57. A First Time For Everything


Also a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who replied on my message board when I asked whether you guys wanted a late double update or an early single update.

The majority vote was for Early Single Update so here you go! Sorry to those who wanted the Double update. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

The lovely fanart on the side was made by Life_is_Music1. Isn't it just the most clever thing ever?! I love it! Thank you!  

Dedicated to  for being the amazingly enthusiastic reader you are and for all your support! Thanks doll!

A huge shoutout  for having supported Unconditionally for so long! I really appreciate it! Thank you!


This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

"It doesn't have to mean anything important"

The hesitation and uncertainty in Mr. Talon's voice was clear.

"Just because she has a full head of silver hair doesn't mean you're connected to her somehow"

His eye twitched and so did mine.

"There are thousands of elderly women in this world with silver hair. You can't be related to them all! Although...the first Queen is quite young in this picture"

I gulped and Mr. Talon readjusted his glasses.

"But well...you have only one streak of silver in your hair whereas she has a full head of silver locks"

I cringed, tugging absently at the silver lock in my hair while Mr. Talon wiped his forehead.

"And well...you're human...and she's human...and so are many other people...right?"

I tore my gaze away from the pictures in the book and looked at Mr. Talon at the same time that he looked at me.

"Besides, its just a pictorial representation drawn out of someone's imagination. It doesn't have to mean that the Luna had really had silver hair"

His voice was so close to a whisper now that it was extremely evident that he was in denial.

And so was I.

"Mr. Talon..."

My voice was just as uncertain as his had been just now. We stared at each other for a long moment, both our eyes wide, both our brows furrowed, both our bodies tense as shock and uncertainty reigned supreme.

"You don't think..."

He pushed his glasses up his node, looking down at the book again worriedly.

"You don't think that there is just a slight possibility..."

He cringed knowing what was coming.

"Just a eeny teeny-tiny bit of a chance that..."

His eyes rose to meet mine once more.

"That I'm..."


We both sucked in deep breaths together, scrunching up our faces and balling our fists, feeling all the frustration build up to its zenith before,


We screamed at the top of our voices together, aggravation and desperation flooding our bodies as I fisted my hair, pulling madly while he slammed the book against his forehead repeatedly.

"WHYYYY!" We both shouted together.

"Why does a new mystery have to arise the minute we manage to solve one?!" Mr. Talon squealed.

"And why do they all have to involve me?!" I shrieked immediately afterwards before grabbing the giant book from his hands, stopping him from cracking his skull open with it, "STOP THAT!"

"Oh, I just don't know what to do anymore", Mr. Talon said, "Should we mind link Alpha Penson about it?"

"It would probably be best if we did", I said, before adding nervously, "But won't he be in the middle of that important meeting with the Oba of the Fire Elementals?"

"Oh yes", Mr. Talon replied, "We should probably wait till he's free"

I swallowed hard and Mr. Talon quickly poured me a glass of water, "Let's not worry too much child", he said, "There is about a 90% chance that you're not connected to her and this is just a coincidence"

"I don't think it is"

My soft, anxious words immediately made him go stiff, "Why?" he asked handing me the glass.

The reason replayed in my head again and again and again and my grip on the glass tightened.

"Because...not long ago, I had a dream", I said hesitantly, "I dreamt of a woman with long waist length silver hair wearing a green dress"

Mr. Talon's eyes shot down to one of the pictures of the first Luna which showed her dressed in an ancient green garment.

His face scrunched up in visible anxiety as he said, "Okay...lets make that 75% chances of you not being connected to her"

"She was riding a horse through the woods"

Mr. Talon's eyes widened as he looked down at the second picture which showed the silver haired Luna sitting atop a magnificent brown steed.

"Uh...alright...50%?" he said, his voice cracking.

"And...she was firing arrows as she rode"

Both our gazes went to the third picture and last pictorial representation of the Luna which showed her aiming an arrow towards a faraway target.

Both of us looked at each other again, our eyes clearly filled with nervousness.

"30...percent?" he squeaked in a bare whisper and I handed him back the glass of water.


He looked at the glass, and then at me before snatching it from me and gulping it down hurriedly. When he was done, I patted his shoulder.

"30% Mr. Talon. 30%", I said and he sighed heavily.

"I'd like to say that even if you are related to the first Queen, its doesn't have to be anything significant, but somehow, I just know it will", he said, "It always works that way with you"

I chewed on my lip thoughtfully before asking, "Hey Mr. Talon, Emily's mate Alpha Micheal...was he an Alpha of Power too?"

"As a matter of fact, no", Mr. Talon said, hurriedly turning pages in the book till he found the page the chapter about the Alphas of Power, "The then Alpha of Power had died about a hundred years before Alpha Micheal was born", he said looking at the dates, "And the next Alpha of Power was discovered only 50-60 years after the death of Alpha Micheal"

"But if no other man was found to be the Alpha of Power while Alpha Micheal was alive then how can you be so sure that he wasn't the one?" I asked, "Maybe he was, and no one recognized it"

"The Council back then apparently did consider the possibility that he would turn out to be the Alpha of Power", Mr. Talon said, "but the hallmark factor to be Alpha of Power is that when they're exercising their powers, their eyes turn golden. But Alpha Micheal's eyes never did"

He removed his glasses to clean them, "A lot of people thought that he would eventually acquire that trait", he went on, "but he died at young age of 27 years and he fought his greatest battle all alone, with no one else present to have witnessed the change in eye colors- if it ever occurred- except the rogues, all of whom were dead by the end of the battle"

I nodded in understanding, "I see"

"Why did you ask?"

I shrugged, "This reincarnation thing is really weird", I said pensively, "I get it that a person can be reincarnated many times. You could be the reincarnation of someone, and so could Rino and Del and Roma and many others but...you all don't necessarily ever find out about it, or discover any clues that lead you to your possible reincarnations right"

I raised my head to look up at the ceiling, "So since I did, I can't help but feel like its something important. That its significant somehow",

I sighed before smiling at him, "But at least I know that even if it is significant and I am related to the first Luna somehow, it won't necessarily be a bad thing. Just like being Emily's reincarnation isn't a bad thing"

He smiled back, "Well that's the spirit child!" he said, "Stay positive and good things will happen to you!"

I nodded, "I hope so..." I said quietly.

"Alright, now lay back down and close your eyes", he said putting the glass aside and pulling the cover over me again, "We'll talk to Alpha Penson about this together as soon as you wake up"

"Okay", I said and snuggled into my pillow.

All the exertion from earlier today was finally starting to show its effects and I could feel my body growing heavy with exhaustion.

Mr. Talon sat next to me, going through the pages of the book once more. I closed my eyes slowly feeling sleep take over me. As it did, I decided to do something I hadn't done in a long time.

Let's make a call

Hey mom, dad, I said in my head, I'm so sorry I haven't called in such a long time. Things have been super crazy lately and I've barely had time to do anything but keep up.

You know...apparently I'm not human. But I'm not exactly a classified species of Supernatural either. And Karina isn't human either. Would that have been a shock to you if you guys had been here?

And even if it had been a shock, you would have accepted us right? You would have loved us just the way we are...wouldn't you?

I'm sure you would. I'm sure.

Don't worry about me. I'm doing good. And Karina will be with me soon enough. Your daughters are okay so rest assured. I'll call again very soon.

I love you


I miss you

I exhaled heavily feeling sleep taking over me slowly. I wondered if I would have another strange dream this afternoon and if I would wake up feeling like it was important.

So many things were happening together that I was finding it hard to even remember all that was going on.

But as I finally fell asleep thinking about my parents, I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps the history I needed to really discover more about wasn't that of Werewolves or the Shadow People, but that of my own.


I woke up to a loud thundering bang that sounded like a meteor had just hit the earth next to me. I shot out of bed like a spring, my wide eyes darting all around the darkened room, looking for the source of that noise.

Feeling heavily disoriented, I squinted in the dark trying to figure out where in the world I was when I heard noises from outside.

"Ey! Watch it you fool. We mustn't break this!"

"Sorry mate!"

My head turned towards the draped window through which faint light was seeping into the room. I then realized that I had fallen asleep earlier in the bedroom in Zuerien's cottage.

What time is it?

As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I looked around trying to find my phone. Where had I put it? As I patted the bedside table blindly, I heard more shouting outside.

"Hey watch it! Coming through here!"

"You guys need any help?"

"No but there are more of these in storage, so go get those will ya?"


"What's going on?" I asked out loud before getting out of bed and walking to the window.

I drew aside the curtain and looked down to find three men carrying what looked like a 1 ton boulder down the cobblestone pathway. My jaw dropped as I pressed my face into the glass trying to get a better look.

As the light from a nearby lamp post fell on them I recoiled at the sight of the series of large stony faces staring up at me with wide eyes.

A Totem pole.

The two large werewolf males were carrying the enormous Totem pole on their shoulders down the cobblestone pathway. Behind them there was another guy who was carrying a similar pole, but it was smaller and was carved to look like a wolf.

At least I thought it was a wolf.

When I turned my head to look further back down the pathway, I saw several people running around with similar stone or wooden statues, fruit baskets, flowers, firewood and lots of decorative vines and other items.

Was this part of the big celebration Zuerien and the others were talking about earlier? The event that was to mark the end of this year's Annual Games?

The mood outside was very festive. The fence of the cobblestone pathway was decorated with beautiful flowers, vines and tiny lights. The lamp posts were similarly decorated and there were also several beautiful glowing lanterns that hung around the cottages and also down the pathway. It was truly beautiful.

When had they done all this?

I was grinning creepily out my window when the lights in my room suddenly went on, temporarily blinding me. Gasping in discomfort, I squeezed my eyes shut, covering them with one hand.

"Oh, so you're finally up"

My eyes shot open at the sound of that voice and zeroed in on my door.


Annabelle groaned, "Seriously?" she asked, placing one hand on her hip and cocking her head to the side in disbelief.

She looked gorgeous as always, with her dark hair loosely falling around her face and shoulders. She was dressed rather casually, in a bohemian styled outfit with a tight low necked brown crop top and blue high waisted shorts with a cream fringed sweater thrown over it elegantly.

I blinked at her, "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What does it look like? I'm here to fetch you", she said walking into the room, a large bag in her hand.

"Really?" I said surprised, "For the big event that is to happen tonight?"

"Events", she corrected nodding, "Yeah. Now get your sleepy butt in the bathroom and freshen up. I brought you a change of clothes"

I gaped at her as I walked up to her, "Wow Roomie, I didn't think you could get bullied into doing chores for me", I said, taking the bag from her and looking inside.

"I wasn't bullied", she said plopping herself onto the bed, "But I will say this much, just because I'm your bodyguard, you better not get used to me fetching things for you"

The bag of clothes and toiletries slipped from my hands and fell to the ground while my head shot up to gawk at her in shock.

My what?!

She smirked, "I told you this morning didn't I? I'd be seeing a lot more of your from now on"

"T-They made you...my bodyguard?!" I cried out in disbelief.

She nodded, "Just while you're in the Royale Territory and not with the King"

"And you agreed?"

She shrugged, "How hard can it be to babysit a kid like you?"


"Master Rino really wanted to be your bodyguard but the Alpha figured that having a female bodyguard would be better because I can follow you into places that he can't", she said, "Like the bathroom for instance"

I gasped and covered my upper body in mock horror, "You peeping tom! Roomie, I expected better from you!"

She scowled, "Shut up fool! And go get ready", she said picking up the bag and throwing it at me again, "I want to hurry up and go to see the festivities"

I nodded, "Alright then", I said, "By the way, where are Mr. Talon and the others?"

"Mr. Talon is at Game Grounds helping Alpha Marco with preparations", she told me, "And by the 'others' I'm presuming you mean Alpha Royale? He's also at the Game Grounds discussing some important matters with the other Alphas"

"I see. Okay, I'll be ready in a bit", I said hurrying towards the bathroom.

"Hurry", she said.

Quickly entering the bathroom, I set the bag down before peeping out of the door.

"Oh, and roomie?"

She looked up from her phone.

I smiled, "Thanks!" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah", she said smiling to herself and I exhaled a laugh before closing the door.

I quickly washed my face and used the toilet before pulling out the clothes in the bag. I had a few clothing options but I noticed that all the clothes were of a similar Bohemian style, like what Annabelle was wearing.

After looking through all of them, I picked out a long loose off-white dress with thin straps and little red and blue designs on it. It felt extremely light and airy, almost as if I wasn't wearing anything at all, and although that was a little unnerving, this dress was a far better option than the other skimpy and tight outfits I had been sent. I had a strong feeling Roma chose these for me.

When I walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, to my surprise I found Roma sitting with my roomie on the bed chatting with her. When she saw me, she immediately smiled widely.

"Well look at you! You look beautiful!" she said, walking up to me.

"As do you!" I said staring at her in awe. She was also dressed in the same style that I and Annabelle were.

"Is Bohemian this year's theme for clothing or something?" I asked as she inspected me, trying to figure out how to improve my look.

"Sure is", she replied, "Its usually anything that is a little bit gypsy and earthy. Come here, I'll do your hair and makeup"

"But I-"

"No buts!" she said as she started braiding a small section of my hair, "This is the first time you will be attending the Werewolf Moonlight Festival!"

"Moonlight festival?"

"Its what the very last night of the Annual Games is called", Annabelle said as Roma started to dust light makeup on my face, "Its quite fun actually"

"Yes it is!" Roma agreed excitedly, "With lots of glowing lights, a buffet of delicious items, dancing, singing, games and of course a humongous bonfire!"

"You might wanna hurry up Roma. Its almost time for the festival to begin", Annabelle said.

"Almost done", she said before placing a beautiful white circular headband around my forehead, "There! You're ready!"

"Thank you so much!" I said looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"Let's get going", Annabelle said and I nodded getting up.

"You both go ahead", Roma said, "I'll catch up in a little bit"

We nodded before leaving the room and descending the stairs. It was 7:50 pm and the events and festivities were scheduled to start at 8 pm. The minute we stepped out of the cottage, a gust of cool refreshing air scented with earthy musky fragrances hit my body and I let out a little sigh.

"I'm really excited!", I told Annabelle as we walked down the beautifully decorated cobblestone pathway, "I don't remember the last time I went to a festival", I looked at her, "What about you? Have you attended lots of Moonlight festivals?"

"Just three, including this one", she told me, "I was here last year and it was a lot of fun"

As she spoke, I didn't miss how her face turned from nostalgic to bittersweet before she quickly shook her head, as though trying to clear it, and looked at me.

"By the way, there are always Men vs Women games in the Moonlight festival", she told me, "If you get chosen to compete, which I'm pretty sure you will, don't' lose"

I gaped at her, "But the only game I'm good at is Archery", I told her.

"Oh, the one I beat you at?" she said with a smirk.

"Oh please! Don't flatter yourself", I told her, "I would have kicked your butt if it hadn't been for-"

I stopped abruptly when I remember how I had been distracted by the blue-green eyes ghost's voice.

Beware Luna...

"You were saying?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head, "Never mind", I said, "Besides, we never completed the Game so you didn't exactly win"

"Keep telling yourself that", she rolled her eyes, "You're just a bad loser"

"I was distracted"

"There are plenty of distractions in the battlefield", she told me, "You can't let them affect your concentration"

General Reginald had told me that last night too.

"I guess you're right about that", I said, "But you missed your last target too so you don't exactly get to preach to me roomie", I added cheekily.

She immediately looked offended, "Hey! My shot was like a hair's breadth away from the target", she defended.

"It was still a miss though"

"That isn't technically considered a miss!"

"Oh who's the bad loser now?"

She growled in irritation and I laughed. Annoying her was always so much fun.

"Ugh! You're so infuriating!" she cried out.

I grinned, "Sticks and stones roomie, sticks and stones"

"Try nails and teeth!"

"Damn! You really are savage roomie!"

"Stop with the bloody nickname!"

"But you secretly love it! I'm sure!"

"Dammit, shut up Carla!"

Both of our faces were struck with surprise the minute that name left her lips, and we stopped walking abruptly. It was the name of the human roommate she had before I became her roommate a few weeks ago.

The name that she apparently hated with a passion.

So why was it that the minute she uttered that word, the first emotion that flashed in her eyes was hurt and not anger?

Annabelle sighed heavily before shaking her head and running a hand through her thick dark hair.

"Never mind", she said suddenly sounding tired.

"You okay?" I asked softly and she nodded.

"I'm fine. Let's go", she said and started walking again.

I fell into step with her, choosing not to ask her anything else about the matter seeing as she obviously didn't want to talk about it. Instead, I chose to change the topic.

"So, what are these Men vs Women events you were talking about?" I asked, "Are they like dumb charades or something?"

She gave me a blank look, "Don't be silly", she said, "Most of the games have at least something to do with physical activity", she grinned, "My favorite one is called 'Predator and Prey'"

"What's that?"

"Its basically like a combination of tag, and the dog and bone game"

"Dog and bone is so fitting for you guys"

This time she did slap my arm.

"OW!" I cried out massaging my arm, "Not so hard you were-female!"

She rolled her eyes, "The Game starts off with an object being placed in the middle of the field, like in the game dog and bone, and one person from each team is chosen to participate. Whoever grabs the object first becomes the prey, while the other person is the predator and has to catch the prey before he or she makes it to the finish line"

"Hm, sounds simple enough", I said nodding.

"But there's more", she said with a smirk, "In order to reach the finish line the predator and prey have to run a long path through the woods. That's the tag part of the game. Suppose the predator manages to grab the object from you, your roles get reversed with the prey now becoming the predator and predator becoming the prey. You can battle it out for the object as much as you like while you're running through the woods, but whoever makes it to the finish like with the object first, wins!"

I cringed, "Of course, its a werewolf game. How could battling not be involved?"

"Scaredy cat"

"What do you expect? You guys are Supernatural, super-strong, supersonic creatures of myth and me? I'm a filthy human!" I joked using the term she used to use to refer to me when we had first met.

For the first time I saw Annabelle laugh. It was a very short laugh and was gone within a second but it lit up her entire face, making her look 10 times prettier than she already was.

"I used to call you that right?" she said shaking her head, "Gosh, why does that seem like such a long time ago?"

I smiled and looked ahead, quietly agreeing with her. It hadn't really been that long ago, but so much had happened in the last couple of days, and so much had changed that it really did feel like ages ago.

"Still", she said, making me look at her again, "I guess you're not all that bad. You know, for a human", she said, giving me a brief glance.

I grinned, "Awww roomie! You really secretly love me don't you?"

Her little smile immediately fell, "God dammit woman! No I don't"

"Come on, admit it!" I said poking her.

"Stop that or I'll kick your ass, Luna Queen or not"

I chuckled to myself. I felt a lot like Rino right then as I annoyed Annabelle, who was Zuerien in our equation.

The thought of Zuerien immediately made warmth flood my body. It was so strange that a couple of weeks ago, I didn't even know him. And now, I couldn't imagine life without him.


They really were the most life changing people in this world.

"Hey roomie", I said just as we neared the entry gate to the Game Grounds, "Have you found your mate yet?"

Pain flooded her features so fast that I almost gasped in shock. Her eyes immediately turned glassy, her jaw clenching as she looked away from my worried face.

She swallowed hard, "Yes I have", she told me, her voice cold and distant, "And I rejected him as well"

I sucked in a sharp breath, my hand involuntarily flying to my chest in shock. My heart started hammering in my chest as worry and confusion tore through me.

She turned to face me again, her eyes dark and bitter, "Just because we have soul mates doesn't mean all of us work out either", she told me quietly, "You should count your lucky stars that you have a mate who would turn the world upside down for you if he had to. Not all of us are that lucky"

I didn't know what to say. I just stared at her with guilty eyes. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair again.

"Whatever. Its in the past now", she said, "It doesn't matter and I don't give a damn"

That wasn't true. It did matter and she did care, and it hurt me to see her bottling it up inside of her.

"Annabelle", I said softly, "I'm so sorry for bringing this up"

She nodded before looking at me and scowling, "Wipe those owl eyes off your face, will ya? I'm fine!" she said, "I met my mate. He turned out to be a fucking prick. I rejected him. End of story"

My shoulders slumped and I nodded, watching her with worried eyes.

"Hey listen here", she said seriously, "Don't look at me like that alright. I don't want your pity"

"Pity you? Why would I?" I asked honestly, "Its your mate that I pity. He lost out on a pretty badass chica"

Despite it being a touchy subject, her lips still quirked upwards at my statement, a small smile making its way to her face.

"I wonder if he thinks that", she said in a whisper I barely made out.

"I'm sure he does", I told her, "I mean we don't even get along and I'm still sure I'd miss you"

She snorted, "You're so weird"

"I'm unique", I corrected her, "Now come on. We've got a festival to enjoy tonight!" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her along, "And since your fellow werewolves will probably kick my clumsy butt out there on the field, its your responsibility to uphold the female honor and pride roomie!"

She rolled her eyes yet again, something I noticed she did a lot, "Whatever", she replied as we walked in through the gate.

The minute we entered I gasped in delight at the sight of the large Game Grounds decorated beautifully with lights, and flowers and lanterns. The large Totem poles I had seen the people carrying earlier were planted in various parts of the field, giving the place an ancient, tribal look.

Several people were already there, chatting gleefully amongst themselves, all dressed similar to us, although I noticed that quite a lot of the men were also shirtless.

A large marquee had been set up in the far corner of the field where everyone was supposed to dine while little stalls were stacked along the walls selling cute trinkets, jewelry items, show pieces and the like. I immediately felt the thrill of festive times rush through my veins and I grinned happily at my surroundings.

"This is so cool!" I literally squealed in delight.

"You're such a kid", Annabelle said shaking her head.

"I take that as a compliment!" I told her looking around merrily.

As we walked, several people turned and smiled at me and Annabelle. A few of them addressed me as Queen and nodded at me, and I grinned at them nodding back, feeling extremely relieved that they didn't do the whole bow till your head hits the ground thing like they had done this morning.

I no longer felt like an outsider amongst these people though, and that was the most reassuring thing of all. I looked around till my eyes landed on Mr. Talon and Cole who were talking some distance away.

When I turned to Annabelle, I found her watching a group of werewolves chatting near the stands. She seemed to know them.

"Hey, why don't you go ahead and meet up with your friends", I suggested, "Now that you've safely delivered me to the Game Grounds, you are relieved of your bodyguard duties for today!"

"I can't do that, you idiot. I'm supposed to stay with you unless-"

"She is with her mate"

Two large muscular arms came around my waist from behind me and I was pulled flush against a rock hard chest and thousands of tingles flooded my skin.


"Alpha!" Annabelle quickly bowed to him while he placed his head on my shoulder and nodded.

"Warrior Black, please go ahead and enjoy the festivities", he told her, his chest rumbling against my back as he spoke, "I'll take over from here"

"Understood, Alpha", she said before looking at me.

Try not to get in trouble, will ya? her voice filled my head surprising me.

I smiled at her and nodded, I'll try, I told her and she smirked before leaving.

Before I could even turn to look at him, I felt his nose trace the curve of my neck and his chest rise as he breathed deeply.

"You smell like heaven", he whispered against my skin making me flush.

"How would you even know what heaven smells like, I wonder?" I asked coyly and I felt him smile against my neck.

"It couldn't possibly smell better than you", he rumbled against me, pulling me even closer.

A silent gasp escaped my lips as his arms tightened around me, the extremely soft, thin material of my dress making me far more feelable.

He groaned quietly into my neck, kissing the skin softly and immediately I felt weak in the knees. I was well aware that we were attracting attention and it was the only thing that kept me from losing myself in the exhilarating feeling that took over me the minute he touched me.

I squirmed in his grasp, turning with difficulty, to face him. He reluctantly raised his head from my shoulder, straightening to tower over me like the giant he was. His grip around my waist never loosened as he looked into my eyes with his warm and tender chocolaty brown ones.

He wore a loose deep blue wife beater shirt with a pair of dark jeans, looking so handsome that it made my heart clench. His jaw sported an attractive one day old stubble that made me want to trace his well defined jawline with my fingers.

I smiled up at him brightly, loving the sight of his relaxed and laid back demeanor, "You're looking nice", I told him, placing my hands on his large biceps.

The corner of his mouth lifted slightly at my compliment before his eyes trailed down my body, taking in my attire. I immediately felt my breath hitch and when his gaze returned to mine, his warm brown orbs were obsidian black.

"And you are looking sexier than ever before", he told me huskily, his large hands caressing the sides of my body.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, "Thank you"

"I really like this dress", he said, letting his gaze fall to the garment once more, before bending closer to me and whispering, "It feels like you're not wearing anything at all"

My face shot beet red in a flash and my jaw dropped, "Zuerien!"

"But of course we can always arrange that, can't we?" he said seductively and my heart went into overdrive.

"Zuerien, someone will hear you!" I whisper-yelled, unable to meet his intense gaze.

"And?" he asked, his hands sliding down and coming to rest just above butt.

"And this is PDA!"

His lips formed a devilishly handsome smirk, "If I were to show them what real PDA looks like heart, by the time I'd be done with you, you'd be marked and mated to me"

Oh God!

My knees buckled underneath me in a flash and if it wasn't for his strong arms around me, I would be a puddle on the floor with a face. With my mouth still gaping at him in disbelief, I pressed my face into his chest, unable to get even a word out.

This man!

Zuerien chuckled softly, his chest heaving against me, "You're so cute my Suzzanah"

"You're killing me Zuerien"

"I'm stating facts, heart", he whispered against my ear, "With you looking as good as you do, I could take you right now against the nearest tree"

Kai, tell him to stop!

Human, shut up

What the hell Kai?! Zuerien growled as I choked on a laugh.

And let me take over, Kai completed immediately making my laughter die down.

KAI! I gasped.

I really like the tree idea, Kai replied.

Zuerien smirked, Shall we go for it then?


You perverted two-in-one were-person! Stop it! I shouted.

Maybe we should show you just how perverted we can be, they rumbled darkly in unison before his large hand cupped my left butt-cheek and squeezed gently.

An ultrasonic squeak of shock escaped my lips, which unfortunately everyone around us still heard because of their canine ears. And just as more heads started to turn our way, I caught sight of a familiar face in the crowd and I cried out to him not even knowing what I was saying.


Marco stopped mid step, his head whipping towards me in shock. The minute his blue eyes found my face, his face turned confused as though he was expecting to see someone else. While everyone around us turned to look at Marco, I managed to pry Zuerien's large hand off my butt.

"Queen?" Marco said in puzzlement as he walked up to us, while Zuerien narrowed his eyes at me accusingly.

"Did you just call me what I think you just called me?" he asked, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Uh...sorry. It slipped out", I said awkwardly, trying to break free of Zuerien's grasp.

"Slipped out?!" he exclaimed in shock, "Damn it! I knew you shouldn't have met that outrageous woman! A few minutes with her and you're calling me by that atrocious name!"

My eyes widened, "Marco, keep it down! What if she hears you?!" I said.

"She left"

All of us turned our attention to the new voice that had joined our conversation. A warmly familiar one.

"Alpha Penson!" I exclaimed smiling brightly.

"Hello, dear one", Alpha Penson said smiling back at me, "You're looking well, you're nearly glowing!"

I chuckled, "Its thanks to Roma's makeup skills", I told him, "But also because I'm really happy today. I haven't been to a festival in so long that being here today has me really excited!"

"I'm happy to know that", Alpha Penson replied.

"So why did Lady Yolanda leave so suddenly?" I asked.

"Beats me. I'm just glad she's gone", Marco said.

"I believe the League of Magic required her presence because of which she had to leave immediately", Alpha Penson told us, and when I looked at him questioningly he added, "The League of Magic is a Council for all Supernatural beings that can exercise magic, just like the Extraordinaire Council for Werewolves"

"Oh!" I nodded in understanding.

"Who cares? She's gone. Goodbye, good riddance", Marco exclaimed, "Oh and by the way, its time to start the festivities. King, you're up first"

Zuerien nodded and Marco looked at me, "And Queen, I'm Marco. Not Marcah or any other remotely female sounding name. We don't need more Rinos and Yolandas around here now do we?" he told me.

I smiled sheepishly and he sighed before shaking his head and walking away mumbling something about bad luck with women.

"Speaking of Rino, where is he?" I asked looking around, "And where is Mr. Talon? I saw him just a short while ago"

"They're over there Suzzanah", Zuerien said pointing towards the stands where Rino sat surrounded by the kids from the orphanage, while Mr. Talon was telling him something, looking absolutely frustrated with him.

The minute I saw the children, my face lit up and my eyes searched the small group for one child in particular.

"Tony's not here yet, Suzzanah", Zuerien said almost as if he had read my mind, "He's speaking with the Oba of the Fire Elementals"

I immediately tensed, "Oh that's right! How did the meeting with him go?" I asked.

Zuerien and Alpha Penson exchanged glances.

"It was alright", Alpha Penson said, "The Oba agreed to speak with Tony and then make his final decision about whether or not he would accept the boy into their society"

"And also if Tony is willing to go", Zuerien added, "If he isn't...then we'll have to think of a different option"

I nodded. Whatever happened, the most important thing was that Tony was okay with it. And if he chose to go with the Fire Elementals, then I hoped that they would treat him as their equal, without any discrimination.

"What's going on here? Why the low faces?"

I raised my head to find General Reginald walking up to us, holding a glass of what looked like wine in his hand.

"Good evening my dear", he said smiling warmly at me, "You're looking well"

I looked at Alpha Penson who had a blank expression on his face, knowing that that was exactly what he had told me a few minutes ago.

"Oh, thank you General!" I replied, "But don't you dare think that calling me by endearments will get you off the hook"

His eyebrows rose in amusement, "Why? What have I done?"

"I believe you forgot to add the words 'this time'", Alpha Penson added subtly to which General Reginald threw him a cold look.

"You chose an authentic warrior wolf to be my Archery target in the 3rd round!" I said and both Zuerien and Alpha Penson's eyes widened.

"You what?!"

General Reginald grinned, "Ah! So I have been found out. I was just trying to make things more interesting"

"That's classified as cheating, you know", I told him and he chuckled.

"What are you getting upset about? You hit the target", he said, "And you did good"

"Perhaps you should check your manipulative nature Reginald", Alpha Penson suggested coolly, "I believe it has been all over the place lately"

General Reginald scoffed, "At least my manipulation shows results John", he said, "Unlike some people who choose to bottle up important information within themselves for years and years together just because they assume nothing good would come out telling people about it"

"At least those who bottle information up don't impose their opinions and decisions on other people", Alpha Penson countered, "Because the way I see it, the results you speak of, that are brought about by manipulation, may not really be the results they want to see, but simply the ones you want to see"

"Something is better than nothing John"

"I believe you would be inclined to think differently if the something you speak of turned out to be a worse situation than the one you were in before you did anything at all"

"I have never found myself in such a situation in all my life"

"Well you know what they say, there is a first time for everything"

"Alright, enough!"

Zuerien cut into their conversation before they could get all up in each other's faces while I stood there watching their little showdown with a stunned expression on my face.

Both the older gentlemen immediately quietened down to look at Zuerien.

"You would think that after having worked together for over three decades, you would have called a truce!" Zuerien said.

"Working next to each other is very different from working together son", General Reginald told him.

"It seems for once, we agree on something", Alpha Penson added.

It was so strange to see them both like this. They were both incredible and powerful people who were the best in their respective domains, and yet here they were bickering like little children trying to have their way.

There truly is a first time for everything.

"Alpha Royale, General Donovan, its time!" a man suddenly came up to us and announced.

Both of them nodded and I wondered what was going on.

Zuerien looked down at me, "Go with John and take a seat in the stands heart, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay", I said and he turned to Alpha Penson, "Take care of her. Don't let her out of your sight"

Alpha Penson nodded, "You have my word Alpha", he said with a smile.

Zuerien quickly bent down and kissed my temple, "I won't be gone long", he told me before turning to General Reginald.

"Come along dear one", Alpha Penson said, gently ushering me towards the stands.

"Where are they going?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at Zuerien and General Reginald.

"Oh they are required to participate in the opening event of the festival", he told me as we sat down.

I was about to ask what event that is when a familiar voice cried out, "ANNA!"

Both I and Alpha Penson turned to find Rino running up to us, followed by a breathless looking Mr. Talon.

"Rino! Hey!" I said as he settled down next to me, grinning happily.

"Are you alright?" I asked Mr. Talon as he took a seat next to Alpha Penson panting for breath.

"Oh...I'm...I...I'm fine!" Mr. Talon huffed.

"Do you need some water Helen?"

"Talon", all three of us corrected him together.

"Oh right! Talon! Do you want some water Talon?"

"No thank you, I'd rather not receive anything more from you, young master"

"Hey, didn't you say that you'd call Mr. Talon, Talo? I asked Rino.

"I was planning on doing that but he said he didn't like it"

"Of course, I didn't like it!" Mr. Talon squeaked.

"Alright, let's all just calm down, shall we?" Alpha Penson said, "The festival is about to begin"

"I'm excited!" Rino said and I grinned at him, "So am I!"

"Hey look! You braided your silver hair", Rino said, poking the braid with his finger, "Its pretty. It looks like moonlight"

I chuckled, "Why, thank you", I said before my eyes moved to meet Mr. Talon and I immediately understood what he was trying to convey.

We have to ask him

Both our gazes moved to Alpha Penson and I nodded subtly at Mr. Talon.

"Alpha Penson"

"Yes Suzzanah", he replied.

"There's something I want to ask you"

"Please do"

I exchanged glances with Mr. Talon, "Its actually about something I and Mr. Talon discovered while going through a book on Werewolf History"

"Go on"

I bit my lip nervously, "You see...we were reading about the very first Luna Queen"

Almost instantly, a knowing smile made its way to his face, "Oh?" he said, sounding amused.

He knows

"You know don't you?" I asked and he turned to look at me.

"About what?" he asked, feigning innocence.

"About her hair", I said, "About it being completely silver"

Alpha Penson's smile widened, "I may be aware of the fact", he said.

"Completely silver hair?" Rino asked and I nodded, "I once dreamt of a woman with completely silver hair!" he exclaimed making both me and Mr. Talon gasp.

"Really?! So did I!" I said.

"You did, did you?" Alpha Penson asked and I nodded.

"Recently", I said and narrated my dream to him, "Which is why although I didn't see her face, I can't help but wonder if the woman I dreamt of could have been the first Queen"

"That is a possibility", he replied.

"Or it could have been you"

Rino's statement caught me completely off guard, "Me?!"

He nodded, "Yeah. Because the woman in my dream with the full head of silver hair, was you Anna", he said.

My hand immediately flew to my hair and he added, "And I had this dream way before I knew you had a silver streak in your hair"

All our gazes immediately went to Alpha Penson again for answers.

"So...?" My voice trailed away expectantly and Alpha Penson blinked, "So what?" he asked.

"So...is it relevant?" I asked, "Could the first Queen have anything to do with the silver streak in my and Emily's hair?"

Alpha Penson leaned back in his seat, "When I went through the Book of Ages, I came across the significance of silver hair in Werewolf history", he said, "Do you know what silver hair symbolizes Suzzanah?"

I looked at Mr. Talon before shaking my head, "No..."

"It symbolizes light and purity", he told me, "Supernaturals who are born with, or acquire silver hair early in life are said to be extremely pure as silver is the color of moonlight. They are often people who bring with them light in dark times. Just like the first Queen did, like Emily did"

He looked at me, "And now, as you are doing dear one", he said, "So do I think you are somewhat connected to the first Queen? Yes, I do believe so. Is it relevant? It could very well be. How? It could be that you and Emily are both reincarnations of the first Luna Queen. Why is that important? As of now, I am not very sure, but I'm sure that if it really is important, we'll arrive a conclusion as to why pretty soon"

He had answered almost all my questions by now, and even though we still didn't have all the answers, knowing that Alpha Penson knew about this made me feel relieved. Mr. Talon also smiled at me reassuringly.

If I and Emily really were the reincarnations of the very first Luna Queen with silver hair, then I just hoped that whatever the significance of that was wouldn't turn out to be a bad thing...

Exhaling heavily, I looked at Rino to find him playing with yet another ball of water, manipulating its consistency between his hands. His eyes were still glowing bright blue telling me that he probably still had those crystals with him.

It was strange that Rino had dreamt about me having silver hair, but dreams were always weird like that I guess. But after both his and my dreams turned out to be somewhat premonitory, I couldn't help but feel like we were all turning into little Prophecys.

Speaking of Prophecy

"Hey Rino"

"How is Prophecy?"

"She's fine Anna!" he replied happily, "Once her mom left, fussy turned back to her normal self"

"That's good to hear", I said, "So...where is she?"

"Ladies, wizards and gentle-weres"

That voice immediately made my eyes widen and Rino grinned. Alpha Penson also looked surprised while Mr. Talon let out an alarmed shout.

"Right there", Rino said and my head whipped towards the podium in the middle of the Game Grounds.

There on the large platform, dressed in the most peculiar blend of animal printed bohemian attire, with her hair in an elegant side braid, with a microphone in her hand, stood none other than Luna Prophecy Ronaldo.

"Thank you for being here at the 45th Annual Games hosted by the prestigious Royale Industries!"

Her voice was vibrant and cheerful and immediately brought a smile to most of our faces, which of course could not have been said about Marco's face that looked ashen and devastated as he gaped at Prophecy in shock.

Let me guess, her hosting this evening was not part of the plan?

"This year's Annual Games have been the most eventful ones ever!" Prophecy continued, "Lots has happened this year as most of you already know, and I'm annoyed to say that I was either 'away' or I slept through most of it!"

Everyone sniggered at her remark and I saw Marco shaking his head at her.

"And despite all the things that went wrong this year, it does not change the fact that it has been a phenomenal couple of days packed with surprises that have blown everyone's minds!"

"She's awesome", I said and all three men next to me nodded in unison.

"So, in order to celebrate all the amazing surprises and new additions to our Werewolf family this year, lets make this the most memorable night ever!" Prophecy said dynamically before raising one hand in the air, "So people, with that I declare tonight's fest open! And I wish you all a very happy 45th Werewolf Moonlight Festivaaaaaal!"

The crowd broke into loud cheering, clapping and hooting and many rose to their feet, including me and Rino. Prophecy grinned happily, bouncing on the stage till she almost fell off before Del and Cole pushed her back up and Marco hurried on to the podium.

"Thank you cousin, for that very unexpected and uncalled for introduction", Marco said taking the mike from her, "It is evident that you have managed to fire up the crowd, in addition to giving me heartburn"

Prophecy grinned sweetly, probably taking that as a compliment.

Marco rolled his eyes before continuing, "In commemoration of the success of this year's Annual Games despite all the obstacles we faced, lets begin the Moonlight Festival with the most awaited brawl of the year!"

My smile fell almost instantly and I grabbed Rino's arm before he could start cheering.

"What does he mean brawl?!" I asked and Rino grinned.

"Don't you know it", he said confirming my suspicions and my stomach sank.

Oh God no.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the one-on-one combat finalists, Alpha Zuerien Kai Royale and General Reginald Donovan!!!"


The crowd went crazy, screaming and cheering at the top of their lungs as both men emerged from the VIP cabin and walked onto the Grounds like invincible ancient gladiators. The power that was rolling off of them in waves was so unfathomable that it was making the hairs on my neck stand on end, and causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

"Wasn't the last match supposed to be between Zuerien and Del?" I asked and Alpha Penson nodded.

"But everyone agreed that a fight between the Alpha and Reginald would be far more exciting", he replied.

I shook my head, Werewolves, I thought but smiled nonetheless. I was no longer worried about such matches because I had absolute faith in Zuerien and his unreal strength. And apparently General Reginald was as good as a warrior can get so I wasn't particularly concerned about him either.

On the contrary, I too found myself a little bit excited.

As both men walked towards their combat ground, I saw Zuerien whisper something to General Reginald to which the older man grinned and nodded. And then Zuerien started to walk away from him.

Everyone exchanged glances, wondering what was going on and even Marco, Prophecy and Cole looked confused. I and Rino shrugged at each other before looking back at Zuerien, and my heart rate suddenly spiked when I realized that he was coming right towards me.


My body tensed immediately and my eyes went wide in confusion and alarm as his long legs carried him swiftly to the spot where we were seated.

I quickly looked around wondering if he could be coming to talk to either Alpha Penson or Rino, but the way his eyes were clearly fixed on me told me otherwise. And the closer I looked, I noticed his lips curling into the handsome smirk.


"Why is he coming here?!" I whisper-yelled to Alpha Penson who chuckled softly.

"I wonder", he said and it only made my nervousness grow.

All eyes were on us as Zuerien walked right up to me, his eyes the color of black sand. I looked up at him with eyes as wide as basket balls and before I could even register what was happening he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.

And crashed his lips on mine.

Fireworks exploded all over my body as Zuerien's lips claimed mine, hungrily moving against them. My eyes squeezed shut of their own accord and I responded without even realizing, trying hard to keep up with his fast-paced kiss.

Around us, the crowd erupted in the biggest applause of the evening, cheering so loud that my eardrums almost exploded. Heat flooded my body and Zuerien's lips devoured mine for a second longer before finally pulling away, leaving me completely breathless and flushed beyond compare.

That...had been our first public kiss!

While the hooting around us continued just as strongly, I gaped at my mate in absolute shock. He smirked devilishly at me, obviously loving my stunned reaction.

"For good luck"

He said the same thing he had told me earlier in the afternoon, evoking more hooting and whistling from the crowd. I couldn't even hide the traitorous smile of embarrassment intermingled with immense joy that made its way to my face as I looked down at the ground, blushing.

He gently pushed me back into my seat and kissed my forehead, smiling. I shook my head before grinning up at him.

"You'll win, I know it", I told him.

His eyes flashed, "Of course I will", he replied, his smirk returning, "After all, I have a bet to win and a prize to claim"

My jaw fell open once more as he grinned before turning and walking away, towards the combat ground.

This man!

The crowd was still going wild like my heart, and it wasn't helping that Alpha Penson kept clearing his throat and Rino was openly grinning at me. The only person who was just as beet red as me was Mr. Talon.

Once on the field, Zuerien reached down and pulled off his wife-beater just like for his last match with Cole, and all the females and even a couple males nearly shattered all the glasses in the dinner marquee with their ear-splitting screaming and squealing.

The sight of his chiseled chest and sculpted abs made my mouth go dry despite the countless times I had already seen it. And the heat that pooled in between my thighs right then was the most exotic thing I had ever felt in my entire life.

General Reginald thankfully kept his shirt on and when both of them took their positions, the entire crowd quietened down instantly.

"It is an unspoken truth that Reginald has never lost a battle to anyone before, not even Zuerien", Alpha Penson told me making my eyes widen, in shock "Especially because Zuerien refuses to use his Alpha of Power abilities when he participates in combat events such as this one"

I bit my lip as he added, "Its been 4 years since they last battled in public", Alpha Penson added, "And if Zuerien defeats Reginald today, it will be his very first victory against his teacher ever. And it will be a milestone that marks today as the day that the student finally surpasses his master"

I sucked in a sharp breath, my gaze zeroing in on my mate. He looked as confident as he ever could, his stance majestic, his head held high. I licked my lips before smiling.

"He'll win", I told Alpha Penson, "I'm sure he will"

Alpha Penson smiled widely, "I know Suzzanah", he said, "He'll win. He has to show off in front of his mate after all"

I exhaled a laugh before returning my attention to the field. A peal of thunder struck the dark cloudless sky and immediately all our heads whipped towards Rino who was grinning excitedly.

Queen, please tell that fool not to make it rain tonight or I'll kick his wizard ass into the next century! Marco's voice filled my head and I chuckled.

"No rain please, Rino", I said, "Marco's request"

"Gotcha!" he said nodding, "Wouldn't wanna block out the moonlight during the Moonlight festival now would I?"

Holding my breath, I scooted forward to sit at the edge of my seat. Both Zuerien and General Reginald looked absolutely fired up. Del raised his hand indicating to both the participants that they needed to get ready. And then his hand came down swiftly and a loud whistle blew.

In a flash both men lunged at each other, and for a minute everything became a blur to my eyes. All I could see were two blurred shadowy figures moving rapidly within extremely close distance of each other. My hand flew to my mouth, my lips parting in absolute bafflement at the surreal speed at which things were unfolding.

All my eyes could catch were glimpses of fists flying forward and kicks being thrown into the air. The entire time the only thing that told me that the fight was still ongoing were the super-fast sounds punches and kicks hitting skin. After a few seconds, my eyes started to hurt as though I was watching an action movie in fast forward.

I realized that the crowd around me was gaping in the same shock that was probably painted across my face. Many of them were squinting in disbelief which made me wonder if they too could barely see the match.

As I forced my eyes to focus, they suddenly did and I caught sight of both men. General Reginald's fist flew forward, looking like punch being thrown by hulk himself and I watched breathlessly as Zuerien's body rotated in the air, avoiding the punch by what seemed like a hair's breadth of a distance.

In mid-motion Zuerien's leg swung forward, aimed right into the General's ribs but before it could connect with his skin, the General's other hand shot out and slammed into his ankle, displacing the kick.

Simultaneously the General's knee dashed upwards and connected with Zuerien's abdomen hard. Zuerien's large body was thrown backwards and I almost shot out of my seat in shock, but the very next second Zuerien had regained his balance and was throwing yet another punch in the General's face.

When the General blocked that with one hand, Zuerien's opposite leg swung into his face. The General grabbed Zuerien's ankle in one hand but before he could throw a kick Zuerien's way, Zuerien once again whirled his body to the side, his other leg coming up and slamming hard into the side of the General's face, making him release him ankle and stumble backwards.

Not giving him a chance to attack, Zuerien's arms shot out, his fists pounding into the General's chest one after the other with such force and speed that it could have broken brick walls. I cringed at the sound of the hardcore punches which could be compared to that of a machine gun going off.

But just as Zuerien seemed about to land his last punch, the General ducked underneath him and lifted Zuerien's body onto his back before throwing him violently into the steel pole at the corner of the ring. My blood ran cold at the site of Zuerien's frame hitting the pole so hard that it dented backward, curling into a C.

Both my hands flew to my face in panic as the General lunged at Zuerien before he could ever get off the ground. But in the very next second, the General's large body flew to the other side of the ring as Zuerien's foot crashed into his stomach like a wrecking ball.

Both men were at their feet once again standing on opposite sides of the ring, breathing heavily and dark eyes trailed right at each other. Chills ran down my spine as a strange intuition told me what everyone else in the Grounds probably already knew.

Whoever made the next attack would win.

The stadium seemed charged with electric excitement and enough thrill to feed a thousand souls. And after just a second longer of sizing each other up, both Zuerien's and General Reginald's faces lit up with their most confident smiles.

They roared in unison, their battle cries echoing throughout the ground before they lunged at each other once again, just the way they had in the very beginning.

Time seemed to slow down as both their right hands pulled back, both their right fists clenched and both their body's dove forward, and I knew that whoever landed the punch first would probably be the victor.

But just as their fists were about to collide into one another, Zuerien's attack changed course and he suddenly bent his body, slamming his palm into the ground underneath him, avoiding the General's fist by a sliver.

And everyone watched in absolute wonder as he spun his body on his arm and landed the most brutal kick ever into General's side. The General body was thrown into the ropes, tearing right through them before landing several feet away from the ring, on the hard solid ground.

And then there was silence.

It took everyone, including the referee Del, a good three seconds to realize that the match was over. And when Zuerien straightened to his full height, raising one muscular arm up as a sign of victory, the entire stadium of people shot off their seats and roared in earth-shattering, thundering applause.

He won! He won! He won! HE WON!!!

"HE DID ITTT!" Rino and I screamed in ecstasy, jumping together, while Alpha Penson and Mr. Talon clapped heartily, their hands raised above their heads.

Prophecy was jumping excitedly too, her hands around her cousin's neck while Marco tried to clap without falling over and breaking his face.

Zuerien got off the ring just as General Reginald stood to his feet and the minute he reached him, the General engulfed him in the warmest man-hug I had ever seen. He thumped Zuerien's back proudly before pulling away, grinning from ear to ear. Then taking Zuerien's hand, he raised it up in the air once more.

"ALPHA ROYALE!" He shouted loudly and the entire crowd howled madly.

"ALPHA ROYAAALE!" we all screamed in sync before the entire crowd rushed out of their seats, bounding towards them while cheering wildly.

I and Rino also ran with everyone else and just as we reached them, we saw General Reginald, Cole and Del lift Zuerien onto their shoulders still chanting his name.

"LONG LIVE ALPHA ROYALE!" Del shouted joyously and everyone repeated the words in loud choruses.





I cheered with everyone else, clapping so hard that my hands hurt and grinning so widely that all my 32 teeth were on display. The overwhelming feelings of joy and pride and respect and love that were pulsing through my veins were not just my own but those of every single person present here at the Games.

And my heart swelled with the knowledge that the werewolf Kingdom loved their King like no other. Their kingdom had been entrusted in the hands of a Ruler who deserved all the praise and all the respect and all the love in the world.


My eyes welled with tears of joy at the sight of Zuerien's warm smile as he looked down at the cheering crowd. So much affection flooded my body at the sight of him that I couldn't even contain it.

He was everything and he was enough.

He was my home.

At that very instant Zuerien's gaze found mine and I laughed before blowing him a kiss with both hands. His smile widened even further before he tapped General Reginald's shoulder and they let him down.

The crowd parted as he made him way towards me and when he was in arm's reach, Rino jumped on him, hugging him tightly.

"Wolfa! You did it!" he shouted gleefully and for the very first time, instead of looking annoyed, Zuerien actually chuckled and patted Rino's back twice.

If that wasn't the most heartwarming bromance moment I had ever seen, then I didn't know what was.

Once Rino let go, Zuerien's gaze found mine again and I rushed towards him with my arms wide open. He smiled widely before wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me off the ground to spin me in the air. The people around us started to hoot and whistle and I laughed heartily.

"Congratulations", I said to Zuerien as he held me for a long moment before pulling away to peck my lips.

"Thank you sweetheart", he said before adding, "I told you'd I'd win"

The boyish grin on his face made my heart go crazy in my chest and I laughed nodding. Just as he bent to kiss me again, General Reginald appeared next to him and thumped his back.

"I can't tell you how proud I am of you son", he said, making Zuerien turn to face him, "You've finally surpassed your master and I couldn't have asked for a better student"

"Thank you for everything General", Zuerien told him with a smile while the rest of the audience watched the interaction with doting eyes.

"Alright everybody!" Marco's voice caught everyone's attention, "With that spectacular show of power and skill, consider the Moonlight festival inaugurated! Let the celebrations BEGIN!"

"YEAAAHHHH!" everyone cheered before they started to disperse, some going towards the little shopping stalls, some heading towards the bonfire while a large majority made their way to the dinner marquee.

Zuerien looked down at me, "Dinner?" he asked and I nodded, "But you should probably freshen up first", I told him.

He smirked before bending in and whispering, "What the point of washing up now when we're both going to get hot and sweaty again later tonight"

My face shot red and I slapped his chest, "You have no shame!"

He chuckled pulling me in to kiss my forehead. The crowd looked almost awed at his carefree and happy persona and I hoped they would see more of this side of him from now on.

As he led me to the dinner marquee where quite a lot of people were already gathered, I saw that there was a lively dance that was taking place around the bonfire that had been lighted in front of the marquee. A large group on men and women wearing floral garlands were dancing in a circle around the fire to a tune being played by the musicians, while the others sang and clapped along.

"Its called the Annual Firelight Dance of Togetherness", Zuerien said before cringing, "As horrid as the name is, the dance itself is not all that bad"

"It looks like fun", I said, clapping along with the others as I watched the men, women and children dancing.

"It was believed to be done by our ancient ancestors to promote friendship", Zuerien told me, a small smile on his lips, "And somehow it got incorporated into the Moonlight Festival. Its done almost like a ritual every year. Whoever wants to can participate in it. There are no specified dance movements, you can just do whatever you want. The more tribal it is, the better"

I chuckled before looking around the magnificently set up marquee. The delicious aromas of different foods reached my nose and I inhaled deeply, feeling my mouth water.

Then I quickly looked around, scanning the crowd, "Where is Prophecy?" I asked Zuerien, "I want to meet her"

Zuerien turned to look for her in the crowd and thanks to his impressive height, he found her immediately, "There", he said, pointing to where a large group of men were standing.

It took me sometime to realize that she was right in the center of that crowd and almost every man was holding out a flower towards her, some even down on one knee.

"Are they doing what I think they're doing?!" I asked and Zuerien nodded, looking amused.

"Prophecy is very popular amongst the Supernatural males", he told me, "She gets tons of proposals from people almost every other day"

"But-But she's a Luna right? Wouldn't she be mated to an Alpha?"

He nodded.

"Don't these guys know that then"

"Of course, they do. But that obviously doesn't stop them from trying for her", he said, "Especially because Prophecy made it very clear last year that she did not want to be found by her mate just yet. As cruel as that sounds, Prophecy has her own reasons for saying so. Its not that she doesn't want to meet her soulmate at all. She just wants to accomplish certain things before she does"

He stopped briefly, his eyes darting towards someone else, "Speaking of someone who doesn't want to meet his soulmate at all", he said in a lower voice.

My eyes widened as I realized whom Zuerien was talking about. Marco cut through the crowd of men who had surrounded an annoyed looking Prophecy before barking at them to leave her alone. My brow immediately furrowed and I looked up at Zuerien who had a hard look in his eyes.

"He doesn't want to meet his mate?" I asked in disbelief and Zuerien nodded, "But why?" I asked.

Zuerien sighed, "I don't know", he said still looking at Marco, "Marco has changed a lot since I first met him. He wasn't always a playboy like he is now, in fact there was a time he was really looking forward to meeting his mate. That was around 3 years ago"

He steered me towards the table as he continued talking, "I don't know exactly what happened, but he changed his decision almost overnight and turned into the flirt he is now. Prophecy always worries that the day he finally finds his mate, she might reject him for being such a manwhore. But Marco...doesn't seem to be bothered by that"

I looked at Marco once more, wondering what his story could be. I had seen the man he was underneath that smooth-talking flirtatious nature of his. And that man was someone who cared very deeply for those dear to him. He was loyal and loving, and yet, apparently didn't want to be either of those things to his soulmate.

"Its not my place to judge him", Zuerien said softly, breaking me out of my thoughts, "Its his life, he can do whatever he wants. But as a man who has tasted the joy that one's mate can bring in one's life, I feel bad for him", he frowned thoughtfully, "He's distancing himself from someone who could be the most important person in his life. And since I was like that too at one time, I know that its a mistake"

Zuerien had been that way too, but he had had his reasons for doing so. As I gazed at Marco while he bickered with Prophecy, I couldn't help but wonder.

What could be his reason?

And what could be Annabelle's for having rejected her mate?

Alpha Penson, Cole, Mr. Talon and Rino joined us soon, all congratulating Zuerien for his win once again when someone called out.


We turned to find two men grinning at us. One of the men was the blonde-haired guy who had been my archery target in the third round. The warrior.

"Hey! I know you!" I said smiling and he grinned, "Hi Luna, its a pleasure to see you again"

The other man had red hair and he smiled nodding.

"Derek, Mason", Zuerien said and almost immediately those names struck a bell in my head.

"Derek and Mason?" I asked surprised, "So you're the two guys who rescued me and took me to the hospital when I fell unconscious in the woods on my first day of work?!"

Zuerien immediately flinched, his jaw clenching and arm around my waist tightening as though I had mentioned something that hurt his head. Alpha Penson and Cole immediately exchanged cringe-like looks making me wonder if I had said something wrong.

"Oh you remember!" the blonde guy said, "I'm Derek and this is Mason", he said turning to the red-head, "We were really surprised when we were mind-linked by the King telling us that there was an unconscious human down the path that leads to the staff quarters and that we needed to take her to the hospital immediately"

"Path?" My brow furrowed, "But I didn't collapse near any path"

Zuerien tensed, "Why are you both here?" he asked abruptly making both the men stiffen and exchange nervous glances.

"Oh, we wanted to ask the Luna if she would want to join us in the next round of the Firelight Dance", Mason said, "There are lots of people who would like to participate in the dance with her"

I bit my lip feeling both uncertain and excited, "Really?" I asked and they nodded.

"Would you do us the honors, Luna?" they asked, looking warily at Zuerien.

I glanced at the large bonfire before looking up at Zuerien, "I think I'd like to try", I told him softly.

Zuerien's eyes softened, "In that case, go right ahead"

I grinned at him gratefully and so did Derek and Mason, "Thank you Alpha", they said bowing, "This way Luna"

"Will you come?" I asked Zuerien and he shook his head.

"I'll come!" Rino immediately volunteered making Zuerien scowl, "Why do you-"

"Lets go Anna!" Rino cut him off happily, "COLE! Come along", he said dragging a shocked Cole with him to the bonfire.

I gave the rest of the three a nervous smile before following Derek and Mason. They led me close to the trees where all the women who were going to be in the next dance had gathered. As I walked towards them, immediately everyone started clapping and I bowed my head gratefully. Roma rushed up to me put a garland of flowers around my neck.

"I have no idea what I'm supposed to do", I told her honestly and she laughed, "No one does honey. Just do whatever you feel like"


A chorus of sweet little voices sounded and soon I was surrounded by the children from the orphanage. My face immediately lit up.

"Hello darlings!" I said happily.

"We want to dance with you Luna!" they said gleefully and I looked at Roma.

"Is it safe?" I asked and she nodded.

"These are the King's flames", she assured, "They will not hurt anyone here"

I let out a joyous laugh, "Great!"

"Let's go and get your garlands kids!" Roma said and they all cheered before running off with her.

All except for one child.

Tony Garcia.

"Tony!" I exclaimed immediately sitting down as the boy approached me with a downcast face.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, "Are you alright honey?" I asked gently and he nodded wordlessly.

His little face looked tired and burdened and I hated to see him like this. At an age when he was to live a carefree and happy life, this dear child had been burdened with far too many weights.

"Tony?" I said gently pulling the boy closer to me, "Talk to me love. What's the matter?"

His lips quivered and he swallowed hard, "I-I spoke with that man. The King of the Fire Elementals"

My heart rate spiked and I nodded, "What did he say?"

"He said...he'd take me in", he told me and I cupped his cheek.

"And do you want to go?" I asked and his gaze met mine, his blue eyes glassy.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" he asked and I marvelled at how strong the dear boy managed to keep his voice despite how hard he had been having it lately.

I shook my head, "No one will force you to go Tony", I told him honestly, "You don't have to go if you don't want to"

His eyes turned glassy, "But I-"

"Don't think about anything else but you honey", I told him, "Your happiness matters most. If you don't want to go, we'll figure something else out"

His eyes immediately welled with tears, his strong bravado crumbling, "Luna", he said, his voice shaking and I smiled before holding my arms open for him.

"I promise", I told him wholeheartedly and the dear child finally broke down and crumbled in my arms, crying loudly.

I hugged him close, feeling my own eyes well with tears, "Everything will be okay Tony. You're not alone, don't you ever forget it"

"But I'm one of them", he cried.

"No, you're one of us", I told him, "And that will never change. Not ever"

"I'm sorry Luna...for not trusting you", he said softly and I shook my head, hugging him closer.

He didn't cry for too long, just for a few moments before he pulled away and wiped his eyes.

"I'm okay", he said before looking into my eyes, "I...I want to go"

My eyes widened in surprise at his sure statement, "Are you sure you don't want to take some time to consider your decision?"

He nodded, "I don't want to live here in fear", he told me, "that soon everyone finds out about me and then they'll hate me. At least until I learn to control that side of me, I want to go stay with the Elementals"

I looked at the boy before me in awe. Tony was one of the strongest people I had ever met in my entire life. Just looking at his blue eyes shining with determination, I knew... I knew this boy would grow up to be legend. And I was very very proud of him.

"If that's what you really want, then alright", I told him, "But the doors to Werewolf kingdom are always open to you, so don't ever hesitate to come back if you want to"

He nodded, a small smile making its way to his face, "Thank you", he said, "The Oba of the Fire Elementals said that he would come to fetch me tomorrow morning, if I wanted to go with them"

"I see"

He gazed drifted towards the bonfire where the Firelight dance was just about to begin.

His eyes suddenly turned solemn again as he said, "I'll miss my sister", he told me and I followed his gaze till it fell on little Ginny. His lips quivered again, "I wonder...if she'll forget about me", he said quietly.

"Hey, of course she won't forget about you", I told him, "She's your sister. Blood or not, it doesn't matter"

He nodded quietly, not saying anything else and I immediately knew what I needed to do next. Smiling to myself about the idea I stood up and took his hand.

"Now come on, lets go dance", I said pulling him along despite the horrified look on his face.

"But I don't want to dance!" he protested.

"Oh come on! If you're really leaving tomorrow then why not live today to the fullest huh?" I asked stopping to wiggle my eyebrows at him.

He sighed before giving me a look I had seen Zuerien give me several times. A look of defeat.

"Alright", he said and I grinned taking him with me.

We all assembled around the large bonfire, holding hands and wearing matching garlands. Rino was on my left while Tony was on my right. Cole who had been bullied into the dance by Rino, was standing on Rino's left.

I gave Tony a bright smile before looking towards the marquee and immediately found Zuerien standing by a wooden pillar, smiling at me. I smiled back excitedly and took a deep breath.

And then the music began.

The next couple moments were a complete blur in my mind. I wasn't really sure what I did, I wasn't sure what steps I performed or if I even looked sane doing them.

But right there in that moment, wearing a pink flowery garland, dancing care-freely around a large bonfire with my friends, singing and clapping under the watchful eyes of my dear mate, I felt a wholeness within me that had never been there before.

There truly was a first time for everything.

The rest of the night was a fiesta of more dancing, eating, chatting and laughing. Prophecy got drunk and started to babble something about flying baboons and eloping chickens.

When I finally got to meet her, she was completely intoxicated and she hugged me tightly before kissing my cheek hard. immediately making Zuerien pull me some ten yards away from her, choosing to introduce me to some non-drunk people instead.

I got to know quite a few people in the crowd, and was also formally introduced to Alpha Broderick- our Treasure Hunt leader- who apologized profusely for what Jason, his Beta had done to me. He assured that Jason has been punished adequately.

Zuerien immediately steered the conservation in a different direction before I could ask what kind of punishment he and the others had been given. Even though I was still bitter about what had happened, I just wanted to put it all behind me, so when our conversation was over, I asked Zuerien to stop punishing them and let them all go. As reluctant as he had been, he thankfully agreed.

After buying a few trinkets and a few show pieces that I knew Karina would like, we all gathered around the middle of the field once more for one of the last events of the day. The Games. Or to be specific, Annabelle's favorite game.

The Predator and the Prey

All the women and men separated themselves, sitting opposite to each other. And the 'object' in the middle of the field was a bright blue handkerchief with penguins on it.

It was Rino's.

Prophecy's name came up in the very first round itself and despite Marco's heavy objections and her state of intoxication, she participated and miraculously ended up winning too.

A few more rounds were played, with the men leading by a point or two. I was really enjoying myself, sitting next to Roma and an almost asleep Prophecy when Del announced.

"Alright people!" he announced looking at the name on the paper he had picked out, "Finally, the name we have all been waiting for! Alpha Zuerien Kai Royaaale!"

Everyone started to cheer as Zuerien got up and made his way towards Del, looking as confident and handsome as a man could get.

Del grinned, "And because we all know that he'll probably end up winning within the blink of an eye, we have decided to make things a little bit more interesting and pit him against the only woman here who could probably stand a chance"

My heart stopped.

"Luna Suzzanah Winters!" he announced and once again the crowd erupted in applause.

"What?!" I cried out in disbelief, "How exactly do I stand a chance?" I asked Roma, "I'm a human!"

She smiled evilly, "We know", she said before leaning in and whispering, "Look at the possibilities Luna! You're his mate and he's completely smitten by you. All you gotta do is flash a little skin and the win is as good as in the bag for us!"

I gaped at her in shock, "If I flash any more skin than I already am, I won't come out of those woods with any semblance of clothing remaining on my body!"

She threw her head back and laughed before winking at me, "And that's bad why?"


"What's the matter?"

Zuerien's deep amused voice caught our attention and we looked up at him to find him smirking darkly at me.

"Are you afraid Luna?" he asked and all the men started to hoot and whistle.

"Of course she's naht!" Prophecy slur-shouted, "She can kick the King's foot if she wants to!"

"Butt Prophecy, not foot", I blabbered nervously and she hiccupped.

"That's right! She can kick whatever she wants!" Prophecy shouted, throwing her fist in the air.

"Uh...I don't think this is the best idea-"

"Hey!" I turned to find Annabelle sitting next to me, "Don't you be backing out on me now Suzzanah!" she said, "We're winning this remember?"


"No buts! Win!"

With that she hauled me to my feet and pushed me forward onto the ground.




The women chanted while the men chanted 'Alpha'.

"Alright, to make things fair, we'll let the Queen have the handkerchief and get a head start into the woods", Del said, "The Alpha King will run after her exactly 2 minutes after she enters the woods"

Del handed me the handkerchief and I took it from him before looking at Zuerien who had come to stand in front of me.

"Wanna bet again, heart?" he asked in a low voice, "whoever wins this match gets to claim the win for the match I already won as well too"

I crossed my hands over my chest and narrowed my eyes at him, "You're that sure you'll win?"

His smirk widened, "Oh heart, I've practically won already"

I gave him a look of disbelief before uncrossing my arms and raising my head defiantly.

"Oh we'll just see about that, wont we?" I said boldly.

He grinned, his canines flashing, "You should remember what I told you my Luna", he said bending closer to me, "I always get what I want. Always. And I've never lost a bet before"

I glanced at Del and he said, "Ready when you are Luna"

Looking back at Zuerien I smirked at him before saying confidently,

"Well you know what they say, Alpha. There's a first time for everything"



Hey guys!

This is a fast update by my standards huh? Within 3 days! XD

As I already mentioned, this is NOT the last chapter of Unconditionally. It is the second last one. I couldn't explain everything that needed to happen before Book 1 ended in this chapter so I decided to split it.

For the next chapter, I suggest you keep a few cool beverages and hand fans with you, and sit in Air conditioned rooms, because things are going to get HOT!

I really hope you enjoyed this update!

Please do VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE if you did. It would mean a lot to me.

Until next time,

All my love,

