things might have been if I had just done what I felt like.

Almost immediately I found myself pulling on a shawl and sneaking out my door into the dark corridor and up the stairs. Once I was outside on the roof, I inhaled deeply, relishing the inflow of fresh air into my system along with the scent of wet soil, my favorite scent.

The rain had reduced to but a light drizzle and the cool drops of water felt good against my skin, which was flushed because I had spent a good few minutes fumbling around the dark corridors trying to find the stairs that led to the roof.

I looked up at the night sky which was nearly clear now and the millions of stars that glistened brilliantly in the dark left me mesmerized. Once again listening to my feelings had proved to be a right decision.

The sight was breathtakingly beautiful and it made me feel so calm and relaxed that I forgot all about the stress of starting at my new job. I wish Karina could have seen it too.

The thought of my older sister made me feel sad and I sighed deeply. I missed her so much.

"I wonder what you're doing big sis", I said out loud, "Maybe you're looking at the sky too just like I am." I smiled, "The thought that we are both looking at the same sky makes me feel better. It makes me feel closer to you. I love you Karina, and I miss you."

The drizzle had ceased and the wet trees and grass glistened under the moonlight. For a second I thought I heard a clang like the sound of a clock striking midnight. Maybe there was a clock tower nearby. Or maybe I just imagined it.

"I wonder if I'll meet some nice people here", I thought out loud as I walked to one corner of the roof, "Maybe I'll even make some really good friends."

I placed my elbows on the parapet wall and rested my face on both my palms. A cool breeze blew from behind me making my hair fly forward. As the wind got stronger, I shivered, drawing the shawl closer to my body, and looked up at the sky again.

"And maybe, just maybe", I whispered, "I'll meet you here, my soul mate"

The minute those words left my mouth a strong and loud howl filled my ears. It resonated throughout my body causing me to shiver involuntarily but very strangely, it warmed my heart.

Startled, I looked around but I couldn't see any animals. And it felt like the howl sounded only inside my head. Which animal was it that howled? Was it dogs? No...

The howl resounded yet again in my head and I decided to go back inside. I turned quickly and walked to the door that led back into the dorm.

I didn't know there were wild animals in these areas. That, or my mind was playing tricks on me. I must have been more exhausted than I had thought.

I raked my brain to remember which wild animal howled. This was ridiculous. Why couldn't I remember?!

It was like one of those 'dumber than a box of rocks' moments when something was blatantly basic and obvious, but you just didn't get it, or like in my case, just didn't remember it.

Before walking back inside towards the stairs that led down to my dorm room, I gave the landscape one more glance. And just for a second, under the silver moonlight, I thought I saw a mansion some distance away from the staff dorm, but it was too dark to tell for sure.

I reached my room soon enough beacuse I had managed to remember my way back. I removed the shawl, draping it over a chair and crawled back into bed.

As I snuggled into the covers I found myself falling alseep almost instantly right after wishing that my stupid brain could remember what animal it was that howled.

***Present time***

"Excuse me miss", the receptionist's voice broke me out of my reverie,"Mr. Talon Gregor will see you now. He will let you know of your responsibilities and introduce you to the business head, Mr. Penson. I'll show you the way to Mr. Talon's room"

I smiled at her and nodded, hoping I didn't look too dazed, as I followed her towards the elevator.

Just before entering the elevator I glanced at the wall on my right. On it hung a large navy blue velvet wall carpet with the company's logo.

It consisted many intricate silver designs that looked like waves closing in on a silver crescent moon, and in the curve of the moon stood a large black majestic animal with brown eyes and head held high portraying pride and strength. A long thin golden streak ran along the left side of its body, all throughout its length, and it glistened between the rich black fur.

This animal!

What animal was it that howled?

A wolf!

I stood paralyzed for a second, mezmerised by the wolf in the logo. It was the most majestic animal I had ever layed eyes on, even if it was only a wall carpet design.

"Miss Suzzanah?", once again the receptionist broke me out of my day dreaming. I bet the poor girl thought I had ADD given the way I'd been spacing out.

"Ah yes! Im coming", I replied quickly before following her into the elevator. As the elevator doors slid closed I glanced one more time at the beautiful animal on the wall carpet.

A wolf, why a wolf?

Now that I thought about it, I was quite sure the howling I heard yesterday, which seemed more like it was in my head, was definitely a wolf. And there was a wolf on their company logo.

I wonder if this was just a coincidence...



Hello again! Thank you so much for the 26 reads. Being a first timer, it means a lot to me! Im so glad people are actually reading this story *cries tears of joy*

So how did you like this chapter? Hopefully the next one will be more interesting.

Please do vote and comment to let me know what you think.

As always thank you for reading :D

All my love

