44. Sister Situations

I know it's late but, EID MUBARAK to all my dear Muslim Readers! I hope you had a blessed day!

Dedicated to Ronika001 for your wonderful votes, comments and enthusiasm towards this story. Thank you hon!

A huge shout-out to TIGERDUM_BOW for all the amazing support you have been and still are showing the story. I'm overwhelmed, thank you!



This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

"Please Zuerien!"

"No sweetheart"


"Suzzanah, no"

I slumped against the large fluffy pillow behind me and groaned, "But I feel absolutely fine", I whined, "Please let me go practice"

Zuerien gave me a blank look from where he was standing next to the window, drawing the curtains closed.

"You seriously expect me to let you go practice archery in your current condition?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Yes!" I replied, "The archery event is scheduled for tomorrow! I'll need the practice if I'm going to participate", I told him.

"That's right", he replied, walking back to my bedside and sitting down next to me, "If you're going to participate, which you're not, so-"

"What?!" I cried out in disbelief, "But you said I could participate!"

"That was before you had your soul sucked out of your body"

"Well its back now, isn't it?"

"Still, no"


"Go to sleep, sweetheart", he cut me off, hugging me close and kissing my forehead, "You need to rest"

I looked up at him wearily, "Zuerien, I'm tired of resting", I told him.

He snorted, "Tired of resting? That sentence is fundamentally flawed", he told me.

I gave him a blank look and he sighed, "Suzzanah, I don't want you to exert yourself", he told me softly, "You may feel alright now, but having someone's soul leave their body is a really big deal, even for Prophecy! Why do you think her body shuts down like that every time she returns from a teleportation?"

He cupped my face with both his hands, "Your soul was gone an entire hour sweetheart", he told me gently, "For anyone other than Prophecy, that's...that's like certain..." he struggled to get the words out, but I knew what he was going to say even before he did.

"Like certain death", I said softly and his arms immediately came around me, encasing me in his warmth.

"You are an extremely brave and admirable woman", he told me, "But your body is still very delicate. You can't be reckless and push yourself too hard. You need to take care of yourself! You're...you're fragile Suzzanah"

I sighed and closed my eyes as he gently caressed my hair.


"Is it because I'm human?" I asked softly as I looked up at him, "Is that why you always worry so much?"

Looking deeply into my brown eyes, he exhaled heavily and shook his head, "It's because you're my mate", he replied, "You could be the strongest woman in the universe and I'd still worry about you"

I sighed in defeat before giving him a small smile, "And here I was, thinking I could volunteer to take some self-defense lessons to make you feel better", I said, shaking my head, "You know, since it's easier than suddenly turning into a muscle bound, able-bodied supernatural"

"You don't have to change anything about yourself for me", he told me as he looked down at me lovingly, "You're perfect just the way you are. Now whether you're human, or Supernatural, it changes nothing"

I smiled tenderly and shook my head, "Hey, I'm not as delicate as you may imagine", I told him softly, "In fact, I like to think that I'm actually quite strong on-"

"The inside", he completed and nodded, "Yes, you are. But I'm afraid, in the supernatural world, physical strength matters a lot"

"If that's true then why don't you help me grow stronger?" I asked and he sighed, "I am trying to help you grow stronger, by getting some much needed sleep!"

"Teach me how to fight", I said, ignoring his words and he narrowed his eyes at me, "Not a chance"

"What?!" my hopes fell just as quickly as they had risen as I gaped at him, "Why not?"

"It's dangerous, you could hurt yourself"

"But that's part and parcel of the learning process!" I reasoned.

"No, Suzzanah", he replied, "There is no way I will voluntarily let you indulge in activities that could hurt you"


"No Suzzanah"

"Okay fine", I said raising my hands, "If you're not willing to let me indulge in activities that could hurt me, then why not let me indulge in ones that could hurt others...maybe? Wait! No! Wait, that didn't come out right"

I cringed at how bad that had sounded. What was I even trying to say?! The confused look on Zuerien's face told me that he was probably thinking the same thing.

"No! What I mean to say is, let me participate in an activity that could prove to you that I am not as helpless as you may think I am", I told him and he raised an eyebrow questioningly.

I grinned, "Archery!" I breathed out and he immediately groaned, squeezing his eyes shut in exasperation.

"Suzzanah, not this again"

"Please Zuerien", I said, "Let me go practice. It'll give me an opportunity to brush up on my rusty skills, and give you the chance to see that I'm not so fragile after all", I grinned, "At least not as long as I have a bow and arrow with me!"


"I promise you that if I feel even a little bit, and I mean even a teeny-tiny little bit off, I'll tell you immediately!" I assured him and when he didn't immediately refuse like earlier, I knew I was getting through to him.

"You promise?" he said and my grin widened and I nodded, "Absolutely!"

"For sure?"


"Even if it's the slightest bit of discomfort?"

"Even if it's just a passing sneeze!"

At that, he cracked a small smile and I excitedly waited for him to finally give in. And after a few more seconds, he looked away and sighed.

"Alright, you can go practice archery", he breathed out and I was about to squeal in joy when he added, "If you have a nice long nap first"

My face fell in an instant. We were back where we started!

I groaned, "Zuerieeennn"

"Come on, it's a win-win", he said, "You take a nap, and I'll take you to the archery practice so that you're ready to participate in the event tomorrow"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Or I could just defy you and go without your permission", I told him.

He smirked, "Of course you could", he replied, "But defiance comes with a price. It's called punishment, and it happens to be something I'll enjoy giving you"

My face immediately heated up at what he was implying and his smirk widened, "I'm almost hoping you do defy me and give me a reason to-"

"OKAY! Fine!" I quickly cut him off, turning my burning face away from him, "I'll sleep now and when I wake up, I can go practice archery and participate in the event tomorrow if I want to. Deal?"

I held out my hand to him and took it, "Deal", he replied, and instead of shaking it, he raised it to his lips and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

My heart rate immediately sped up and little butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. I couldn't believe how much effect his smallest gestures could have on me. It was unreal.

Zuerien smiled, "I love it when you blush", he said, making me blush harder for some reason, "You turn even cuter when you're flustered"

"I-I'm not!" I retorted lamely and his smile turned into a smirk.

"You're a bad liar sweetheart", he told me, "I can catch your lies anytime"

My eyes widened. Karina used to say the very same thing to me.

"Am I really that bad a liar?" I asked and he nodded, "You're like Rino in that matter. You both wear your hearts on your sleeves. With him causing climatic conundrums and you being my mate, it's really quite easy to tell how you are really feeling"

His words almost immediately caught my attention.

"You being my mate...tell how you are really feeling..."

Was that why?

Was that the reason I could feel his emotions coursing through my body, like my very own, that he was my soulmate?

But it wasn't just with him though, was it? It had happened with other people too, like Alpha Penson and Cole. And they weren't my mates so...


I broke out of my thoughts to find Zuerien staring at me questioningly, "Is something wrong sweetheart?" he asked and I bit my lip.

Oh well...since its come up, might as well ask him. No better time than the present, right?

"Zuerien", I started hesitantly, "There is something I've been meaning to ask you for some time"

He nodded encouragingly and I inhaled deeply before going on.

"I can sometimes...feel the emotions of other people", I told him and he immediately frowned, his brow furrowing at my words. "And I don't mean guessing based on their behavior or facial expression. I mean...I can sense their emotions. I can feel them flowing through my body like my own"

The more I went on, the more Zuerien's thoughtful expression slowly turned into a stunned one.

"It happens with your emotions a lot", I told him, "And I thought it may be a mate thing, but then it's happened with other people too, multiple times. I can feel their joy, sorrow, fear, pain...I don't know how but-"

"Since when?" he asked, immediately bending towards me, his expression a blend of surprise and excitement.

"For a while now..." I replied, "The first time I really felt it very strongly was the day we all went to that restaurant Satiete. I walked outside remember?" he nodded, "I suddenly just felt these waves of panic and fear wreaking havoc within me and they just came out of nowhere"

"Was that why you suddenly felt dizzy?" he asked and I nodded, "Yeah...I just...I was so overwhelmed. It felt like I could feel hundreds of people's emotions coursing through my body like my own. It was very disturbing"

"Why did you never mention this up until now?" he asked me and I shrugged, "It just never came up, I don't know why", I replied, "Ever since then it's happened many times, and it happens most often with your emotions"

"It's not uncommon for it to occur between soulmates", he replied, "Mates can often sense each other's emotions, especially intense ones like pain and fear. But for you to have felt what you did that day without being marked by me yet..."

"Oh!" my eyes widened, "So it usually happens to all Lunas once they're marked?" I asked and he frowned and shook his head.

"Not exactly", he replied, "Once an Alpha has marked his mate, she forms a bond with everyone in his pack, and in your case, with every werewolf in the world, seeing as you're the Luna Queen"


"And werewolves are connected at a much deeper level with their Alphas", he went on, "and also with their Lunas once they have been marked by the Alphas. So sometimes they can sense when their Alphas and Lunas are experiencing very intense emotions, but I didn't think it worked the other way around too"

"So...is something wrong with me?" I asked nervously and he shook his head, "No, of course not sweetheart", he said, "I have heard that Lunas have a much more emotional connection with the pack than Alphas, so maybe sometimes they can sense the other wolves' emotions"

I relaxed slightly as he went on, "And you're the Queen so you'd probably feel it at a much greater intensity. But I've never heard of it happening before being marked though..."

The tension returned, what was up with me?!

"Still, I don't think it's anything to worry about", Zuerien told me, "Did you tell John about this?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, I'll talk to him about it once he's done with the meeting", Zuerien replied.

"What meeting?" I asked and his eyebrow knit together in thought, "It's funny actually", he replied, "It's what we were just talking about, the matter of being able to feel each other's emotions"

I blinked, "What about it?"

"Well...I lost control pretty bad after your soul suddenly teleported away", he said and I immediately felt worried.

He shook his head, "Don't worry, nothing happened", he said and I immediately exhaled in relief, "But...I kind of trashed the living room downstairs and apparently all the werewolves present at the Games as well as the other Supernaturals sensed that something was wrong"

"So he's gone to reassure them that everything is okay?" I asked and he nodded, "Pretty much"

"Then shouldn't you be there too?" I asked wide-eyed and he shook his head, "My first priority is and always will be you Suzzanah", he told me.

I smiled, "Thank you, but I'm alright now", I told him, "Besides, the other wolves don't know that you've found your mate so it will be difficult for them to understand why their king couldn't address them personally"

He smiled, looking at me affectionately, "Look at you", he said softly, "Already thinking about the people"

I grinned, "When I finally am introduced to them, I don't want them to think I turned you into a bratty and irresponsible ruler", I told him.

"Trust me, if they knew what had happened to you, they'd immediately ask me to return to your side and not worry about addressing them", he told me, "Werewolves are extremely protective and fond of their Lunas, especially the Luna Queen"

My heart warmed at his words, "They sound like such wonderful people", I told him before breathing deeply, "I hope I don't disappoint them"

"They'll love you", he told me confidently, "I have no doubt whatsoever that they'll absolutely love you"

I smiled gratefully and before pushing his shoulders, "Okay, go now. Before the meeting ends"

"I'm not going anywhere until you've fallen asleep", he replied and I gasped.

Maybe that's why he kept asking me to try and sleep, because he wanted to go address his people. Now I felt bad.

"Hey, what's that face? What are you worried about now?" he asked, immediately cupping my cheek.

"Okay, Okay I'm sleeping", I said hurriedly and pressed my face into the pillow under me.

"Sweetheart, at this rate you'll suffocate"

"Shh, don't disturb me. I'm trying to concentrate!"

"You mean sleep"

I bit my tongue, "I'm trying to concentrate on sleeping", I corrected myself.

I heard him exhale a laugh before he pulled the covers over me for a third time, "Alright", he said.

I closed my eyes and tried hard to sleep, or at least act like I was sleeping, because honestly I wasn't sleepy at all. I used to fake sleeping all the time when I was younger so that I wouldn't be forced to go to school, so I was quite good at it.

"I can tell you're not falling asleep"

Shoot! Not as good as I thought, so it seemed.

"I am", I replied, trying to sound as sleepy as possible and he chuckled softly.

I couldn't even begin to express how much I loved the sound of his deep and warm laughter.

Soon a large hand started to pat my back gently, lulling me to sleep. It had been ages since someone did that for me. Karina and I used to do that for each other when we were younger and having my mate do it for me almost made me feel like my heart would burst with affection.

He was so perfect...

Almost instantly, I started to feel my eyelids grow heavy. The warmth radiating off Zuerien's body enveloped mine completely, making me feel safe and protected, while his rich and comforting scent calmed my senses as sleep took over me.

And just before the last vestiges of consciousness left me, I felt his lips against my forehead before he whispered lovingly,

"Sweet dreams, my heart"


Wake up...

I felt warmth, on my forehead, radiating from the soft touch of someone's caress.

Wake up...

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to take in my surroundings. Everything was dark, as thought I had woken up in the dead of night. My vision blurred and I rubbed my eyes.

Another gentle caress swept across my hair, and I realized that I was lying in someone's lap. Squinting my eyes, I tried to make out who it was, but I couldn't tell, it was much too dark.

Wake up sweetheart, it is time

It was a woman's voice, gentle and kind. But it wasn't one that I could recognize. The woman continued to stroke my hair, the gesture warm and loving, and even though I couldn't recognize her voice, her touch felt strangely familiar.

Who are you? I wanted to ask, but even though my lips parted, no words came out of my mouth.

My eyes started to adjust to the darkness and I could make out the silhouette of the woman, on whose lap, my head was resting. Her dark hair fell over her shoulders, and I could tell that she was looking down at me.

It's time to wake up

Her voice was so sweet and reassuring, but why did she keep telling me to wake up? I was up.

And why was everything so dark?

I looked around again, but for some reason, I couldn't make out anything but darkness. It felt like I was floating in a dark void of nothingness, with no one for company except the woman beside me.

I looked up, but I saw no moon, I saw no stars and I saw no sky. Everything was dark, as pitch black as could be, and the only thing I could feel, was this woman's touch.

Its starting at last

The woman's voice made me tear my eyes away from my dark surroundings and look into her face, shrouded in shadows.

After so long, it has finally come to this moment. One we've all been waiting for...

I didn't understand what she was trying to say, and even though I wanted to ask her, my voice had betrayed me. I found myself unable to speak.

The woman's hand cupped my cheek, and her touch was so familiar that I let out an inaudible gasp.

And now...it finally begins

What begins? What was she talking about?

I wondered if this woman was also a spirit, one that I had never met before. But why did her touch feel so familiar? Why did it make me feel like I knew her?

The era of redemption...

I tried to sit up, but my body felt like lead. It wouldn't move, no matter how much I tried. And for some reason, I didn't feel panicked, this paralysis didn't feel unnatural.

Listen to me dear, the woman said, and I found myself hanging onto her every word.

It is time, the truth will begin revealing itself to you now. So stay on guard my dearest

I found myself nodding in reply, even though I didn't understand her.

Nothing is a mirage. They are all signs leading you to the truth. But you will not find it, unless you wake up...

Her warm hands cupped my cheeks, and she bent down towards me.

It is time, wake up Luna

She pressed a kiss to my forehead, and I immediately felt a rush of affection overwhelm my body. I knew that feeling, I had been kissed by this woman many times as a child.

Keeping one hand on my forehead, she raised the other higher, so that I could see it. And all of sudden, in a flash, a flame burst from her palm, lighting up the darkness around us.

I stared, mesmerized, at the flame now floating in her hand. I had seen this happen before. Zuerien had shown me.

It is time...wake up...

The woman's unfamiliar voice suddenly started to sound distant, and my eyes zeroed in on her face.

Wake up... she whispered again, moving her hair to the side, and my breath caught in my chest, as I took in her features, illuminated by the flame's red-orange glow.

But you are...

She smiled, and all of a sudden, I found my voice.

Wake up now, she spoke with a still unfamiliar voice, It is time, Luna

The flame died in her hand, and I cried out,


I shot up in bed, my eyes wide in shock. My head spun for a few seconds, and everything around me blurred. I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage, as I gasped for breath, clutching my chest.

A dream?

I looked around the dark room, trying to get a grasp of my surroundings. I was still in the bedroom in Luna Prophecy's cottage. The curtains were drawn, but somehow I could tell that even if they were not, it would still be dark.

There was no doubt about it, it was past sunset.

Taking deep breaths, I closed my eyes again and buried my face in my hands. That had been yet another extremely weird dream and it seemed I had been having plenty of those lately.

I leaned my head against the headboard and waited for my heart rate to slow down.

That dream had left quite a deep impression on me. I could still remember everything Karina had said to me, word by word, in complete detail.

But why had her voice not been her own? And whose voice was it that I had dreamed of?

Dreams were strange things after all. They stole fragments from both reality and imagination, and incorporated them into a whole new theatrical.

The flame that had floated in my sister's hand in the dream, had been identical to the one Zuerien had shown me in the forest. To think that it had intrigued me so much that it had manifested in Karina's hand in my dream.

Nothing is a mirage...

My brow furrowed as those words echoed in my mind, leaving me feeling a strange uneasiness. And that uneasiness grew even more when I realized that I suddenly remembered a lot more about my little visit to Canada, than I did this morning, after getting back here.

When I had narrated my experience to Zuerien at the others earlier today, my memories had still not been complete. I could remember a large portion of what had taken place while I had been in Canada, in spirit form, but not everything, not all the small details.

Not the details that I suddenly remembered now...

"I called Anna"

I gasped as the last part of Karina and Terrence Magnifis' conversation suddenly flashed in my mind, making my heart rate spike once more.

"I didn't even speak to her. I just listened as she desperately called out for you"

It was him! He had been the one who had made that blank call to me, that day when I had rushed to the washroom to pick up Karina's call.

When Zuerien finds out...

I shuddered at that thought, knowing things would get really bad when he found out. But when the another string of words echoed in my mind, I suddenly felt chilled to the bone.

"Give her a call. Let her know that you're alright"

That man...Terrence Magnifis...he had told Karina to...call me! He had told her to call me!

I immediately searched the darkness for my phone when I suddenly remembered that I hadn't brought it with me to Luna Prophecy's cottage. I had left it in my room, room #8.

I fisted my hair, breathing heavily. I needed to get my phone immediately! Karina could have called me! That man, he had told her to call me...and-

"And tell her I'm looking forward to meeting her"

I suddenly felt like I had been doused with a bucket of ice-cold water.

Oh my God...

Those words, I remembered them now as clear as day. And not only did I remember the words, but also the promise they had held as he spoke them.

"I'm looking forward to meeting her"

He had said it with such undoubted certainty, that it almost felt like the meeting was inevitable. He knew it would happen. He was sure of it.

I pressed a trembling hand against my chest and exhaled a shaky breath. Could that mean...

Could that mean...he knew we would be coming to Dublin?

That thought alone had me feeling slightly dizzy again, but I forced myself to think straight and not get carried away with my imagination.

He couldn't know. There was no way. Those words were just him being the overconfident self-absorbed male he was. There was nothing more to it. Nothing more.

Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm myself. I knew that I would need to tell Zuerien about all this soon, but just the thought of how he would react had me rethinking it altogether.

Maybe it was a better idea to tell Alpha Penson instead of Zuerien. He would know how to break it to Zuerien in a manner that wouldn't make him lose control again.

Deciding to go with that option, I made up my mind to tell Alpha Penson about everything I had newly remembered the first chance I got to speak to him alone.

But the one thing that still continued to trouble me was...I still couldn't remember what exactly had happened just before my soul was teleported back into my body.

I couldn't remember if I had done anything in particular that had triggered my soul's return, and I couldn't remember what had been taking place in Canada at the exact time that my soul was called back into my body.

So I couldn't remember if I had seen Karina call me or not. Sighing heavily, I swallowed hard, feeling parched for water.

How long ago had I had that soup? How long had I been asleep?

I looked around for a clock and my eyes soon found the digital clock on the bed-side table.

7:15 pm

I stared at the time for a few seconds before gasping in shock.

7:15 pm????

I immediately tried to recall what the order of the day was? Wasn't Zuerien supposed to take me to practice archery?! And wait...the dinner with Megan...it was tonight, right? What time was it scheduled for?

I faintly remembered Zuerien telling the others to come for dinner at 8:00pm. Relaxing slightly, I immediately pulled the covers off me, pulling down my crumpled dress.

Why hadn't anyone woken me up?

My feet touched the floor and I wondered where I had kept my sandals. It was too dark in the room for me to be able to find them. I didn't even know where the light switches were.

Fumbling over the bedside table, I felt a button and flicked it on. Immediately a bed lamp lit up beside me and I took in my surroundings. I quickly reached for the jug of water, pouring myself a glass full and gulping it down hurriedly.

In my peripheral vision, I saw a large chair placed next to my bed and when I lowered the glass, I noticed that some things were placed on it. I immediately recognized the light green summer dress as one that Zuerien had gifted me.

Getting up from the bed, I picked it up and placed it on the bed. Underneath it were a few towels. I smiled. Someone had been thoughtful enough to prepare these things for me.

I picked those up too, only to flush slightly as the sight of some very seductive undergarments staring up at me. Quickly placing the items on the bed, I picked up the bra and checked for the size-label. It was my exact fit.

Blushing even harder, I hid them under the covers so that no one who walked in suddenly would see them.

Speaking of which, where was everyone?

Knowing Zuerien, he had probably had all these things prepared in case I woke up before dinner. But I was also very sure that if I hadn't woken up on my own, he wouldn't have disturbed me, and would have let me continue sleeping.

Oh well, I was awake now so there was no way I was missing that dinner!

I looked at the door of the room and wondered if any of them were downstairs. Quickly walking towards it, I slowly pulled the door open. The corridor was still dark, and at the far end of it I could see the other bedroom in which Luna Prophecy had been placed.

I wonder if she is awake...

The lights downstairs were switched on, so I guessed that someone must be there. Closing the door, I decided to freshen up and get ready first, lest I went down like this, and everyone decided to tuck me back in bed saying I still looked tired.

Beside the chair on which I had found all the clothes, was a white plastic bag with all the toiletries I could require. I was also pleasantly surprised when I found some perfume, makeup items and a box with some simple jewelry in it.

I wondered if Zuerien had thought of all this by himself as I quickly took the towels and toiletries and hurried towards the bathroom.

About ten minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom, squeaky clean and dressed. After brushing my messy mop of hair with the hairbrush that had also been in the bag, I started to tie it into a braid, but at the sight of the hickeys on my neck, I dropped the idea immediately.

Darn wolf!

Blushing, I dabbed some powder on my face and applied some lip balm. After applying a few puffs of perfume, I put on a pair of sparkling stud earring.

My fingers lingered on my bare neck for a few seconds, and my thoughts immediately drifted to the round crystal that Megan had given to me, saying it was mine. I had been wearing that crystal around my neck yesterday before giving it to Alpha Penson.

The same crystal that was identical to the one that had belonged to...his daughter...

Alpha Penson hadn't returned the crystal to me. I wondered what he planned to do with it, and if the crystal was significant in any way. And if it was, then there was no better person than him to hold onto it.

Absently, I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror and I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. I didn't look half as tired anymore as everyone had made it seem earlier. In fact, I looked rather well rested and healthy. And this was, by far, the fanciest I had ever dressed in my entire life! Karina would be so happy to see me like this.

The thought of Karina immediately had me worrying about her again. I needed to go get my phone!

Slipping on my sandals, I walked out of the room. Quickly descending the stairs, I walked towards the lit up living room. As I approached the room, I heard Alpha Marco's voice and I wondered why he and his company had chosen the living room for conversation, seeing as he had thrashed the room when he had lost control.

Maybe they had repaired the place already. People sure did do things fast around here. Like the backdoor in my room, where Kai had left claw marks that Megan had seen and hadn't reacted, had been replaced almost immediately.

Just as I was about to make a turn and enter the room, I heard Marco's agitated voice cry out, "But John, its bloody dangerous! We can't allow things to continue like this"

I stopped abruptly, wondering if this was a wrong time for me to go in.

"Marco calm down, it is but natural", I heard Alpha Penson reply, "The hundreds of Lunas before her have gone through the very same experiences and they haven't had to consider something as drastic as a sealing spell"

Sealing spell?

"But those hundreds of Lunas didn't accidentally end up teleporting the Queens to enemy territory"

My eyes widened, they are talking about me and...

"That was not entirely Prophecy's fault", Alpha Penson replied, "It was because of Intercession's powers as well"

"But Prophecy unintentionally contributed to this right?" Marco replied, his voice sounding strained, "And who's to say it won't happen again? Prophecy's powers are unstable. She is as much a threat to others as she is to herself"

"Not if she can learn to control her powers"

"Really John? You're talking about Prophecy here", Marco said, "That woman has as much control as a hand grenade without a safety pin"


"Look, I'm sorry I had to bring this up, okay", I heard Marco say tiredly, "I hate the idea just as much as you do, but I still think, that after we have found the two Lunas, we should consider having a sealing spell performed on Prophecy. Things will be much safer for everyone once all her powers are sealed away and can't be used anymore"

My hand flew to my mouth, muffling a shocked gasp. Why the heck were these guys considering something like that?

"Sealing a Supernatural being's powers away is not something we can just decide and do on a whim", Alpha Penson replied, and for the first time ever, I heard anger in his voice, "Do you have any idea how Prophecy will feel being the only witch ever to exist, who can't use any powers at all? She'll be an outcast!"

"She'll be safe"

"This decision is not something you or I or anyone else can make for her", Alpha Penson said, "Prophecy will be the only one who will have to suffer with the implications of such a grave decision, and therefore, Prophecy is the only one who has right to make this decision"

"I'm her older brother", Marco replied sternly, "Don't I have any say?"

"You have say, but you can't dictate her life"

"Damn it John!" Marco shouted and I clutched my chest realizing that the situation was getting out of hand, "If one day, the Queen's powers to be able to see spirits became so dangerous that they could get her killed, don't you think the King would also consider something like a Sealing spell?!"

"Even if he does", Alpha Penson replied, "He will leave the final decision up to Suzzanah"

"The hell do want me to do then John, huh?!"

"Understand her", Alpha Penson replied firmly, "Do you think Prophecy isn't trying?"

"I know she is!" Marco yelled, "She is my freaking sister! I know her better than anyone else does!"

"Then why are you suggesting this?!"

"Because it's dangerous! Because she could bloody well die out there and none of us would be able to help her!"

"She knows this", Alpha Penson told him, "but regardless she has decided to be strong and has embraced her powers. You should be commending her for it, not asking to strip her of them forever!"

"What use are her powers if they get her killed?!"

"If it's for something she believes in, then it will very well be worth it"

"Really John!" Marco cried out in rage, "Is that the same attitude that got your daughter kill­-"

"MARCO!" I shouted, cutting him off and both his and Alpha Penson's heads whipped towards me, "That's enough"

The hurt Alpha Penson felt from Marco's words, burned through my veins, even though on the outside, he did a splendid job of keeping it in check.

Marco's emotions on the other hand, were painted as clear as day on his face. They morphed from initial anger, to blatant shock, finally ending in overwhelming guilt.

He covered his eyes with his hands, and grit his teeth, "I'm sorry John", he breathed out sounding utterly pained, as he slumped onto the couch behind him, "I'm so sorry"

Alpha Penson placed a hand on his shoulder, letting him know it was okay, but Marco didn't look up at him. He stayed sitting, hunched over on the couch, his hands fisting his hair, his eyes squeezed shut in guilt and pain.

I walked up to Alpha Penson and placed a hand on his arm. He looked at me and smiled, but I knew he was trying to hide the hurt he felt.

Are you okay? he asked me via mindlink.

Are you? I asked and he swallowed hard and nodded once.

"I'll be outside", he said softly, choosing to leave me with Marco as he left through the front door.

Once he was gone, I looked down at Marco, who was still sitting quietly, his head bent in shame.

"Marco?" I said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder and he tensed slightly.

"Queen", he replied, his voice thick with emotion, "I'm sorry, Queen"

I squeezed his shoulder, "You have no reason to apologize to me, Marco", I replied.

"About this morning", he replied in a whisper, "I'm so sorry that your soul got teleported, that you had to experience such a terrifying thing, that the King had to suffer so much. I'm just...so sorry"

I shook my head, "Marco. That wasn't your fault, or Prophecy's. It wasn't even Intercession's fault. What happened was not under anyone's control"

"But Prophecy contributed to it"

"You mustn't blame her Marco"

"I'm not blaming. I'm only stating the facts", he replied, "And when Prophecy finds out, I'm sure she'll feel the same way"

"Only if we let her feel that way", I told him, "And that's what family and friends, like you and I, are here to prevent!"

He didn't reply and I sat down on my knees in front of him. He immediately sat up, "Queen please, you don't have to-"

"Marco, what happened today was not a bad thing", I told him, making him look at me, his tired bloodshot eyes wide. I smiled, "I got to see my sister because of it. I got to make sure she was okay. I'm grateful for what happened!"

"Queen, do you realize that you could have died today?"

"But I didn't", I told him, "That's all that matters"

"It could happen again", he said, his voice strained.

"Maybe", I replied, "Maybe not"


"Marco, this isn't about me, and you know it", I said, making him look away and inhale deeply, "It's about Prophecy", I said and immediately his feelings of pain and fear seared through my veins like wildfire.

He swallowed hard, closing his eyes as he did so, and I asked softly, "What's a sealing spell?

He exhaled a ragged breath, "It's a forbidden spell that hasn't been practiced for many centuries now", he said, "It was used in the olden days to completely seal away a Supernatural being's powers, never allowing them to be able to use them again"

My lips parted in a silent gasp as he continued, "Back in the day, there were only a handful of extremely powerful magical covens that knew how to perform it, but it hasn't been performed for over a hundred years after it was declared forbidden. Although the Regalia family, which was the last of the families who knew how to perform the spell passed away a decade ago, there are apparently still a few witches and wizards out there who know how to perform it"

My eyes widened in realization of what he was implying, "It's basically like turning them human", he told me softly, "only difference being their life-span and offspring won't be affected by the spell"

"Marco", I breathed out in disbelief, "Why?..."

Why would you consider having something like that done to your sister?

He took a deep breath before looking at me again, his eyes turning glassy as he spoke.

"I'm afraid, Queen", he breathed out, and I could feel the heaviness of his heart as he spoke, "I'm so afraid of losing Prophecy"


"Her powers, they are something I can't protect her from", he told me, "Every time she teleports, I find myself imagining the worst kind of scenarios. There are so many things that could go wrong. And the worst part is...no one will be able to help her. Am I really so wrong in considering her safety over her choices?"

He looked at me, "You tell me Queen", he said, "One day, if your sister chooses to stay with those Shadow people, even though they could hurt her, scar her, kill her, what would you do?"

His question caught me off guard, and I found myself unable to reply. What would I do? If Karina didn't want to come back with us...if she wanted to remain with the enemy forever...what would I do?

"I don't know", I replied honestly, feeling my heart constrict with each word, "I don't know what I would do. But I do know...that if what she really wants is to stay with them, then taking her away...won't be all that different from killing her..."

He let out a defeated breath and held his head in his hands, "I just..." he whispered sounding pained, "I just don't want to wake up one day and realize that she's gone", he told me, "I'm afraid...that one day she'll disappear and I'll never see her again. I'll never see my sister again"

"Marco", I said softly, making him look at me again, "If there is one thing I have learnt from having a sister living in enemy territory, it's that we can't live our lives being afraid of things that we don't even know will happen"

He cringed and looked away and I continued, "I know it's hard. Its bloody hard. I'm always thinking about her...so much so that I'm...dreaming about her", I told him with a laugh, "I'm afraid of what could happen to her...but after seeing her there today, I've realized that what could happen doesn't necessarily have to be bad"

His gaze returned to mine and I smiled, "Yes, she is being held captive, against her will, by a man who is our sworn enemy", I said, "But she is in good health. She is being taken care of. Her captive seems to have a strange soft corner for her and...she'll be in Dublin next week!"

Marco smiled and I patted his hand, "Hope for the best, everyone told me, when I was so afraid of what could be happening with my sister", I said, "And I was so mad and upset about it. But I've realized, that sometimes...it's all you can do"

He continued to watch me with solemn eyes as I said, "That's what I did every time I got too worried about my sister. I hoped for the best. And look what a stroke of luck it brought me!" I grinned, "I was unexpectedly teleported to where my sister is and I saw first-hand that she really is okay"

Despite the grave demeanor, Marco chuckled at my words and my grin widened, "Have faith in Prophecy, Marco", I told him, "Yes she is reckless and head-strong, but she is also independent and determined. She's managed to make it this far and her powers are only going to get stronger from here on. Everything is going to be alright"

A slow smile made its way to Marco's face and I knew my words had gotten through to him.

"And above all, she's the freakin sister of the Alpha of Mazes!" I exclaimed, "That's definitely got to win her some faith points!"

Marco laughed out loud and nodded, "Hell yeah!" he said grinning and I beamed, "That's the spirit!"

He exhaled a laugh before looking at me with grateful eyes, "Thank you Queen", he told me wholeheartedly, "I feel lighter"

I smiled, "I'm glad", I said, "Now please help me up. I think my feet have fallen asleep"

"OH!" he chuckled and stood up, giving me a hand and I got up, standing unsteadily on my shaking feet.

"You okay?" he asked and I looked at him.

"Are you?" I asked, the same way I had asked Alpha Penson and he nodded, "I am", he replied and I grinned.

"I'm okay too", I said and we chuckled together.

"Well, this is a nice sight to see"

Both of us turned to find Alpha Penson walking back into the room. Marco immediately stepped forward and bowed low to him.

"John, I'm so sorry for everything I said", Marco apologized sincerely, "I didn't mean it. I really didn't"

Alpha Penson smiled, "I know Marco, it's alright"

"I swear I'll make it up to you", Marco told him, "Any way you want me to"

Alpha Penson's smile widened, "Oh don't you worry", he said amusedly, "I have some interesting things planned for you for this evening's dinner. And by the end of it, you're making up will be more than sufficient"

Marco cringed, suddenly looking tense, but nodded anyway, "Uh...okay"

Alpha Penson then looked at me placed a hand on top of my head, "I knew leaving the situation to you would work", he said, "After all, I always feel better after I talk to you"

I smiled before giving him a hug, "I wish I could say the same Alpha", I joked and both Marco and Alpha Penson laughed out loud.

"HEY! What's the joke?!" we heard a familiar voice shout and before we knew it Rino was jumping on Marco, "Hey Starko!"

"Dammit kid! You saw me an hour ago!" Marco cried out, but patted his back nonetheless, "And its Marco!"

"Oh yeah", Rino said grinning before jumping on Alpha Penson next, "Joooohn!" he said and Alpha Penson laughed, "You seem especially excited Rino", Alpha Penson said.

"I'm super excited!" Rino grinned, "I could finally find my Luna tonight. And in honor of that, free hugs for everyone!"


Zuerien's shocked voice sounded loud and clear, and all our heads whipped to the door once more to find him standing there, staring at Rino horrified.

Rino gasped, "WOLFA!" he cried out in ecstasy and ran toward him.

"No. No! Rino NO-"

His cries were muffled by Rino's jacket as he got an especially tight bear hug. Cole appeared beside them, sniggering to himself and the three of us also burst out laughing, while Zuerien struggled to get Rino off.

"Wolfa, welcome back!" Rino said, squeezing him tighter.

"Alright, alright! Get off already!" Zuerien cried out.

Letting him go, Rino hugged Cole, who hugged back chuckling, "What's up bro?" he said.

While Rino was stuck to Cole, Zuerien rushed up to me, "Suzzanah, when did you get up?" he asked bending down to hug me.

"About half an hour ago", I replied, hugging back.

Zuerien turned to look at Rino and Cole who were walking up to us, "Tell me you didn't hug my mate too", Zuerien said to Rino who beamed.

"No", he replied, "I save the best for last. Come here Anna!"

Smiling, I was about to walk forward when I was lifted off the ground and into Zuerien's arms.

For crying out loud!

"ZUERIEN!" I screeched alarmed, feeling color rush to my cheeks as the hem of my dress automatically rose a good two inches.

I hurriedly pulled it down while Zuerien argued with an insistent Rino.

"Just once Wolfa"


"Come on please!"

"No Rino"

"Let him hug her, its free hugs day Alpha", Cole said and Zuerien glared at him.

"How come I'm the only guy who can't hug Anna?" Rino asked.

"You're not", Zuerien replied, "I'm the only guy who can"

"But John was hugging Anna earlier when I walked in", Rino said and Alpha Penson raised his hands in surrender.

"Fathers should be allowed to hug their daughters", he said softly, immediately making my head wheel towards him.

Alpha Penson...

He shrugged and added, "Besides, it was just a short side-hug"

Rino, grinned, "Okay, I'll give her a short side-hug too"

"Rino, I said no- Damn!" Zuerien squeezed his eyes shut and grimaced as though in discomfort.

Immediately letting go of my skirt, my hands flew to his face, "Zuerien! What's wrong?"

"They're uncomfortable", he said, looking at me with only one eye, while the other remained shut.

"What are?" I asked worriedly, and he blinked, "These bloody contact lenses"

He opened his eyes wide and I saw one displaced lens in his right eye. I had forgotten that he had to keep his Alpha of Power abilities surfaced the entire time tonight, which meant he needed to hide his golden irises.

Take them off human, my eyes are burning! I heard Kai's distressed voice in my head, Suzzanah, tell the human to take them off!

We can't take them off. They need to stay on to hide our Extraordinaire abilities, Zuerien replied.

Why don't you just wear those sun-glass thingies that make you look like blind people

Sun glasses aren't worn indoors

Then why do you wear them in cars?

Cars aren't exactly indoors! I mean inside buildings!

Those are metal boxes and these are cement and brick boxes, what's the difference?!

Fine! Sun glasses aren't worn at night!

Wear moon-glasses then

There is no such thing!

Invent them!

Zuerien growled in irritation and I didn't know whether to worry about his reddened and watering eye or laugh at his predicament.

"Put me down, then you can reposition it properly", I told Zuerien and he reluctantly did as he was told.

While he massaged his eye Rino asked, "Who is going to pick up the Vegan?"

"She's already at the lounge", Cole replied, not even bothering to correct him, "Talon mind-linked me just now that she has arrived"

"So what am I supposed to do with my elemental powers?" Rino asked, "So that we know if those get transferred to someone else if she is my Luna"

"I'm thinking...keep doing that water ball thing you like to do", Alpha Penson told him, "but with a smaller globule of water and under the table please"

"Gotcha!" Rino said nodding and I knew that he meant the strange thing Rino can do by molding liquid water into a ball.

"So how will we know if someone suddenly possess his powers?" Cole asked.

"As weird as this may sound, I want all of you to do something, every time you drink water, alright?" Alpha Penson said and we all nodded, "I want you all to will the water out of the glass, without actually touching the glass"


"John, are you sure about this?" Marco asked and Alpha Penson nodded, "What if it works and she notices?! How will we explain it to her?" Marco asked.

"If it works, we'll have to explain it to her", Alpha Penson replied, "Not just that but everything about us all, because if it works, it will mean that she is the Luna of Intercession"

"And what if she isn't the Luna, and the woman who is passes by the lounge and the power transfer works anyway?" Marco asked.

It was a long shot, but after what happened this morning, it was best not to ignore anything.

"For that to not happen, I've asked Del to keep surveillance over the entire corridor outside the lounge", Alpha Penson said, "Anyone who approaches will be photographed along with the time that they walked by. Besides which, there will be guards watching all sides of the lounge on the outside too"

"Well, safe to say that's covered", Cole said smiling, "Great thinking as always Alpha"

"Thank you", Alpha Penson said before looking at Zuerien, "Let's see your eyes Alpha", he said and Zuerien nodded closing his eyes.

A minute later, he opened them and the dark brown of his lenses was a slightly brighter shade, owing to the bright golden irises underneath them.

"Great", Alpha Penson said, "You can hardly tell the difference. And in case one of us suddenly develops golden irises, everyone, keep a sharp eye"

I'll be lucky if I can keep an eye at all, by the end of this evening, Kai complained and I laughed quietly.

Will you just shush, Zuerien said, You're not the only one feeling uncomfortable here

And who's fault is that?!

Kai, just be quiet

Swallow that goddamn pride of yours human, and just accept my idea of wearing sun glasses, Kai replied.

That's not how things work amongst humans!

Well then, be grateful that you're not human, human.

Zuerien groaned, "Suzzanah, can you please shut him up before he annoys me into accepting his suggestion?"

I smiled and decided to distract them.

"So your Alpha of Power abilities are like switched on right now?" I asked and Zuerien nodded.

"Can I get a demo?" I asked excitedly, and the corner of his mouth rose in a small smile.

"John", he said, "Please tell Del to replace the coffee table once again"

Alpha Penson nodded without question, while I frowned. And just as I asked, "Why?" Zuerien tapped the 24-inch wooden table lightly with his index finger.

And the very next second, the table top exploded with cracks, its thick wooden legs gave way and the entire table collapsed to the ground in a broken mess.

Soon afterward, my jaw joined it on the ground.


"Are you serious?!" I cried out shocked, "But you barely grazed the thing with your finger!"

Zuerien looked pleased with my reaction.

"Impressive King", Marco remarked, "Now if you can only manage to not do this, to the plates spoons, chairs and table during dinner tonight, everything will be just splendid!"

Zuerien scowled while I gasped, "That's right!" I exclaimed, "How are you going to hold a spoon, if your touching a table does that?!"

"Don't worry, I know how to control the intensity of my powers", Zuerien replied before looking at Marco, "And for your sake, I hope the same can be said about you too, Alpha of Mazes"

Marco's brow furrowed, "Huh? Why?" he asked and everyone looked at Alpha Penson.

"You remember saying that you'd make it up to me, right Marco?" Alpha Penson asked and Marco nodded hesitantly.

Alpha Penson smiled, "Well then, here's what you have to do"


We reached the restaurant exactly as the clock in the lobby read 8:00pm. Both Marco and Zuerien weren't in the best of moods, owing to the implications of keeping their Alpha Extraordinaire powers surfaced the entire time.

When we walked in, we found Mr. Talon waiting for us outside the lounge's door.

"Mr. Talon!" I called out happily, jogging up to him.

"Oh child! Good to see you! You're looking well rested", he said smiling, and I grinned, "Yup! I'm as healthy as a horse!"

Human, you mean, Kai corrected me, I wouldn't like to be mated to a horse

I laughed, "Excuse me, I meant as healthy as a human", I said and Mr. Talon lowered his glasses on his nose to stare at me with narrowed eyes, before pushing them back up.

"You say the strangest things sometimes", he said, "And here, the object you asked me to bring"

He fished out something from his pant pocket and held it out to me. I looked down at it and started.

My phone!

"Oh Mr. Talon! Thank you!" I cried out, excitement flooding my veins as I quickly typed in my password and unlocked the screen.

"Well, you're suddenly all fired up I see", Zuerien said as they walked up to us, "What's this about?"

I didn't reply. I didn't even really hear what he said. Because all my attention was on the two notification flashing on my phone screen.

Missed calls- 1

Voicemails- 1

I didn't even need to tap the notification to know who it they were from.


"Suzzanah?" Zuerien's pressed his hand against my back and the tingles brought me out of my trance.

She had called! Karina had called! And she had left a message!

"Are you okay?" Zuerien asked as the others too stared at me questioningly.

Exhaling shakily, I held up my phone to let them see the notifications and said, "They're from Karina"

Everyone immediately tensed, their faces becoming serious and alert.

"Marco", Zuerien said and Marco nodded before snapping his fingers in the air once.

All of a sudden, a colorless translucent force burst out of him, blurring our surroundings for a split second before everything went back to normal. I stumbled on my feet feeling disoriented, but Zuerien's arm around me steadied me.

"The maze is up", Marco said, "You can play the voicemail now. No one but we will be able to hear it"

I nodded, before taking a deep breath and pressing the notification of the Voicemail.

"You have one voice mail", a computerized voice spoke, which was followed by a loud beep which meant the message would be played after it.

And as the beep died away, my breath caught in my throat at the sound of my sister's frantic voice on the phone.

"Anna? Anna! It's me, its Karina. Hon, how are you? Are you okay? Is everything alright with you?"

She spoke fast, stopping but for short sharp breaths and I recognized that tone as one she used when she was extremely worried.

"Sweetheart, I'm really worried about you right now", she said, "I'm so sorry, I know you must be worried about me too. I want you to know that I'm alright. I'm perfectly alright. I'm just so worried about you. I have so much to ask you"

My heart welled with love and concern for my sister and I longed for a chance to hug her tight.

"I know I told you not to call on this phone, but please, when you get this message, call me! Please call me asap! I just need to make sure you're okay too. Please Anna"

Oh Karina...

"I'm...I'm just...I'm just so-"

The line went silent for some time and my brow immediately furrowed in worry. Had the message ended? No, it was still running. Then why did she stop talking so suddenly?

Everyone exchanged tense glances and leaned in closer, asking me to do the same. When I did, I heard the sound of her breath coming in short pants, as though she were gasping for breath.

My hand flew to my chest in alarm as I wondered if something had gone wrong with her. Zuerien immediately pulled me closer in an attempt to comfort me, but before I could panic any further, I heard Karina's voice breath out,

"Oh my God", her voice was laden with disbelief, "Oh my God Anna... Anna...is that you?"

All of us sucked in sharp breaths, our eyes going wide in shock.

"Oh my God! Anna! Anna! It really is you! You're her-"

A loud beep cut off her voice, signaling the end of the message. My phone screen slowly dimmed before turning black.

None of us spoke a word, unable to do so, as the shocking realization of what that had meant, hung thickly in the air.

Karina had seen me; she had seen me when I was in Canada this morning!

And that meant...she had seen me...when I was still a Spirit!



Hey my darlings,

I'm sorry. I swear I don't mean to make a habit of such terrible delays. THANK YOU SO MUCH for being so understanding about my busy schedule and inability to update on time. You guys are the best!

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Until next time,

All my love

