31. The Wolf and the Wizard

The incredibly beautiful banner on the side was made by BittersweetZonira! Thank you so much, its really amazing! JUST WOW♥

Dedicated to  for being such an eager and enthusiastic reader. Your comments always radiate energy and bring a smile to my face! Thanks hun!

A huge shoutout to bond999 because she's just abso-frickin-lutely AWESOME.  I love her♥ (purely platonic lol)

This chapter is unedited so kindly excuse the grammatical errors.


Suzzanah's POV

The minute his name escaped my lips his strong muscular arms engulfed me and pulled me flush into his body. He buried his face in my neck, while I placed my chin on his shoulder, standing on my toes to reach it. One of his hands cupped the back of my head while the other encircled my waist, holding me impossibly close to him as he hugged me tight.

I had been hugged before, by my sister and by a few friends, but never had I experienced an embrace which was so full of emotion that it made my heart warm. Kai held me so close that I could feel his strong heart beating wildly against my chest. His hold was tight and yet gentle, as though he was afraid I would break.

His fingers tangled in my hair as he inhaled deeply, exhaling warm breaths onto the skin of my neck. There was something extremely intimate about this embrace, not so much on the superficial level but deeper, much further down, closer to my soul. It was desperate and possessive, it was protective and strong, it was loving and warm, so very warm.

And it made me so, so happy.

Closing my eyes, I put my arms around his neck and hugged back, relishing the feel of his warmth against my own flushed skin. In that moment, I felt whole, I felt complete.

Because this werewolf completes me!

"Mine", Kai's rich deep voice called possessively into my skin making waves of pleasure wash over me, "Since the day the human shifted into me for the first time, I have longed to meet you", he told me, his voice a deep whisper, but loud enough for me to hear "I have dreamt of protecting you in my arms, of exalting you in my eyes and of cherishing you in my heart"

I pressed myself further into him, holding him tighter.

"I have longed to see your face, to touch your skin, to hear your voice. I have longed for you, more than anything else in this entire world, both I and the human", I felt his hands tremble slightly before his grip around me tightened, "It was the worst pain imaginable to think that you may not exist"

My heart hurt on hearing his words, and it was not just my own pain but also his that I could feel. I ran my hand through his hair comfortingly, massaging the nape of his neck, "Why did you think I wouldn't exist", I asked softly.

He exhaled deeply before he started to pull away. I was about to look into his eyes when he suddenly bent down and lifted me off the ground into his arms. A surprised gasp escaped my lips at the sudden action and I clung to him as he buried his face in my neck yet again before turning and walking towards my bed. He slowly sat down on the bed with me still in him arms, sitting on his lap as he held me close.

"We didn't believe that it was possible...", his voice came out strained and in a mere whisper, "for us to have someone to call our own after all this time...after all this time of having been alone"

The pain in my heart intensified and I squeezed my eyes shut wanting nothing more than to take away all of his hurt. With one arm still around his neck, I cupped the side of his face, caressing his jaw with my thumb.

"We have not had anyone to call family in a very long time Suzzanah", he told me softly, "We have only ever had each other, the human and I. We have never relied on anyone else, never let anyone else in. There were always people whom we valued like John and Cole, but never anyone whom we could open our heart to, never anyone we could call our own and treasure above everything else", he swallowed hard before adding, "And when you've gone so long without hope, you tend to stop believing in it"

"Oh Kai..." I turned my face and placed yet another kiss on his forehead before hugging him close.

"That moment when we first laid eyes on you in that corridor was the very same moment that we started to hope again", he told me, his grip tightening around me cocooning me in their warmth, "hope for all those things we didn't believe we could ever have and all those things we had always wanted"

He placed a kiss in the crook of my neck, "You are the answer to all our prayers", he placed another kiss higher up my neck, "the materialization of our deepest desires", another kiss against my jaw, "the reason behind our very existence"

My body was on fire, his words and his touch were igniting such intense flames of warmth and pleasure within me that I felt like I was burning in ecstasy.

"Many years ago, our mother told us about mates", he said, "I can still remember her words as if she had said them yesterday", he raised his head and looked up as though recalling the words, a soft smile playing on his lips as he quoted them, "No matter what happens, as long as your mate is still out there-"

My eyes widened. I know those words!

"-you will always have a reason to go on living..."

My lips parted involuntarily and just as he was about to continue, I cut him off.

"And she will make you...very happy...Zuerien"

Kai's head shot downwards to look at me, his dark eyes wide in shock, disbelief was painted across his face.

"How..." he breathed out, his eyes searching my face for answers.

"I have heard these words before", I told him softly, recalling that day, "it was on the same day that led you me through the woods to Mr. Talon. Afterward when I went to Mr. Penson's office, I heard these same words ring in my head at the exact time that I slumped into Zuerien as he came in through the door"

His eyes flitted back and forth as he tried to remember before they widened slightly in recollection, "That's right...that day...the human and I were recalling our mother's words when he walked into John's office", he looked down at me with soft eyes, "Do you know what you had done back then? You had read our mind Suzzanah, that's how our thoughts sounded in your head"

My eyes widened before I smiled, "Back then...I didn't know any of this. I thought I was going insane, hearing voices in my head that no one else could hear", Kai's grip around me tightened as his face immediately turned worried.

"You were afraid..." he said, his voice laced with concern and regret.

"I was", I told him, "I'm not anymore"

I turned in his arms so that I straddled him. It was a very strange and new position for me, I had never sat on another man's lap before- save for Zuerien's of course when I fell on him in the car ride here- but I needed to make sure I looked into his eyes as I said the next words.

I put my hands on his shoulders and he gripped my waist with both hands to keep me from falling off his lap onto the ground. His brow furrowed as he wondered what I was doing. Looking into his beautiful dark eyes I smiled.

"Can Zuerien hear me when I'm speaking to you?" I asked and he frowned.

"Yes he can", he told me, "the human is clawing at my brain asking to take back control"

I laughed, "Well, Zuerien please stop clawing and listen to me okay..."

Kai blinked before adding softly, "he's listening"

I cupped his face, "and so must you", I told him, "because what I'm saying is for the both of you"

His dark eyes bore into mine and I knew I had his undivided attention. Taking a deep breath, I began.

"So much has happened since I first started working in the Royale Industries. I'm embarrassed to admit it...but I have been drawn to you from the very first time I saw you", he smiled and I blushed, "I thought it was just me being hormonal because you're so good looking", he immediately leaned in to kiss me but I held him back, "Please let me finish", I told him and he frowned but complied.

"I have always felt a connection to you, to this place and to these people, your kind", I said, "Now that I know that it was because I'm your mate, I can understand why I felt that way, why it felt so right to be here despite everything that was going wrong, why it felt like I was destined to come here and meet you all, why I felt like I belonged here more than anywhere else in this world"

I leaned in slightly, looking deeply into his dark eyes, "belonged with you", I added and his eyes brimmed with deep and unparalleled affection.

I smiled softly at him, "You have always come for me, looked out for me, worried for me. You've always been there when I needed you the most", I caressed his cheek with my thumb, "And now, I promise you that I'll always be here for you too, for the both of you"

His eyes widened and I felt waves of joy wash over me, his joy.

"I'll always be here Zuerien, Kai"

Don't leave me...

"And I'll never leave you"

The minute those words escaped my lips he pulled me down and crashed his lips on mine. His lips molded into mine, kissing me feverishly. His hands roamed my body igniting flames of passion and pleasure all over me. I could feel immense joy and gratitude radiating off him as he kissed me with all his might, with all his heart.

Thank you...

His rich deep voice filled my head and I smiled against his lips before kissing back, just as fervently, letting him know that I meant every word I had said. Our lips moved heatedly against each other's, biting and sucking eagerly. His hands caressed my body and my fingers tangled in his hair. Waves of immense pleasure washed over me as tingles flooded my body.

It was only when one of his hands started to ascend along the side of my body that I started to come back to my senses and when his fingers grazed my breast my eyes shot open.

O-okay! This is going a little further than I'm ready for!

I pulled away breathing heavily and quickly snatched his hand away, holding it in both of mine. He tried to kiss me again but I buried my face in his chest, trying to catch my breath as my body flushed. I could feel his chest rising and falling underneath me and I could hear his heart beating just as wildly as mine. It made me smile.

Slowly he withdrew his hand from mine and encircled my body with his arm, hugging me close. He put his chin on top of my head and breathed deeply. In that moment I wished for nothing else but to stay like that, forever in his arms, safe and happy...with him!

"You don't know how much your words mean to us Suzzanah", he told me, his voice laced with deep gratitude, "That is all we could have ever asked for. You are all we could have ever asked for. You are enough"

My heart warmed at his words and I encircled his waist with my hands, placing my cheek against his strong muscular chest.

"You are our hope and happiness, you are..." he ran a hand through my hair, caressing it lovingly, "you truly are our heart"

I was so overwhelmed by his depth and intensity of his words that I found myself breathless. I didn't know what to say. Never in my entire life had I expected this, I could never have even imagined that there existed a person in this world who had always wanted me more than anything else.

Kai raised my head and kissed both my closed eyelids and then my forehead leaving the spots tingling pleasurably, "Thank you Suzzanah", he whispered again making me look up at him.

I grinned, "And thank you..." I told him making his brow furrow.

"What for?" he asked making my grin widen.

"For being mine", I repeated his words from earlier today, just before he had kissed me in the forest for the first time.

His eyes immediately lit up and in recollection and a breathtaking smile spread across his lips. Seeing him smile like that, I realized that Kai smiled a lot more than Zuerien did.

"I really like your smile", I told him and he nodded.

"I know", he said, "I told the human. He needs to work on it. Right now he is rusty, he should be able to smile decently with some practice"

I couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Oh Kai!" I exclaimed shaking my head smiling at the way he spoke.

"I love it when you say my name", he breathed out in turn making my smile widen.

"I see the resemblance", I told him remembering that Zuerien had said the same words to me earlier.

"The human and I are two parts of the same soul", Kai told me, "To be completely honest, the human and I are very similar- quiet, cold and somewhat unapproachable. But when we're with you, that changes. I feel far more at ease speaking to you, and so does the human. You must have noticed that his behaviour when he is with you is much more laid back than when he is with others"

When he said so I realized that it was indeed true, and I felt genuinely happy to know that.

"He can be a stubborn fool when he wants to", Kai said, "like that time when he tried to reject you, but my human is a good man", he told me sincerely, "Life has hardened him emotionally, but ever since you came along, I can see him expressing himself more diversely, more openly. It's a refreshing change. I was afraid he had forgotten how to change his expressions and what a dreadful thought that was! The idea of seeing nothing but his stone face in the mirror for the rest of eternity"

My eyes widened, "Doesn't he mind you talking like that?" I asked and he snorted.

"He does mind, but that's usually a good thing", he told me, "Because he talks more when he minds"

I laughed again, throwing my head back.

"Its true Suzzanah", Kai said seriously, "Sometimes I make snarky comments like these deliberately, just so that he would say something. The human is capable of going days without talking. His vocal cords are lazy"

I laughed harder, pressing my hand over my stomach. It was like hearing and seeing Zuerien very unashamedly insult himself. My cackling make Kai's eyes widen in awe before he too smiled at me.

"Did I say something funny?" he asked as my laughter subsided, "the human has never laughed like this at my words. Maybe he has forgotten how"

"It's more likely he doesn't laugh because you're making fun of him Kai", I told him, "But if he has forgotten, we'll just have to remind him how it's done", I thought for a second before asking, "Is Zuerien ticklish?"

Kai snorted, "No he isn't. Sometimes I ponder if he has thicker skin than mine, even without his coverings. You told me once that you are ticklish"

I nodded, "I did. The same day that you tore my skirt"

"I enjoyed it. I like you better without your coverings"

Blood rushed to my face and my eyes went wide at his bold declaration.

"Personally I would prefer it if you didn't wear any when we are alone", he told me making me choke on air.

"K-KAI!" I shrieked, "Please! I-I couldn't possibly do that!"

He cocked his head to the side, "Why is that? The human told me that it is considered uncouth among your kind to be naked in front of other people but if it's just me it should be just fine right?"

I didn't know where to hide my face to conceal the embarrassment so I just buried it in my hands, "You actually discussed this matter with Zuerien??" I mumbled into my palms in disbelief.

"I did. And he also told me that human females don't like fur on their bodies. But if removing the fur becomes too painful then don't do it Suzzanah", he told me seriously, "I'll like you just the same even with it. In fact it will probably keep you warm when you're uncovered"

"Pl-please let's stop talking about this", I squealed raising my head.

"Humans are shy about the most unnecessary things"

"W-why do you call Zuerien human?" I asked quickly trying to change the topic.

"Because he is", he told me matter-of-factly

"But so am I", I told him, "So why don't you call me human?"

Kai smiled before tucking my hair behind my ear, "Because I love your name", he told me, "It's beautiful. You're beautiful", my heart skipped a beat at his words as he leaned in, "and you're all mine"

He pressed a kiss in my crook of my neck once again making me flush but just as I thought he would pull away he started sucking on the skin making me gasp and move away. He pressed me closer and continued his delicious assault on my skin making the pleasure start to build up once more. But my eyes then fell to the wall clock and I realized that we were running late.

My eyes widened and I placed my hands on his chest and pushed at it, "K-Kai, i-it's getting late", I said before lifting his face from the crook of my neck with the palm of my hand. His eyes were still clouded with an intensity that made my skin heat up under his gaze.

I can't wait to mate with you...you know what that means don't you my Suzzanah?

My face heated up to a billion degrees when his words resounded in my mind and I quickly shook my head vigorously displacing some very inappropriate thoughts, before hurriedly removing his hands from around me. Immediately a look of disapproval crossed his face and he reached for me again but I literally fell off his and before stood up, "O-okay then, g-go on so I can freshen up", I told him hoping he didn't see how flustered I was feeling right now.

He frowned, "I don't want to leave", he said placing his hands on either side of himself on the bed and leaning back.

I tried not to ogle at perfected sculpted chest and abs keeping my wide eyes stuck to his nonchalant face, "We were supposed to go for dinner in half an hour and fifteen minutes of that have already passed!" I said.

"Time is of no consequence Suzzanah", Kai told me standing up, "the human only told you to be ready in half an hour because that is about the longest we can bear being away from you right now."

My heart rate sped up at his words, "But the others are waiting-"

"They can wait", he said reaching out again with one hand to pull me back to him but I grabbed his hand first.

"Come on Kai!" I insisted tugging at it, "Go put on a shirt!"

"I don't feel like it", he said standing up. His free hand immediately found my waist yet again and pulled me into him, "In fact, I feel like taking yours off"

My heart nearly exploded as in a split second, one of his hands grabbed the hem of my T-shirt making me shriek is shock and push at his chest vehemently to get away, "S-Stop it Kai!"

He smirked before pulling me closer, my strenuous efforts to get away from him making not a sliver of difference. Bending down, he pressed a kiss at the corner of my mouth before his lips trailed along the side of face leaving pleasurable tingles up to my jaw. I gasped in absolute shock when his hand slipped under my shirt and I felt his warm hand caress the skin of my waist.

He groaned and buried his face in my hair inhaling deeply, "You're so soft Suzzanah", he said huskily before his finger started to move up and down the side of my waist.

"K-Kai!", I squealed, "S-stop, I-I'm ticklish!"

The minute I said so, I felt his claws dig into my skin lightly making me jump at the shockwaves it sent through my body. When his other hand also slipped under my shirt I nearly died.


His large warm hands caressed my sides trailing up my body and much to my unparalleled alarm, lifting my T-shirt with them.

"Eeeeeeee!" I screeched "Oh my god, Don't Kai!"

I grabbed the hem of my T-shirt before pulling it down sharply with all my might to cover my exposed abdomen. But to my utter and absolute horror, Kai's claws caught material of my T-shirt before tearing right through it.


An ear-splitting, glass shattering scream escaped my lips as gaped in utmost shock at my tattered T-shirt.


"STEROOOIIID" I shrieked before I pulled away from him. Holding my head in my hands as I gawked at my ruined shirt and then at the man before me.

What did he have against my coverings?!!?!

"MY SHIRRRRT", I wailed pulling at my hair, "Why must it always be the clothes?!"

"I actually kind of like it", Kai said inspecting my ruined garment.

I squeezed my eyes shut squealing at an inaudible note. If he kept destroying my clothing at this rate, I'd soon have to consider wearing doormats and curtain cloth!

Or you could go without the coverings

"Get out of my head Kai!" I said swatting my hands around my face.

Its cozy in here

I glared at the half naked wolf-man before me before pointing to the back door, "Please leave before I start to fling furniture at you"

"Don't be upset about your coverings Suzzanah", Kai said walking up to me, "It has been taken care of"

"I can see that!" I cried, picking at the tattered pieces of my T-shirt, "Now I'll have to change again"

Kai's eyes immediately lit up, "Can you wear something like you did this morning?" he asked.

I looked up at him wearily, "A summer dress?"

He nodded, "It looked beautiful on you"

I sighed, "I don't own that many dresses", I told him.

"Not yet that is"

My face scrunched up in confusion, "What is that supposed to mean?"

He was about to reply but stopped suddenly before his head jerked to side, his gaze fixing on the front door. His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed making me blink in confusion.


"Your roommate is coming", he told me and my heart nearly leapt out of my chest in panic.

"WHAT?!" I screeched, "Megan is coming"

He gave me a stiff nod, still glaring at the door for some reason. Squealing, my head whipped around the room in panic. I didn't know whether to worry about the girl outside my room, the half-naked werewolf inside my room or my own suddenly half-naked self. I grabbed Kai's hand and started to vehemently pull him towards the back door, "You need to leave Kai, before Megan gets here"

He didn't budge from his spot, my vigorous efforts to move his giant frame producing no results whatsoever. I grabbed his other hand as well and tried again, but he stayed rooted to his spot, staring angrily at the door.

"Kai come on!" I pleaded, going around him and pushing at his back, "I need to change before she gets here or I won't know how to explain my rags to her"

Kai moved unexpectedly making me fall forwards. His hands immediately caught me pulling me upright again. He moved the hair out of my face, "I'm going", he told me, "But I'll come back and get you in 15 minutes"

I gaped at him, "But I thought time was of no consequence!" I said.

"It is when certain people come into the picture", he replied gravely making my confusion spike, "It's nothing", he said before turning and walking to the back door and I followed him while desperately trying cover to my exposed abdomen with my hands as best as I could.

He suddenly turned around to face me again making my eyes widen, "If your roommate causes you any trouble at all, make sure you tell me", he said seriously and I noticed that Kai resembled Zuerien a lot more when he was like this.

"You don't have to worry about that", I told him, "Megan is really nice"

He didn't reply and somehow I could tell he wasn't convinced by my statement but before I could ask him anything about it he bent down and pecked my lips taking me by surprise before turning and walking off leaving me utterly bewildered.

Shaking it off, I quickly closed the back door and removed my tattered T-shirt. Silently mourning over it, I pulled off my jeans too and removed the crystal from the pocket, before dressing in the only other dress I had brought with me, one that Karina had gifted to me for my last birthday. Just as I was stuffing my torn garment into my bag, I heard a knock on the front door.

"Suzzanah, are you in?" I heard Megan's voice call and I quickly rushed to the door, opening it.

"Hey", I said smiling at her and she smiled back before walking in, "Where did you go? For dinner?" I asked.

"No. Just for a walk. I couldn't sleep", she told me, "I wanted use the bathroom before going for dinner so I came back"

I nodded as she took her towel and headed to the bathroom. Once she had closed the door behind her I released a breath I didn't know I had been holding and slumped onto my bed only to shoot off it in shock when I realized that Kai's claws had produced tears on the bedsheets as well. Silently screaming in exasperation, I lunged at the up the covers, pulling them up to hide the tatters.

I only hope the room service people who change the sheets are werewolves and not humans who'll have a freak fit on seeing the ripped sheets.

Turning around, I picked up the crystal I had placed on the table. It gleamed brilliantly under the light in the room as I rolled in between my fingers. I had never seen such jewelry before. It wasn't a pearl but it wasn't a regular stone either.

Maybe it's a marble!

Shrugging, I walked to the dressing table and pulled out a pin from the drawer. Carefully I pressed the tip into the crystalline marble and much to my surprise it gave in quite easily. The pin made a clean hole through the crystal, sticking out of the other side like it would through a naphthalene ball. I quickly widened the hole using the pin. Smiling at the small success, I quickly found my thin platinum chain in my bag, the only expensive jewelry I owned apart from an identical silver one.

I pulled the chain through the crystal before fastening it around my neck so that the pretty pendant came to rest just above my breasts. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled at how much difference a thin piece of jewelry could make to a person's appearance.

Just then I saw Megan's reflection in the mirror as she stepped out of the bathroom. She closed the door behind her before looking to the side, her eyes studying something there. Her face wore the usual calm and unreadable expression it almost always did. And while I found that cool I also found it slightly unnerving. She was so mysterious.

I remembered how edged Kai had seemed about her. Why had he suddenly become so tense when she had showed up. Why had he told me not to spend too much time with her? She was human right? Then why?

"Are you coming for dinner?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Megan's question. I turned around and smiled, "Yeah, I'll come but I'm actually waiting for someone", I told her.

"Oh okay. I'll go ahead then", she said and I nodded, "Okay"

She walked to the door and turned to say bye when her eyes lowered and she smiled, "That chain looks lovely on you", she told me and grinned, "Thank you", I replied, "But you know what? This crystal isn't really mine", I told her looking down at the small cool bead as I took it in palm.

When she didn't reply I looked up at her to find her watching me with the same unreadable, unnervingly calm, knowing expression which Alpha Penson often wore.

"It is", she replied making my eyes widen. She smiled, "It is yours", then she turned and closing the door behind her.

Yet again I was left confused as I stared at the closed door.


I looked down at the crystal before looking back at the door. What had she meant?

It is yours...

I sighed before sitting down on my bed. Why did the people here have to be so darn mysterious and secretive? Why couldn't they just come and say everything instead of leaving me feeling like I knew and yet didn't know.

I exhaled heavily before reaching for my wrist watch. Zuerien would be here soon enough or would he come as Kai again? Smiling, I went into the bathroom and washed my face with cool water before tying my hair up in a high ponytail. As I walked out of the bathroom I remembered how Megan had stared at something on the side for a while when she came out.

What had she been looking at?

My eyes involuntarily moved to the side she had been staring at only to go wide in shock as a horrified gasp escaped my lips. Deep jagged claw marks decorated the wood of the back door from when Kai had taken over Zuerien's body.

That was what she had been looking at, she had seen the claw marks on the door!

...so why...

Why hadn't she reacted?


Zuerien's POV

Immediately after leaving Suzzanah's room I took back control over my body. Kai was fidgeting in the back of my mind and for some reason I too felt a little anxious. Something about that Megan girl disturbed me. I couldn't place my finger on it, but I got the feeling that she was no ordinary human.

I didn't necessarily see her as a threat or someone dangerous but there was something off about her. And that was enough to keep me guard up when it came to her, especially because she was sharing a room with my Suzzanah. I rushed to my cottage and pulled on a shirt hurriedly. I wanted to get back to Suzzanah as fast as I could. I was about to walk out when John's voice filled my head.


What is it John? I asked glancing at my watch

I just received a call from Reginald, he told me, immediately catching my attention, unfortunately he said that the search in the packs in Brazil and Columbia was unrewarding

A wave of disappointment washed over me.

I see, I replied, Not even any leads?

I'm afraid not

I closed my eyes and sighed heavily but John immediately added

Reginald may not have found anything but Prophecy could have some good news for us

My eyes immediately shot open, what did she say? I asked quickly.

She said that during her journey here with Rino, while she was asleep, she had been to the past and back, John told me, and she thinks that one of them may be in London

My heart rate spiked as a thin stream of excitement started to flow into me, Is she sure it was London?

Quite sure, I mean...there is only one big Ben in this world after all, he said, and if she saw it, then it's bound to be London

But you said past right? Would she still be there?

Prophecy said that the date was fairly recent, the 22nd of June of this year to be exact, so I'm hoping she could still be there. It's only July now after all.

Did you tell General Reginald?

I did Alpha. Reginald said that he wants to speak to Prophecy again in person to get a better idea of where to search next, John told me, and he also wants to see you, so he is planning on coming to the games this year

My eyes widened, a small sense of happiness growing inside of me, he's coming? I asked.

He isn't sure yet, John replied, but I think we should prepare for his arrival nevertheless. He has always been an unexpected visitor

That's true, I'll speak to the manager to have his cottage prepared immediately

Alright Alpha

General Reginald Donovan was my father's Delta and my mentor. When my entire family was massacred in cold blood 14 years ago, he had been the one who had taken me into hiding. For many years I was kept hidden from the world, and during those years I trained day and night under General Reginald. Everything I knew about combat had been taught to me by him. He was one of my oldest comrades, apart from John and one of the few people who were important in my life.

After I took the throne and Cole and Del became my Beta and Delta respectively, General Reginald began to travel across to various packs across the world, training their warriors wolves. But ever since last year, he had been helping simultaneously in a higher purpose- The Search.

Taking a deep breath, I asked John, what exactly did Prophecy see? I was eager to know the details

Why don't we discuss this after dinner in person, John said, Both I and Marco are on our way to the lounge. Prophecy is already asleep.

What about Cole and Rino?

Cole was at the lounge till a few minutes ago. Now he has gone on patrol of the territory with the warriors, seeing as Delta Del is presently... John cleared his throat, unavailable

I snorted, he is lucky I didn't kill him, I replied, And Rino?

There was short silence before John answered, Rino is...well...how should I put this? Rino is missing


I'm afraid so

My eyes squeezed shut in irritation before taking a deep breath to calm myself, what about Talon? I asked.

He is looking for Rino

I see. I'm about to start for the lounge with Suzzanah. Tell Talon to stop his search for Rino for now and come for dinner. I'll have some of the omegas go look for him instead.

Alright Alpha

I tuned out of the mind-link and walked out of my room. The minute I stepped out, my eyes zeroed in on Suzzanah's cottage just in time to find Megan closing the door behind her. I watched as she made her way down the cobblestone pathway and my eyes involuntarily fell to her shadow.

It was there.

I waited for her to walk a considerable distance away before closing the door behind me and rushing to Suzzanah's room. I ran up to the door and flung it open not bothering to knock. Suzzanah jumped some two feet off the ground before her wide eyed gaze zeroed in on mine.

"Zuerien!" her voice came out high pitched and panicked immediately worrying me, "Look!"

She pointed to the back door and my eyes immediately found the claw marks Kai had left on the wooden door. Suzzanah fisted her hair, "And she saw it!"

I hurried over to Suzzanah immediately pulling her into my arms making her look up at me anxiously, "Megan saw it, the door and the claw marks!"

I tightened my grip around her, "What did she say?"

She bit her lip nervously, "Nothing", she whispered, "She didn't say anything. She didn't even react"

I frowned at her words, my apprehension rising. There was something majorly off about that girl. Could it be that she knew about werewolves? I needed to keep an eye on her, I couldn't take chances or it could affect Suzzanah's safety.

"Don't worry about her Suzzanah", I told her, "just make sure that you let me know if anything seems off about her"

"Why do you keep saying that Zuerien?" she asked.

I frowned, "I don't know why but she gives me an odd vibe. Like there is something different about her"

Suzzanah winced slightly before saying, "To be completely honest, I thought so too", she told me, "There is something about her that's really mysterious", she continued, "Whenever I speak to her, I feel like she knows a lot more than she is letting on"

"About what?"

She tilted her head in thought, "Everything", she said, "But maybe that's just how she comes off. Maybe that's like her character, you know, a little like Alpha Penson"

My frown deepened. John always had that air of composure and that knowing look in his eyes because he did in fact almost always know more than everyone else in the room, about everything. If Megan was anything like that at all, didn't that mean that she too knew, far more than she was supposed to?

"She is really nice you know", Suzzanah's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "She has helped me a lot. She was the one who told me to tell you guys everything, that I knew you were werewolves"

My eyes widened in shock, "She told you to tell us that you knew of us being werewolves?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Well no, I didn't really tell her anything about what I was going through", she replied, "I just told her I had a problem and she told me to tell you...because you would understand"


"Megan told you that?" I asked again and she nodded.

My apprehension grew. What was that girl playing at?

"Are you comfortable with her being your roommate?" I asked and Suzzanah nodded, "Then it's alright", I said not wanting to make her worry, "And as for Megan having seen the claw marks, don't let it bother you. If she didn't think say anything about them, it's likely she didn't think anything of them"

Or that she knew exactly what they were...

She inhaled deeply before nodding, "You're right. I'm just being paranoid I guess", she said before smiling, "Shall we go?"

I nodded and slid an arm around her waist, immediately making her stiffen before she tried to pull away. I immediately tightened my grip around her making her look up at me in exasperation.

"Aren't you the one who told me that no one must know that I'm the Luna?" she asked, "Well this PDA will make it pretty darn hard for them not to figure it out!" she said looking down at my hand around her waist before trying to push it off.

"They won't see us", I told her pulling her along with me to the back door.

"Why not? Can you turn invisible too?!" she asked suddenly sounding excited.

"No I can't", I told her making her face fall, "but we'll take a different route that not many people know of, so they won't see us"

"Through the woods?" she asked and I shook my head, "No. The warrior wolves are patrolling the woods right now. If they saw a human in the woods, it would be a problem", I told her closing the door and locking it with the key she gave me.

"I see your point. Humans would probably freak if they saw that many wolves running around the woods here", she said thoughtfully and I suddenly remembered that she didn't know about the territorial shields and that humans couldn't go deep into the woods.

As I led her down the path close to the edge of the woods toward the restaurant and lounge, I chose to tell her all about the shields at a later date. She had already gone through a lot today. I wanted to take it one step at a time and tell her our worlds secrets at a pace that she wouldn't find overwhelming or exhausting.

Apart from which, there was also the question of her possibly being a neutral. We had come up with a list of games that would be held from tomorrow onwards which would help us determine whether or not she is a neutral.

I didn't want to involve our doctors or scientists in the matter by giving them her blood sample for tests because if her blood did exhibit any unique properties, they would certainly want more of it for their crazy experiments, maybe even try to get their hands on her!

Rage boiled up inside of me at that thought, making me see red. I would never let anyone who had even the remotest sense of malice towards Suzzanah get anywhere near her, let alone lay a finger on her. The only problem was that no one could know yet that she was mine or there could be danger to her life. If I intervened in their efforts to get to her, they would certainly know that she was my mate. The best way to stop anything like that from happening was to not involve anyone I didn't trust personally.

Everyone who knew of her being the Luna so far, including Delta Del who found out earlier this evening, were people I trusted. They wouldn't betray me and if anyone else found out, they wouldn't live to do so, especially if their intention was to hurt my mate!

"Eh...-OH!" Suzzanah jumped beside me making me snap out of thoughts to find her fidgeting strangely as she walked.

"What are you doing?" I asked and she glared up at me.

"What are you doing?" she asked before pointing at my fingers around her waist, squeezing it tightly. In my anger I hadn't realized I was doing so. I quickly loosened my grip around her.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No no, but I'm ticklish!" she reminded me, "I can't help but wiggle like a worm with your fingers digging into my sensitive skin"

I bit back a smile before squeezing again making her jump a foot off the ground, which she seemed to do a lot, "Stop it!" she said slapping my chest before trying to pull away again.

"Keep that up and I'll carry you again", I warned making her jaw drop in shock before she quickly closed her mouth and walked on without protest.

Looking down at her, I felt my heart well with a warmth so great that I nearly couldn't contain it. I had known her for just about a month now, and I already couldn't imagine my life without her. The thought itself hurt more than I thought was possible.

Before she came into my life, I had been incapable of feeling any joy or warmth or affection, but now just one look at her brought them all flooding forth. Mother had been right...A Mate really was the best thing a wolf could ever ask for.

Before I saw Suzzanah with my own eyes that day in the corridor for the first time, I hadn't believed that my mate even existed, but John did and so did Prophecy.

Sometime last year, Prophecy had predicted that I would find my mate soon, but John hadn't told me of that prediction until after I had met Suzzanah. He hadn't wanted me to get my hopes up and then be disappointed if I didn't find her because Prophecy wasn't exactly very good in using her powers and abilities.

Prophecy Gwendolyn Ronaldo was better known in the Supernatural world as Luna Extraordinaire – The Luna of Time

She had the ability to travel back and forth in time as well as to foresee the future and prophecy about it. She had only completely tapped into her power 2 years ago, when she was 18 years old. Ever since then her abilities as the Luna of Time had been growing exponentially, but she was still quite rough around the edges though.

Despite that, I and the rest of the Council members believed in her, even more so now because her prediction about the coming of my mate had been absolutely accurate. We trusted her words completely. And when it came to the Search, she was our only hope, the only one who had any idea of where we could look to find them, our long awaited comrades.

The two lost Lunas

Last year, just before the onset of spring, she had prophesied something that had completely shocked the Werewolf World. A prediction of the return of the two lost Lunas- the Luna of Hearts and the Luna of Intercession- who had not been born into the world for over three hundred years.

Ever since then, we had been desperately searching for the Lunas. Every place Prophecy had been teleported to in the last year and half had a higher purpose. Each place had something to do with the two Lunas and gave us a new clue about where to look for them.

That was also what General Reginald Donovan was doing. As he went from pack to pack, training their warriors, he was simultaneously searching for the two Lunas. If either of the Lunas was a werewolf, then he would surely find them as he travelled all over the world.

And now, as John had told me earlier that Prophecy thought one of the Lunas was in London, that would be the next place General Reginald would be travelling to. But I hoped he would stop by here for the Games, so that I could meet him.

I looked down at Suzzanah who was in deep thought herself as she walked, her slender fingers playing subconsciously with the crystal bead tied around her neck. Just the sight of her made me want to smile. I wanted to introduce Suzzanah to the General. He had always told me that if I had a mate, she would surely be an exceptional person. He would be happy to know that he was right.

Not only did Suzzanah bring new hope into my life, but also to lives of everyone else who knew of her being the Luna. Because right after I had found Suzzanah, Prophecy had had a vision that the Luna Queen would play an indispensable role in finding the two lost Lunas. Suzzanah had strengthened our belief that we would surely be reunited with them very soon.

And the Werewolf Council Extraordinaire will at long last be complete once again.

I took the last turn towards the restaurant. Suzzanah was now staring at the woods our left, her eyes going from tree to shrub to the grass and then to a different tree, almost as if she was searching for something. My eyes scanned the woods, not seeing anyone around for at least a mile.

I gently pulled her closer to myself but she didn't seem to notice, her eyes still moving around while being glazed over in deep thought. I tightened my grip around her but she still didn't realize. What had her so deep in thought?


She jumped, gasping loudly before clutching her chest in shock as she breathed heavily. I immediately stopped walking, bending closer to her.

"Suzzanah, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly as she swallowed hard.

"O-oh its...its nothing really. I was...I was just thinking...", she said trying to shake it off.

"About what?" I asked.

She didn't reply immediately, chewing on her lip for a moment before she said softly, "My...sister"

"Karina?" I asked and she nodded, "Why? Is something wrong?"

She inhaled deeply, "No...I mean...No! No it isn't!" she said, more to herself than to me.

"Suzzanah?" I cupped her face, "Did something happen?"

For a minute she looked like she wanted to ask me something, but then quickly shook her head before smiling.

"No, don't worry", she said, "I just...I miss my sister is all", she said shaking her head, "Besides it's not just her. It's also everything I've discovered today. It's just...so much to take in", she said suddenly looking very tired.

I caressed her cheeks with my thumb, "Are you okay?" I asked and she gave me a small smile, "I am", she said, "Don't worry. Let's go"

We started to walk again and just as we got close to the restaurant, I reluctantly removed my arm from around her waist. She immediately looked down at her waist before looking up at me questioningly before her eyes widened slightly and a small blush painted itself across her face and she looked away.

A smile made its way to my face. She may not admit it, but my mate liked my touch. It made me feel a strange sense of satisfaction, it was very fulfilling. I couldn't wait to mark her and mate with her. I could already tell it would be the most amazing day of my life. Kai growled in approval of my thought.

"You go on ahead Suzzanah", I told her making her look up at me, "Go right from the reception area and then take a left. The VIP lounge is there. The manager has already been informed to escort you there. I'll follow you in a few minutes"

She nodded with a smile and just she was about to turn away, I lifted her chin with my hand and pressed my lips to hers. I had intended for it to be a brief peck but when her soft lips met mine, I couldn't stop and kissed her again, this time a little longer. When I pulled away, her face yet again sported the bright blush that I absolutely adored. Her eyes were wide as she stared at me dazed. I caressed her lip with my thumb before motioning with my head for her to go on.

She blinked before looking away. She bit her lip seeming flustered, making me want to kiss her again. Quickly turning, she hurried towards the restaurant and I watched as a guard pulled the door open for her.

John, have you reached? I mind-linked

Already at the lounge Alpha, he told me, and you?

I'm outside. Suzzanah is coming in first


Any news about Rino?

Oh yes. Talon finally found him somewhere in the woods. He was lost. They're on their way, they should be here in a few minutes.

What was that fool doing in the woods?

Apparently he went in search of a stream

What stream?

I have no idea

I sighed, Okay, see you, I said before mind-linking Cole

Cole, where are you?

Near the eastern border of the resort's territory. Nearly done with the patrol Alpha, he replied, all areas are completely secure. By the way, what did you tell Del to tell the warriors who chased the Luna along with him this morning? Do they still think she was an intruder?

No, I told him to tell them that she was a dormant wolf from a different pack and that she ran because they scared her, I replied, the only one who apparently got a good whiff of her scent was Del

Yeah, and since I recovered the Luna's dirty and torn cardigan from the woods this morning and disposed of it, they couldn't use that to track her either, he said before sighing dramatically, sometimes I wonder what you would do without me Alpha

I'd have a Beta who is less self-absorbed and more tolerable

And you'd still like me better

Shut up and get your butt to the lounge

I'll be there in fifteen minutes Alpha

I closed the mind-link before walking into the restaurant and making my way to the VIP lounge. But the minute I walked in, what immediately caught my attention was the striking lack of a distinctive, addicting Arabian scent that belonged to my Suzzanah. My eyes immediately searched the large room but there was no sign of her.

Where is she?!

John and Marco stood up as I approached and bowed to me.

"Hey King", Marco grinned and I nodded at him we took our seats before turning to John.

"Where is Suzzanah?" I asked

"She got a call the minute she got here and she excused herself", he told me, "I think she went to the washroom"

I nodded before looking in the direction of the women's washroom.

"Oh? Miss her already King?" Marco asked teasingly making my eyebrow twitch in irritation.

"How is Prophecy?" I asked not bothering to acknowledge Marco's comment.

"Annoying", Marco replied bluntly and John smiled.

"She is fine. Just very tired", John said, "She had her dinner in her room and then fell asleep"

I nodded, "Who knows why she is tired?" Marco complained, "All she did was sleep all day! I was the one who had to carry her all the way to her cottage because she was out like a light when I found her in the car. Is she a woman or a cow? My back is killing me!" he groaned.

"What do you mean found her?" I asked frowning.

"When I went to receive them, I found her 'asleep' in the backseat of the car", Marco said referring to the comatose state that Prophecy went into when her consciousness was in the past or future, "Rino had apparently dashed out of the car the minute they got here, not wanting to miss your match with Cole. He didn't even turn off the car's engine"

I pressed my fingers over my forehead in frustration while John sighed with an amused smile on his face.


The minute we started to speak of him, all three of us sensed his presence close by and we looked up to find Talon scurrying into the room with an irritated look on his face, or was it tension? I couldn't really tell.

"Uh...good evening Sirs", he said bowing deeply, "Master Rino is here"

I looked behind Talon, but Rino wasn't there, "Where?" I asked and Talon cringed, "He is...wrestling with the candy machine outside", he said and all three of us exchanged exasperated looks as we stood up and walking to the corridor.

The minute we stepped into the corridor, a massive and familiar aura hit us all, the aura of a powerful Supernatural. And sure enough, there dressed in a hoodie and shorts, with tousled brown hair and mouth and pockets stuffed with candy, was the perpetual source of my exasperation- the Elemental Wizard, Rino Perez.

Well at least with his mouth full he won't be able to talk

Rino was still attacking the candy machine when Talon cleared his throat and his head whipped around. His eyes immediately zeroed in on me and widened before he smiled excitedly, his cheeks bloating with the effort to contain the candy.

"Wowphwa!" he spoke through mouth-fulls and I squeezed my eyes shut in irritation.

"Rino, please don't talk with your mouth full", I grit out, "On second thought, don't talk at all"

He laughed, thankfully with his mouth closed, before running up to me and I nearly shouted out loud when he jumped on me pulling me in a bear hug. I was so shocked that I couldn't even speak before he released me and jumped on John next.

"Wiffed wu whys", he said before swallowing his candy and I guessed he meant Missed you guys.

Marco attempted to avoid his lunge hug by turning to walk back into the lounge but Rino jumped on his back anyway making him fall backwards at the weight of the sudden piggyback.

"Hey!" Rino greeted getting off a horrified Marco who was now clutching his back, "Look how you've grown. You're looking well", he told Marco grinning widely, "You're all looking well", he said before he rushed back to the candy machine and started to shake it again.

"This candy spilling thingamajig doesn't work right", he said and I felt a vein pop on my forehead.

"Rino, stop assaulting the candy machine", I said, "How old are you?!"

He turned his head and grinned, "23 this year, thank you for asking", he said before looking back at the candy machine, making me exhale irritably. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Hmm, maybe I should summon lightning. That's should make this thing work"

All our eyes went wide and Talon even shrieked in panic, "Don't!" I grit out, "You haven't even been here for half an hour now and you've already created a major weather disturbance", I said and he gave me a sheepish look, "What was that sudden thunderstorm during my fight with Cole?"

He grinned at me, "Oh come now! What's a fight between legends without some good old-fashioned thunder and lightning to set the mood?" he said wiggling his eyebrows and sighing dramatically, and I contemplated mentally counting to ten to calm my irritation.

"Stop creating climatic disturbances that the meteorological department can't explain!" I told him and he laughed again making my annoyance spike.

"There are a LOT of things that humans can't explain, this is just one more addition to the long list", he said waving his hand in dismissal, "They'll forget to remember it just like they always do", he grinned, "So don't worry about it Wolfa!"

There he goes...

"Alpha", all of us corrected him in unison and his eyes widened, "Oh! Sorry", he said smiling sheepishly.

"I really enjoyed your duel by the way", he told me, "You're in real good shape. And so is Cole, where is he?"

"He's patrolling the woods with the warrior wolves", Marco told him, rubbing his back.

"Speaking of woods, why were you there Rino?" I asked and he grinned yet again.

"Oh I love nature!" he said clasping his hands behind his head, "And I felt the presence of water somewhere in the woods so I went in search of a stream", he said, "I couldn't find it though and I got lost for the second time today"

Reminds me of Suzzanah, John mind-linked me, making me give him a blank look.

"Its a good thing this good fellow found me!" Rino said patting Talon's shoulder who smiled and was about to reply when Rino added, "Thanks Melon!"

All our eyes went wide and Talon's glasses fell off his nose, "T-TALON young Master! Its TALON!" he squealed quickly picking up his spectacles and cleaning them.

"Oh! Right. Sorry, my bad", Rino said before his eyes flashed in excitement, "Oh hey! Where is the Queen?" he asked loudly.

Immediately we all shushed him making him clamp his hand over his mouth with wide eyes as everyone looked around to see if someone had heard him.

He bit his tongue, then repeated in a whisper, "Where is the Queen?"

"In the washroom", Marco told him, still massaging his back.

"Now remember, she is human", John said, "so please keep the thunder, lightning and other eccentricity to a minimum"

"Aye aye Wolf-Alph-Wolf..a?" Rino cringed unsure and John mouthed 'Alph' so he completed, "Alpha! Aye Aye Alpha John".  Rino grinned and all four of us sighed out loud.

"Alright, enough with your antics Rino", I said, "Let's go inside"

He smiled and nodded before plopping the another candy in his mouth and following us inside, "I'm really excited to meet the Queen!" he said chewing on his candy before swallowing and grinning eagerly, "Then we'll finally be able to find the lost Lunas!"

Even though he annoyed me, I found myself nodding at his words. We were all looking forward to meeting the Lunas, even Rino, especially Rino, because he had a very deep connection with one of them, or so he believed and Prophecy had affirmed that belief.

Rino Perez was the destined guardian of one of the two Lunas, and an integral member in our search. Because of his connection with one of the two Lunas, he could help in finding her, so the plan was that Rino would go with General Reginald this time to wherever Prophecy predicted, which this time, was London.

As we were about to sit down Rino asked, "So what's the Queen's name?"


"Su-zza-nah", I told him slowly and clearly so he wouldn't mess it up, "Suzzanah Winters"

"Oh that's a beautiful name", he smiled, "I like her already", he looked around to make sure no outsiders were listening in before grinning at me, "I'm so happy that you finally found your Luna, Wolfa!" he told me and I found myself stuck between appreciating and being annoyed by his words, "Now I want to find mine", he said eagerly, "I wonder which one of the two Lunas I'm a guardian of. Maybe it's the Luna of-"

He stopped suddenly and his eyes widened as though he had sensed something. Before I could question his sudden change in behavior, a familiar heavenly Arabian scent drifted toward me and I knew she was coming, my Suzzanah. I was about to turn around but Rino's words made me freeze at my spot, my eyes going wide as he whispered, "My Luna!..."



Hello my darlings!

Sorry for the long wait. This chapter took me forever to write, but at least it's a SUPER long one right ^-^ Hope it didn't bore you.

So, our elemental wizard Rino Perez is finally here, YAY! He's a personal favorite of mine lol and Prophecy will be introduced very soon!

Hope you liked this chapter. Please do vote and comment to let me know what you think.

By the way, a thought just occurred to me- SHIP NAMES!! I can't think of a proper ship name for our favorite couple Zuerien/Kai x Suzzanah. So do comment and let me know what ship names you guys like.

Until next time- sometime next week

All my love

