17. Coincidence & Control

Dedicated to Killua-Zolydic for your sweet comments and votes. They make smile every time :)

Also, a special shoutout to The-Superstar. 17th Chapter before your 17th birthday! Wish you a very happy birthday, in advance! ^-^

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors.


Suzzanah's POV


I cringed, feeling embarrassed as Mr. Talon walked around the room making strangled and squeaky noises of shock and perturbation while chiding me for not having given a proper speech or used an appropriate parting greeting for the CEO.

I pouted, "He didn't even seem to mind so much", I mumbled sulkily but Mr. Talon had apparently heard it.

"Of course, he wouldn't mind, since it was you", Mr. Talon said shaking his head making me stare at him wide eyed as he continued while cleaning his glasses, "I'm more worried that someone else overheard your conversation and suspected something"

I was now rather dazed, "What do you mean 'since it was you?' and what would others suspect if they heard me thanking him?"

A look of panic crossed his face and he bit his tongue before wiping his glasses more hurriedly and putting them on, "I-I-I mean since it was you who needed to...to thank him...and you did! So he wouldn't mind!"

Huh? That didn't make any sense!

"And others...they would...they would suspect that...they would suspect that..."

He seemed to be working really hard to think of an excuse.

"Oh yes!" he exclaimed, "They would suspect that something went on between you and the CEO! It's not a good idea of have that kind of attention, believe me! Besides, if anyone saw you interacting so informally with him and asked around a little, they might find out about the skirt incident at the hospital. Now you don't want that, do you child?"

Even though up until now he seemed to be lying to me, when he presented that particular point my eyes went wide and I gasped in shock.

"You're right Mr. Talon!" I agreed anxiously and I thought I heard him release a breath, "I don't want anyone else to ever find out about that!"

He smiled and nodded at me enthusiastically.

"In that case", I stood up and clenched my fists determinedly, "From now on I'll stay far away from him at all times-"


Mr. Talon screeched so loudly that someone would think I had suggested beheading the CEO. I looked at him to find him staring at me with wide horrified eyes.

"But...why not?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows, "It's not like I'm going to be ignoring him or anything. I'll just maintain as much distance from him as my job will permit"

Mr. Talon shot out of his chair and rubbed his forehead worriedly.

"Please relax Mr. Talon. It's not like I'll be required to see him every day anyway, I'm Mr. Penson's P.A, not his. So it won't really feel like I'm purposely keeping my distance from him at all. Besides, even if I did, I doubt he'd notice"

"Oh but there's no way he wouldn't!" Mr. Talon cried worriedly.


"If he finds out...I encouraged...he will have my head!"


Mr. Talon was now anxiously murmuring to himself and I could only make out bits and pieces of what he was saying.

"There is no way...allow it", he mumbled.

Allow what?

"Mr. Talon!" I said but he didn't respond as he continued his troubled banter.

"What do I do?...what if...alpha loses control...everyone will find out...she is his..."

Alpha? As in, the CEO? Alpha loses control? Everyone will find out? She is his...? WHAT???

"Mr. TALON!"

He squealed and jumped at his spot before clutching his chest and staring at me bewildered.

"What's wrong Mr. Talon? What are you saying? What are you worried about?" I asked standing up as he nervously wrung his hands together appearing to be searching the floor for answers.

"Mr. Talon, please tell me", I pleaded making him look at me again, "I...ever since I got here, I feel like I don't understand anything. All these strange incidents have been happening to me and I've heard so many bizarre things that I'm totally confused, and to be honest, quite scared too"

The two ghostly figures from the woods earlier flashed in my mind and I shivered closing my eyes, pressing my fingers into them gently.

"Strange incidents?" Mr. Talon's troubled voice asked and I nodded.

"I feel like there is something going on here that I'm being kept in the dark about", I said feeling frustrated, "But the thing is, I'm not sure it's even my place to be asking about it"

The word Alpha, the same wolf on the company logo and in the woods, the CEO's resemblance to the wolf, Master Cole and the CEO's conversation about that mystery girl and many such similar things came to my mind ending at the one word that had been haunting me, literally.


When I removed my hands from my eyes I saw Mr. Talon standing next to me, looking at me worriedly. I turned to face him.

"Mr. Talon...can I please ask you some questions?" I asked sincerely, my eyes pleading with him. "You don't have to answer them all, but I need to know at least some things, or I feel like I'll go insane!"

"Oh child, please don't say that!" Mr. Talon said quickly before motioning for me to take a seat again. When I sat down he pulled his chair next to me and added hesitantly, "I'll answer whatever I can, but not everything, not because I don't trust you or anything like that, but simply because...it's not my place to say. Alright?"

I nodded happily and smiled.

Finally, some answers!

He sighed heavily before removing and cleaning his glasses again. He seemed to do that every time he was stressed about something.

But what was he stressed about? And why?

"Ask away", he said taking a sip of water and I hit him with my first question.

"What is a Luna?"

He spurted the water out and went into a coughing fit. I patted his back in alarm and he quickly recovered but his eyes looked panicked again.

"A Lu-Luna?" he asked and I nodded.

"You called me that the other day", I told him and his eyes went wide and he cringed.

"I'm not...sure I can say..." he said looking very uncomfortable.

I frowned, "Mr. Talon! I need to know! Because you're not the only one who has called me that"

The eerie figures from before flashed in front of my eyes making me gulp, and then I found Mr. Talon gawking at me in disbelief.

"WHO?!" he all but screamed making me more confused by the minute.

"Th-that's not important. Besides, you have to answer my question first please", I said quickly bringing us back to the topic.

He scrunched up his nose in thought but then his eyes suddenly glazed over. Before I could wonder what was happening to him he exhaled, seemingly in relief, and started, "Okay then...it's like this", he said, "Luna is...was...the CEO's mother"


"The CEO is not just some young lad who happens to be owner of one of the largest multi-billion dollar companies in the world", Mr. Talon continued, his words slow and deliberate as though he were repeating after someone, "he is...he is royalty"

"WHAT?!" I shouted clutching the arms of my chair making him motion with his hand for me to keep it down.

"Y-yes, well, sort of, he is part of a Royal family, but I don't think you know of them, not many hum- I mean people do. And well, Luna is the title that belonged to his mother, the queen. And Alpha was his father's title which he inherited"

...uh-huh?...I wasn't expecting that!

By my expression I was sure he had understood that I had not understood so he continued.

"It's a Royal family thing, a Royale family thing. All the Kings and Queens are referred to that way. That's just how it is."

But then...if that was the case then...why...

"Then why did you call me Luna?" I asked feeling more confused than ever.

He cringed yet again and then scratched the back of his neck before he nodded as though he was agreeing with someone, then said, "This might seem stupid but...you're a lot like the last Luna. You're...you...resemble her"

I resemble her?...

"You...look...like her?" he finished sounding even more unsure than I was feeling.

"EH???" I scrunched up my face making a twinkle appear in his eyes and I almost saw the light bulb going on above his head.

"You look like her!" he said suddenly looking happy and more than a little bit relieved, "You both look so much alike that I just couldn't help but call you Luna!"

"That is the most ridiculous lie I have ever heard!" I told him with a blank face, at the same time feeling rather disappointed that this entire fuss could probably just be over me resembling the CEO's Parent!

"It's true! You look exactly the same! In fact I'm sure the others who called you that, must also have called you that for the very same reason!"

But that can't be right...

"Speaking of which, who were these others anyway?" he asked rather interestedly making me wince.

I can't tell him that supposed ghosts had called me that...but then does that mean I had really seen ghosts? Or maybe someone had played a prank on me. But why would anyone do that? I don't even know anyone here!

"Wait, first tell me another thing", I said, "is this place haunted?"

He stared at me wide eyed before blinking and furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, "No..."

"So...there are no ghosts here?" I asked again.

"No child!" he said shaking his head vigorously. "There are no ghosts. This place isn't haunted. Of course it's not. Why would you ask such a question?"

Then I guess I really had been pranked after all. There couldn't be any other logical explanation to all of this...but then...what about that voice calling out Luna? Was that a prank too? And who was doing all this???

I groaned internally as it seemed that my brain had suddenly conjured up even more confusing and frustrating questions.

"Uh...no reason", I replied quickly.

"Oookay", he said narrowing his eyes at me, "In that case, back to my earlier question, who else called you Luna?"

I bit my lip. I obviously can't tell him the truth...so...

"No one did", I lied, "I just said it so you would tell me what I wanted to know"

I felt really bad about lying to him but it couldn't be helped and I expected him to chide me but he looked rather relieved.

"Oh! Is that so? Alright then", he sighed happily making me even more suspicious of his strange behavior.

"So...you only called me Luna because I look like the CEO's mother?"

He nodded.

"But why do you use these terms too? Are you related to the Royal family?"

"Well, not exactly no..." he said thoughtfully, "but many of us here, myself included, used to serve the King and Queen. So we are accustomed to using those titles"

My eyes widened at this new piece of information, "So most of the employees are the Royale family stewards?"

He nodded again and my face lit up, "That's really cool! Oh God, but that means I embarrassed myself multiple times in front of Royalty!" I screeched thinking of the time I had thrown water at myself and then when the CEO had seen my torn skirt and many other instances.

I felt my face heat up and I cringed but Mr. Talon quickly added, "What's past is past, let it go child"

I nodded then asked, "So are they still ruling? And what people do they rule over? I mean, what country? It couldn't be America right. It's a democracy"

"Let's just say...their current ruling terrain is an inconsequential topic to discuss. So is that all?"

"Can I see a picture of her?"

Mr. Talon suddenly went pale, "Pic-picture?" he stammered.

I nodded, "Yes, is there a picture of the CEO's mother anywhere? I'd like to see it, you know seeing as I am her look alike", I added jokingly but contrary to my context, Mr. Talon's face fell and he suddenly seemed very sad.

"No...there aren't any pictures", he inhaled deeply before continuing, "You see...Alpha Zuerien's parents...passed away when he was a child"

A shocked gasp escaped my lips and an immense pain ran through my body making me cringe. I felt a heaviness descend over me as the impact of what I had heard set in.

He had lost his parents...just like I had...

"It was a very hard time. Heaven knows how he overcame the pain. He was so attached to his family", Mr. Talon said gravely making my heart hurt even more for Alpha Zuerien, "When he had somewhat recovered from the shock, he had all their pictures and belonging put away, as being among them would only make it harder for him to overcome the pain and depression of his great loss. I think...I think he wanted to seal that part of him away"

But closing away a part of you as precious and dear as that...couldn't do you any good though...and it must have hurt...so much...

"There are no longer any pictures of our late King and Queen anywhere around here. And ever since then Alpha Zuerien has never spoken of them"

But I'm sure he wants to...needs to...

"And none of his other subjects do either. It is best you also don't speak of them child", he said looking at me with sad eyes.

I nodded but the heaviness in my heart only grew. I felt a hand on my hair and looked up to see Mr. Talon pat my head before smiling softly.

"Don't be upset Suzzanah", he said, "Like I said, what's past is past. It is very sad, but it is a reality. A reality that Alpha Zuerien has both accepted and overcome beautifully. I am sure it still pains him, but he is strong. And we are all always here for him. We'll continue to support him in whatever way possible. And I think you should do the same."

I breathed deeply and nodded, "That's really sweet of you all Mr. Talon", I said softly, "So you guys are all like a big family huh?"

He smiled and nodded, "Yes", he said cheerfully, "and now you are a part of it as well"

My eyes widened as the warmth of what he had said seeped through my skin, blended into my blood and enveloped my heart, making it lighter again.

Mr. Talon continued to smile knowingly as he added, "Welcome to the Royale family, Suzzanah"

A soft smile graced my lips and tears of gratitude pricked my eyes.

"Thank you"


I got back to the staff quarters at dusk. When I had left Mr. Talon's room I had almost bumped into Master Cole again, while he stood there with his eyes looking glazed over, similar to how Mr. Talon's had earlier. Mr. Talon and he had exchanged nods, and then he had smiled at me and walked away.

I wonder what he had been doing outside Mr. Talon's room...

I had finished my work early so I had waited to see if Mr. Penson would give me any more, but Mr. Talon had told me I could leave. As I walked to the door leading into the staff dormitory, I inhaled deeply, letting the fresh air fill my lungs. I still had many questions, but at least now, I had some answers, and that was good enough for today.

Besides that, I had received news that there was some Annual event which would be taking place very soon. The Annual Games.

I had never heard of anything like that existing in the other places I had worked at, but then again, the Royale Industries were rather different from all those others.

Supposedly the Annual Games were like a very large scale fun and games kind of event held every year, so that the staff members could get acquainted and have some relaxation and entertainment while they were at it. It was being held somewhere away from here, and it was a residential event, meaning we'd have to stay in that place till the event ended.

I had to admit it was a very generous thing to do on Alpha Zuerien's part, seeing as no other employer would ever let their company shut down for a week just to let their employees have some rest and change of routine. Not to mention how expensive it must be to arrange accommodation, food and other facilities for all the staff. He really was a good man!

And although I was looking forward to the mingling- especially so I could find the two men who had taken me to the hospital- the food- because it was my driving force- and relaxation- even though I didn't need it- I was not looking forward to the 'games' part of it. Why? Because I didn't have a single athletic bone in my body! I was the biggest klutz of the century for crying out loud!

In archery class, my teacher always used to make me practice far away from the rest of the students in an isolated area, for fear that I would impale one of them. And I couldn't really blame her, I had almost skewered her one time.


Oh well, I would just have to politely refuse participating in the games, unless they were harmless, like pillow fights! Besides I could now meet some new people and make friends, since the staff quarters seemed perpetually uninhabited, except at night time when everybody came to sleep.

The few women I had met had either been uninterested in talking to me or were just too busy to even spare me a second glance. It was like they didn't want me to be a part of their established cliques. Like I was an outsider. That thought made me feel sad, but then I remembered Mr. Talon's words from earlier.

Welcome to the Royale family, Suzzanah

I smiled, instantly feeling happier. I wouldn't let the mean or rude people get to me. But, I still needed to find the person who had pranked me, that is...if it had all been a prank in the first place. And strangely enough, I hoped it had.

I stood outside for a while, enjoying the cool breeze but just as I was about to head back in, I felt a presence. A familiar presence.

I turned my head back to look toward the forest, and I almost had a heart attack when I saw two large brown wolf eyes staring at me from between the trees. I gasped and turned completely, rubbing my eyes vigorously and when I looked again, I couldn't find the wolf anymore.

Had I just imagined him?

I stood up and after making sure no one was around, which thankfully wasn't hard, I ran to where I had thought I had seen him. I walked between a few trees and searched around bushes and shrubs.

Should I call out to him? But what should I call him?

"Hey!...Wolf!" I whisper-yelled, "Here Wolfie, here boy!"

I felt like a brainless buffoon as I circled random trees calling out to him. I kept changing the names, from Wolf, to Wolfie, to dog-boy, to big canine, to bow-wow, to Grrrr. By the time I had completed my thorough search I had found an apt name for the large, muscular creature.

"Steroid!" I whisper-shouted but when I got no reply I sighed and rubbed my face. I must really have imagined him.

With that I turned and started walking back into the staff quarters. But on my way back I saw a large broken branch, and on its smashed splintered surface was the unmistakably large claw print of the beast I was searching for. So he had been here.

Oh well, at least he was probably gone now, so I wouldn't have to worry about someone finding him. Just in case, I jumped on the splintered claw mark a few times to disfigure it, so that no one else suspected a wolf or dog to have made it. Once satisfied with my wacky actions I turned and started walking back. It was unbelievable that the first animal I befriended was a large, wild, carnivorous wolf!

A wolf...

I had forgotten to ask Mr. Talon why there was a wolf on the company logo. I'd do that tomorrow without fail. Something told me it was important.

While I had had free time at work, I had looked up the terms Luna and Alpha on the internet. I had found some rather strange results.


-The first letter of the Greek alphabet,

-The first in order of precedence,

-Leader or dominant individual / Male,

And most important of all,

-The head animal in a pack!

A pack...a pack of...Wolves!


-An extremely beautiful and caring woman

-Moon in Spanish or Italian

-The goddess of the moon

And the other very eye-catching result

-The Mate of an Alpha


I remembered Mr. Penson randomly questioning me about wolves on my first day of work. And somehow all these terms and casual conversations had started to make sense, yet whatever sense they made was nonsensical. But the one thing I had established for sure was that the Royale family had some close connection to wolves.

But what connection could humans have to wolves?

These were the unusual thoughts that occupied my mind as I showered in Roma's bathroom. I felt terrible to be imposing, even though Roma didn't seem to mind. She was now sitting in my room, while I finished bathing and dressing in hers. She was such a darling, why couldn't someone like her have been my roommate?

As I lathered my hair, my thoughts turned more and more disturbing.

Humans and Wolves...the CEO and Steroid...

The warm water washed the vanilla and rose scented shampoo off of my hair and I closed my eyes and pictured their similar warm brown orbs. The CEO and the wolf...

A coincidence? Maybe...

Suddenly I heard loud sounds from outside, like heavy equipment being hauled around and cans and tins clashing against each other. And I wondered what all the ruckus was about.

As I washed my body, my fingers ran across my wet, flushed skin and I remembered the tingles I felt every time I touched the CEO. The same tingles that sometimes arose when I made contact with the wolf. The CEO...and the wolf...

A coincidence? Questionable...

Shaking my head, I wiped my body with the fluffy white towel and slipped on the bath robe, marveling at its length, or lack thereof. I had never owned a bathrobe before, but surely it was supposed to be longer than this flimsy material. It just barely covered my backside! Did they give me a kid's robe by mistake?

I walked to the mirror and wiped its foggy surface to see a flushed, healthy, brown eyed, brunette gazing back at me. I was about to smile at this brunette when I yet again noticed the white strands in between the dark locks.

I gasped and bent forward moving my hair to the side, gaping at the streak of white hair now visible near my scalp. I had only just colored it a week ago! I groaned as I'd have to color it again tomorrow, and in Roma's bathroom at that!

A streak of hair...golden hair...the same golden streak...the CEO and the wolf...

A coincidence? Unlikely...

Now feeling extremely perturbed, I wrapped the towel around my wet hair and walked out of the steamy bathroom, only to be shocked into 'Horrorsvile' when I realized that I had not brought my clothes with me. When I looked around for my discarded clothing, I realized that Roma, being the kind soul she was, had taken my dirty clothing to laundry for me.

I was about to screech out loud when I suddenly heard the sound of some heavy equipment striking against each other followed by loud voices. Male voices.


I ran to the window and slowly pushed the heavy curtain aside just enough to see groups of men in uniforms walking around the dormitory. They were carrying large cans of paint.

Oh no! These men had been repainting the dorm walls! I had totally forgotten!

My heart rate sped up as my situation quickly started looking grave. What if these men were painting the inside as well? What if they saw me like this??!! My eyes widened in shock as I stepped away from the window. I had to get back to my room, fast!

I looked down at the flimsy bathrobe and cringed. It covered far too little of my lower half, and there was no way I could take the risk of running out of here like this. I quickly removed the towel from around my wet hair and tied it around my lower torso. I looked ridiculous, but it was better than looking nude.

Giving myself one last weary look, I opened the door to Roma's room and peeped out into the corridor. Much to my relief, there was no one there, and I slipped out of the room in my ridiculous get-up, hoping it would stay that way.

Once again making sure the coast was clear, I started running down the corridor. My room was at the other end of it. I felt the towel slip and I held onto it as I continued running, looking like a comedy version of the Grudge. As I neared my room, I started to loosen my hold on the towel, ready to do a victory dance outside my door.

But my plans were foiled as the spot outside my door was already occupied...by the CEO!!!!

Oh dear God, NO!!!!!

I couldn't even begin to express the degree of my shock as a strangled screech escaped my lips and I stopped like a car on emergency break. And I didn't have time to back away, as two disturbingly familiar chocolaty orbs immediately zeroed in on my disheveled form, and I felt my reputation as a decent, respectable, American citizen erode away.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets, my jaw hit the floor and each of my hands clutched the robe and towel desperately as I faced a now shocked CEO who was staring at me with eyes now too dark to be chocolaty brown.

Why was it, that before today, whenever I saw him, I was either soaking wet, or in dire need to bodily covering. Or in this case, both!

The intensity of his gaze alone was making electricity rush through my veins. My body was so flushed that even my heart seemed to heat up as it hammered against the inside of my heaving chest. My dark wet tousled locks did nothing to block my inadequately clad body from the CEO's fiery gaze as his eyes roamed my frame without restriction.

His body trembled and his fists clenched and he squeezed his eyes shut as though he were desperately trying to regain control again. He opened his mouth to say something else but there was a loud noise from near the stairway followed by the sound of footsteps and more male voices.

A sharp screech escaped my lips as both our shocked gazes fixed on the stairway. The next instant his gaze returned to mine and his jaw clenched before he stormed up to me. A gasp escaped my lips and I tried to back away but my plan backfired tremendously when the towel around my waist slipped leaving my right thigh all too familiarly exposed, yet again!

Before I had time to curse my luck, scream in embarrassment or die of heart attack, my stomach came in contact with a strong shoulder and my feet left the ground as I was abruptly lifted into the air.

My world suddenly spun till I was seeing everything upside down and I felt a muscular arm come around my thighs. Immediately a tsunami of tingles exploded over my skin making me gasp slash scream as realization dawned on me and blood rushed to my face.

The CEO just threw me over his shoulder! I'm being carried by Royalty! AGAIN!!!

"SIR!!!" I screeched while trying to orient my topsy-turvy body and look through my messy wet locks, but he paid me no mind and started walking back the way I had come.

But my room was right there!

I didn't get a chance to tell him as he speed walked down the corridor within the blink of an eye, and the next moment, I found myself staring through the gaps in my the wet strands of my hair, at the upside down version of Roma's room.

The CEO shut the door behind him and I felt my body being slid off his shoulder and down the front of his torso. Unfortunately my lack of decent clothing, made it too hard to ignore how my soft curves pressed into the hard panes of his chiseled chest as I glided down his muscular frame. I could literally feel his muscles flexing against me.

And to make my plight worse, his hands were sliding up the sides of my body making me want to scream at the colossal degrees of intimacy being shamelessly exchanged between us.

The minute my toes touched the ground, I pushed myself away from him for modesty's sake. But as soon as I did, his eyes trailed down my face and neck at the same time as mine did as well. And I felt heat surge through my veins, searing my insides as I took in my appalling state. The towel covering my legs was long gone, and my acrobatic descent from the CEO's shoulder had displaced my bathrobe leaving my thighs out for display.

The robe had also slid down one side on my shoulder, exposing my collar bone and the skin above my breasts. A gasp escaped my lips and my hands immediately went up to shield my body from his intense brown orbs. I pulled the robe back up my shoulder and clutched the material together tightly.

Immediately after, a gush of cool air crashed into my flushed body as I felt my feet leave the ground for split second. My vision became a blur for just an instant before I felt a hard surface press softly into my back. A soft breath escaped my lips as I felt yet another hard surface press into me, but this time, from in front of me.

I heard heavy breathing, but I recognized that it was not just mine. Warm minty breath fanned my face and neck making my eyes flutter open. But what I saw left me not just breathing heavily, but altogether breathless.

My back was pressed into the wooden door of the closet. And my chest was pressed into the CEO's muscular torso, each of his large hands pressed hard on either side of my much smaller frame as he towered over me. One of his long legs was placed between the both of mine.

His lips were parted slightly and his breathing was labored as his darker than black eyes devoured my appearance hungrily. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think! Tingles were exploding all over my body. I couldn't even begin to comprehend the waves of pleasure that were washing over my disoriented persona.

As I stared into the dark orbs, I saw the sudden flecks of gold appear in them, making my mind replay all the Human and Wolf scenarios that had occupied my mind profoundly a few minutes ago. And at that exact minute I noticed the sharp white canines that were protruding from his parted lips.

My eyes widened in shock just as the CEO dipped his head and buried his face in the crook of my neck. My breath caught in my throat, and my heart went into a frenzy. His lips grazed the skin of the left side of my neck and a shocked gasp escaped my own.

His warm breath fanned my neck and I felt my body heat up to a thousand degrees as the tingles and the intoxicating scent of wet soil overpowered my senses. And then I felt his canines graze my neck making my body jerk as shivers ran down my spine.

What was he doing? Why was he doing this?! And why couldn't I push him away?...

One of his hands came up to my face and his lean fingers brushed languidly against my cheek leaving behind little sparks of electricity wherever they trailed. I felt his canines slightly dig into the skin of my neck and my hands immediately came up to his chest.

Against the palm of my hand, I could feel his heart beating just as fast as mine, and an unbelievable sense of warmth and pleasure rushed through me. And that's when I heard it again, his voice, the CEO's voice, echoing in my mind.

"My queen...my Luna!"


The Mate of an...

"Alpha..." my own soft voice filled my ears and I felt his body tense above me. His breathing came out in heavy pants and his hands trembled. His lips grazed my neck one more time and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared from the room.

I stood there paralysed, still pressed against the hard wooden door, as my body tried to desperately regain homeostasis. The tingles subsided as I lifted one trembling hand to the side of my neck where his canines had grazed my skin. I could still feel his lips there and the skin around that area felt sensitive.

My breathing regularized and my heart rate slowed as I swallowed shakily before finally deciding to face the situation my mind had been trying to put off.

Slowly my head turned to the side and my gaze dropped till it reached the object of its unmitigated and dreaded interest. The wood over which, the CEO's hands had been placed was now smashed, splintered and clawed away. On either side of me were now two large uneven breaks in the hard wood, the shapes of which were disturbingly similar to that of hands, to that of...claws!

Broken wooden claw marks, bearing a striking resemblance to those of the large wolf in the woods.

The CEO and the wolf...

A coincidence?...



Hi everyone!

Here's the new update! And it was long just like the earlier one. Hope you liked it!

'Unconditionally' has now reached 29K reads! Congratulations you guys! You made this possible! Thank you sooo much for all your lovely votes and comments!

Please do vote and comment on this chapter too, to let me know what you think. And please continue to support this story. Next update will be next week sometime :)

Until next time,

All my love

