16. An Impossible Mate

Dedicated to bond999 for being such an enthusiastic reader! I love reading the comments you leave on each chapter. Thank you for supporting this story! Stay awesome :D

Also, a special shoutout to nimmzz for having requested this particular POV ;)

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors.


Zuerien's POV

It's not possible!

That was the first thing that always came to my mind every time I laid eyes on this particular human. This human who I couldn't stray my thoughts from. This human who had been created especially for me. This human who was a part of my soul. This human who was mine!

It's not possible!

That had been the dominant thought on my mind the first time I had laid eyes on her. It was not possible for me to have been granted a mate. And yet, there she was, in front of me, looking nothing short of breathtaking as I desperately sought back my self-control in case I lost it and claimed her right there.

When that thought had cleared and denial had passed, I found myself repeating those words again.

It's not possible!

For me to have a mate who was human was inconceivable. I was Alpha King, ruler of the entirety of the vast Werewolf Kingdom and an Alpha Extraordinaire. How could it be that I was mated to someone so fragile? Someone so gentle! She was delicate, what if...what if I hurt her?!

Even the Alpha of Wisdom, Alpha John Penson, could not understand it. Mates were meant to balance each other out. But in this case there was a very obvious gaping discrepancy in power.

And then...

It's not possible!

For a human to accept and come to terms with being the Queen of a race that she probably thought to be a farfetched myth, was highly implausible.

After all, being a Queen, a Luna Queen, was a responsibility far too great, even for someone who had been trained all their lives to take up the role, just as I had been, for the position of the Alpha King.

And yet, fate had played this wicked game and gotten a poor innocent girl involved with a world that was probably too dark and dangerous for her, with a man who was probably too dark and dangerous for her.

So I decided to let her go. To free her from a burden she need never know she was supposed to have borne. The burden of a heavy throne, the burden of a broken Alpha.

And yet, she had upended my understanding of the matter when she had somehow evaded my rejection, involuntarily. That could only mean that her body had recognized that something was going wrong, even when her mind still did not know or understand anything. Her body was already working in tune with the mating bond.

But that...is not possible!

I had needed to shift immediately after she had left my office, drenched and wrapped securely in my jacket. I had needed to clear my head. So I went into the woods and let Kai take over. I ran the entire length of the forest till my nerves had eased slightly and my dilemma had numbed.

But yet again, she sent my heart into a frenzy, when I found her injured and bleeding in the forest against a tree. A forest that she shouldn't have been able to enter. A tree she shouldn't have been able to reach.

It's not possible!

For her to have crossed over the territorial shields cast by an Alpha Extraordinaire, the Alpha of Mazes, was just unthinkable. But she had done it, and as usual left me puzzled beyond belief.

But then, she had to take a week off and I told myself, it would be enough for me to regain control. When she returned I would be of stronger resolve and would reject her, before my heart fell so much in love with her that I couldn't do it anymore.

And yet, that one week that I had been away from her had been hell. I had constantly battled with the idea of wanting to see her again. I had walked out of countless meetings with the intention of making my way to her, just to get a glimpse of her, just to know she was okay.

But I could not, would not allow myself to see her. I wouldn't let her control my mind any more than she already did. And so I would end up walking back into those meetings and spending the rest of them unintentionally terrifying my subordinates.

And when finally even Kai got sick of my irrational contradictory behavior, he threatened to possess my body and go see her against my will. Not wanting that to happen, I finally picked up the phone and asked Roma, the warden of the female staff quarters, and a fellow wolf, to keep an eye on her and look after her.

...for me...

She had been surprised no doubt, but I immediately told her it was because John was worried about his P.A. Even if I hadn't mentioned it, no one would have dared question my word. No one except John himself that is. And I was pleased that she didn't either.

And just when I felt satisfied that at least now I could rest assured that she was being cared for and return to my work, I found myself battling yet again, but this time against my urge to call Roma every half hour to know how she was doing.

And at the end of all of that torture, she had only been gone one day. I had never felt so exasperated in my entire life!

I kept myself occupied every minute and second of the day, doing everything I could to keep myself from thinking about her.

So why is it that every time I saw a brunette walk by, I immediately found myself wishing that it was her?

Roma sent John regular updates on my mate's health and I knew she was recovering well.

So why is it that every day I waited so restlessly for the minute he would receive word from her?

Knowing that all this thinking would drive me crazy, or weaken my resolve enough for Kai to carry out his threat, I left the capital, to go and bring Alpha Marco Ronaldo, the Alpha of Mazes. He needed to check the territorial shields; there was something very wrong with them, since a human had crossed over them.

But I told him it was just for a routine check of the shields. Of all the people, he did not need to know about her...about my mate.

Alpha Marco had been in the middle of checking the shields around another pack, and asked me for permission to stay a bit longer there, for which I consented.

But since John did not accompany me and Cole, I no longer received any news about her. Something told me that sly no good Alpha of Wisdom was keeping the information from me on purpose, and it was driving me insane.

Unable to stay calm, I had involuntarily started destroying random furniture and other merchandise around me, and that made Alpha Marco immediately abandon all his other duties and come back with me.

I told myself repeatedly that my uncharacteristic behavior was only because I was itching to get back to my duties back home.

So why is it that when I got out of the car and saw her standing in front of me, it took every last bit of my self-control to not run up to her, engulf her in my arms?

And never let her go...

And when that insolent Marco dared to lay his dirty paws on my mate, I could have sworn I would have ripped him limb from limb, had it not been for John mind-linking me to calm down, and Cole stepping in to break up our confrontation.

Immediately after I had had the overwhelming urge to hear her voice and when she had smiled at me, I knew she would be my undoing. I couldn't stop my gaze from falling to her luscious pink lips, and I told myself it was just an involuntary action, that it meant nothing at all.

So why is it that when she gasped and stepped away from me, I felt an overwhelming wave of displeasure run through me?

And why is it that when I heard that John had let her go into the woods again, I had felt so much anger that I could have brought the entire building down.

And again, why is it that when I heard Cole say that she had disappeared and Talon couldn't find her, I had experienced the most extreme form of panic and fear I had ever felt?

When I had shifted into my wolf, Kai had immediately known where she was and relief had washed over me. When I heard her scream I felt like I had been stabbed right in my heart.

And when I felt her fall against Kai and land softly on the ground, as her beautiful soft eyes gazed into mine, I felt an unfathomable affection for her, as I found myself reassuring her internally, whispering in my mind,

It's okay, I'm here

But when she quickly stood up and asked if the CEO was there I found the same line resounding in my head.

It's not possible

For her to have heard my thoughts, even before I had marked her, was just illogical! But she had heard me, and yet again I had no idea how she did what she did. But somewhere deep inside of me, I knew I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life finding out.

That thought had both shocked and disturbed me, and I knew I had to reign my overflowing feelings back in while I was still willing to do so. But then again, was I really?

To make matters much worse, Kai had immediately accepted her, quite wholeheartedly so. And even though he was an extremely wise and powerful animal, in the end he was still an animal. They were accustomed to following their most primal instincts.

He knew she was his mate, so, he loved her. No questions asked, no answers needed. He thought of nothing else. He loved her now and would continue to love her, regardless of whatever happened. And I could only wish things were that simple for me.

So I collected all of my remaining will power and struggled to maintain whatever semblance of detachment I could still afford to display.

But then she had to go and start talking, and I felt myself wanting to hear her voice every morning, afternoon and night. She had to go and tease Kai, and he had to bond with her, and I felt myself longing for the same bond. And she had to say that my eyes were beautiful, and for a minute I couldn't believe my ears.

My eyes were beautiful? Had she ever even seen her own?!

And when she kissed Kai's head, I knew I was goner. All my self-control was exhausted and I found myself wanting to do nothing more than to accept her- this clumsy, silly, lighthearted woman, this angel- my mate!

And when that fact registered inside of me, I realized something that blew my mind. I realized that I already had. I already had accepted her!

But that...is not possible!...wait...JOHN!!!

I had stormed to his office, to give him a piece of my mind about manipulating my actions, but the minute I opened the door, and stepped in, that same intoxicating scent of exotic Arabian perfume assaulted my senses, briefly making me forget everything till my mom's voice from long long ago resounded in my head yet again.

"No matter what happens, as long as your mate is still out there, you will always have a reason to go on living."

A small, soft, gentle frame pressed into my chest and tingles shot through my body making shivers run down my spine.

"And she will make you very happy-"

Immediately my hands clamped down on two small shoulders, not wanting to let the source of that heavenly scent and exhilarating tingles move away.

My eyes immediately found the soft brown ones of the woman who had occupied all of my thoughts. They looked tired and afraid, and I immediately found myself wanting to cradle her in my arms and protect her from this world.

And when her soft pink lips parted she whispered the same word my mom's voice whispered in my head,


At the sound of her sweet voice saying my name, my eyes went wide and an immense pleasure flooded through my body. My grip on her shoulders tightened as the need to mark and claim her grew immeasurably.

It took about a second but the weariness in her eyes cleared, and an all too familiar expression of shock graced her lovely face. Her beautiful eyes widened and a soft gasp escaped her lips, and I immediately knew she would be performing an Olympic jump away from me the next second.

But I don't want to let her go...

So I quickly moved my hands down her arms and slid them around her slender waist, locking her to my frame. Never once did my eyes leave her bewildered ones, and I didn't miss how the shock in her face quickly morphed to utter confusion.

And the next minute she was struggling in my arms to get away, just like she had done the entire time we had been outside the hospital. In that case, I'd do the same thing I had done then too.

I tightened my hold around her.

Diverting my attention from the bewildered female in my arms, I focused my attention on John who looked dazed and slightly worried. I was about to mind-link him to ask what was wrong but my mate squirmed in my arms making me return my attention to my uncomfortable looking mate.

She looked extremely befuddled but color was slowly returning to her pale cheeks and the fearful and drained look in her eyes was gone. That was enough to make me feel somewhat relieved, but I still felt quite concerned about her...

It's the mate bond...it's doing strange things to my head...

"Are you okay?" I asked as impartially as I could but when her mouth fell open in shock my eyes crinkled in slight amusement.

Her eyebrows immediately furrowed and she jerked her head downwards scrutinizing my arms around her waist before her gaze returned to mine in bafflement. But she still managed to nod uncertainly. Then as though she had suddenly remembered something she quickly added,

"Yes sir!"

Her troubled gaze returned to my hands secured around her waist. I could tell she was waiting for me to remove my hands so I did the only thing that could satisfy me at that point of time. I pulled her closer into my body.

Immediately her head shot up again and her frantic wide eyes found mine. She placed the small palms of her soft hands on my forearms and started pushing at them while agitatedly gritting her teeth at me.

"Uh...? Um...!" her voice sounded panicked as she wiggled in my arms.

"Were you dizzy earlier?" I asked her softly.

Her brown eyes first looked shocked as though she wasn't able to believe what she was hearing me say, but immediately after they turned scared again and she looked away making an immediate streak of concern rush through me.

It's not possible...for me to feel so attached to a complete stranger!

I bent my head towards her but she didn't notice. She was still looking at the ground, her eyes worried and distant. She had stopped moving and seemed to be in deep thought and when I gently turned her in my arms so that she was facing me, she moved without any resistance.

I could hear her heart beat pick up speed and her breath came out ragged, but I knew it was not from being close to me, but from whatever memory she was replaying in her mind. The same memory that had left her looking so afraid and drained.

I need to know...

"Suzzanah", I whispered trying to ease her out of her daze and she immediately shivered in my arms before she blinked a few times and turned her head towards mine.

She had obviously not expected to find my face a mere few centimeters away from hers, because the next minute her eyes exploded to the size of saucers and she fell backwards away from me.

I hadn't expected such an alarmed reaction and having taken me by surprise, she managed to get out of my grasp and move away, while I desperately fought the overwhelming urge to pull her back into my arms.

It's not possible...for me to want someone so damn badly...

She breathed heavily clutching her chest and regarding me wearily. Her eyes then moved frantically around the room, and that's when I realized that John had left. When she too registered that fact, she gulped and hesitantly looked back at me.

"S-sorry sir", she mumbled and bowed her head, staring at the ground.

My eyes refused to leave her frame, and I took the opportunity to observe her appearance yet again. My mate was taller than the average woman, but still only came up to my shoulder. Her skin was fair and healthy. Soft curves complimented her slender frame.

She was dressed quite simply, in a light pink dress shirt and black skirt, a skirt very obviously lacking a large piece of fabric on the left. The minute my eyes landed on the slit in her skirt that revealed the milky skin of her thighs, a hand appeared suddenly and clasped the gaping ends together. My eyes shot up to find my mate's embarrassed face now directed toward her damaged skirt.

She squirmed uncomfortably under my piercing gaze while trying to keep the ends of the slit from revealing her skin. Her cheeks were tinted a bright red and I found myself wanting to see her blush more often.

But only for me...wait, No!

I immediately growled out loud and ran a hand through my hair in frustration. When my gaze returned to her, she was staring at me. Her eyebrows were raised slightly, her lips parted and soft brown eyes holding some strange emotion within their inquisitive depths.

It was the same look she had given Kai in the forest, the one that, for a second, had made me feel like she was seeing through him, and looking right at me. It was as though she could see how I was a part of him, and he a part of me, that we were one and the same. And it unnerved me.

It's not possible...that a human can agitate me this much with just one look!

This proximity to her was taking a toll on my clear thinking. I had to get away from her, right now!

With that thought I turned and marched out of the room without another word.


"Alpha", Cole greeted me as I entered the office. It was the same room where I had heard her beautiful voice for the first time.

Stop thinking about her!

Both Cole and Marco rose from where they were hunched over the map of our secluded lands and bowed. I nodded at them, and then turned my attention to John who was leaning against a window, lost in deep thought.

"King", Marco spoke up before I could address John, "Not beating around the bush, I'd like to get right to the point. About that hum- I mean, Ms. Winters, we think that there is a possibility...that she isn't human"

I frowned, having expected him to say something like that, while he glanced briefly at John who was listening but still seemed distant.

"I know she doesn't give off even a trace of wolf's scent, but that is the only explanation as to why she was able to cross the territorial shields", he added.

"I agree", Cole added, "maybe she is a dormant wolf, a human with wolf blood in her body owing to a rare recessive werewolf gene. So she is a wolf but can't shift. It is rare, but not unheard of."

I shook my head, "If she had wolf blood flowing through her veins, we would have been able to smell it", I told them as I took a seat at the table.

"Maybe it's so minimal in her body that it isn't detectable on the outside", Marco said, "So I suggest we get a blood sample. Our doctors can do the necessary tests and if there is even the slightest trace of werewolf DNA in her body, they'll definitely find it!"

Marco smiled enthusiastically but his smile fell the minute he saw the glare I had directed his way. A low growl escaped my lips and he gulped taking a step away from me.

How dare he suggest that I let them go with their needles and syringes and puncture my mate's skin just to experiment with her blood! She isn't some damn lab rat!

"No", I said with finality in my voice, "you're not taking any blood samples. If she had enough werewolf DNA and blood in her body that it allowed her to pass through the shields into the secluded land, then we would have smelt it. And if she had such minimal amounts of it that it can't be detected unless her blood is subjected to a million dyes, stains and chemicals, then she shouldn't have been able to cross over", my gaze returned to Marco, "that is if your shields are doing what they are supposed to accurately"

Immediately a trace of anger flashed across his face but he covered it up with a frown, "I assure you King, there is nothing wrong with the shields", he said, his voice firm and bitter.

Cole sighed heavily, "Then we are back to where we started", he said, "Ms. Winters is a mystery. From what Talon and Alpha Penson were able to gather, she is definitely not aware of the existence of werewolves, or any other supernaturals for that matter"

He also took a seat across from me and continued speaking as he looked at Marco, "If we were to consider the scenario that she does in fact have the werewolf gene and thereby wolf blood, then it's likely that one of her ancestors was a wolf. But since she doesn't have even the slightest of a wolf's scent, her parents are also most definitely non-shifters."

He moved his gaze to me, "But like the King said, if she has such a recessive gene that the wolf blood in her system is a bare minimum and untraceable to even the most powerful of wolves, then she is indeed classified as human, and she shouldn't have been able to cross over"

"But she did", Marco added, as his gaze scrutinized the part of the shields on the map that she has managed to breach twice in a row.

"I know", Cole rubbed his face exhaustedly

"In that case allow me to suggest a different scenario" Marco said as he lifted his gaze from the map, "It's an extremely theoretical concept, and has never happened before, but Ms. Winters has in fact achieved something that has never happened before so I think it's worth a shot"

In my head, the levers had already started turning, and before he could even suggest his scenario, I had an idea of what it was going to be.

"What if Ms. Winters is the first ever 'Neutral' being?" he said, his eyes gleaming excitedly.

My eyes narrowed in thought as he suggested exactly what had been going through my head. Cole's head shot up and even John emerged from his daydream to gaze upon our discussion.

It's not possible...for John to not have thought of this scenario when it had occurred to both me and Marco...so what was it that was concerning the Alpha of Wisdom so much that he didn't bring it up himself?

"Maybe she is the first ever being who has a gene that accounts for the a exact minimal amount of wolf blood within her that we wolves can't pick up, but at the same time just enough that she can still pass through the shields on virtue of it!"

"A being who is neither human nor wolf", Cole added with wide eyes and Marco nodded with a smile.

"A Neutral! The first ever!" Marco completed and I knew that his argument made perfect sense.

A Neutral was virtually unheard of. It was an exclusively theoretical concept. The gene of a werewolf, if present was almost always dominant, classifying the person possessing it as a werewolf.

Very rarely, in case the gene was very weak, it became recessive, so the person possessing it was still a wolf, but was more human and was called a dormant wolf. It was likely that they did not even possess a wolf, but just had wolf blood in their veins.

If the gene was so weak that it couldn't even account for enough wolf blood to make a person a dormant wolf, then that person was completely human and not a wolf at all. A person with such a gene most probably wouldn't even know that they had wolf blood in their system, unless they were told by someone or were raised in a pack.

But a Neutral was someone who had the perfect balance of both. A recessive gene that accounted for wolf blood in extreme minority, so that the person possessed no extraordinary werewolf abilities, but still just the right amount so that the person was not just an ordinary human. A being who walked the border line between wolves and humans.

A Neutral

"That makes perfect sense!" Cole said excitedly, "if that could be true, then it adds up impeccably. Her being human, her not having a wolf's scent and yet her crossing over the territorial shields"

They turned their excited stares towards me and I nodded, "That is definitely a concept which if proven right would be the answer to all our questions", they both beamed at me like little children and I added, "Now, to prove it", their faces turned confused and I continued.

"If she is a Neutral, then she is bound to have a recessive werewolf gene and the doctors and researchers will find that in her blood. But they won't be able to determine whether or not she is a Neutral, because it is an undocumented concept. No one knows anything about it"

Cole and Marco groaned in unison and slumped into their respective chairs. I diverted my gaze to John who was regarding me with anticipating eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows at him silently asking him what was wrong but he just exhaled heavily and looked away at the map on the table.

"Organize the Annual games", I said authoritatively and both Marco and Cole's jaws dropped. And John's eyes returned to mine as I kept mine glued to his.

"It will be the perfect opportunity to assess her", I continued, "throughout the activities we will observe how she performs. A Neutral is someone who has no supernatural abilities that a wolf has, but at the same time, can occasionally see and feel things that only wolves can. And as in this instance, pass through barriers into land exclusive to wolves. We'll organize a set of games in which wolves and humans perform to certain fixed gradations and compare her results"

I turned my gaze to Marco, "And in the end we can organize some sort of a treasure hunt, and you will cast a maze which allows only wolves to pass through certain areas. Then we'll see how she does"

Both Cole and Marco were beaming again. They really reminded me of little children and I shook my head at that thought.

Then turning my attention back to John I said, "What do you think John?"

He looked up at me and nodded, "I think it's a very good idea Alpha"

"Great!" Cole said excitedly and stood up, "In that case I'll go and get the preparations started! Alpha Marco, can I please request some assistance?"

"Of course! Let's go"

Both Cole and Marco stood up and bowed to me and nodded at John before excitedly leaving the room in a rush. Once they had left, I turned my gaze to John who still seemed dazed.

"John", I called making him look at me.

His eyes held uncertainty which was a very rare sight in the Alpha of Wisdom. I was still irked at him for having tricked me into accepting my mate but right now there was something troubling him and that was more important.

"Is something wrong?" I asked and he inhaled deeply before sighing and rubbing his eyes.

He then looked back at me and smiled, "Your mate is quite the mystery, Alpha" he said quietly, "I'm looking forward to discovering more about her"

"There is something troubling you", I stated more than asked, "what is it?"

"May I ask you a question first?"

I nodded.

"When you shifted into your wolf in the woods, you immediately knew where to go to find her...how is that?"

"Aren't you the one who told me to shift? I thought you'd know"

"I told you to shift on instinct, I was not a 100% sure you'd find her, but I'm so glad you did. But how did you? Did you detect her scent?"

I shook my head. It wasn't her scent I had followed...it was...her presence.

"I just...felt her", I told him, unable to put it any better. A strange emotion appeared in his eyes for a split second before he nodded, "I see"

"John, what's the matter?" I pressed.

"Please don't worry Alpha", he replied with a small smile, "It's nothing to be concerned about."

"Yes it is", I said, "Seeing as it has you this worried, it's clearly a matter of concern"

"I'm not worried Alpha", he said looking distant again, "I'm just a little...tired"

"Why John? What happened?" I asked softly and he looked at me.

I found myself looking into the same fatherly eyes that had been my strength over many years. Yes, he infuriated me more than anyone ever could, but he was also the man I had always looked up to. And if something was bothering him, I wanted him to know I would be there for him. He could count on me.

"I just suddenly remembered Emily", he said softly and I cringed inwardly.

Emily...his daughter...

I didn't need any more details. Unfortunately this was a problem I could not help him with. He had to overcome it on his own. Just like I had to, every time I fell into the deep despair of having lost my entire family.

Emily...his daughter...who passed away a very long time ago...

I placed a hand on his shoulder and he smiled sadly at me. Knowing that he probably wanted to be alone, I took my leave and left the room closing the door to a tired, lost looking Alpha of Wisdom.

As I walked down the corridor my heart felt heavy as I thought of John. He did not look it, but he was well over 400 years old. And it had been over 300 years since his daughter passed away.

His dear daughter, who meant more to him than everything else in this world. Precious not only to him, but also to the Werewolf kingdom. So very...precious...

He had lost his mate at a young age, to childbirth. His mate had been human, and her body had not been able to take the strain of giving birth to a werewolf child. After that, his daughter Emily had been his world. And yet fate had been cruel to him and had stolen away what had been the most precious thing in his life.

He had lost both his mate and his child...

He had lost his mate...

And his mate...had been human

An immense pain shot through my body at that thought and I found myself clutching my chest tightly at the dreadful feeling.

A human mate...

Suzzanah's beautiful face flashed in my mind. Her cheerful smile, her vibrant eyes, her optimistic personality.

It's not possible...for me to not be drawn to her

A human mate...a gentle mate...a fragile mate...

The thought of losing Suzzanah like John had lost his dear mate made such extreme agony pierce my heart that I nearly bent over in pain. I couldn't do it...I couldn't bear that thought...

It's not possible...for me to not be afraid to lose her!

I wanted to see her, needed to see her. I had to!

I immediately hurried my steps towards her room but when I turned the corner where Talon's room was, her exhilarating scent overwhelmed my senses and I immediately felt calmer. And then I heard whispering.

"Remember! Only say this okay?"

"I would if I could read it Mr. Talon!"

"Oh dear! Please just reconsider your decision and stay here. You don't have to-"

"Yes I do! I have to tell him or I won't be able to sleep easy tonight. And i love my sleep! I'll get going. Wish me luck"

Before I heard a reply, my mate threw herself out of Talon's room and quickly closed the door behind her. Her eyes immediately found mine and she gasped and stumbled before going stiff. She obviously hadn't expected to see me.

Fidgeting, her hand subconsciously travelled lower in an attempt to cover the skin which was on display, not realizing that she was actually drawing attention to that area.

Just her presence in front of me had me feeling lighter and I felt myself wanting to never let her out of my sight. She squirmed awkwardly under my gaze before her eyes went wide and she bowed.

"Good evening Sir", she said with her head still bowed. Her voice was like music to my ears, "I'm so sorry to get in your way but I just wanted to...to...to..."

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to figure out why she was hesitating so much.

"I wanted to...burrow?...burrow..."


A voice squealed from behind the closed door, "Borrow!"

"Borrow! Borrow!" she said quickly correcting herself and I that's when I noticed that she was reading out something she had written on the palm of her hand.

"I just wanted to borrow some of your time", she continued to read, squinting her eyes as though she was trying understand what was written, "I...wanted to suppress?..." another high pitched screech came from Talon's room, "I wanted to suppress my Ger-trude. Suppress my Gertrude???" her voice turned bewildered and I found myself fighting the urge to smile.

How long has it been since I last wanted to smile?

Her head briefly shot up to look my way and she blushed and looked back down at her palm attempting to read another line.

"Y-you have been very...", she struggled with the next word, "very...ben...ben...Oh for crying out loud, I can't read this!"

She vigorously rubbed her palm on her skirt and raised her head to look me in the eye and my heart skipped a beat.

"I'm terribly sorry for my display of senselessness just now...but, I just- I wanted to thank you! Thank you so so much for the other day at the hospital when you helped me with my...uh...situation", she blushed harder and my fingers itched to touch her soft red cheeks.

It's not possible...for me to not long for her

"I assure you I'm not usually that shameless about my attire!" she blurted out and the next minute both of our gazes went down to the slit in her skirt.

A small screech escaped her lips and she face-palmed.

Why was she so...so...what's the word?

"Stupid, stupid", she mumbled and my eyes crinkled in amusement even though that wasn't the word I was looking for.

She slowly removed her hand from her face and met my gaze.

"A-As uh...as you can see, today isn't quite...the usual", she said and I heard a high pitched nasal squeal coming from the other room.

"But I meant what I said. I'm really grateful for your help. And even when yougavemeyourjacket", she rushed through that line, "And carried me to the car. You didn't even know me and still you helped me, and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart", she smiled genuinely, "Thank you for everything"

Thank you for everything...

They were the same words she had said to Kai before leaving and I felt my heart warm at hearing the same words said to me.

"Uh...well...that's, that's about it", she said staring at her feet shyly, "Thank you for your time. Bye!"

She didn't look at me but just turned like a gust of wind and rushed back into Talon's room and just before the door closed I heard another nasal screech that sounded like someone's dying breath.

It's not possible...it's really not possible...

I gave the room one last glance and turned to walk toward the private elevator. My mind felt calm, my heart felt light, after a very very long time, I felt...happy.

It's not possible...for me to not fall for her...



Hi sweethearts,

LOOOONG update! Hope you liked this chapter. Please do vote and comment to let me know what you think.

I should really be studying lol. Until next time :)

All my love

