42. Desperate Times, Desperate Measures


College got me like:

Picture of Terrence Magnifis (Chris Hemsworth) to the side. Again, if you don't like the cast, imagine them as someone else and DON'T ask me to change the cast.

Dedicated to Dreamzangel21. I love you hon. You're the best sister ever.

A huge shout-out to ElizabethTrumpet for helping me correct so many of the embarrassing mistakes I made in the last chapter! XD

This chapter is, again, unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors (or subtly point them out to me so I can correct them lol)


Suzzanah's POV

Without wasting another second, he strode forward, and I nearly fell backwards in shock. A panicked cry escaped my lips as I stumbled away from the powerful man just in time to avoid his large frame, as he walked right past me.

Too shocked to react immediately, it took me a few seconds to register that the imposing young man had completely ignored me and marched on ahead, almost as if he couldn't...

He couldn't see me!

I released a heavy breath, nearly collapsing onto the floor in relief. My heart was still beating thunderously inside me at the thought of having been seen by him. Quickly composing myself, I turned around just in time to see the man disappear around the same large pillar I had seen the dark object from before glide behind.

"Found you..." he had said, and since he obviously hadn't been talking about me then...

Found who?

I didn't know why but I suddenly had the urge to follow him, even though I knew that my first priority was to look for Karina. Then again, if this man really was Terrence Magnifis, then he may just lead me to her!

Taking a deep breath, I hurried after him, making sure I stayed at a safe distance. Somehow, that man had given me the feeling that I wasn't safe...even as a spirit.

Once I reached the enormous pillar, I peeked around it to see that it led into another equally large- if not larger- room similarly decked with lavish décor. I hurried into the room and was immediately taken aback when I found no one there. The humongous man was nowhere in sight.


My eyes searched the large room, which I realized was a bedroom, but it was like the man had suddenly disappeared. I shuddered at how he had suddenly appeared behind me earlier, without so much as making a sound! Maybe appearing and disappearing was like his forte. Or maybe some kind of strange ability he possessed.

He was after all, one of them- The Shadow People.

Cautiously, I stepped forward, my eyes carefully scanning every corner of the room. It was a very beautiful room, elegantly decorated and yet perfectly comfortable. I wondered if it belonged to that man, and the thought of being in his bedroom really disturbed me beyond belief.

I was about to turn and leave when something fluttered in my peripheral vision, and my head immediately whipped towards two long heavy curtains on the far end of the enormous bedroom. My brow furrowed and I took a step towards them. The curtains suddenly fluttered again and my eyes widened when I realized that there was a door behind them.

And it was open.

A balcony! That must have been where he went!

I quickly made my way across the large room and through the thick curtains only to have my heart catch in my throat when I found the man's back just an inch away from my face. I held my breath, my eyes going wide in shock at the sudden proximity to the guy.

I stood unmoving, as still as a statue, staring at the broad back in front of me, wondering what he was looking at and why he wasn't moving. His body suddenly shook, as though he were silently chuckling and I gave him a weary look. He was starting to creep me out.

I tried looking over his shoulder and sides, but the man was just so tall and broad that it felt like trying to look over a bulldozer. I stared up at his thick head of blond in irritation. I had a feeling he was even taller than Zuerien by an inch or two, and Zuerien himself was quite a giant.

I knew I could just walk through him, but something told me that wasn't such a good idea. Alpha Penson had once said that Supernaturals could sense the presence or absence of one's spirit, and I didn't want this guy to notice mine.

Just then I realized that I could just walk through the wall and into the balcony instead of waiting for this dude to get a move on. It was taking quite a lot of time for me to get used to being a spirit, and regardless of how creepy it could get, I had to admit, it had its ups.

Just as I was about to pass through the wall, the man suddenly strode forward making my head whip towards him.


I quickly floated after him, trying to keep a five-foot distance between us. The balcony was, yet again, a ginormous one, and its thick walled banister was beautifully decorated with vines and little flowers. Not only that, the balcony also overlooked the most beautiful view of a lush green landscape.

You're not here to sight see you fool! Focus!

I quickly looked around the balcony, but there was no one here except for the man walking in front of me, and well, myself! Then what had the man been laughing at earlier?

I still couldn't see past his enormous frame, so I thought of overtaking him, but then he suddenly stopped making me stop abruptly in my tracks as well.

What? What happened?

I looked to both sides to find that we had reached the end of the balcony and were presently standing in front of the parapet balustrade. The man was looking down casually and I wondered if he had only come here to enjoy the scenery and be his creepy self in his natural habitat.

He suddenly bent over, resting his hands on the parapet wall, and I jumped away from him to avoid contact with his rear end. The man's shoulders shook again in silent laughter and I scowled at his weirdness.

I was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly spoke up again, and the one word he said, nearly gave me heart attack.


My shocked gasp was accompanied by another equally shocked one and I immediately recognized that familiar feminine voice.

My sister!

"Oh my God!" Karina's voice sounded loudly, laced with anger and disbelief.

My heart welled with unparalleled warmth and love on hearing her voice, but those feelings were immediately replaced by blatant horror when I realized that her voice had come from the other side of the balustrade.


Not giving a damn about the man in front of me anymore, I rushed to his side and bent down only to have my heart explode in shock at the sight of my sister hanging off a make-shift rope, off the side of the balcony.

If spirits could die, I surely must have.


"What are you doing Karina?" the large man beside me voiced my thoughts rather nonchalantly, and my head whipped to the side to find him staring down at my sister in unmasked amusement.

My sister gaped up at him, her face flushed and beaded with perspiration and her eyes wide in shock. She was currently hanging onto a rope made from multiple blankets tied together and standing over a small ledge. She seemed to be in good health, but the same could not be said about me, because I was feeling quite faint after having taken in her current horrifying disposition!

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Karina shouted in disbelief, "How did you find me?!"

The man next to me shrugged, "It wasn't very hard really", he replied lazily in his deep voice and rich British accent, "You're not as smart as you think you are, and proof of that fact is dangling off my railing in front of my eyes right now", he said staring right at her.

I gaped at him in disbelief while my sister growled in frustration.

"ARGH! Why do you always have to- DAMN YOU!" she shouted furiously.

The man's smirk widened a little more while I continued to have heart attack after heart attack, worried that Karina would let go of that rope she was holding onto.

"Maybe some other day", the man replied coolly, "Now tell me darling, what state of mind were you in when you decided that trying to escape by climbing down a balcony 50 feet off the ground would be a wise idea?" he asked intently while I was stuck between wanting to slap the guy and agree with him fanatically.

"The same state of mind I'll be in when I stick an ink pen through your goddamn forehead!" Karina shouted in rage.

"I'll take it the answer is Angry", the man replied indifferently, "An angry state of mind. You know, a wise man once said that the worst decisions are the ones taken in anger"

"What the hell do you want with me?!" Karina bellowed, "Why don't you just leave me alone?"

The man smirked, "You're far too amusing for me to just leave alone", he replied, "It would be such a waste of your great talents to entertain"

My hands fisted at my sides in anger, Why that jerk!

"I'm not your freaking play thing!" Karina cried out, "You can't keep me here against my will"

"It doesn't have to be against your will darling", the man drawled out, "All you have to do is accept my offer"

"I refuse!" Karina shouted, "I will not live here, even if it's just for a short while!"

"At this rate, you will not live at all"

"Why you-"

My sister's grip on the rope faltered and my heart froze in terror when she suddenly stumbled off the small ledge. A terrified scream escaped her lips at the same time as it did mine, and I lunged forward in an attempt to reach for her, but a large hand beat me to it, as it shot out and grabbed her wrist, preventing her fall.

Both mine and Karina's heads whipped towards the blond haired man in shock, while he stared down at my sister looking completely unperturbed.

"See what I mean Karina?" he said lazily, raising an eyebrow, "That hot head of yours could one day get you killed"

Karina stared up at him with wide eyes, her face a mixture of terror, anger and desperation. She was still dangling off the ledge with only this man's grip for support and chills ran down my spine at the thought of what would happen if he suddenly let go.

The man tsked, "Look at you all helpless and at my mercy", he drawled out darkly with a smirk, "I have to say, I rather like it"

Rage built up inside of me at the sight of this jerk treating my sister this way. I had a wild urge to strangle him, but I didn't want to try anything, even as a spirit, because it would undoubtedly affect my sister's current condition too.

"What do you want from me?!" Karina cried out and my heart broke at the sound of her fearful voice.

Oh Karina...

"I'm not completely sure yet", the man replied, cocking his head to the side, "But it's more than one thing, I can assure you of that"

"You bast­ar-"

"For starters-" the man cut her off, "I want you to join me for breakfast, and I don't think that will be possible if you fall off that ledge and break your pretty neck"

I could have killed him.

"I refuse!" Karina shouted and I didn't know whether to root for her or chide her for talking so thoughtlessly in a delicate situation like this.

The man exhaled a laugh, "You only have two options here Karina", he told her, his voice low and dark, "Either you join me...or, I'll let you go", he bent down over the railing and whispered, "literally"

An alarmed gasp escaped Karina's lips, and my heart rate spiked in terror. He wouldn't!

"Why are you doing this?!" Karina cried out.

He raised an eyebrow, "Because I'm hungry, I thought that much was obvious", he replied.

"ARGH! You know what I mean you son of a b****", Karina yelled.

He shook his head, "Fae, actually. My mother was a Fae"

Karina cringed and his smirk widened, "You know what a Fae is too, don't you Karina? Just like you know exactly what I am"

My eyes went wide in shock and fear coursed through my veins. So he really did know that my sister had found out about his real identity.

Karina glared at him, "Why don't you just kill me?"

"NO!" I cried out in alarm while the blond haired man just smirked again, "Why should I?"

"You'd kill any other human who found out. I know you would" she cried out, "Then why are you still keeping me alive?"

"Because you aren't just any other human Karina", he drawled out in a deep voice, "In fact, I wonder if you are even human at all"

Both I and Karina gasped in shock, "What?!" she cried out, while my heart rate sky rocketed.

Please don't tell me! He knows that Karina is a Luna?!

"You possess strange abilities", he said, "Abilities that an ordinary human isn't supposed to possess. You are a very unique woman. You fascinate me like no other has ever been able to before. And I intend on finding out exactly what it is that makes you so...extraordinary"


That one word was enough to chill me to the bone. What made her extraordinary? The very fact that she was a Luna Extraordinaire!

"I will never do what you want me to", Karina grit out, "You will never get anything out of me"

"Oh we'll just have to see about that, won't we?" he replied with an evil grin, "I'll just have to persuade you", his grip on her wrist suddenly loosened making both me and her gasp in shock. His eyes flashed mischievously, "And I'm rather good at persuading people into getting my own way"

My throat went dry as he slowly started to unwrap his hand from around her wrist, "Tick-tock-tick-tock", the guy mocked darkly, "Your time is running out Karina. Make your decision. Either join me, or the dearly departed. It's your call"

He can't be serious! Is he insane?!

Karina turned her head to look down at the ground several feet away from her in horror. Panic and terror coursed through my body like wildfire when the man's grip visibly slacked around Karina's wrist.

Please Karina, please just accept his offer! Just this once! I beg you!

Karina let out a fearful whimper and her head whipped up to meet the man's darkening gaze once again.

Giving her one lingering glance, he smiled- a small, almost sad smile- before breathing out softly, "I'll really miss you, Karina"

And then he let her go.

My heart stopped and my world shattered into a million pieces, as everything happened right in front of my eyes in slow motion. I watched as the frame of my most beloved sister fell silently off the ledge, plummeting down towards the distant earth.

Karina's eyes were wide, her lips parted in shock, her hands stretched out in front of her in a futile hope of being rescued, but regardless of how futile it was, my hands shot out through the thick parapet as I reached for my precious sister in the zenith of desperation.

I lunged forward, my body spearing through the wall as my hands wrapped around my sister's outstretched ones, and my heart constricted in the most agonizing pain when my fingers slid right through her skin, unable to touch her.

And as I hopelessly watched my sister fall, with the last ounce of breath left in body, I screamed at the top of my lungs, "KARINAAAAAAAA"

For a split second, the man's head seemed to whip towards my side just as Karina's body hit the ground hard, and yet there was almost no sound at all, not even that of all breath leaving my being, because I had stopped breathing, I had gone into shock.

My sister's eyes were still wide open, her lips were still parted, but her hands now rested on her sides, while her feet dangled under her. Her hair fell around her shoulders in large messy waves, being blown around by the soft breeze, but the rest of her body remained stone still as she sat disoriented on a dark plank that was jutting out of nowhere, just about a foot under the ledge she had been standing on earlier.

The pitch black plank had broken her fall, saved her from death and she was currently sprawled over it, her body stiff in shock.

Oh my God! She's okay!

The most overwhelming sense of joy washed over me at the sight of my sister's chest rising and falling, as short breaths entered and left her body in shocked gasps. I slumped to the ground in relief, clutching my wildly beating heart, my gaze not leaving my sister.

Karina's body shuddered and she blinked several times, breathing raggedly through her mouth. Her bewildered gaze moved slowly from her left to her right before she lifted her shaking hands and stared at them in shock.

The man had let her go, just to let her fall onto the large black plank less than a foot away from her.

She was alive. She didn't die. She didn't die!

My vision blurred at the sight of my sister, as it would have if tears had obscured them, and my head shot up towards the blond haired man only for my eyes to lock with his bright blue ones for a second time that day. He was looking right at me again, with his eyes slightly narrowed.

My body froze in shock once more, as his brow furrowed slightly before he turned his head to look down at my sister once again.

What was that?!

My sister's head shot up to look at the man, who was now looking down at her with a small smile. She watched him wordlessly, with eyes wide in disbelief, still breathing heavily from the shock of what had just happened, and my reaction was very similar to hers.

"Y-You..." she managed to choke out and his smile widened just a little more before he raised his palm in the air making the plank under her rise in the air as well.

She gasped in shock and my jaw dropped as the plank floated in mid-air like a magic carpet, with her seated on it, her feet dangling off the side. And when the man brought his hand towards himself, the floating plank too came forward towards him, depositing Karina on the thick parapet wall in front of us.

How-? What-?

She gaped in utter befuddlement, her eyes darting from the plank under her to the man in front of her, who just smiled casually and shrugged, "It's like I said", he said, "I really will miss you too much if you die. And I'm afraid...I don't enjoy missing people"

I looked at the guy in disbelief, but despite the overwhelming urge I had to possess his body and force him to throw himself off the balcony, something about the way he said that to Karina quelled those feelings.

Because underneath all that arrogance and nonchalance, there had been just a teeny-tiny little bit of- dare I say it- sincerity!

He meant what he had said...

But in contrast to the mellowing of my hostile emotions, my sister's emotions just seemed to flare up like wild fire as her earlier shocked features contorted to ones of unparalleled rage. Before I could even blink, her fist shot out at the speed of light, aimed right at the jerk's well defined jaw.

I watched shocked when, without even blinking, the enormous man easily caught her fist in his large hand, just before it made contact with his face, making Karina cry out in exasperation.

"YOU BASTARD!" she shouted at the top of her voice and he smirked.

"Always the feisty one, aren't you Karina?" he said, "It's one of the things I like most about you"

"F*** you!"

"Oh I'm sure you'd like to"

I almost choked on air while Karina cried out in frustration, "God! You're despicable! I can't believe what you just did!"

"Rescued you?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Almost killed me!" she retorted.

"Oh please! You would have killed yourself had it not been for me walking in on your big blanket-abseiling adventure", the man told her matter-of-factly.

All this while, my eyes kept rapidly darting between the blond dude and my sister while still wondering how the man had managed to rescue my sister using that magic black plank.

And who the heck was he?!

"ARGH! I would murder you if I wasn't afraid of not being able to look my sister in the eye ever again!" Karina cried out, "Damn you Terrence Magnifis!"

Terrence Magnifis?!?!?!

"You can damn me all you like, but let's save it for during breakfast darling", he said nonchalantly making her growl furiously, "WHY YOUUUUU-!"

Her other fist flew at him as well but he effortlessly ducked under it, and while he was at it, he put one large arm around Karina's waist, lifting her off the parapet wall and throwing her onto his shoulder.

I gasped, jumping up to my feet in shock and Karina cried out in alarm as her body dangled over his shoulder.

The man, whom I now knew was none other than the Terrence Magnifis, coolly turned back towards the door we had initially come through, "I'll remember to keep you away from balconies from now on", he said calmly as he walked, "And bed sheets for that matter"

"Put me down you jerk! Let me go!" Karina shouted, pummeling his back and kicking her legs in vain.

He paid her no mind as he walked towards the bedroom. I was about to run after them, when I suddenly remembered, what about that magic black plank?

Stopping in my tracks of pursuing them, I turned around to look for it only to find myself staring into a black and chiseled face less than half an inch away from mine.


A shriek escaped my lips and I stumbled away in shock, gaping in horror at the figure that now stood before me. It was a man, I realized immediately, and he was dark, and I mean really dark.

His head and body were pitch black in color, and that would have been absolutely fine, had it not been for the striking lack of two eyes, one nose and a mouth on his murky face- no! The thing was, he didn't even have one!

The guy had no face. He had no face!


My hands flew to my mouth, muffling the scream that emerged from it. I stood deathly still, staring at a very large, very muscular and very dark male, who had no face, no clothes, no skin even for that matter!

He looked like a dark replica of that Terrence guy, with no definition or details to his body. He was like the pitch black portion of a monochrome, not affected by the colors around him, not illuminated by the light surrounding him and yet not eclipsed by the people beside him.

And my breath caught in my throat when I realized what he was.

A Shadow!

My head whipped towards Terrence Magnifis, who stopped at the door and turned around to look at the Shadow. My eyes immediately went down to his feet, and sure enough, the only shadow cast under him was that of my sister whom he was carrying. He had no shadow of his own.

Because his Shadow was standing in front of me...and it seemed like he was looking right at me!

And just as Terrence Magnifis' blue eyes moved from the Shadow towards me as well, Karina growled out in rage. The next thing I knew, his features contorted in pain and he winced, "Ah!"

Immediately, the Shadow's dark head whipped towards him and not missing that chance, I dashed towards the wall, running right through it and into the bedroom we had come from.

Once inside, I found myself standing in a large compartment full of clothes, most of which looked like gowns- priceless gowns- and I immediately realized that I was standing inside a closet.

Taking two seconds to even my breathing, I tried to comprehend what the heck had just happened.

I had seen it, a Shadow. I had seen it up close with my own two eyes. It had looked exactly like a Shadow, but far more solid, almost as if I could touch him.

I shuddered, not that I wanted to!

But what disturbed me most was...

That Shadow...he was looking right at me!

I clutched my chest as my heart hammered against it. Could it be that Shadow people could see spirits? But if it was so, the blond haired man would have seen me earlier!

Or maybe they couldn't see me but could sense my presence!

I gulped and bit my lip nervously, I needed to keep my distance from them. Spirit or not, I had no idea what I was up against, or what kind of abilities these Shadow People possessed. I needed to be careful, for my sake as well as my sister's.

I heard the sound of voices coming from outside the closet, and I recognized Karina's agitated one. Alarmed at where that Master Terrence was taking my sister, I quickly stuck my head out of the wooden double doors just in time to see him throw her onto the King sized bed.


I jumped out of the closet dynamically only to jump back into it just as dynamically when the dark Shadow from earlier floated into the room, its movements fluid and elegant as it made its way towards the blond man, and I watched gobsmacked with my head poking out of the closet, as it slid to the floor and reattached itself to the Magnifis man's frame.

It almost freaked the living daylights out of my Spirit.

The large man hovered over my sister as she glared up at him angrily.

"Biting people isn't a very good habit", he told her making my jaw drop.

She bit him???

"Yeah? Well neither is throwing people over your shoulder and forcing them to do things against their will!" Karina retorted with a scowl.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures", he said with a shrug, before leaning in further making her lean away from him, "You have a very pretty face", he told her, "now if only you would smile more often, people could actually see it"

"I'm not here to be a pretty little doll you can show off", Karina shouted and he shrugged, "I never said you were"

"Then why are you keeping me here against my will?" she shouted.

He smirked, "To keep you out of trouble", he told her, "But from the stunt you pulled a few minutes ago, I see that its apparently impossible"

"I'm not your employee", she grit out, "And neither am I one of your people. You don't have the right to command me or control my actions"

"Perhaps not", he said, "But you are a potential threat to my kind, seeing as you know about us"

"Please!" she shouted, "You practically told me you weren't human. In an attempt to get a good laugh from all my freak outs, you compromised your confidentiality. You let me find out"

"So what if I did?" he asked, "It's not like a human could ever do anything to harm me or my kind"

"SEE! This is what I mean!" she cried out, throwing her hands in the air, "You're always contradicting yourself. If you know that I can't do shit to your people even if I wanted to, then why am I a threat to you?! Why must you keep an eye on me? Why can't you let me go?"

That was exactly what I was thinking. Why was the Terrence Magnifis so obsessed with my sister? Why was he so hell-bent on keeping my sister in this place? What did he want from her?!

Master Magnifis let his eyes wander all over my sister's face, immediately making my hackles rise. Karina too stiffened, eyeing him warily. Once his eyes returned to hers, he smirked before moving away from her and standing up straight.

"Get changed and we can go have breakfast", he said, completely disregarding all the questions she had just asked him, making both mine and Karina's jaws drop in disbelief.

"What the he-"

He tsked, cutting her off, "You curse far too much darling", he told her.

"And yet not quite enough it seems!" she snapped, making him exhale a laugh as he turned away from her, and towards me.

With a squeak of alarm, I quickly slid back into the closet. From inside, I could hear Karina's muffled and agitated voice as she spoke.

"You didn't answer my questions!"

"I didn't think the answers would help me get through to you", he replied, his voice getting progressively closer to me.


"Stop making decisions for the both of us!" she shouted, "Let me decide for myself whether or not those answers influence my thoughts about you!"

"Your decisions darling, are heavily influenced by your feelings and hardly ever based on reason", the man replied making my sister cry out in rage.

"That is not true!" she shouted.

"Oh really?" he said and I pressed my ear to the wooden door, hoping it wouldn't stick out of it, "You want me to believe that after your little fit of rage almost got you killed a few minutes ago?"

"I would have been fine!" Karina shouted and this time I frowned, not agreeing with her at all.

"I suppose it is good to be an optimist so I won't reproach your way of thinking, no matter how delusional it may be", the man replied coolly, "So, what's your favorite color?"

My brow furrowed in confusion at his sudden change of topic when the door next to my ear was suddenly pulled open making me shriek in shock.

My head shot up to find Terrence Magnifis looking over his shoulder at my fuming and red-faced sister, and my heart rate spiked


I quickly moved away from the man, pressing my back into the back of the wooden closet. I didn't want to slide out of the wall behind me because I didn't know if there was a room there or just a long drop to the ground.

Could spirits fly???

"What the hell! Don't change the topic!" Karina shouted.

"I'm not", he replied before looking into the closet, "I'm just trying to multi-task and get you ready for breakfast faster. I don't know about you, but I'm famished"

He didn't seem to notice me at all this time, and I wondered if what had happened earlier had just been a fluke.

"What do you mean get me ready?" she asked, "Why can't I come in what I'm wearing?" she asked.

"Because as much as it irks me, we won't be dining alone", he told her with a frown, "And I don't particularly want anyone to see you in your pajamas"

My eyes widened in confusion, my head whipping towards Karina, who was staring at him in shock. And I knew we were both thinking the same thing.


"These aren't pajamas!" Karina shouted, getting off the bed, making Master Magnifis look at her with raised eyebrows.

"No?" he said sounding surprised.

"NO!" she shouted, "This is one of my favorite dresses"

"Shirts you mean", he corrected her and she glared at him, "It's a bloody summer dress"

"It hardly even covers your rear end", he told her matter-of-factly making her blush the color of burning coals. And me too.

Karina's hands immediately went down to her butt, "It does!" she shouted, clearly embarrassed, "I just out grew it a little bit"

I cringed, 'a little bit' may not exactly be true. Karina had bought that dress when she was 15. Since then she had grown almost 3 inches taller, but she loved that dress and we hardly ever bought new ones, so she still hung onto it.

He smirked, "Yes, I can see that", he told her, "In your defense, I must add that its rather figure flattering and makes you look very appealing", he told her, "And I would be perfectly happy with you wearing that had it not been for our uninvited guests"

He picked out a fluorescent green outfit and smiled making my eyes widen.

Maybe he's a distant cousin of Luna Prophecy's

"Here", he said throwing the blinding thing at my sister, "Get changed, I'll be waiting outside"

She stared at the garment in bewilderment, "What the hell is this?"

"It's called a gown", he told her and she scowled at him, "What's with this god awful color?!"

"You don't like it?" he asked and she shook head vehemently. He smirked, "Good. Get changed"

My jaw dropped and she shrieked in irritation, "I'm not wearing this"

"Yes you are", he said closing the door on my face. Frowning I stuck my head out again as he began walking towards the door that led out of the room and said, "Consider it a punishment for your little escape attempt"

"I'm not-"

Her voice trailed away and she screamed in alarm when all of a sudden, her body was pulled towards him involuntarily. I too cried out in alarm and rushed out of the closet towards her as her body collided with his and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Let me be understood", he told her, his voice now low and dark, "You will put on that dress and come with me for breakfast, but if you won't, don't delude yourself into thinking that I am enough of a gentleman to not do it for you"

I cringed while Karina gasped in shock as she stilled in his arms. He smirked, "As much as I enjoy making you uncomfortable and would love nothing more than to put this dress on you myself, I think you've had quite an ordeal already with your near death experience and I'm going out of my way to be considerate of your feelings", he said,

"My feelings, yeah right!" Karina spat out, "If you really cared about my feelings at all, you'd let me leave. I'm not happy here"

"Oh I've made arrangements for that", he said so softly that I almost didn't hear him, "If everything goes as planned, soon you'll have no problem whatsoever staying here"

The way his eyes darkened as he spoke made me gulp nervously.

"What?" Karina asked confused, "What are you talking about? What plan?"

"Pest control", he told her, "I just need to get a few dogs out of the way"

My breath hitched, Dogs...

Karina was about to ask another question but he cut her off, "Rest assured your stay at my castle will be a pleasant one, if you so allow it to be"

My jaw dropped, did the guy just say castle? His castle?!

"And if you're a good girl and do exactly as I say, you will even be rewarded", he told her.

Her eyes widened, "What do you mean?" she asked.

"You won't be cooped up in this place for very long", he told her, "In a little less than a week, I'll be leaving Canada and you'll be joining me on a trip to Dublin"

My heart almost leapt out of my chest in joy.

Oh my God! Dublin! That means...Karina is the Luna that Prophecy saw in Dublin!

She scowled at him, "And what makes you think I'd want to go there with you?" she replied and I pulled at my hair.

No no NO Karina. Just listen to the guy for this once! Pleaaaaseee!

He smirked, "Because the other option would be to stay here alone, and I don't think you'd like that very much", he told her.

"Or the other option could be that I go back to my own house and continue my work with Antoine and Leah while you're thankfully away!" she retorted.

He shook his head, "That isn't possible", he told her, "because Antoine and Ms. Alkaev will be coming with me to Dublin"

She gasped and he nodded, "So get changed. And behave. I'll be waiting for you outside"

He let her go and turned to walk out the door. Karina was still staring at the dress in confusion when he called out, "Oh Karina, I almost forgot. Here"

He threw something towards her and she let out an alarmed cry before catching it between her two palms.

And when I saw what it was, my eyes widened.

Her phone!

She was still gaping down at her phone when he said something that made both our heads whip towards him.

"I called Anna"

"WHAT?!" Karina cried out and I suddenly started to feel a little faint.

"You're always talking about her", he said with a shrug, "I couldn't help but be intrigued by her"

Karina had started to look a little pale and my heart rate was already hitting several hundreds.

"She has a pretty voice", he drawled out, "Much more feminine and soft than yours"

Anger flashed in Karina's eyes, "What did you do?" she grit out.

"Nothing at all", he told her, "I didn't even speak to her. I just listened as she desperately called out for you"

I cringed as concern painted itself across my sister's features and her grip on her phone tightened.

He looked up at the ceiling, "Some of these younger siblings can be quite the worrywarts", he said smiling almost reminiscently.

Karina gulped and was about to say something but he beat her to it.

"Give her a call. Let her know that you're alright", he smirked and added, "And tell her I'm looking forward to meeting her"


John Penson's POV

"A-A-A-A-Alpha!" the poor girl stuttered as she stood before a seething Alpha Supreme.

Cole and Marco cringed and I sighed heavily, this would end badly.

After finding out that Matree Daddario, the Alpha's P.A could be a possible candidate for Luna of Intercession, we had immediately mind-linked her to come to Prophecy's cottage, where she had just arrived a couple of minutes ago.

But it had been nearly 50 minutes now since Suzzanah's soul had teleported, and Alpha Zuerien had exhausted all his reserves of self-control and was close to losing it again.

In the time that we were gone, Marco and Zuerien had carried both the Lunas to the bedroom upstairs since the room downstairs was a mess. And as time had gone by, Zuerien had grown more and more agitated leading to Marco forcing him out of the bed room and down to the living room again in case he had a fit of rage and destroyed something else, while Talon stayed with the Lunas.

When we had arrived at the cottage, Marco had been hiding behind a wall looking like death itself was chasing his tail. We had immediately filled him and the Alpha Supreme in on the details of our search, telling them how Matree could possibly be the Luna of Intercession.

The Alpha had almost brought the house down in rage. Right now, he didn't care who the Luna of Intercession was. To him, she was nothing but the culprit behind his mate's present condition, and he was furious.

Suzzanah...I wish you were here...

Matree now stood shivering and shuddering under the Alpha's burning gaze. His hands were fisted on either side of his body and his jaw was clenched. I knew he was trying to stay in control, but I was afraid he wasn't doing a very good job of it.

"Come", he grit out before turning and striding up the stairs making everyone exchange wide eyed looks and run after him.

As we rushed, Matree came up to me, "Alpha, I swear, whatever I did wrong, I didn't mean to", she said looking terrified.

I nodded, "We know Matree, please calm down. We're not saying you've done something wrong. A very important matter has come up and you may be able to help us with it and that's the reason you're here"

"B-B-But", she stammered, "the Al-the Al-the Al-"

"The Al- will probably skin us all alive if you keep stammering like that and piss him off", Marco told her, "You're his PA aren't you? You should be used to his killer eyes by now"

"Its really not something one can ever get used to", Matree replied, biting her fingernail nervously, "Ah! If I must die, please let it not be in the Alpha's hands", she cried out and Marco nodded saying, "Amen to that"

Cole looked at me and mind-linked, Do you really think it could be her?

I shrugged and shook my head.

Truth be told, I didn't really. But all the clues pointed to her. According to Prophecy's Teleportation Manuscript, one of the Lunas had been in London in the month of June, on the 22nd.

And during exactly the very same time, Matree had been to London and back for a vacation to visit her parents who lived there.

And although Matree originally had blonde hair, she had colored it brown earlier this year because of which Prophecy had told us that the Luna she had seen in London had brown hair. Matree had told us that she had had the dye removed once she got back here in July.

Also, she had worked in Paris for two years before she started working here and Paris was yet another one of the places on the Teleportation Manuscript. And unfortunately we didn't know whether the time that Prophecy had teleported to Paris had been in the past, present or future, so in Matree's case we'd just have to assume it was the past.

But Matree had never been to Cambridge or Dublin before. And even though we could exclude Dublin, since that was associated with the future, Cambridge had to be part of one of the Luna's pasts because Prophecy had travelled to the year 2012.

And if Matree was the Luna of Intercession and she had never been to Cambridge, nor had any relatives there, then that would mean that the place was significant to Karina's past, seeing as she was the other Luna.

The only way to find out would be to ask Suzzanah...

What bothered me however, was that the scent I had picked up that could possibly belong to the Luna of Intercession, was not quite the same as Matree's scent.

Then again...it could have been some sort of perfume too...

Zuerien pushed the door to the bed room open, nearly breaking the door knob in the process. I and Cole exchanged knowing looks while Marco paled and Matree looked about ready to pass out.

Inside, Talon shrieked and shot off his chair, his glasses falling crookedly to one side of his face.

"Alpha!" he said bowing quickly and letting go of Suzzanah's hand which he had been holding onto.

All eyes immediately fell to Suzzanah's comatose frame and almost instantly all our spirits dropped. I had never seen her look so pale. Suzzanah's skin had turned the color of ivory and her lips and fingertips were tinged in a slight blue.


A ragged breath escaped Alpha Zuerien's lips as he rushed to his mate's side and took her hand.

"She's so cold", he breathed out in shock and my eyes immediately shot towards Talon who cringed, his eyes filled with worry.

I immediately walked up to Suzzanah and took her other hand. Her skin was ice cold, immediately making a wave of concern and fear rush through me.

"Her body temperature started to drop severely a few minutes ago", Talon said softy, "So I put a few extra comforters on her and rubbed her hands with mine, but it isn't helping at all"

My eyes immediately found Zuerien's wide brown ones and terror and disbelief shone through them.

"John..." he whispered and I winced at how much pain there was in the Alpha's voice.

Marco came to stand by my side, his features also heavily weighed down in worry at the sight of our Luna Queen looking so sickly.

Cole gently ushered Matree forward and I moved aside to give her some space. She gasped at the sight of Suzzanah, her hand flying up to her mouth, "Oh my God! Ms. Winters..."

She looked at her and then at me, "What happened?" she asked worriedly, "I can't...sense her s-"

"Soul", Zuerien completed making us all look at him as he stared down at her with pained eyes. "That's because it isn't here", he told her, his voice sounding strained as he spoke, "It was teleported in time, along with Prophecy's"

Matree gasped, placing a hand over her chest, "B-but how-"

"Luna of Intercession", I told her and her eyes went wide in shock.

"Intercession?!" she cried out, "But how? The Luna...She's here?" she asked bewildered.

I exchanged glances with Cole as he said, "She may be..."

May be...

I looked at Suzzanah and then at her cold hand still clasped in mine. The Luna of Intercession's powers that had caused her soul to teleport in time, were fading fast, because of which her condition was deteriorating.

In all honesty, I didn't have a very good idea of how all this worked. But in my opinion, the Luna of Intercession's presence should help strengthen the flow of powers from Prophecy to Suzzanah, and therefore improve her condition.

Seeing as the only reason why Suzzanah's soul had been teleported in the first place was because Intercession had enabled the sharing of powers between her and Prophecy, I was assuming that if Intercession willed it, she could disconnect the flow of powers between them and bring Suzzanah' soul back.

I looked up at Alpha Zuerien who was still looking down at his pale mate, her hand tightly clasped in his. In all the years that I had known him, I had never seen him look as tired as he did now. This was hardest for him, I knew, but he was trying his best to keep it together, to not lose control like earlier. As King...as Alpha...it was his duty to remain calm...even if on the inside, he was dying himself...

For Suzzanah...

I had made a promise to him, that we would bring back our Queen. And I would be damned if I failed to fulfill yet another promise.

I would be damned if I let her die...again...

"Matree", I said looking at her, "This may seem a little confusing to you...but this is what you have to do"


"I...don't feel anything", Matree said after trying a third time, "I don't think this is working"

"Try harder, just concentrate", Marco told her and she winced before nodding and closing her eyes again.

She now sat between Suzzanah's and Prophecy's beds, with each of their hands clasped in both of hers. As was required, we had asked her to concentrate hard on willing Suzzanah's soul back to present time.

As someone who neither knew Suzzanah nor understood this situation very well, it could be rather hard for Matree to do this. But we had no choice, this was the only way. And if she was the Luna of Intercession, then it should work.


I stood behind Matree while Talon stood beside me, nervously wiping his glasses for the 10th time in the last two minutes. Marco stood next to Prophecy's bed while Zuerien sat on the other side of Suzzanah's bed, and Cole stood next to him, their gazes moving between Suzzanah and Matree, just like the rest of ours.

We had sent Rino and Del to go and get Megan Houston, Suzzanah's roommate, but she had not been in her room and they had still not found her yet. There was no way the scent I had picked up could belong to a human. It had been shrouded in the magic, which meant that the person who had performed it had to be a witch.

Provided that the scent I picked up was the Luna's in the first place...

"Oh my God!"

Matree's sudden exclamation immediately made all our heads whip towards her just as her eyes flew open. But instead of looking at Suzzanah, her gaze snapped towards Prophecy and the very next minute, Prophecy shot up in bed, gasping for breath.

She's back!

"Prophecy!" Marco cried out and caught her just before she fell off the bed, "Are you alright?"

Zuerien immediately got off the bed while Marco patted Prophecy's back. Both our eyes immediately fell to Suzzanah and we frowned.

She isn't back...

Exchanging tense and disappointed glances, all of us quickly huddled around Prophecy while Talon led Matree out of the room for a little bit.

Prophecy groaned, placing her hand against her forehead, "Ugh, what year is it?" she asked groggily.

"Prophecy you're back in present time", I told her, "It's the 21st of July, 2015"

"Oh thank God!" she said, keeping her eyes closed as she fell back onto the bed, "I told you guys I could do it", she murmured.

We all exchanged alarmed looks as we realized that she was about to fall asleep like she always did after her teleportations.

"Prophecy", I said hurriedly, "Where did you teleport to?"

"Mmmm...to...Dublin...one week from now...just like I said I would", she mumbled tiredly.

"Alright, fantastic!" I said hurriedly, "And was Suzzanah with you?"

She frowned, trying to open her eyes, but was unable to, "Suzzanah?" she asked in confusion and we all exchanged tense glances.

"The Queen!" Marco said, grabbing her shoulders and sitting her up, "Was the Queen with you?"

When she didn't answer, he shook her slightly, "Pro! Don't fall asleep!" he said and she groaned.

"I don't know..." she said wearily, "Why would the Queen be with me?"

"So you didn't see any other spirit with you?" Cole asked and she tiredly shook her head, "No...spirit"

"Damn it!" Zuerien cursed, running a hand through his tousled hair, while the others wore expressions of utter horror.

This is bad...

We had been hoping that Suzzanah's soul had been teleported to the same place that Prophecy's had been, that they would teleport there and back together. But if Prophecy had already teleported back and hadn't see her spirit in Dublin then that meant...

Suzzanah's spirit wasn't teleported to Dublin...it was teleported to-

"I saw her there..." Prophecy mumbled softly, immediately catching our attention again, "I saw her..."

She was barely able to stay conscious as we bent over her again, "Who Prophecy?" Zuerien asked and her body tensed slightly, no doubt having sensed Alpha's powerful aura, "Who did you see?"

"Karina..." she whispered, making all our eyes widen, "Karina will be in Dublin next week"

A heavy silence befell us all as we immediately knew what that meant. It meant Karina was the Luna of Hearts, and we'd see her in Dublin next week.

And although in ordinary circumstances, we would have rejoiced at this news, we couldn't today...because the one person who would have been happiest to hear it...wasn't here...

"But she...won't be alone", Prophecy whispered, as her body slumped against Marco.

"Prophecy, what do you mean?" Marco asked, "Pro! Who else will be there?"

Whimpering tiredly just before falling asleep she managed to breath out, "He'll be there..."

While everyone else exchanged confused glances at whom she could have meant, my eyes went wide in possible realization.

Please don't tell me-

"What now?" Cole asked gravely, "Should we tell Matree to try again?"

Zuerien frowned, "It doesn't really seem like anything is happening", he said, "I don't think it's her"

"Neither do I", Marco agreed, gently laying Prophecy back down on the bed.

In all honesty, nor did I.

"But what other options do we have?" Cole said, "Matree in the only half-witch who was there when the Luna's soul got teleported. She is the only one who could have performed that magic John and Rino sensed"

Wait...That magic!

Matree, I mind-linked immediately, please come inside right now

The very next second, she and Talon came into the room wide eyed. I wasted no time is asking, "Matree, did you perform any magic when you were passing by Luna Prophecy's cottage during patrol earlier?"

She frowned and shook her head, "No sir", she said immediately making me frown.


"Are you sure?" Cole asked, as everyone suddenly grew tense, "Nothing at all?"

She shook her head, "No", she said, "I may be a hybrid, but my magic is very weak because I'm a dominant werewolf"

"What about the other hybrid with you?" I asked, "Did she perform any magic?"

"No Sir"

My brow furrowed, but then what about the magic I and Rino had sensed? When I had rushed out, the only two females I had seen or sensed around were Matree and the other hybrid Jessica. So the magic had to have either been performed by one of them, or some other witch who teleported away just a few seconds before I rushed out.

We already checked all the witches present at the Games, and it wasn't one of them, and if the two hybrids Matree and Jessica hadn't performed the magic then...

For Intercession to have facilitated the sharing of powers between Suzzanah and Prophecy, she would have to have been close to the cottage, unless she was experienced enough to use her powers from a great distance like Marco could, which I highly doubted.

Please don't tell me

"Were there any males around the cottage when you were patrolling there?" I asked, "Any wizards?"

She thought about it for a little but before nodding, "Yes Sir", she said, "A few wizards did pass by just before you came out of the cottage"

Damn it!

I face palmed, shaking my head. Why hadn't it occurred to me sooner? The teleportation magic we sensed could have been performed by a male too! Not necessarily a female!

So that meant, it wasn't necessary for the Luna to be a witch after all!

"How many women passed by the cottage before you saw me and Rino run outside?" I asked hurriedly and she scrunched up her face, trying to remember.

"The entire time that we had been watching the area around Luna Prophecy's cottage only two...no three females passed by", she said, "Two werewolves, and...one human. The werewolves passed by a while ago but the one who we saw around a just few minutes before the cottage's windows shattered and you and Master Rino came out was...a human"


"Was she alone?" I asked and Matree nodded.

But I hadn't seen or sensed any human in the vicinity when I had rushed out. There is no way a human could have disappeared so suddenly...

"Did you see the human walk away from the cottage?" I asked her hurriedly and she shook her head, "No Sir..." she said thoughtfully, "I didn't really. I just presumed she had entered one of the cottages in the vicinity"

Of course!

"John..." Zuerien said, his eyes just as wide as mine, "Do you think you could have missed her because she entered one of the cottages next to Luna Prophecy's?"

"The cottages closest to Prophecy's are mine and the empty one to the right", Marco said, "And both were locked"

"I'm afraid that is irrelevant as of now", I said pressing my fingers to my brow in thought.

The only other possible candidate for Luna of Intercession, who had made contact with both Annabelle and Juno was Megan Houston, Suzzanah's roommate.

Suzzanah's human roommate.

"Do you remember what she looked like?" I asked hurriedly, "The human woman you saw"

Matree bit her lip, "Uh...I can't be sure, I didn't really pay that much attention", she said, "But she was slim and...had dark-ish hair"

My eyes locked with Zuerien's and I knew we were thinking the same thing. We needed to find Megan Houston.

And almost as if on cue, the minute I had that thought we received a collective mind-link from Delta Del.

We found her.


Matree left soon after we received the mindlink from Del. She did not know that Suzzanah was Alpha Zuerien's mate, and she had been specifically instructed to not let anyone know about what had happened in the cottage today.

The order was from the Alpha Supreme as the Alpha of Power, and an order given by the Alpha of Power could not be disobeyed by anyone.

Even if they wanted to...

"They'll be here soon", Cole had said immediately after Del had mind linked us, "but what are we going to tell her? She is human"

"She'll definitely have questions", Marco had added, "about us, about all this, and we aren't exactly in a position to answer them"

"Especially if...she isn't the Luna...", Talon had said softly and we all exchanged tense looks"

Up until now, we had only two people in mind who could be the Luna of Intercession- Matree and Megan. But what if...

What if neither of them was the Luna? What would we do then?

"I'll take care of it"

All out gazes had immediately zeroed in on the Alpha Supreme who had just spoken. My gaze had locked with his and he had nodded making my eyes widen.

"I'll take care of the situation with Megan", he had repeated and then fell silent, looking only at Suzzanah.

I had immediately looked at Cole who had been staring back at me wide-eyed. We knew exactly what he meant by take care of the situation. And it surprised us both...because we knew that Zuerien didn't like doing it.

He didn't like using that particular power of his.

But when I had looked at Suzzanah's cold comatose body, I could understand.

Desperate times really do call for desperate measures...

It had been nearly an hour since Suzzanah's soul had been teleported, and now that even Prophecy was back, our levels of tension were literally skyscraping. Especially Alpha Zuerien. He was on the verge of a major mental breakdown.

He had attempted to warm Suzzanah's body up using his warmth provided by his Elemental abilities, but it had done little good.

In order to give him some time alone with Suzzanah, so that he could calm himself down before seeing Megan, we all left the room. We knew he needed it more than we could ever hope to understand.

Marco carried Prophecy to the other bedroom, too worried to even complain about it anymore, before leaving briefly to go sort out some matters regarding the Games, seeing as it was important that no one present at the Games found out about all that was going on.

I, Cole and Talon were waiting downstairs in the foyer when the door flew open and a familiar voice shouted,


All our heads whipped towards the door as Rino ran inside and literally jumped onto Talon.

"Talo!" he cried out, "How's Anna?!"

It was quite evident that Zuerien wasn't the only one on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Talon was about to reply when Del walked inside making mine, Cole's and Talon's jaws drop when we saw him, or to be more specific, the young red haired woman thrown over his shoulder rather unceremoniously.

For the love of-

"Put me down!" the young woman, who I was presuming was Megan Houston, cried out, "Let go!"

"DEL?!" We shouted in unison.

"Sir", he bowed immediately, making Megan cry out in shock as her body was thrown forward.

"Del, put her down! What are you doing?" Cole cried out bewildered.

"She was putting up a fight and we had no time to negotiate", Del said, "This was the easiest option"

I sighed in exasperation, there goes our chance of having a civil talk with her to convince her to help

"Is Anna okay?" Rino asked again, and Talon cringed, "She hasn't awoken since"

A bolt of lightning struck the stormy sky outside followed by ear-splitting thunder making us all flinch.

Rino's shoulders immediately slumped in disappointment before he rushed to Megan, "We brought the vegan!"

"Young Master its-"

"Put her down Del"

All our bodies went still when Talon's sentence was cut off by a young and authoritative voice.

The Alpha Supreme.

All our heads turned towards the stairs to find him descending them with an impassive face. But the amount of power radiating off his body was literally making it hard to stay on our feet. It was proof of how he was feeling on the inside.

How close he is to losing control

Immediately we all bowed in unison, making Megan cry out a second time. Immediately listening to the Alpha's orders, Del set the young girl down.

The minute her feet touched the ground, the young human pushed herself away from Del and turned to face the rest of us. She stumbled on her feet, almost as if her world spun for a minute, but before anyone could help steady her, she collected herself, and took deep breaths.

Was she alright?...

Her hair was a tousled mess and her face was flushed, probably in embarrassment, but apart from that, she put up a rather calm façade.

"My apologies young lady", Del told her and Rino scratched his head sheepishly saying, "Sorry"

Alpha Zuerien walked up to us and Rino immediately rushed to him, "Wolfa?" he asked softly and Zuerien shook his head.

The grave look on his face immediately made my spirits drop. He was trying hard to stay impassive, and not let anyone see, but I and Cole knew him better than that. Things weren't good at all. We didn't have much time.

Zuerien looked at Megan who gave him a stiff nod before looking at the rest of us warily. The first thing I noticed was her scent, which yet again, was not anything like the one I had picked up in the woods.

It was actually quite strong and smelt like a mixture of scents, no doubts owning to all the products women nowadays used in combination.

A lot more than necessary.

"We're terribly sorry about this", I spoke up making the young girl look at me uncomfortably, "This wasn't how things were supposed to happen"

"I guessed as much", Megan replied uncomfortably, "But regardless, it is a small kind of relief to know that this was all a mistake"

"Well, not exactly", I said, glancing at Cole and Alpha Zuerien.

Looking back at the young girl, my brow furrowed. She definitely did not possess any magic, or any other supernatural abilities which could be detected by a person's characteristic aura. Because she had none, no aura at all.

Even Suzzanah, who was very much human and whose Supernatural abilities could not be detected on first meeting, did still possess a characteristic aura. A human aura.

But this human didn't. Not even a little bit. She was by far the most ordinary human I had ever sensed. And it was slightly odd.

Maybe this is what Zuerien meant when he said there was something off about her...

"A very important situation has come up", Zuerien spoke up, his voice cold and distant, "And it involves your roommate Ms. Suzzanah Winters"

Megan's eyes widened, "What?" she breathed out.

His jaw clenched, "We need your assistance to help set things right", he said and I could hear the strain in his voice as he spoke.

A strange kind of fear flashed across Megan's features for a second, and her eyes widened briefly as though in realization of something. She gulped before asking in a soft voice, "Is Suzzanah...alright?"

Zuerien's body tensed, and his fists clenched at his sides as he tried hard to stay in control. Cole cringed while I put a hand on the Alpha's back.

Son, please stay calm...

"She's..." he breathed out, and it pained us all to see how hard this situation was for the Alpha. He took a deep, "She's-"


My breath caught in my throat and everyone's eyes went wide when a sweet, feminine voice drifted to our ears from behind us. And joy unfathomable seared through each one of us as all our head whipped back towards the source of it, that voice...

That familiar voice!...

The minute our eyes landed on the pale, fragile, beautiful young woman standing at the top of the stairs, the greatest relief we had ever felt rained down on us all like a downpour, with no one even caring to ask, how...

And Alpha Zuerien stepped forward, his eyes wide in disbelief and breathed out in a voice filled with unparalleled affection,




Hello darlings,

First off, I'm terribly sorry for the late update. Life has been terribly hectic, terribly disheartening and in short, just TERRIBLE. But I'm getting by somehow.

This chapter took me forever to right, especially with my tight schedule, but I'm kind of happy with how it turned out.

What did you guys think?

And what are your thoughts about Terrence? I rather like that shady fellow lololol.

Hope you enjoyed this update. If you did, please do VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE!

P.S Please don't ask me to update faster. I'm literally going sleepless as it is. I can't do more than this. I update as soon as I finish writing a chapter. So please bear with me and my slow updates till I can sort out my life.

Until next time

All my love

