19. The Odds

Dedicated to dolceaimer. Your comments can turn even my bad days into good ones! Thanks very much for the support hun! It means a lot to me!

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors.


"The expected is just the beginning. The unexpected is what changes our lives" - Grey's Anatomy

Suzzanah's POV

The happiness that comes from helping another's heart feel lighter is truly incomparable!

I had the biggest goofiest smile on my face as the bus took familiar turns toward the staff quarters. Mr. Penson was one who had endured a pain of having lost a dear one, much like myself. Even if it was just a little bit, I was really glad I could help cheer him up. But I also knew another person who had experienced the loss of loved ones.

If only I could have told Alpha Zuerien the same words...

What were the odds of that ever happening?

Alpha Zuerien Kai Royale

That name was like a switch to my insanity. Every time I heard it I'd find myself questioning the reality of my circumstances. Every time I thought about him I'd find myself very close to getting myself admitted in the closest loony bin. The man was a mystery to me, one of gargantuan proportions, and one that I wanted to uncover no matter what.

But every time I thought I was getting closer to finding out something new about him, I found myself a few feet deeper in confusion and up to my neck in new questions.

I got off the bus and made my way towards Wing B of the staff quarters while most of the other girls went towards Wing A. When I reached the door I turned my attention to the forest- the vast, thick, deep forest of legends and unexplained happenings, like the two ghostly figures that had nearly given me cardiac arrest.

Could it really be that that was all in fact just a prank...including the creepy voice? What were the odds?

I stood by the entrance deep in my world of incomprehensible events and I didn't notice the footsteps coming up to me. But when I felt a presence behind me I turned around and immediately regretted it when my gaze was met with an irritatingly familiar pair of icy blue eyes, which turned angry the minute they saw me. I groaned inwardly before putting on a fake smile.

"Hi, roomie"

My roommate's face scrunched up in distaste and she scowled at me.

"Don't call me that dammit!" she shouted and I resisted the urge to strangle her.

"Then tell me your name", I said in a bored tone.

"Get lost", she said walking past me into the dormitory as I scowled at the back of her head, then rolled my eyes following her in.

Maybe she is the one pranking me. I won't be surprised if that turns out to be true. But I don't think she'd waste that much time on me.

She went straight to the kitchen and took out a bottle of milk and a plate of cookies from the refrigerator before stuffing her face. I took in her attire, it was similar to the one I had seen her in yesterday- the bodyguard suit.

"So, you're the CEO's bodyguard?" I spoke my thoughts out loud and she glared at me but didn't answer.

I shrugged, "I'll take that as a yes"

"I'm a warrior", she stated briskly.


"What's a warrior?" I asked.

"What does it sound like?"

"I mean what do they do? And how are they different from bodyguards?" I asked but she didn't bother to reply making me frown.

I bet she is a bodyguard but just wants to use a fancier word. Oh well, if she wants to think like that, I'll humor her. But it is strange for a female to be a bodyguard though...

Having finished eating she turned and walked out of the kitchen. But when my brain registered where she was probably going my eyes widened and I bit my lip. Minutes later I heard a loud bang followed by hurried footsteps and I mentally braced myself.

"WHY THE HELL IS THE ROOM LOCKED?!" my roommate yelled as she stormed back into the kitchen.

I frowned, "Can't you say a single sentence without cursing?"

"Shut up!" she shouted, "Give me the keys right now!"

I stared at her blankly and crossed my arms over my chest, "No"

"Why you!" she fumed as she walked up to me, "How dare y-"

"We had a deal remember?" I cut her off making her stop abruptly in her angry bull-like charge towards me, "you get the bathroom, I get the door. If you want me to let you walk into our room through the door, then you'll have to let me use the bathroom too!"

She looked confused for a minute before realization swept across her face and anger returned to it, "How dare you? So you think you can just lock me out?"

"Oh this is rich coming from the girl who did exactly that to me by locking the bathroom last morning", I retorted.

"That room belongs to me!"

"Us! Half of it is mine!"

"Like hell it is!"

"Indeed, it is 'like hell' sharing it with you, but I'm glad at least we're on the same page now"

She growled out loud and fisted her hair, "Why did I have to get stuck with such a-"

"Feeling's mutual", I cut in quickly before she could curse again.

She glared at me and I sighed, "Don't blame me for this. You're the one who came up with this ridiculous deal, not me! Just agree to share the bathroom, that's all you have to do"

"I'm not sharing anything with you!" she yelled, "I'd much rather just climb up to the room and get in through the window!"

She turned and speed-walked away making me run after her with wide eyes.

This stupid stubborn female Neanderthal was actually going to climb? What were the odds?!!

I gawked at her as she angrily made her way to the thick pipe that ran down the side of the wall. My gaze moved to the storage shed nearby before returning to her.

"Are you serious?" I shouted to her but she didn't reply and positioned herself to start climbing.

"Stop being so stubborn, this is dangerous!"

"Dangerous? Ha! Don't make me laugh" she snorted, "Compared to my training, this is a piece of cake" she said as she started climbing.

"This is crazy, you could hurt yourself!" I screeched and grabbed onto her leg making her sneer down at me.

"Let go!" she yelled and jerked her leg free from my grasp making me stumble backwards. She glared at me and continued her ascent.

"Don't be an idiot! I don't want your blood on my hands!" I yelled but she ignored me.

I groaned in frustration, "If you have to climb then at least u-"

"SHUT UP!" she shouted making me jump, "I'm sick of hearing that screechy whiny voice of yours! Mind your own business and leave me the hell alone!"

A wave of anger washed over me and I clenched my fists. She turned away and continued climbing. I had a good mind to just go back inside but just because she was downright insufferable I wasn't about to leave her to her antics. So even though I wanted nothing more to grab the nearest rock and fling it hard at her thick skull, I stood there watching her climb letting my glare drill holes in her head instead.

My roommate displayed impressive expertise in climbing the thick pipe and I mentally commended her secret service like skills. But when the pipe's course turned in another direction and she couldn't use it for support anymore she was suddenly in a tight spot.

A wave of panic washed over me making me want to screech at her for her stupidity but I just stood there chewing away at my lip while throwing obvious glances at the storage shed.

My roommate scowled before eyeing the thin ledge that encircled the wall and led to the sunshade right under her window. I nearly had a heart attack when she placed one steady foot on the thin ledge and started walking sideways on it, with her chest and hands spread out against the newly painted walls, while balancing herself steadily.

Her movements were experienced and lithe, as though she had done things like this many times before. There was something very unnatural about her the way she moved. Her precision was impeccable, almost as if she had heightened senses that enabled her to move so perfectly.

Finally she reached the sunshade under her window and grabbed onto it before pulling herself onto it smoothly. She perched elegantly on the thick piece of concrete and easily pulled the window open. By this time my mouth was slightly ajar at the challenging task she had performed so effortlessly. Triumphantly she turned and smirked wickedly down at me as she dusted her hands.

I narrowed my eyes at her but before she could make any other snarky remark about us filthy humans I impassively pointed a finger towards the storage shed. Her expression faltered as her eyes followed the direction I was indicating and found the object of interest.

The service ladder.

Even from the distance I was at I could see the bright red color she was now sporting. Anger and embarrassment painted her face as she glowered at me and I could almost see the smoke coming out her ears and nostrils. I returned her gesture by smirking at her.

She cursed out loud and angrily turned away from me pushing herself through the small window into the room. I almost died when her generously endowed backside got stuck in the window.

What were the odds?!

A loud alarmed gasp, hers, filled the air followed by my unrestrained chortling. She pushed harder trying to squeeze herself through the gap making me double over in laughter as my stomach started to hurt. She cursed yet again and with one more hefty push she managed to free her butt from the window's claws and fall into the room. Shortly after I heard the window slam shut.

After a few more minutes of cackling like a mad goose, I oriented myself and walked back inside. Deciding to give my furious roomie some time to cool down, I sat in the lounge thinking about the hilarious events that had just transpired. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I quickly reached into my bag and answered the call.

"Hello", I said still smiling to myself and waited for a reply.

I got none.


Still no reply. Frowning I looked at the screen.

Unknown number

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked and I heard something like a strangled breath before the line went dead.

Hmm, must have been a wrong number

I shrugged and decided to call my sister. It had been a long time since the last time we spoke. She had been extremely busy lately and we were only communicating through email. I had noticed that even those had grown scarce over the past few days and I was starting to worry about her. I heard the ringing and waited anxiously for my sister to pick up. She received the call on the fourth ring.

"Anna!" she was speaking in a tense whisper and immediately a wave of panic washed over me.

"Karina? Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Oh y-yes, it's nothing love", she replied, still speaking softly, "Sorry, I'm a little bit busy right now"

Disappointment flooded me and I sighed, "Oh, alright. Call me when you're free okay?"

"I will Anna", she told me but I could tell something was off about her.

"Rina...Is something wrong?" I asked.

She hesitated and I felt my trepidation grow, "Anna, I'll come to visit you soon"

Immediately my anxiety was replaced by immense joy.

"Really?!" I exclaimed happily, "I'm so glad! When? And why so suddenly?"

"I'm not sure about that yet, but I will come. I'll let you know when I'm coming the minute it's decided. I really need to see you. I miss you terribly. And listen love, till then try not to call me alright. I'll call you instead"

I frowned, "Why though?"

"T-there's something wrong with my phone. I sometimes don't receive calls and sometimes they get redirected to some other number"

"WHAT? That's crazy. Did you get it checked?"

"Uh no, I haven't had time for that. But please remember alright, don't call my cell phone. I'll call you, from either my friend's number or a pay phone", I could sense some kind of tension in her voice but I knew she was busy and wouldn't tell me now, "Don't worry, I'll let you know when my phone is fixed. But till then, let's just email each other okay?"

"O-okay" I replied hesitantly.

"Please don't worry Anna. I promise everything is alright"

"And are you?"

Yet again she hesitated then answered, "I will be love, once I see you. Till then I'll be missing you too much to be alright"

"Oh Karina-"

"I'm sorry, I have to go Anna. One more thing, try not to mention too much about your work place or the people there in your mails okay? You can tell me over the phone when I call you"

Yet again she wasn't making any sense but I knew she would tell me later so I agreed.

"I love you Anna. I'll speak to you soon. Bye"

She hung up and I felt unease wash over me as I made my way to my room. Karina had sounded stressed, which was very unlike her usually care-free personality. I hoped she would call me again soon so I could find out what was wrong. But why had she told me not to mention much about my work or the people here in my mails? It didn't make sense...

I reached my room and hesitated before knocking. As usual I got no reply so I bit my lip and opened the door. My roommate was in the bathroom. I closed the door and walked to my bed before sitting down heavily.

Suddenly my phone started ringing again. I checked my caller ID and it said showed an unknown number. Was it Karina?

I quickly received the call, "Hello?"

No reply.

"Karina? Is that you?"

Still no reply, but I was sure I heard yet another sharp intake of breath. I felt irritation clawing at me.

"Who is this? Please speak up", I said but still got no reply.

"If this is some kind of prank-"

The line went dead and I scowled at my phone. Was someone trying to freak me out with all these blank calls? Could it be...that is was the same person who had played that trick with the figures in the forest?

I was about to put my phone away when suddenly it started ringing yet again. Unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this?!" I answered on the first ring and still got no reply.

"Look, if you don't have anything to say then stop calling me", I said irritably.

A heavy exhale, then silence. I felt my anger spike.

"Are you the person who's been pranking me?"

Suddenly the soft breathing from the other side of the line stopped. I clutched the phone tighter.

"If you're not then please answer me!"

Still no reply, but the line didn't go dead.

"You are, aren't you?!" I asked now getting angrier by the minute, "Don't think I don't know about it!"

I still heard nothing and given my already frustrated disposition the silence only served to fuel my anger.

"So you enjoy playing pranks on unsuspecting girls lost in the woods do you?!" I shouted into the phone, "What kind of sick jerk does that to a girl huh?! You and your friends have some nerve trying to scare me dressing up as ghosts and stupid dark caped figures! Don't you have anything better to do? Get a life!"

I heard a sound, it was low, husky and harsh, almost animalistic and it sent a chill down my spine, but I was too angry to stop my rant.

"And all that whispering? Trying to make me think I was hearing things! Repeating the same word over and over again! LUNA huh?"

I heard a sharp intake of breath and I knew I had them, "I'm not falling for this nonsense. I got a good look at one of your friends, the one with the blue-green eyes! If I see him ever again, I swear he'll regret the day he was born. And that goes for the rest of you lowlifes as well! Don't ever call me again!"

I was about to cut the call but just before I did I heard someone on the other side call out.


And then the line went dead.

I stared at the phone is my hands in shock, as I felt my heart rate pick up.


My phone went flying to the other side of my bed as I screamed in horror. My roommate came running out of the bathroom in her bathrobe with her wet hair flying and dripping all over the place. Her frantic sharp eyes scanned the entire room skimming over me twice before slowly coming to rest on me again.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" she shouted but I was too shocked to reply in any way, "Are you freakin crazy?! Why did you scream like that? I thought something had gone terribly wrong!"

Oh but it did!

"Damn you! It's like you're hell bent on making my life miserable!" she shouted before barging back into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

I sat there unmoving, holding my head in my hands as I let the shock sink in.

It had been the CEO. I had yelled at him. I had called him a sick jerk, a lowlife! Oh my GOD! It had been the CEO!!!

I screeched and buried my face into my pillow. I couldn't believe it! AGAIN! I had messed up AGAIN!

But why hadn't he said anything? Why hadn't he told me it was him in the first place? Why had he called me?! And had it been him all three times??

Oh but what did it matter? I had just rebuked the CEO on the phone about my own stupid personal prank problems, telling him about those creepy figures in the woods and about that voice whispering Luna!

Luna...the Mate of an Alpha

Why was my thought process so messed up?! I didn't want to think about all the fancy terms used in the Royale family, not now!


I heard my roomie come out of the bathroom and looked up to see her scowling at me before she angrily marched to her bed and sat down. I was too busy concentrating on stopping the annoying voice in my head which kept repeating that blasted word.




I heard my roomie's voice but I was preoccupied with my thoughts so I just nodded without looking at her.



"Hey! I'm talking to you!" she shouted.

"Mate please!"

I heard her gasp out loud and that's when I realized my mistake.

"WAIT! I meant wait!" I told her quickly before groaning into my hands. That STUPID word!

From the corner of my eye I saw my roommate tense and I looked at her to find her staring at me with wide uncertain eyes and I cringed, "Sorry, I was thinking about something else. You called me?"

She hesitated, which was quite shocking to say the least, before she spoke up, "What's your designation?"

"Uh..." I rubbed my temples as a dull ache spread across my forehead, "I'm Mr. John Penson's P.A, why?"

"That day, outside, when Al- I mean the CEO returned with Master Cole and Master Marco, you didn't bow to him. Do you know how big an insult that is?!"

I cringed, "Oh yeah...I...I was feeling unwell"

"Whatever be the case, you should have bowed. You're lucky you haven't been fired yet"

"Yeah...I know"

"Don't forget next time" she spat out and a small smile broke out on my lips.

"If I didn't know better, I would think you were worried about me roomie", I told her and she scowled.

"Dream on! As if I would ever worry about you", she said irritably, "I didn't like that you so blatantly disrespected the CEO, that's all. Why were you there anyway? You weren't even needed there!"

I closed my eyes and shrugged, "I wonder..." I replied feeling extremely tired. Thankfully my roommate didn't say anything else after that.

After bathing in Roma's bathroom, I mustered up enough courage to call the CEO to apologize, but when I did, the number was unreachable. I didn't know if I was ecstatic or disappointed by that. Mr. Talon had messaged me saying I had to be at work early the next day.

Later I went downstairs and had my dinner. My roommate didn't come with me, and I wondered if it was because she'd have to climb down the window again. I felt slightly guilty about that so before going back upstairs, I grabbed a plateful of those cookies I had seen her eating earlier and a bottle of milk.

When I got back to the room, she was sitting on her bed reading a book with earphones plugged in her ears.

"Hey" I called out and though I expected her not to hear, she lifted her eyes and looked at me distastefully.

"I brought you these", I said extending the milk and cookies towards her, "since you didn't come down for dinner"

She scowled again, "I don't want them" she said and returned to her book.

"Oh come on, you do like them right?"

She grunted in revulsion, "I don't want anything brought here by scum like you. It disgusts me to even think about it!" she spat out and a painful memory from my past flashed before my eyes.

Scum like you...

Anger flared through my veins and I glared at her with nothing but derision.

"You know what? I don't know why I even bothered to worry about someone like you. You're not worth it! GO TO HELL!" I shouted before slamming the cookies and milk onto my desk. I thought I saw her cringe but at that point of time I couldn't care less about her.

Angrily I lay down on my bed and pulled the sheets over my head before blaring music into my ears as I let exhaustion from the day's events take over me. For some reason, yet again, my heart was hurting. And for the second time that day, it didn't feel like my pain.


At around midnight I heard it again, the familiar sniffing and gasping. And it was coming from my roommate's bed. And this time I was awake enough to recognize the sound.

"Hey", I called to her softly and immediately the sound stopped, just like it had the last time.

"Are you okay?" I asked tiredly but she didn't reply or move.

I exhaled before speaking up again, "I'm sorry for what I said. I was angry."

I looked to my table where the cookies and milk were still perched, untouched.

"Who am I to decide your worth?" I said shaking my head sadly, "It was wrong of me to say and I certainly didn't mean it. But I wasn't the only one who was wrong you know, the things that you have said hurt me too"

She moved slightly but she didn't say anything. I ran a hand through my tangled hair and sighed heavily.

"I don't know why you hate me and truth is it's your choice. You're free to feel however you want towards me, but there is only so much hateful talk one can tolerate without blowing up, and I guess that was my limit", I bit my lip then continued, "Regardless, I'm sorry for being harsh"

I lay back down on my bed and pulled the sheets up to my neck as I thought about all the times in the past I had cried myself to sleep about the harsh things people had said to me. A knot formed in my throat and I swallowed painfully.

"I don't know if you'll remember me many years from now, but if you do, I don't want to be one of your bad memories" I told her honestly as the memory faded and sleep started to take over me.

"I am sorry", I told her one more time, "So please don't cry"

And just before I fell asleep, I felt the pain in my heart slowly disappear.

The next morning I woke up early feeling extremely sleep deprived. I had had bad dreams from my past and had woken up sweating and gasping for breath.

My roommate was still asleep when I awoke. Quickly I slipped out and bathed, brushed and dressed in Roma's bathroom before returning to grab my purse.

And when I did, I noticed that the cookies on the plate were gone and the bottle of milk was empty. My eyes fell on the sleeping form of my roommate and I felt a smile stretch across my face.

What were the odds?


"Ms. Winters, Good morning!"

I smiled at Mr. Penson and bowed, "Good morning sir"

He smiled back and this time I could see that it was genuine and not forced like yesterday. There was something about the air around him that seemed unburdened, free! And I was incredibly happy to see him like this.

"Starting today quite a few of the staff members will be engaged in the final preparations for the Annual Games", Mr. Penson told me, "It may not seem it, but it is a very big deal. Members from branches of the Royale Industries all over the World will be there. I hope you're looking forward to it Ms. Winters. It'll be your first time."

I nodded cheerfully, "Oh yes, I'm very excited!" I told him and he smiled softly.

"I'm glad to hear that Ms. Winters", he said, "but unfortunately till we close for the Games, you will be very busy with work"

I shook my head, "That's fine sir. I'll work hard. I won't disappoint you"

"Not me, Ms. Winters. Alpha Zuerien"

"Of course Alpha Zue- WHAT?!" I stopped mid nod and his usual amused smile spread across Mr. Penson's lips.

"Zue-rien, Ms. Winters", he completed, "For the next 2 days you wont be my P.A but will be filling in for Alpha Zuerien's P.A"

"But-but-but-but why?!" I nearly shouted.

"Ms. Matree, his P.A is going on ahead to help with the arrangements. So he needs someone to replace her. And seeing as you are so efficient with your work, you can definitely fill in for her"

Fill in for his P.A?? Meaning, spend the entire day with him?? After what happened on the phone with him yesterday?! NOOOO!!!!

"B-But I'm your P.A sir. Who will take care of my duties and assist you while I'm gone?" I asked him frantically trying to deter his initiative, "I'll need to be here right?"

"Oh don't worry Ms. Winters, Talon will be more than happy to take up the job", Mr. Penson told me "I need to see the Alpha anyway" he said standing up, "Come, we can go together. You can get started with your work right away"

The soprano note I was desperately holding back nearly escaped my lips at that second.

"S-s-sir please excuse me but I beg to differ with your opinion. I don't think I'm the right person for this job"

"Nonsense", Mr. Penson said leading me out of his room towards the elevator, "You're not just the right person for the job Ms. Winters, you're the perfect person for it"

"Sir please understand, I don't think he'd want me!" I told him desperately.

Another knowing smile graced his lips, "Oh but he does, so very badly" he whispered making my hackles rise.


He smiled reassuringly at me, "Don't worry. He requested you himself"

He requested me himself?! What were the odds?!!

Mr. Penson smiled, "So you see, it had to be you. I don't think anyone else can...satisfy him"

Something about Mr. Penson's choice of words sent all sorts of chills and tingles and fireworks rolling down my spine. And I refused to accept that I liked it.

I was about to object again when I noticed that he was taking the stairs and not the elevator. I stared at him and then at the elevator and back at him again.

"Sir?" I looked at him questioningly.

He simply smiled and held the door to the stairs open for me. And despite my state of panic, I managed to give him a grateful smile.

"Why did he request me?" I asked him as we ascended the stairs.

"You're good at your job Ms. Winters", he replied simply.

"And you don't think there is any other reason sir?"

Like him wanting to decapitate me in person for my insolence? Or worse, bite me like he had already tried to do once!

To make my plight worse Mr. Penson seemed to find my question highly amusing, "That's for me to know, and for you to find out Ms. Winters", he said in his ever knowing tone.

We reached the top of the stairs and I was close to having a panic attack. When we neared the familiar large wooden doors of the Alpha's office, Mr. Penson told me to wait outside while he had a word with the Alpha.

As I waited I tried to calm my frenzied heart. After all, this could be my chance to find out more about the Alpha and finally get the answers I wanted.

The CEO...and the wolf...

What were the odds?

"Ms. Winters?"

I jumped and turned around to find a young blonde woman standing behind me, the same woman I had seen on the first day of work when Alpha Zuerien had first uttered that dreaded word.


Or as it apparently was, Matree. This was her. Ms. Matree, his P.A.

She smiled softly at me, "Hi, I'm Matree Daddario, the CEO's P.A" she said cheerfully.


I attempted to smile at her but I'm sure I looked like I was in pain, "I'm Suzzanah Winters. Nice to mate you"

Her eyes widened and soon after so did mine.

"Meet you! It's nice to meet you" I corrected myself quickly, but I was too distressed to be embarrassed.

"Ah yes of course!" Ms. Matree smiled, "Thanks very much for filling in for me. It's a big help"

I laughed nervously, "Haha uh...don't mention it"

Really, please don't mention it. I already have one foot in my grave!

"Don't worry. CEO Royale may seem harsh but if you do your job well, you'll have no problems"

But what if we already have problems? Many, many of them!

"But seeing as Mr. Penson is so pleased with your work, I'm sure you'll do fine", she told me and I hope she didn't notice how I gulped.

She quickly explained my duties to me, which were not very different from my work as Mr. Penson's PA except for the quantities of certain activities. For example, with Mr. Penson, the policy would probably be less talk, more work. But with Alpha Zuerien, it was apparently no talk, only work.

Not that I had a problem with that. I wasn't exactly looking forward to talking to him. Except maybe, asking for a last wish before he shot me or bit me or ate me for breakfast.

"Just make sure your work is perfect and try and keep the questions or any other form of talking to a minimum", Ms. Matree instructed me, "The CEO mostly won't give you any dictations and even if he does, he usually remains seated or stands in one place. But if he does pace try not to get in his way."

My eyes widened. I never thought that would be a must know rule.

Ms. Matree continued to speak, "If he asks for something, stop whatever else you're doing and attend to that first. He does his own tie so don't bother to offer. He doesn't like it"

I gulped again and nodded. Not that I was planning to offer in the first place.

"The CEO does not take disrespect lightly. So always bow to him, try to keep eye contact to a minimum and call him either Sir or CEO Royale"

Or Alpha Zuerien? I asked mentally.

"And remember to give him his personal space. Stay at a distance of at least 2 meters, where you are safe"

She didn't notice the bewildered look I gave her when she said the word safe.

"And lastly avoid all physical contact with him, even if you feel like he needs it. God knows most females do, and I don't fail to see why", she added with a wink but it only made me more weary.

"Alright, that's about it. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do good. See you at the games Ms. Winters"

I smiled and nodded, "Thank you. See you there"

She returned the smile and walked away. Immediately after, Mr. Penson exited the room with his classic amused smile.

What could be so amusing in Alpha Zuerien's room???

"Alright Ms. Winters, he is waiting inside for you", Mr. Penson told me. I nodded and chewed on my lip worriedly.

"Calm down my child, it'll be fine", he reassured.

My child...it was the first time he had called me that. And for some reason it made me feel warm and safe on the inside.

I looked up at him and he smiled tenderly at me, "You really shouldn't worry so much", he said softly, "I told you already, you're perfect for him. And this is something only you can do", I ignored the fluttering of my heart at his words, "Just remember one thing"

I listened expectantly as he spoke the next words, "There are many, many presumptions about the Alpha, most of which may be true for others, but it isn't so for you"

I furrowed my eyebrows, not comprehending what he meant.

He smiled, "Simply put, expect the unexpected"

With that he patted my back encouragingly and walked off towards the elevator. He seemed to love making a BIG exit, leaving me utterly puzzled every time he walked away. I looked at the large wooden doors that now loomed over me like the gates of hell themselves.

Into the Lion's den...or in this case, the wolf's

I looked down at myself and realized I had chosen a red pencil skirt because I had run out of the darker colors. Mr. Penson never seemed to mind my attire. But somehow the color didn't seem to suit my endeavors for today.

Or rather, it was perfect for the occasion!

What was it again? Oh yes! Little red riding hood and the big bad wolf.

Only in that story, the wolf didn't look like the male personification of perfection!

Taking a deep breath I stepped forward and knocked on the wooden door before me. Almost immediately, I heard a prompt 'come in'. And the deep strong voice that uttered it nearly made me weak in the knees. Saying a prayer in my head I opened the door and stepped inside.

The minute I closed the door behind me and turned around, the rich soothing scent of wet soil filled my lungs and I inhaled deeply. The room was well lit, and not dark as night like the last time I had been in here, thank goodness!

But even in the lavishly furnished room, with many a things to ogle at, my eyes immediately found the strong tall frame of the person who was standing by the window. The person who had the power to occupy my every thought of every second. The person who was a mystery to me. The person who possessed my undivided attention.

Alpha Zuerien Kai Royale, was the name of that person.

But the question now was...was he even a person at all?

His beautiful brown eyes immediately found mine and I felt electricity shoot through me. I quickly bowed to him.

"G-good morning Sir", I spoke out loud so he could hear me from the distance he was standing at.

He didn't reply so I hesitantly looked up at him to find him staring at me with unblinking eyes. I felt myself flush as I remembered the last time I had seen him looking at me with those same intense brown orbs. And I unfortunately also remembered quite well how scantily dressed I had been.

Oh God! Why was he staring at me like that?

I unconsciously reached down to check for any slits or tears in my skirt and to my relief I found none. The Alpha motioned with the palm of his hand for me to come closer. He looked exceeding handsome as the sunlight illuminated his tall, muscular frame.

I walked up to him and stopped when there was roughly a two meter distance between us. I kept my gaze to the ground wondering if I should apologize for yesterday. But Ms. Matree had said that he didn't like it when people spoke out of order. I didn't know what to do!


The sound of his deep, rich voice saying my name sent a flood of warmth down my body making my head shoot up to look at him. And I nearly fell backwards when I saw that he was suddenly standing less than a foot away from me.

My eyes went wide and my mouth fell open. He was standing so close that I could feel the warmth radiating off his strong body. His familiar chocolaty orbs darkened as they roamed my face and I unconsciously I took a step away from him.

"S-sir!" I replied cringing at how breathy my voice suddenly sounded as I stared at my feet.

Don't make eye-contact!

"Look at me", he said firmly and I nearly jumped at the sound of his voice.

Hesitantly I looked up at him again and his eyes seemed to soften when they saw the fear in mine.

"That's better", he said, his velvety voice doing strange things to my heart, "I'd rather you look at me when I'm speaking to you. That way I'll know I have your attention"

Have my attention?! Oh you have no idea!

I nodded, "Yes sir", I replied promptly unable to stop myself from gulping uneasily afterward.

His eyed narrowed infinitesimally before he spoke again, "I'm assuming Matree has explained your duties to you?"

"Yes Sir"

"Let's get started then"

He turned briskly and walked to his large wooden desk. Not knowing what to do, I hesitantly followed him, stopping yet again a good distance away from his desk. A flicker of irritation crossed his handsome features.

"If you stand on the other side of the continent, you won't be able to hear me", he said decisively, "Come closer"

My heart was threatening to hammer its way out of my chest as I uncertainly took a few steps closer to his table.

"Take down a dictation", he told me as he produced a notepad and pen from his desk drawer.

WHAT? I thought he wouldn't give me dictation! Oh never mind.

"Yes sir", I replied quickly before extending my hand to take the notepad from him.

But he didn't let me reach it and instead walked around his desk till he yet again stood less than half a foot away from me. His eyes challenged me to move away and something told me, the consequences wouldn't be good for me if I did.

What ever happened to wanting personal space??

I quickly took the notepad from him and thanked him, desperately fighting the urge to step away from him so that I could gather back some semblance of sanity. I could feel his eyes on me and a blush creeped its way up my neck to my face.

Then it occurred to me that he might have been waiting for me to move out of his way. So I quickly obliged and moved to the side. I saw his fists clench and wondered if I had done something wrong. He then started to walk around his room slowly, but not before his arm very obviously grazed against mine making tingles shoot through me.

He began the dictation and I quickly started to note down what he was saying at an alarmingly fast pace. He kept pacing the room which yet again, was something Ms. Matree had said he didn't often do.

Expect the unexpected...what were the odds?

And I wouldn't have even minded so much if he didn't keep coming back to where I was standing, because every time he did, some or the other body part of mine would make contact with him before I managed to move away. It was driving me insane!

His dictations were short but multiple. They were concise, well worded and thought out, much briefer than the ones I was used to writing, but still quite impressive, not to mention authoritative.

Soon I started to recognize his pattern of pacing and managed to efficiently move out of his way in time to not make contact and not appear like I was jumping around the room like a mad person.

But before I could pat myself on the back over my small achievement, he came and stood right behind me, so close that my back was brushing against his chest. I tensed immediately as he bent over me to read the dictations I had written from over my shoulder. He didn't even need to bend, he was much taller than me!

Why can't he just take the book from my hands and read it instead of looming over me like a dark cloud?!!

"These are fine", he nearly whispered in my ear, his warm breath fanning my face.

I shivered and quickly moved away from him before turning to stand facing him and nodding at him. I could feel his heated gaze roaming my body and I resisted the urge to squirm.

After a few seconds he spoke, "I see you're appropriately dressed this one time", his manner was cool but his intense gaze was setting fire to my skin.

All the blood in my body rushed to my face and I cringed at my feet, "Y-y-yes sir. I'm terribly sorry about the last time. Times" I said feeling my insides burning in embarrassment.

"No need for that", his voice was soft yet deep, and somewhat husky, nearly making me see stars, "I didn't particularly mind, at all", he whispered the last part.

Despite the speed at which my head shot up, I didn't catch his expression in time as he turned away from me and walked behind his desk. But I knew, somehow I knew, for sure. He was smiling.

What were the odds?



Hello my darling readers!

Thank you very very much for all the support that this story has been receiving lately. I can't believe we are at 50K reads! Can you die of happiness?!!

Hope you liked this chapter. If you did, please vote and comment to let me know what you think. Until next time,

All my love,

