22. The Connection

Dedicated to nimmzz for all the lovely votes and wonderful comments! I really appreciate it!

Picture of Suzzanah's dress on the day of the Annual games to the side.

A huge shoutout to mandeep1113 for being one of the earliest supporters of this story! Thank you, it means so much to me!


Suzzanah's POV

The room that had just a second ago been so quiet that even the sound of bee buzzing would have seemed like an airplane taking off, suddenly burst with a flood of excited shouting and beckoning, all directed at the poor waiter who now seemed very perplexed and panicked by the sudden attention. All the men in the room were yelling orders at him.

"You're not interrupting anything!"

"Come in!"

"Please come!"

"We were waiting for the food, hurry up!"

"Perfect timing"

They literally pulled the bewildered waiter into the room while he struggled to bring the trolley of food with him. Several other puzzled waiters followed and helped arrange the food quickly. The minute they tried to leave, someone or the other would order something else even though food was already overflowing from the table. It was like they didn't want the waiters to leave. And I understood why that was.

They're stalling...

After a while of gaping, I quietly settled into my seat and started eating while most of the men were still being animated. A few minutes later, they seemed to have noticed that I had become very silent and they started to exchange confused glances as they too, slowly calmed down and sent the waiters away with orders of food large enough to feed the entire city.

Once everyone at the table settled down, I looked at the Alpha, "Well sir? You didn't answer my question"

He swallowed his food and took a sip of his drink before looking my way, "I happened to be in the forest that day with Marco and ran into Talon who said you were lost. So we started to look for you. But none of us found you"

Lies...all lies...

"Mr. Talon never mentioned this to me", I said looking grimly at Mr. Talon who gulped.

"Y-yes, well, you found me before they could find you so I informed them and didn't tell you, knowing you would worry", Mr. Talon replied nervously and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That's the reason I came to John's room later that day, to ask if you had really come back", Alpha Zuerien added coolly and I could feel my irritation rising.

Lies...well fabricated lies...

"Then how is your not seeing the blue-green eyed man even relevant? How could you if you didn't even see me?!"

He cleared his throat, "That's exactly what I meant. The guy who projected the hologram of the blue-green eyes guy had to be around you to project it. I didn't see him, the hologram, or you", he stated not making eye contact making me resist the urge to kick him under the table.

He wasn't making any sense...

"Then why did everyone seem so excited that you didn't see it? How could you possibly see it if you weren't even there?!" I asked irritably.

"It's was just a statement Suzzanah, only you saw the two figures. So only you can recognize them", he replied and I squeezed my eyes shut in aggravation.

I knew he wouldn't tell me. Neither would anyone else on this table. There was no use asking them.

"I see", I replied quietly and started to eat.

The Alpha seemed both relieved and disturbed by my abrupt approval of his answers. I could feel all the men throwing nervous glances my way but I concentrated on my food.

I was extremely annoyed. If they didn't want to tell me, they could just say so, they didn't have to lie to me. It was a terrible feeling to be left out, especially when the matter at hand was about you. After a few more minutes of making no other sounds except the occasional clatter of cutlery, Mr. Penson spoke up.

"Do you like the food Ms. Winters?"

I nodded, "I do sir, thank you" I replied stiffly.

I could sense a wave of distress wash over everyone at my rigid response as I quickly finished eating the little that was on my plate in comparison to the gargantuan amounts all the other men were devouring. Wiping my mouth I stood up.

"You're finished already?" Master Cole asked nervously and I nodded without a smile, "Yes sir"

"Have some more Suzzanah", Alpha Zuerien offered and I fixed my steely gaze on him making his eyes flash for a split second with discomfort.

"No thank you, I've had quite enough"

Of your lies...

"Please excuse me, I need to use the washroom", I said coldly.

Everyone exchanged alarmed glances at my behavior but I was too frustrated with them to care. I quickly walked out of the room knowing full well that all the men were perplexed about my demeanor.

Instead of going to the washroom I walked out of the lovely little restaurant. The street was a beautiful one and radiated a very comfortable and welcoming feel. But unfortunately it didn't help my current mood.

If they wanted to keep secrets from me so be it, but they can't stop me from trying to get the answers I want!

Before I could start to ponder on the matters discussed in the table I suddenly felt my head spin heavily. Everything in my vision suddenly became distorted and could feel myself loose sense of orientation. I didn't know what had suddenly gone wrong but all the noises around me dulled to muffled whispers as waves of dizziness washed over me.

Stumbling on my feet I quickly reached for the wall and leaned against it and suddenly my head felt very heavy. I could feel fear rising inside of me, and yet again, it didn't seem like my fear. It seemed like someone else's dread and panic was being transmitted to me and I could feel my heart rate pick up in response to it.

Through my blurred vision I looked around to see if anyone was in need of help or looked troubled or panicked but the few people who were around seemed absolutely alright. The waves of fear intensified and suddenly I could feel more than one source of panic. Suddenly I was feeling multiple frenzied emotions, none of which seemed like my own.

What was happening to me?!

"Ms. Winters?"

I turned around to find a worried Mr. Penson looking my way with wide eyes. I blinked at him feeling disoriented as I stumbled on my feet. He rushed over to my side and grabbed my shoulders to steady me.

"Ms. Winters, what's wrong?" he cried and I could hear the anxiety in his voice.

"I-I can't think..." I wheezed out trying to fixate my vision on one thing. My head felt extremely heavy and waves of dizziness washed over me.

"Come, come sit down", Mr. Penson said worriedly leading me to a stone bench nearby.

He helped me sit and patted my back softly, "Relax child. Take deep breaths"

I complied and inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling. The heaviness slowly started to clear only to return with a vengeance a second later.

"Don't think about anything. Just be in the here and now. Feel the wind around you, the stone underneath you. Just relax"

I concentrated on Mr. Penson's voice and the waves of fear and panic started to subside again. All of a sudden, my vision cleared and the frenzied feelings dispersed leaving nothing but a strange sense of apprehension behind. It disturbed me...so very much.

"What happened all of a sudden?" Mr. Penson asked me worriedly and I looked at him with anxious eyes.

"Mr. Penson" I breathed out, "Something's wrong"

His eyebrows furrowed and I looked around me again, "Something feels off. I can't tell why but I feel like someone is in trouble"

His eyebrows knit together in worry and he was about to say something but the next second Alpha Zuerien, Master Marco and Master Cole came running out of the restaurant, all wearing grave and angry expressions.

Alpha Zuerien came up to us while the other two ran towards the woods making me wonder why they didn't take their cars. Alpha Zuerien looked livid as he grit out, "Rogues"


Mr. Penson looked shocked and his wide eyes immediately returned to me with a look of disbelief swirling in them. Alpha Zuerien's gaze followed Mr. Penson's and fell on me, immediately turning concerned.

"What? What happened?" he asked leaning over me, "Suzzanah, are you alright?"

I swallowed and nodded, "I-m fine"

He didn't seem convinced but Mr. Penson cut in, "Alpha we need to leave. Talon will drop Ms. Winters back at staff quarters"

He turned to me, "An emergency has come up. We need to leave immediately. Talon will drop you at your dormitory and make sure you stay in your room alright. Rest up."

Worry welled up inside of me, "What's wrong? What's happening?" I asked desperately wanting some kind of reassurance.

"Don't worry, everything is alright", he whispered and smiled at me before quickly ushering a troubled looking Alpha away with him just as Mr. Talon hurried up to me.

Alpha Zuerien seemed very reluctant to leave. He stood clutching the car door handle gazing at me worriedly and I could see the conflicting emotions in his eyes.

"Alpha", Mr. Penson called out and Alpha Zuerien eyes flashed in desperation before he yanked his door open and got in and soon after they drove away leaving me utterly puzzled and heavily disturbed.

And just like always I was left in the dark about a dozen new questions in addition to the ten page long list I already had. Yet again I had no answers.

"Suzzanah, come lets go child"

I looked up to find a very concerned Mr. Talon looking at me with wide eyes. I breathed deeply and nodded as determination etched into my face.

Well...not for long!


Sitting on my bed with my legs stretched out before me, I ran a hairbrush absently through my wet hair as my thoughts were occupied by the new information I had got from Mr. Talon in the car ride back.

Once in the car I had apologized to him for lying but had also demanded he not lie to me. And before he could say anything else, I had started firing questions. Some of which were answered, some not, but whatever he had answered, he promised he had answered honestly.

Why had Mr. Penson also been referred to as Alpha Penson?

Apparently Alpha was a title given to all high males in under the Royale family dominion. Each Alpha governed a certain area and a certain group of people like a mayor and there were many such Alphas or so he said. Master Marco was also an Alpha. And all these Alphas reported to the King, the Alpha Supreme, aka Alpha Zuerien.

Why did Alpha Zuerien yell like that when he found out I knew that I looked like his mother? Or more specifically, did I really look like his mother??!!


I remembered Mr. Talon looking very pale and very guilty as he had told me that Alpha Zuerien's mother looked nothing like me. He had just said it to satiate my thirst for answers he could not give me. And although I was upset with him for having lied to me, I realized that it was probably not his place to tell, I couldn't be mad at him for following orders. But that only brought me to my next question.

If I look nothing like her then why did you tell Master Marco I was the Luna?! And why were those pranksters calling me Luna too?!

Luna was the title given to the partner or as they like to call it 'Mate' of every Alpha. That was all I had known.

"I might have lied about you looking like Alpha Zuerien's mother, but believe me when I say this, I did not lie when I said that you really are a lot like her"

Mr. Talon's voice had been very sincere when he had said that. So I had gone ahead and asked him what he meant by that. But unfortunately that had been one of the questions he had not answered. He had said that even if he told me, he wouldn't be able to give me an answer that would satisfy me.

"Only Alpha Zuerien can do that"

As to the question of why the two figures in the woods had called me Luna, he said no one would really know unless they were found and asked directly. He had seemed honest in his answer but something about his demeanor when he had answered was strained, unsure, concerned.

Why did all of you react so strangely when I had mentioned the woman in the black cape?

This answer had really surprised me. He had said that apparently they knew who that lady was, or they thought so at least. And before I could ask any more on the matter he had said that unless the Alphas made sure it was the person they were suspecting her to be, he couldn't tell me anything. Once they spoke to her and determined that indeed it had been her, I would be informed.

Who is Prophecy?

He had literally jumped in his seat when he heard that name. I had heard it mentioned in the car by Alpha Zuerien as well as in the restaurant by Master- uh Alpha Marco. After gulping and looking ten times more uncomfortable, he had revealed that she was a Luna.

I had nearly squealed and asked for her phone number just to be able to communicate with someone other than me who was referred to by the blasted title.

So she was a Luna, an Alpha's mate. And she was also apparently a member of the High Council that assisted the Alpha King. The council consisted of 6 members. Alpha Zuerien, Alpha Penson, Alpha Marco and Luna Prophecy were apparently part of the Council.

The first thing that had come to my mind when he had said that was why the heck did a guy who didn't even have a legally approved and properly demarcated kingdom or people have a freakin Council???

Then something more disturbing came to mind when I realized the only other way all of these assumptions could be true.

The Royales and the people they 'ruled' were some sort of cult!

Now as I thought about that sitting alone staring at the cream walls of my room, I couldn't help but worry for myself.

What had I gotten myself into??!

Unknowingly and unintentionally, I had become involved with some kind of ancient philosophical cult obsessed with wolves, strange titles and legends about forests. What was I supposed to do now? And why was it that no matter how many of my questions were answered, I still had no idea about...anything!

I looked out my window to see the light drizzle falling outside as the clock struck 7:00 pm. Even though it was still early in the evening the sky was dark and heavy with clouds. The weather brought me to wonder about the man Alpha Zuerien spoke with on the phone.

Who is Mr. Rino Perez? Is he also an Alpha?

Mr. Talon had been surprised by my question. He told me that Mr. Rino Perez was not an Alpha but belonged to a 'group' who had close relations with the Royales for many years.

It was probably another cult, I had thought nervously.

Does he have anything to do with the weather department?

Mr. Talon had choked on air when I had asked this, then nodded at me and said that it was something like that. He was responsible for 'monitoring' the weather around the capital along with three other people.

That still doesn't give Alpha Zuerien the right to yell at the guy for bad weather! All he does is monitor it...right?...

My gaze fell on the empty bed opposite me and I wondered what time my roommate would be back. It was dark outside and I wondered if her 'warrior' duties would keep her out for long. And I worried...for her safety.

What are Rogues?

It had been my last question as we had neared the staff quarters. The three Alphas as well as Master Cole had left in such a hurry that I knew it must have been a matter of great concern. Mr. Talon had become serious the minute I said the word. He told me that Rogues was the term used by Alpha Zuerien's clan and people, to refer to people who were against them.

Rogues were a large random group of people who kept disrupting the peace around by raiding, destroying and generally causing trouble, somewhat like delinquents or lawbreakers.

Alpha Zuerien and the others had gone with some of the 'warriors' to deal with the ruckus the rogues had been creating on the other side of the Royale territory, wherever that was. They especially had something against Alpha Zuerien and wanted his territory for themselves.

But why would a random group of people want some random piece of land in the middle of the forest?...Unless of course, they were yet another cult.

Groaning I held my head in my hands. So many new details and yet none of them pieced together enough to tell me what exactly I was dealing with. The only person who could give me a clear idea of all this was Alpha Zuerien and he refused to tell me anything, always managing to change the topic.

And even I managed to get him to agree to answer my questions, did I even really want to get further involved in the matters of this ancient cult?

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to"

Mr. Penson's words from the other day sounded in my head and I sighed heavily. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I saw that it was Mr. Talon's call. I answered it immediately.


"Suzzanah it's me, Talon. How are you?"

"I'm fine why?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

He sighed into the phone and answered, "Oh...Alpha Zuerien and Alpha Penson wanted to make sure that's all. You didn't leave the staff quarters did you?"

"No, I didn't", I said nervously glancing at the empty bed before me, "What happened with the...uh rogues?"

"The matter got a little out of hand but it has been resolved now", he told me and I could hear the fatigue in his voice, "With the Annual games starting from tomorrow, there has been a lot of hustle and bustle amongst the Rogues as so many of the Alpha King's people will be there. So the security matters are being looked into right now"

"Was...was anyone injured?" I asked him worriedly.

"A few people were, yes, but I don't believe anyone suffered major injuries. Actually that's one of the reasons I called you. Did Ms. Black get back yet?"

I was about to ask him who Ms. Black was but stopped when I saw the door to my room creak open and relief flooded through my body when I saw that it was my roommate. But just as quickly as the relief had manifested, it also disappeared when I saw the state she was in.

She was dressed in her uniform, which was slightly muddy. Her face was sweaty and her hair was disheveled and a little wet. Her face was hidden by her hair but something about her was off.

"Welcome back!" I said quickly, surprised at how eager my voice sounded. Her gaze fell on me and I noticed that she looked exhausted. She nodded at me once before tiredly making her way to her closet. I would have jumped for joy at her docile reaction had I not noticed that she was limping on her right foot.

"Are you alright?" I asked her and she nodded again without looking at me before promptly walking into the bathroom. Before she closed the door I saw her flinch as though she was in pain.

I stared at the door worriedly for a while before suddenly realizing that Mr. Talon was still on line. I put the phone back to my ear quickly.


"Oh child, don't disappear on me like that!" Mr. Talon called out worriedly.

"Sorry, my roommate just got back so I was talking to her", I told him and he exhaled in relief.

"Why do you sound worried?" I asked confused.

"Maybe because I am!" he answered, "We thought something had happened to you!"

"Mr. Talon it was barely a few seconds. What could possibly happen to me while I'm sitting in my own room? It's not like the walls would suddenly swallow me" I told him shaking my head.

"The walls might not, but the shadows could..." he whispered absently.


Before I could ask him anything else I heard two familiar faces chiding him about his comment.


Alpha Zuerien-

"What are you saying?!"

-And Master Cole. Suddenly I heard some muffled sounds and the next voice that came through the phone made goosebumps form on my skin.

"Suzzanah?" Alpha Zuerien's rich deep voice filled my ears and I shivered.

"Y-yes sir"

"Are you alright?" he sounded concerned.

Why was everyone always asking me that? Why did they always seem so worried about my safety?

"I'm fine"

"John told me you had been dizzy earlier by the restaurant, how are you feeling now? And what had happened all of a sudden?"

I remembered the abrupt panic that had swept over me and disappeared just as suddenly as it had appeared. The sense of apprehension that had remained even after I had started feeling better had cleared about an hour after I got back to the staff quarters.

"I don't know. I had just suddenly felt a little dizzy but I feel fine now, thank you for asking", I told him.

"So there was no need to threaten to kill the restaurant chef after all", I heard Master Cole say in the background.

"So you're-"

Alpha Zuerien was cut off as immediately after, I heard Master Marco's aggravated voice.

"You could have at least told us! Do you know how worried she was?"

Who was he yelling at?

"Marco, it's not like she can control her abilities", I heard Mr. Penson say in the background.

"All the more reason for her to exercise caution don't you think Alpha?" I heard Master Marco's voice growl out.

"Keep it down!" Alpha Zuerien shouted and there was sudden silence in the background for a minute before I heard Master Marco's voice again.

"I can't speak to this woman, she is driving me insane!"

"Marco calm down"

"I am calm!"

There were some more muffled sounds before I heard Master Marco say, "Please King, you talk to her"

"Can't you see I'm that I'm already on the phone?" Alpha Zuerien's irritated voice spoke up.

Oh good! I thought he forgot I was still here and then it'd be like I was eavesdropping. Not that I understood anything anyway...

Some more inaudible words were exchanged before Alpha Zuerien's voice sounded from the phone.

"Suzzanah I'll have to talk to you later alright?"

"Oh of course sir", I told him.

And when later comes I'll be asking you a WHOLE lot of questions.

"Take care. I lo-" my eyes widened at the same time his voice abruptly got cut off before I heard a sharp intake of breath and the line went dead.

I stared at the phone in my hands and felt my heart rate spike.

I lo-

What was he going to say?...

I didn't have time to ponder the issue as I heard the bathroom door open and my roommate walked out. She was wearing a tank top and pajama bottoms that reached her ankles. She was still limping as she sat on her bed and absently gazed out of the window.

"Did you hurt your leg?" I asked and she looked at me.

Her gaze was still not friendly but there was no longer malice on her face when she looked my way and I was grateful for that. She shook her head and looked away.

"It's nothing", she said but there was something pained about her voice that made my eyebrows knit together in worry.

She subconsciously pressed her left thigh and flinched making my gaze fall to her leg. A shocked gasp escaped my lips as I found her light blue pajama bottoms stained bright red near her calf. She was bleeding!

"Oh no! Your leg!" I cried out as I shot off my bed and ran towards her.

Her eyes went wide before they fell to her pajama bottoms and she cringed.

"Forget it", she told me trying to move away as I sat in front of her bleeding leg.

"But you're bleeding so much! Let me see", I told her reaching for her leg but she slapped my hand away.

"I told you it's nothing didn't I?" she yelled, "Mind your own bloody business!"

I frowned at her, "Stop being stubborn. We need to stop the bleeding"

I quickly got up and ran to my closet, pulling out the first aid kit Roma had given me. Placing it on her bed, I ran to the bathroom and filled a jug with water before returning to my roommate's side. She looked like she was in a lot of pain as she squeezed her eyes shut and grit her teeth. Quickly I sat down and pulled up her pajama bottoms to find three deep gashes running down the length of her calf. Blood dripped from her wound making me gasp in shock.

"Oh my God", I whispered before quickly dipping a cloth in the water and reaching forward to clean the blood.

"Get away from me", my roommate shouted pushing me away making me gape at her in shock, "Stop acting like you freakin care about me when you and I both bloody well know that you don't give a damn!" she yelled.

"Are you serious?" I scowled at her in disbelief, "You're choosing this time to throw your temper tantrums? I don't have time for this, you're bleeding!"

"The hell is it to you?! Leave me alone!" she yelled trying to get up.

I quickly pulled her ankle back towards me, making sure I didn't touch the wound on her calf, "Stop acting like a child!" I told her.

"Get away!"

"Stop it! You'll make the bleeding worse!"

"I said go AWAY!"

"Just shut up for a minute will you?!"

"Goddammit Carla-" she stopped abruptly making my head shoot up to hers.

Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted in shock. I held her stunned gaze before shaking my head, "I'm not Carla", I whispered to her making her face turn pained and somehow I could tell that this time it was not because of her injury.

Although I didn't know why, I knew she had bad relations with her old roommate Carla and Roma had told me not to bring her up around my roommate. But whatever happened probably had something to do with why she disliked me so much.

"I'm not Carla", I repeated softly, "so please don't be difficult. I'm just trying to help"

"Why are you helping me?" her voice sounded strained and unsure.

"Because you're bleeding", I told her blankly.

"Like you care-"

"I do care!" I shouted making her stop short as he eyes widened and I looked her in the eye, "I care, but you don't believe it do you?"

"Why should I believe you?" she asked softly, "I don't even know you..."

"Precisely why you don't have the right to judge me either", I told her pressing the cool cloth gently to her injured leg making her hiss in pain, "You don't know me, so don't make assumptions about me or my character. I already told you, I'm not Carla-"

I could feel her gaze on me as I cleaned her wound and continued talking, "or any other despicable, unbearable person from your past who had wronged you"

She watched me wordlessly as the bleeding finally stopped and I uncapped the bottle of antiseptic and continued, "I'm Suzzanah Winters, a 21 old year poor orphan girl from California who grew up in the Middle East with my older sister, did many odd jobs in various places to earn money, and finally with great difficulty and great many blessings made it here and landed a job as Mr. Penson's P.A"

I took out some cotton and poured the antiseptic on it, "Every time we've met we've shared unpleasant words, until last night when we both finally acted civil with each other for once after our big cat fight"

I shook my head and looked up at her, "and I don't know about you, but I kind of liked it, not being at each other's throats for once, even if it was in the middle of the night"

The anger in her eyes had faded and now she just looked tired and sad as she blinked and looked away.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any pain by my words", I pressed the cotton on her wound and she hissed loudly in pain making my eyes widen as I looked up at her sheepishly and added, "or actions", she regarded me warily but I didn't miss how her lips quirked upwards slightly, "but I said this last night and I'll say it again, I don't want to be one of your bad memories. So at least give me a chance before you label me as one of the filthy humans"

I carefully applied the disinfectant and then bandaged her leg making sure I wasn't rough. She watched me silently as I worked but her body was no longer tense like it had been earlier. I quickly finished my work and stood up making her look up at me.

I smiled at her making her eyes widen, "Everything I told you about myself today is completely authentic, and if you want to judge me or say something to me based on what I told you instead of based on any prejudice or bias, then I won't mind roomie", I shrugged and turned around to put away the first aid kit.

I disposed of the soiled linen and water before returning to my bed. Just as I was about to plug in my ear phones I heard her speak up.


My eyes shot up to meet her gaze which was directed at me as she leaned against her bed. I blinked at her, "W-what did you say?"

She bit her lip before exhaling heavily, "My name is Annabelle. Annabelle Black"

I gaped at her and she shrugged, "You told me that if I want to say something based on everything you told me then I can right? And since yours was such an elaborate introduction, I guess it was only right I gave you mine"

A slow smile stretched across my lips and I was shocked when she gave me a small smile of her own.

"But don't expect me to give you my life history like you just did. My name will have to suffice", she said and snuggled back into her pillows, but her smile still reached her eyes and it made me feel so much lighter.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Black", I grinned at her.

"Call me Annabelle...Suzzanah", she said softly making my grin widen

"How about I stick to roomie?"

She threw her pillow at me and I shrieked as I just barely dodged it. I laughed and looked back at her to see her shake her head as she opened her novel to start reading but said nothing. Still smiling widely I got up to go down for an early dinner as I had to be up early the next day.

"I'm going for dinner", I told her as I reached the door, "Want me to bring you anything?"

Knowing fully well she would refuse, I was shocked into outer space when she nodded at me.

"W-what shall I get?" I asked slightly dazed and her reply brought back a smile to my face.

"Milk and cookies"


The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone jumping around the room. Groggily I looked at the clock which told me it was still quite early before I pulled the covers down to find my roomie bouncing on her legs with her pajama bottoms pulled up, a look of elation and disbelief on her face.

"I can't believe it! It's gone! It's really gone. Even though it was silver, the wound still healed. Oh my God it's gone!" she continued talking to herself excitedly as I sat up in bed.

"What are you dancing early in the morning for?" I asked rubbing my eyes making her eyes widen as she stopped her jumping regimen and abruptly let go of where she was holding up her pajama bottoms so they covered her calves again.

My eyes fell to her leg and then to the bandages strewn across her side of the floor before I sprung out of bed like Frankenstein, "Oh my God! You removed your bandages already? And why are you jumping around like kangaroo with your injured leg?!" I asked quickly getting up from bed.

She looked down at her leg and cringed, "Uh...my leg feels much better, so I removed the bandages to check on it", she told me and I stared at her confused.

"But the wound looked so bad yesterday", I said and she just stared at her leg as though she too was in deep thought, "don't tell me it healed overnight!"

Her eyes went wide before frantically moving around the room as though she was searching for an answer to give me, "Of course it didn't heal overnight. That's...humanly impossible", she seemed very uncomfortable talking about this topic, "The pain killers must be better than I thought"

"Well don't abuse your leg like that just because it doesn't hurt right now", I told her, "I still think you should see a doctor about it"

She shook her head, "I don't think I'll need one", she said twisting her leg around smiling down at it.

I was amazed at how she said she felt no pain. It's not like she received opioids or anything, just the regular pain killers. And there was no way a wound as bad as hers could have healed overnight. I shuddered at the memory of the three deep cuts in her calf muscle.

How did she even get that injury? The three cuts had been symmetric as though made by the same object, and they were equally apart from each other. If I didn't know that it had actually been humans who caused that injury I would have thought an animal had clawed at her-

My line of thought stopped abruptly as my eyes went wide in realization of what her wound resembled most.

Claw marks...an animal's claws...

Annabelle was standing by her closet throwing clothes into a bag and I gulped before calling out to her.

"Hey", she nodded without turning around, "How did you get injured?"

Her back suddenly went stiff and she stopped rummaging through her closet as she turned towards me. Her face held tension and she furrowed her eyebrows in thought before answering, "Uh...there was a small fight on the other side of the territory yesterday and well, one of the guys sort of cut me with his knife"

I didn't know what was more disturbing, the fact that yesterday's fight had involved sharp objects or that the guy had managed to cut her thrice on the same leg.

Or that...she was lying...

"But three times?" I asked her with wide eyes and although I could see the discomfort in her eyes, she shrugged at me making it appear like a small matter.

"I'm going to go shower. You can use the bathroom after I'm done, just for today since I came in through the door yesterday. Then we'll be even", she smirked at me before turning around to walk to the bathroom.

And when my eyes fell to where the pajama bottoms had ridden up her legs as she walked, my eyes widened as I noticed something my roomie had stated wasn't humanly possible.

Her injuries were gone.


I quickly got off the staff bus and hurried towards the elevator. Thankfully I didn't have any luggage with me as it had already been picked up by the luggage carrier that came by the staff quarters this morning. My mind was still very much muddled owning to what I had seen in the morning.

I couldn't get another look at Annabelle's leg as when she walked out she was wearing trousers and a tank top. She left with a swift nod saying she had to leave early but I didn't miss how quick and agile her movements had been...something which was not possible for a person with an injury as bad as hers had been.

And while speaking of quick healing injuries, there was also the question of Alpha Zuerien's cut healing right in front of my eyes. What was it with these people and their inhumane abilities!

Just as I was about to enter the elevator still deep in thought, two large hands slid around my waist pulling me back into a hard muscular chest. I didn't even have the time to shriek out loud as familiar tingles exploded through my body and the rich calming earthy scent of wet soil surrounded me.

My eyes involuntarily closed as I relished the feeling of complete safety and protection this person's presence always brought me. This person who made my heart flutter and my cheeks flush. This person who was a mystery to me and yet for some reason, was important to me. This person who made me feel like I belonged. This person...who might not even be a person at all.

"You're late, Suzzanah", Alpha Zuerien said softly, his warm breath fanning my ears making me shiver in his arms.

"S-sorry sir", I managed to reply despite how his touch was driving me insane.

I tried to step away from him but his grip around my waist tightened and my breath caught in my chest as he buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. My heart rate sped up and heat rose to my cheeks as I became strikingly aware of how the hard panes of his toned chest moved against my smooth back.

"I like you in this dress", the Alpha whispered against my neck as his fingers slid down the sides of my waist making me bite my lip to stop the gasp of pleasure from escaping.

I had chosen to wear a white floral dress that reached a little below mid-thigh. I had bought it in a sale and had thrown a thin cardigan over it owing to the cool weather. But the flimsy material of the dress only made it easier for his hands to feel exactly what was hidden underneath it.

Why was he doing this?!

His lips grazed my neck and this time I couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped my lips immediately after which I felt him smirk against my skin.

"Or maybe I should have stopped at 'you'" he whispered making my eyes go wide when I pieced together what he meant.

I like you...

I lo-

It was like a bomb exploded underneath me as I jumped some fifty feet in the air and then about a foot away from him somehow managing to blastoff from his hold. Feeling extremely flustered I turned around to indeed find a handsome smirk on his face. He too was casually dressed, and it was the first time I had seen him in something other than formal wear. He was in a white V-neck tee and blue jeans, pulling of the casual look with amazing ease and still looking drop dead gorgeous.

"Good morning", he said lazily making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Good morning to you sir", I replied through gritted teeth, "and might I ask what it was you were trying to do just now?"

His smirk widened, "You really want me to answer that?"

My heart skipped a beat as I realized that I wasn't sure I did.

"There is something about your scent that I find very refreshing", he continued, "It has a very rich Arabian character. And I can't seem to get enough of it"

He stepped closer to me I blushed harder even though I had no idea what he was talking about. What Arabian scent? I didn't own any such perfume!

"Come, let's go", he said coming up beside me and putting his hand to the small of my back and promptly leading me out of the building.

I didn't have time to dwell on his warm touch or the mind numbing tingles as my jaw hit the ground on seeing the vehicle before us.

A limousine.

As if he had read my mind Alpha Zuerien sighed, "Believe me, it was not my idea. But Marco wanted to travel in style" he spat out in irritation.

As if on cue Master Marco came up beside us, "Oh come now King. This beauty in front of us will not only let us travel in style but also comfortably. And it will accommodate all 6 of us easily. It's the perfect vehicle"

"Yes, for turning up at a prestigious award function, not in the middle of woods!" Alpha Zuerien grit out making my eyes widen.

The woods? The annual games were being held in the woods??

Alpha Zuerien and Alpha Marco had gotten into a conversation about cars and routes but my mind was too busy dwelling on a different matter, a matter of great concern.

The woods suddenly seemed very ominous to me. Every time I went in there I had some or the other unforgettable experience, not all bad ones but still all slightly disturbing.

Falling from a tree, running into a wolf the size of a lion, hearing voices whisper unnerving words to me, being cornered by ghost-like figures that only I had seen...or only I could see...

"But that means only she saw him!" Master Marco had said right after Mr. Talon had brought up the matter about Alpha Zuerien. But what had Mr. Talon said exactly?...

"Wasn't that the same day that the Alpha went into the woods looking for her?" or something like that.

And after Alpha Zuerien had agreed and Mr. Penson had said, "And you also didn't see the blue-green eyes!"

I didn't care what Alpha Zuerien had said afterward, there was no way everyone on the table would have been so shocked over him not having seen the 'hologram' if he hadn't even been there in the first place! Because if he hadn't then how would it be different from none of them having seen it since they hadn't been there either? It made absolutely no sense!

So logically I'd just have to assume that he had been there, but still hadn't seen the hologram. But if he had come looking for me and found me, why hadn't he made his presence known to me? And if he did really did find me, how had he not seen the wolf I had encountered right after-



The wolf had been there! The wolf with the same eyes and golden streak as the Alpha! The same wolf that I had befriended. The same wolf that I now suspected had a much deeper connection to the Alpha!

The Alpha and the Wolf...

"Wasn't that the same day that the Alpha went into the woods looking for her..."

"And you also didn't see the blue-green eyes!"

"But that means only she saw him!"

Only I saw the blue green eyes, even though the Alpha was there...even though he was there...the Alpha was there!...

All of a sudden I had evidence, solid undeniable evidence that the theory I had desperately been trying to piece together was indeed true. My head suddenly felt very heavy as my mind put together a sentence which for once made perfect and complete sense.

The Alpha Wolf...The Alpha and the wolf...the Alpha was the...

My eyes zeroed in on the strong handsome brown eyed man before me and as the golden streak in his hair shone in the bright morning light, I established the now evident connection that would change my life forever.

The Alpha is the wolf!



And voila! Whew, this is the longest chapter I have posted so far *wipes forehead*

Thank you so much for all the amazing birthday wishes on the last chapter, they really made my day very special. Love you guys.

Our heroine has finally established 'the connection' folks. Things are about to get quite animated ;)

Hope you liked the update! Please vote and comment to let me know what you think :D

Next update will be sometime next week. Until next time,

All my love

