59. Ready

The phenomenal banner above was made my darling Dreamzangel21. The entire cast of Unconditionally. This is the best 'first-book-completing' gift ever! Thank you love!

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors.

Dedicated to ALL MY READERS! Every single one of you that have come this far with me.

Thank you...

Thank you...

Thank you.

I love you guys

So, this is the very last chapter of Unconditionally- TBOR...



Suzzanah's POV

I woke up from the best sleep I had ever had in my entire life only to nearly come face to face with the floor the very next second.

An alarmed cry escaped my lips as my hands flattened against the hard ground underneath my bed before my head could slam into it while the rest of my body remained awkwardly perched on the bed, as though not sure whether to just fall off, or keep hanging.

Grumbling to myself, I pushed my torso up and wiggled rest of myself back into bed again. Once I was done with my morning workout, I took the time to look around the room. It was the same bedroom I had woken up in yesterday just before going out to attend the Moonlight Festival, the one in Zuerien's cottage.


Even the thought of his name made my body heat up instantly as I recalled everything that had happened last night. My face flamed and I buried my face in my pillows, waiting for the intense emotions to die down a little. Once I felt a bit more in control, I took a deep breath.

I loved him

A small smile made its way to my face as another thought hit me,

And I had told him

I grinned to myself, feeling my body flush in happiness.

But he didn't say it back

I did remember him having mumbled something in reply to my confession just before I fell asleep, but I could no longer remember what it had been. My grin fell slightly but I quickly shook it off, smiling widely again. It was alright even if he didn't say it. He could tell me as and when he felt like he loved me back, and when he wanted to.

Until then that I would be more than content to make do with that endless affection that had flooded his eyes every time he had looked at me last night.

Content, I stretched my hands above my head only to wince and stop mid-movement when a sharp pain dashed down one side of my body. And I gasped in realization.


Diving out of bed, I dashed into the bathroom ignoring the dizzy spells that were making my head spin wildly. Before looking into the mirror, I shook my head and blinked rapidly, trying to get my blurry vision clear.

Then taking a deep breath, I raised my head to look at myself in the glass. My reflection in the mirror made my eyes literally bulge out of their sockets in awe. I was still wearing the same dress from last night but right now I was covered in dirt with a few blades of grass sticking out of my hair, and despite all that...I was positively glowing!

Any signs of tiredness or stress on my face as well as the dark circles underneath my eyes have completely disappeared. My skin and lips had a thriving dose of color to them making me look naturally flushed. There was strange luminosity to my body and hair that hadn't been there before. All in all I looked much healthier than I did last night. I even felt healthier!

Was this all really because of...

Hesitantly, I moved my thick dark locks away from the left side of my neck before leaning in to take a look. My eyes widened in awe at the sight of four dark pink puncture wounds in the crook of my neck and when my fingers grazed the tender skin, tingles exploded down the side of my body.

I shivered as I traced the four small wounds which appeared to be healing now. Unlike how the idea of being bitten had really disturbed me, the sight of Zuerien's mark on my body now involuntarily made my lips tug upwards into a joyous smile.

I was marked! I was marked as his forever!

I exhaled an exhilarated laugh before feeling thrilled beyond belief. I couldn't even explain how elated I was. I could feel thousands of bonds flowing like streams deep inside of me, making me feel connected with all nature around me.

Inhaling deeply, I let my fingers graze the sensitive skin over my mark once more before my eyes suddenly zeroed in on a dark black streak that had formed on my skin close to the mark.


Hesitantly I reached out and traced the length of the curved black streak. It looked almost like ink, as though I had had it tattooed on my skin. When I tried to gently rub it off, it didn't smudge or fade in the least. I even tried washing it with water but it stayed on my skin, unchanging. Just as I was going to reach for some soap it hit me.

It was part of his mark!

I gasped, taking a closer look I remembered Zuerien having once told me that after being marked, the bite mark healed and was then converted into a tattoo of sorts which then stayed on the skin permanently.

So...this is my permanent mark forming!

I suddenly felt incredibly excited. I couldn't wait to see what the finished marked looked like!

I wonder what Karina will say when she sees this mark...

The thought of my sister only served to heighten the excitement I was feeling. We were traveling to Dublin today and soon I would see her! Oh my god, I couldn't wait!

My eyes shot to the little digital clock in the bathroom. Why there was one in the bathroom, I had no idea but it sure did come in handy. It read 7:16 am and our flight was scheduled for 10:45 am so we still had time, or so I hoped since I didn't know how long it would take us to get to the airport.

Squealing happily to myself, I quickly brushed my teeth before jumping into the shower. I washed my hair and body thoroughly making sure I got rid of all the dirt from last night's little adventure. The thought of last night made me turn so red that one would think I was bathing with lava and not hot water.

Just as I was wrapping a towel around my body, a loud bang on the bathroom door nearly made me jump out of my freshly cleaned skin.


My heart fluttered and I stared at the door surprised.


I heard him and Mr. Talon let out huge sighs of relief, "Are you alright?!" Zuerien shouted worriedly and I shook my head.

He'll never change.

"Of course I'm alright! Why do you always freak out so much whenever I take a while in the bathroom?" I asked amusedly, "Of all the things to be worried about"

"I'm coming in"

I only had enough time to manage a distorted squawk of horror when the locked door was suddenly thrown open, and my mate strode in as though it was the most normal thing to do.

The sight of him made my body heat up instantly and desire shot through my veins, but thankfully my sanity stayed put making my hands flew to my towel, just barely keeping it from falling off me. Zuerien reached me in a flash and pulled me into his arms, lifting me off the ground making me cry out in alarm.


He hugged me tightly, nuzzling his face in my neck, totally ignoring the fact that I was nearly naked and that my wet hair would probably drip all over his face. He inhaled deeply, before sighing in relief.

"Mine", he whispered against my skin, immediately making me flush and shiver at the same time.

"Z-Zuerien", I stammered, squirming in his grasp while trying to hold my towel in place.

My eyes caught sight of a familiar figure fretting outside the bathroom, probably blushing brighter than me. I could just tell by the way Mr. Talon's hand kept shooting towards and away from the broken door, that he was frantically contemplating whether to close the door and give us privacy or just let it be because it would be too embarrassing to bend into the bathroom to reach for it.

"You should have told me you were up", Zuerien said softly, his hand rubbing my towel clad back while pressing soft kisses against my bare shoulder.

"H-how?" I breathed out, trying not to moan shamelessly at the pleasure his touch was giving me. I was still trying to get some distance between us, "You weren't here when I woke up and I couldn't find my phone"



I immediately felt stupid at having forgotten about that. I felt Zuerien smile against my shoulder before he turned his face and his lips latched onto my skin, sucking on my mark.

A loud gasp escaped my lips followed by an equally loud moan as my body involuntarily arched into Zuerien's. My fingers dug into his biceps and my hips thrust forward on their own accord as a powerful onslaught of intense fiery emotions hit me hard, leaving me panting and breathless.

"So sensitive to my touch", he whispered huskily against my neck before pulling away to look into my dazed eyes.

His eyes were dark as he gazed at me, the look in them making my heart rate spike. I watched breathlessly as his dark eyes softened, taking in the sight of my flushed face. He moved some wet strands out of my face before grabbing another towel and draping it over my bare shoulders. Immediately afterwards, he bent down and scooped me into his arms without warning.

Jerking out of my daze, I cried out in shock as he turned and walked out of the bathroom carrying me. On re-entering the room, my eyes immediately found Mr. Talon who was hovering in the corner of the room like a ghost, trying to blend into the wall.


Mr. Talon jumped and let out an alarmed squeal but didn't turn around, "Y-y-yes, Alpha!" he cried out in a high-pitched voice, "I was just about to leave! But in my hurry, I ran to the opposite side of the room instead of the side that has the door"

Zuerien let out a sound of exasperated disbelief while I tried not to die of embarrassment, "Go ahead. Suzzanah and I will join the you and the others downstairs in a little bit"

"Yes Sir!"

Mr. Talon whirled around like a tornado before dashing across the room, nearly ballet jumping over the bed before running out the door, not forgetting to close it.

I flushed like a firework as I watched him go and once he had left, Zuerien walked to the bed and set me down on it gently. I kept my face down, feeling too embarrassed to look at him. My heart was still beating like jackhammer inside of me, and my body was tingling pleasurably from his proximity.

Zuerien chuckled softly at the sight of my red face before kneeling on the floor in front of me to get a better look.

"I love it when you blush", he said and I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my face with my hands.

"Don't look", I breathed out into my hands, feeling extremely flustered.

"Why not?" he asked amusedly, his voice growing deeper and huskier as I felt his large hand trail up my bare leg.

Chills and thrills washed over me, intensifying tremendously the longer he touched me.

"I-I-" words refused to form in my mouth and I suddenly found it hard to breathe.

He was so close that I could feel the heat radiating off his body, just like last night and it was making me feel extremely...aroused.

After last night I felt like my desire for Zuerien had just skyrocketed, touching newer heights I didn't even know had existed. I found myself craving his touch a thousand times more than before, even the thought of him making me tingle sensuously in the most intimate of places.

"Why not, my Suzzanah?" Zuerien asked again as his hands trailed up the sides of my thighs, pushing the towel up with them.

I gasped and one of my hands shot down to keep the towel in place. Zuerien immediately got up, placing one knee on the bed next to me before leaning over me making me scramble away from him, alarmed.


I fell backwards onto the bed, sinking into the soft mattress and Zuerien's body covered mine as he hovered over me, his eyes darkening rapidly.

"You are mine", Zuerien growled out possessively, bending so close to me that I could feel his warm minty breath on my skin, "This sinfully perfect body of yours belongs to me"

Goosebumps formed on my skin as his claim lit a scorching fire deep inside of me. His dark eyes roamed my face and body hungrily as he added,

"I can look at it if I want to"

I exhaled a ragged breath, feeling completely choked up. His closeness was driving my senses crazy, pushing me over the edge.

One of his hands trailed down the side of my face and neck, coming to rest over my collar bone while the other gripped my hip as he growled out,

"I can touch it if I want to"

I whimpered when his fingers teased my bare skin. His words were driving my body insane, my mind screaming at me to let him have his way with me. I had never had such sensual thoughts about any other man before, but with Zuerien it was like I couldn't get enough of him.

I felt him bend so close to me that my chest touched his and his lips grazed my neck as he rumbled darkly,

"I can kiss it if I want to"

His lips descended on my wet skin, placing hot open-mouthed kisses all over my, neck, shoulders and collar bones before sucking on the skin over my mark. A shocked shout escaped my lips as the most world-shattering pleasure shot through my veins making my head fall back, my back arch and my nails dig into his back.

"ZUERIEN!" I cried out, stunned by the unbelievable response my body was having to his kisses.

He licked, nipped and sucked on my mark making me shiver and moan uncontrollably, before placing feathery kisses down the front of my chest.

"You are mine!" he repeated ferociously, "And I can fucking worship this body of yours if I want to!"

He tugged hard at my towel making me gasp in shock as the garment slipped slightly over the swell of my breasts. His lips eagerly descended peppering the newly exposed skin with his wickedly sensual kisses.

I gripped the towel hard, but he tugged again, exposing some more skin such that my modesty was barely being concealed. His tongue glided over the skin he had just peppered with hot kisses and I moaned, feeling heat and moisture pool between my legs.

Oh my God!

When his lips tried to descend further and were met with the barrier that the towel created, Zuerien nearly roared in irritation.

"I want this gone", Zuerien said urgently as his hands gripped my towel tightly.

My eyes went wide and I immediately hugged my body with my hands, "Zuerien, s-stop!"

At the sight of my alarm, his face lighting up in a wicked grin, "Is my heart feeling shy?" he asked mischievously, "Even after everything we did last night?"

I blushed like a bride, immediately recalling last night and the hot, extremely intimate moments we had shared. I had loved ever second of last night, my body still craving for the same and more, but it was still a lot for me to take in, a huge step forward.

And just because I had taken it and didn't regret it one bit didn't stop me from feeling extremely embarrassed and shy every time I remembered it or every time he mentioned it.

I hurriedly pulled my towel higher to cover the skin Zuerien had just exposed and turned away from him, feeling completely rattled. Just looking at him made my body pulse with a desire so strong that I couldn't even fathom it.

His warm chuckle suddenly filled the room making my heart flutter wildly, "You are the most precious thing ever", he said, before burying his face in my neck again, no longer tugging at my poor towel.

I let out a breath, my body sagging into the mattress in relief as the intensity of the moment slowly attenuated.

"Am I going too fast for you?" Zuerien asked after a short moment, his voice much gentler than it had been before.

Breathing easier now, I caressed his hair affectionately, "I'm...new to all this", I told him honestly, "I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I'm sorry-"

"Don't be sweetheart, I understand", he whispered softly, "I didn't mean to push you. Its just that now that we've marked you, its become almost impossible to control ourselves around you"

My eyes widened, "It's happening to you too?" I blurted out.

His head shot up and looked into my eyes, a smirk forming on his face, "Too?" he teased.

"Oh be quiet", I breathed out flustered, and he let me push him off me, rolling onto my side.

I quickly sat up, rearranging my towel when I felt his hand come around my waist before pulling me down, with me on top of him now. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets in shock.


I tried to get off his chest but he clasped his hands behind my back, caging me against him as he gazed up at me lovingly.

"So you feel it too", he said and the ecstatic look in his eyes immediately made me stop my squirming, a smile tugging on my lips.

He looked all lit up inside.

Lowering my head, I nodded, "I do", I replied, "And the tingles are way more intense than they used to be"

His smiled, "Its because of the mark, heart", he told me, "Marking is the first step to completing the mating process. Once marked, our bonds with our mates strengthen enormously, and so does our urge to mate with them"

My cheeks immediately heated up on hearing the words 'mate with them'.

"Its nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart", he told me gently, "Its only natural to feel this way"

"I'm...not used to this", I told him.

"Neither am I", he replied, before adding happily, "But I'm loving it nonetheless"

I could not help but smile back before burying my face in his chest shyly and reply, "Me too"

"Let's mate right now then"


He let his head fall back on the bed and laughed heartily. It was a deep, throaty chuckle that made his chest reverberate underneath me. And it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

"I love you, Zuerien", I whispered softly into his chest and he immediately stopped chuckling.

I wondered if I had made it awkward for him by saying that but when he pulled me up and crashed his hand behind my head before crashing his lips against mine, I felt relief wash over me.

His kiss at first was fast and overpowering, making my insides burn with desire and heat. But gradually he reduced his pace, kissing me slowly, leisurely as though savoring every moment.

I wondered what he could be thinking every time I told him I loved him. I knew he liked it, but hearing it from him would be far more fulfilling. If only...If only I could read his mind at the exact moment that I said those words to him...

With that thought, I let myself become lost in the intense emotions that the kiss ignited within me. Our lips moved passionately against each others, loving every second, cherishing every moment.

And just when his hand tangled in my wet hair and our lips parted to deepen the kiss, both our minds suddenly blanked before Cole's familiar voice filled both our heads,

Alpha, he is here


"Cole really has a death wish", Zuerien growled in seething fury while he waited outside my door for me to get dressed, "This is the second time he has interrupted us!"

"Don't be so hard on him", I said, pulling my shirt down.

Earlier, I had unknowingly intercepted Cole's mindlink to Zuerien while thinking of reading Zuerien's mind while kissing him, which is why I had heard Cole's mindlink in my head too.

"Besides, its not like he's doing it on purpose", I added.

"Maybe he is!"

"Cole? Really?" I said mockingly, quickly running a brush through my hair, "He's like the purest one of our friends! Him and Rino"

"Rino is a little devil!"

"A little devil you love"

"Luna, don't make me break another door"

I laughed, quickly tying the chain that I had requested be brought here around my neck. Then picking up Rino's penguin printed handkerchief off the table, I shoved it into my jeans pocket and hurriedly to the door, opening it.

"I'm ready", I said smiling.

The irritation on Zuerien's face immediately disappeared as he looked me over, "You look beautiful", he said making my heart skip a beat as he bent to peck my lips.

"Thank you", I replied, before holding up the golden chain with a sapphire locket that was around my neck, "And thank you also for gifting me this! I absolutely love it!"

"I'll buy you lots more", he told me, putting an arm around my waist and leading me towards the stairs, "This doesn't really count because it was a part of my apology to you"

I smiled recalling how thoughtfully he had written all those notes with the initial S for steroid and bought me tons of presents to apologize for having yelled at me. I still had all those notes safely tucked in my duffed bag back in room number 8. When I had a permanent room, I would stick them all over the walls!

"Its the best apology I have ever received", I told him, giving him a side-hug as we walked, "So who is this person Cole said is here? I thought people were leaving today, not arriving"

Zuerien smiled, a warm, reminiscent look in his eyes as he replied,

"Oba Zuberi"

I stopped mid-stride, my entire being lurching to the surface in shock, "The Chief of the Fire Elementals?!" I cried out and he nodded.

My hand flew to my lips, "Of course! He's come to take Tony!"

"I'm relieved that Tony wants to go with him", Zuerien said as we walked down the stairs, "And knowing Oba Zuberi, he will take good care of the boy"

"Are you sure Zuerien?" I asked worriedly, "That dear child has already been through so much. I don't want him to suffer anymore. Are you sure they'll treat him well?"

Zuerien stopped at the foot of the stairs and cupped my cheek, "I'm absolutely sure", he told me reassuringly, "Oba Zuberi and I...we go back a long way. And I trust him. Tony will be in good hands"

I nodded, choosing to believe in my mate's judgment, "Okay", I replied, before smiling, "Well lets go meet him then"

"Right", he said, "John is waiting in the living room. Let's take him with us"

The minute we walked into the living room we were cornered by multiple baffled gazes, several wide eyes protruding out of several sockets.

And all of them staring at my neck.


Alpha Penson, Mr. Talon, Marco, General Reginald and Rino gawked in absolute shock at the sight of the puncture marks in my neck.

I blushed under their gobsmacked gazes while Zuerien pulled me closer. I could feel his pride and satisfaction flowing through my very own veins.

"I knew it!" Alpha Penson said, his instantly face lighting up in a dazzling.

"Damn John, you were right! He really did mark her! That's why our bond with the Queen feels so much stronger now!" Marco said flabbergasted while Rino ran up to us and jumped on Zuerien.

"Wolfa! I'm so proud of you!" Rino cried out, thumping Zuerien's back hard.

"Oh child! I'm so happy!" Mr. Talon said, pulling out a handkerchief and dabbing at his eyes emotionally.

I was about to give him a hug when Zuerien grabbed my hand before managing to untangle himself from an ecstatic Rino.

"ANNA!" Rino was about to embrace me too when Zuerien beat him to it and pulled me into his chest growling possessively.

"I suggest you keep your distance from Anna just for a few days, Rino", Alpha Penson said smiling softly, "A werewolf's possessiveness towards his mate peaks to its highest point right after marking and mating. So Alpha Zuerien's wolf won't tolerate any touchy-feely business with his mate even from those closest to them, at least for a few days till the emotions settle down"

"Oh!" Rino said wide-eyed as if he had just learnt a new life lesson, "I'll remember"

General Reginald chuckled, "Calm down son", he said, looking at Zuerien with amusement, "If you're going to be this affected by just marking her, I can't imagine how things will be when she is with child"

My jaw hit the floor so hard, I wouldn't be surprised if it cracked, WITH CHILD?! My face heated up to a million degrees and I buried it in my hands. Oh my gosh!

"I'd rather all of you stop embarrassing my mate", Zuerien said, hugging me with one arm, his voice laced with mirth.

"Congratulations to both of you", Alpha Penson said smiling widely, "I'm truly very happy today"

"Indeed, congratulations, Alpha and child", Mr. Talon said.

"That just sounds wrong", Marco said, scrunching up his face.

"Sounds wrong!" I shouted as I remembered something from last night, "That's right! You and you!" I said pointing an accusingly at Alpha Penson and Mr. Talon, "You both made me think that Zuerien was the oldest thing on the planet!"

Alpha Penson and Mr. Talon exchanged wide-eyed looks before bursting into laughter, "So you finally asked him his age did you?" Alpha Penson laughed while Mr. Talon dabbed at his eyes with a handkerchief, chuckling.

"YES!" I said, "And do you know how nervous I was about his age!"

And so were we! Kai added hurriedly.

Alpha Penson cleared his throat, "We didn't do anything really", he said, innocently, "All I said was that you should probably ask him his age yourself"

"But it sounded wrong in context to what we were speaking in", I said, "I mean you're over 400, Mr. Talon is 82. Even suggesting any age less than 50 seemed like America's biggest blunder!"

If it helps at all, we'll still look 24 when we're 50, Kai blabbered thoughtfully, and I gave Zuerien a blank look, while he shook his head, sighing at his own wolf.

"So you actually made time to discuss age and stuff last night did you?" Marco asked incredulously, "Because damn you guys! Congratulations, I'm really happy for you and everything but seriously, this is what you both were up to all of last night?! The two of you ditched the Game to get down and dirty in the middle of the woods?!"

If one could die of embarrassment, I would have been deceased by now, GAAAAHHH

"Marco you have no filter", General Reginald said.

"No! But would you just look at this?! And people call me hormonal! Jeez!" Marco cried out in disbelief.

Zuerien smirked at me, 'Down and dirty' is a literal description of our little getaway, huh heart? He teased and I almost turned eroded away in horror.


"The Oba is here!" I shouted, changing the topic hurriedly, "We shouldn't keep him waiting"

"He's here?!" Rino gasped, grinning widely and I nodded.

"Oh you're right, we should go see him right away", Alpha Penson agreed, "I believe Cole and Del are already with him"

I nodded vigorously, "That's right! Let's go!" I said and wiggled out of Zuerien's grasp rushing to the door, in need of some fresh air.

The minute I opened the door a dozen new faces stared at my neck in shock before all their faces lit up, while mine nearly exploded.

Zuerien was by my side in a flash, his hand going around my waist once more, looking thoroughly amused at my embarrassment but also growling warningly at the other wolves who were staring for too long.

Marco, Mr. Talon and General Reginald had some last minute things to take care of and so they left, saying they'd bring Prophecy with them when they returned.

As the rest of us walked down the cobblestone pathway leading towards the Game Grounds where Oba Zuberi was waiting, several more people had the same utterly stunned reactions on seeing my mark, and now that my bond with the other werewolves had been strengthened even further, I could feel their emotions far more powerfully.

Trying to tame my beetroot face became even harder because I knew that they all knew that this was why I and Zuerien had never completed last night's game.

And when I heard for the tenth time, someone tripping and falling over in shock at the sight of my mark, I sighed heavily.

This is going to be a long day...


"Oba Zuberi Oyekan"

The magnificent dark skinned man who turned around literally had me reeling in wonder. The man was very tall, broad and extremely well built, his biceps rippling with every movement. He looked to be in his early 40s but I was willing to bet just about anything that he was much older.

He wore a traditional elegant orange-brown robe like garment with intricate golden designs on it, that reached down to his knees. To his feet were strapped thick leather sandals. The sleeves of his robe were rolled up to his shoulders and around his biceps were wrapped several peculiar bangle-like ornaments that were studded with amber colored gems that shone like fire.

The most striking features however were his brilliant amber eyes that contrasted beautifully with his dark skin and the lion headdress and fur cloak covered his head and shoulders.

The sight of him was truly awe-inspiring.

When his rigid, bright amber eyes fell on Zuerien they lit up like dazzling gems, a proud smile making its way to his face.

"Alpha Zuerien", he said, his voice deep and bold laced with a thick African accent that made him sound even mightier, "How long has it been?"

A ghost of a smile played on Zuerien's lips, "I'd say about 14 years", he replied as he gazed at the man before him with reminiscent eyes.

Oba Zuberi smiled, "Then you'd be wrong", he said matter-of-factly, "For it has been 15 years and 3 months. And look how you've grown"

I watched awed as a warm smile made its way to Zuerien's face before both men embraced.

"It is good to see you, young man", the older man said, pulling away after patting Zuerien's back twice.

"Thank you for coming, Oba Zuberi", Zuerien replied, "And for agreeing to do this"

"If this child has even half as much fire as you did when you were his age, then taking him in will prove to be a real pleasure", Oba Zuberi replied.

He didn't smile much but there was still warmth in his voice when he spoke to Zuerien.

"He'll probably impress you far more than me", Zuerien told him, "The boy has a strong spirit"

"That is all he will need", the Oba said before turning to Rino who immediately hugged the man.


The older man chuckled, the sound booming and hearty, "Rino!"

"I'm so glad you could make it!" Rino said pulling away, grinning widely.

"I had to come on behalf of your Oompa to make sure you were not causing too much trouble"

Rino laughed, "I've been good", he said and the Oba nodded, "I'll tell him"

"My friend", he said placing a hand on Alpha Penson's shoulder, "You seem well"

"I am, Oba Oyekan", he replied, returning the gesture as though it were a greeting, "And so do you. It was nice of you to make time to come here despite having your hands full with the newest batch of Elementals"

"I didn't have a choice. I could not miss the chance to see this young man again", he said glancing at Zuerien, "And of course Rino and Cole. Everyone has grown so much since I last saw them as children"

Alpha Penson smiled, "Speaking of children, I heard the younger Elementals this season are showing great prospects"

"Then I am afraid you have heard wrong", the Oba stated very seriously making Alpha Penson laugh.

While they continued to speak, I took time to observe Oba Zuberi some more. He seemed reserved and cold at first glance but was warm and welcoming to those close to him.

Also, he seemed to be extremely authoritative just like General Reginald and Zuerien, but his presence exuded a different kind of power as compared to Zuerien's. While Zuerien's power felt infinite and unbridled, Oba Zuberi's power felt mysterious and well contained.

And although I knew next to nothing about the man, whatever I gathered from my first impression of him somehow gave me a feeling deep inside of me that sending Tony with him was indeed a good idea.

A familiar presence next to me made me lift my head to find Cole grinning down at me.

"So he marked you after all", Cole said, his eyes twinkling with joy, and I blushed and nodded, "Congratulations Luna. I'm really happy. The bond between you and the rest of the werewolves has strengthened"

"Thank you Cole", I said gratefully, "It feels wonderful"

"Okay, now that all the formalities are over, why don't you introduce me to the little lady you have been hiding from me all this time?"

Oba Zuberi's statement immediately made me and Cole turn to find him staring right at me, and I almost jumped in surprise.

Zuerien snorted, "I'm not hiding her", he said, "I'm saving the best for the last"

Zuerien extended his hand towards me, encouraging me to take it and step forward. Swallowing my nervousness, I took it and walked to his side. I bowed my head slightly to Oba Zuberi and smiled.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Oba Oyekan", I said sincerely, choosing to refer to him by his last and not first name.

The man smiled back, "Ah, so you are the Suzzanah Winters I have heard so much about"

"That would be me", I said awkwardly hoping the things he had heard weren't all bad.

"The pleasure is mine", his eyes flickered to my mark and his smile widened as he added, "Luna"

He turned to Zuerien, "So you found her after all"

Zuerien wrapped an arm around me and held me close to his side, "I did", he replied contentedly.

The older man's eyes softened, "You have changed, and I am happy to see you like this", he said, "I can tell that your mate brings you great joy"

Zuerien's grip around my waist tightened, "She does"

"Protect her well then, Alpha King", the Oba said, "Using your unique talents and gifts, and the fire in your blood. If we had time, I would have asked to battle you to tell how good your Elemental abilities have gotten, to see if you have surpassed my best student"

"Perhaps another day, Oba", Zuerien said with an acknowledging nod, "But regardless, no one can ever take the place of your best student. Not even me"

"It is true", the man replied, his voice far gentler than earlier as he added, "Jenna will always hold a special place in my heart"


My eyes widened, Zuerien's mother?

So this man had been...Zuerien's mother's teacher!

"Jenna would have been very proud to see the man you have become, Zuerien", Oba Zuberi said warmly and I immediately felt Zuerien's bittersweet emotions rush through my body as he gave the man a stiff nod.

I wrapped an arm around his waist comfortingly and he squeezed mine gently, assuring me he was alright.

Oba Zuberi turned his gaze to me again, "I never thought I'd live to see the day that Alpha Zuerien finally found his mate", he told me, "Nor did I even imagine she would be human. You have some pretty big shoes to fill, young one"

I smiled, "I realize that", I replied quietly.

His eyes narrowed as something akin to fascination flashed in his eyes, "It is strange how you are human yet are still different from other humans somehow"

I laughed, "Isn't that true for everyone though?" I asked, "No two people are the same"

The Oba smiled back, his eyes lighting up once more, "Ah! So it is", his eyes briefly flickered to my silver streak, then to Zuerien's golden one before returning to my gaze, "I am happy I could meet you", he told me genuinely, "I see potential in you"

I smiled gratefully, "Thank you", I replied, "I know I have a long way to go, but I will never give anything less than my best to this kingdom"

The Oba nodded before addressing Zuerien, "Jenna would have liked her", he said, making Zuerien nod and pull me closer.

The Oba raised his head, "Now that fate has played out in such a manner as to make our paths cross yet again, I hope you will not go back to being strangers", he said.

Zuerien didn't reply and the Oba sighed before looking at me, "I'm hoping he will not refuse you, so do bring him to visit us sometime", he said, "He is greatly missed by my people back home"

I gave Zuerien and encouraging smile before nodding, "We'd love to visit, Oba. Thank you for the invitation"

"I'll come too!" Rino said happily and the Oba gave him a knowing look before turning to me again.

"Do let me know beforehand what you would like as a welcoming present", he told me warmly.

I bit my lip hesitantly, before asking, "Oba Oyekan, forgive me if I'm speaking out of order but...there is something I would like"

Zuerien looked down at me surprised and I saw Alpha Penson glance at me thoughtfully. Oba Zuberi nodded.

I took a deep breath before telling him my request. It initially shocked everyone and the Oba seemed almost reluctant, but when I insisted some more, he finally gave in.

"Alright", he said, "If you believe it will be for the best, then I shall take your word for it, seeing as you know more about this matter than I do"

I grinned happily, "Thank you Oba Oyekan! I'm truly grateful"

Everyone else smiled at me approvingly and I felt excitement rush through me. I knew this was the right thing to do.


We all turned to find Del walking up to us, carrying a bag that belonged to the little boy trailing after him. The sight of Tony's face immediately made warmth flood my body and I saw the rest of the children from the orphanage as well as the caretaker Ms. Maria coming behind them.

"Everything is set", Del said, before motioning for Tony to come forward.

Tony's blue eyes immediately found mine and I nodded reassuringly at him. He gulped and stepped forward before bowing to the Oba.

"Ah! So you are Antonio Garcia", the Oba said walking up to Tony.

Tony nodded quietly and the Oba extended a hand towards him, "Its good to meet you young man", he said and Tony stared at his hand for a second before hesitantly taking it and shaking it.

The Oba looked behind him at all the children who had gathered a little distance away, "Are these your friends?" he asked.

Tony nodded silently.

"We have lots of children your age back home", the Oba said encouragingly, "I am sure you will like it there"

Tony raised his head and met the Oba's gaze with an overwhelmingly strong one.

"Thank you Sir", Tony said to him, "For taking me in. I promise I will not become a burden on you"

My heart clenched inside me and tears stung my eyes as I silently said a prayer for Tony.

Please...let him be happy...

The Oba's eyes softened before shining with something akin to satisfaction as he turned to Zuerien, "You were right about the boy's spirit", he said and Zuerien nodded.

Placing a hand on Tony's shoulder the Oba smiled at him, "I am happy to have you, young man. Are you ready to go?"

Tony gulped, his head turning slightly to look at his sister Ginny with sad, longing eyes. She looked at me for confirmation and I smiled nodding at her. Grinning, the four year old quickly ran up to Tony and grabbed his hand.

"We're ready Sir!" she said happily making Tony's eyes go wide in shock, while the Oba's eyes flashed with surprise.

"No Gin! I told you already, you can't-"

"Good", the Oba said, smiling warmly at Ginny with twinkling eyes as he sat down, "And what is your name, young lady?"

"I'm Ginny", she said before promptly stepping forward and kissing the Oba's cheek making all our eyes widen and Tony's jaw drop in alarm. She beamed, "Thank you so much!" she gushed and the Oba blinked at her, completely taken aback by her gesture.

"G-Gin! No!", Tony said panicked as he pulled the little girl back before bowing his head, "I'm sorry sir"

The Oba surprised him by laughing out loud, "It is fine. Do not worry", he said, "Ginny. You are very welcome. You will be a good girl, yes?"

Ginny nodded vigorously while Tony's face went from confused to utterly bewildered. Ginny hugged his waist, "I'm going with you, big brother!" she said happily.

Tony gaped in shock, "W-what?! But Gin, you can't-"

"She's going with you Tony", Zuerien said making Tony's head whip towards him, eyes wide. Zuerien gave him a small, reassuring smile, "You're both going together"

So many emotions flashed in Tony's face that had I not felt them with him, I wouldn't have been able to recognize them, but the strongest one that had his eyes brimming with tears was without a doubt, unparalleled joy.

His gaze immediately shot to me and I gave him a big smile and I nodded. I had spoken to Ginny right after the Firelight dance last night. The little girl had been more than happy to go with her brother saying that she couldn't bear the thought of being away from him. I had spoken to Ms. Maria about it too and once Zuerien and the Oba had agreed, everything fell into place.

Tony grinned down at Ginny before hugging her close, "I'm so glad", he said as Ginny hugged him back happily.

Pulling away, he raised his misty eyes face to look at Zuerien, "Thank you, Alpha", he said, fresh tears welling in his eyes.

Zuerien placed a hand on his head, "You don't have to thank me Tony", he said gently, "And remember, this is your home. You can come back anytime"

Tony nodded joyously before looking at me. I sat on my knees and opened my arms for him. Without wasting a second he immediately walked into my arms me and I hugged him close.

"Take care, darling", I told him, "We'll meet again very soon"

He nodded into the embrace before pulling away. I took the opportunity to kiss his cheek and he immediately blushed several shades of red before pulling away frantically. Everyone laughed at his flustered reaction and I gave Ginny an equally long hug and big kiss while Tony was crushed into another bear hug by Rino.

Once Rino finally let the flabbergasted child go, the Oba straightened up.

"Ready to go?" he asked the two children and they nodded enthusiastically. He looked back at us, "I believe it is time to say goodbye, for now", Oba Zuberi said.

"We will never forget this Oba Zuberi", Zuerien said genuinely.

"Even if you do, I will remind you so do not worry", the Oba said making everyone chuckle.

"Please take good care of them", Zuerien said and the Oba nodded, "You have my word, on one condition"

Zuerien's brow furrowed, "What's that?"

The Oba raised his head and smiled, "The next time you see me, you will call me olukọ, just like you used to"

Zuerien eyes flashed with nostalgia before he swallowed hard and nodded, "I'll remember", he said.

Nodding with satisfaction, the Oba looked down at the children, "Let's go", he said.

Saying goodbye to all the other children at the orphanage, Tony and Ginny followed Oba Zuberi and the men he had come with towards the parking area. Zuerien, I , Rino, Cole and Alpha Penson accompanied them.

Once the children were in the car, the Oba turned back to us. In closer proximity to him, I could feel the intense heat radiating off of him. The man was like a furnace!

"Until we meet again, stay well, Alpha Zuerien, Cole, Alpha Penson", Oba Zuberi said and the three men nodded, giving the Oba a man-hug each.


"See ya, Oba Berry", Rino said hugging him tightly again before he could even say anything.


"Zuberi", everyone corrected him together and he smiled, "Oh, right!"

"Sometimes I wonder why your grandfather worries about you", the Oba said, smiling in defeat as he straightened his lion headdress, "He should worry about those around you"

"Why is that?"

We all exchanged knowing looks before shaking our heads, Rino...

The Oba then looked at me, "Take care of yourself, young Luna. And take care of Zuerien for me"

I nodded, "I will, Oba. And I hope to see you again soon"

"You are welcome to come visit whenever you please", the Oba replied, "And worry not about the children, for I have seen enough in both of them to know for certain that this was the right decision"

Reaching up to the bangle-like ornaments around his biceps, he removed one amber colored gem, that resembled his eyes, from it before holding it out to me, "Here"

Surprised I extended my hand and he placed it in my palm. It felt warm.

"A gift, from the Fire Elementals to the New Luna Queen of the Werewolf Kingdom", he told me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw surprise flicker everyone else's features and Rino whistled under his breath.

"I wish you the best of fortune for your future", the Oba said gently, "May heaven's fire protect and watch over you"

The Oba's traditional blessing was warm, just like the gem he had handed me and I smiled wholeheartedly at him fisting the gem and holding it close to my chest.

"Thank you Oba, it means a lot to me", I said genuinely, "I'll take good care of it"

The Oba smiled, "And it will take good care of you"

Surprise flashed in my eyes and the Oba gave me one more nod before getting into the car, "Farewell!" he said.

Both the children waved at us, smiling happily as the large black vehicle pulled away and we continued to watch it till it disappeared around the curb.

"It looks like someone made a nice first impression"

I turned my head to find all four men smiling at me merrily. I grinned before opening my palm to look at the amber gem once more. The golden-orange color seemed to swirl within its confines, and a strange power pulsed through it.

"Its so beautiful", I said, "And it feels really warm"

The men exchanged knowing looks.

"Of course it does Anna!" Rino said gleefully "Its fire!"


I almost dropped the gem in shock, "T-this is fire?!"

"A form of it, yes", Alpha Penson replied, "That gem you are holding is called Gem ignis or the gem of fire. By using an ancient, extremely difficult and powerful technique, the Fire Elementals can incorporate their flames into diamonds which then glow like amber gems", he told me, "If you are ever in danger then think about starting a fire and throw the gem wherever you want the fire to burn. You will instantly be surrounded by a wall of flames which will protect you until they die down"

I gaped at the gem in absolute awe, "That is incredible! Can you do that too?" I asked Zuerien.

He shook his head, "No", he replied, "There are only a handful of Fire Elementals in all of history who could do so. It takes decades of dedicated practice and meditation. Oba Zuberi is the only Fire Elemental alive right now who knows how to use that technique"

I rubbed the gem with my thumb, feeling gratefulness well up inside of me. It was truly a very precious gift. The gem had a protective aura that made me feel safe and something told me that I would need it.

Thank you Oba Oyekan...

"We still have a little time before we leave for the airport", Zuerien said, "I know someone who can make this gem a little more travel friendly for you, so I'll have it done right away"

I nodded and handed him the gem and we all started to make our way back towards the restaurant for a quick breakfast. It was 8 am in the morning and all the werewolves were scheduled to leave for their respective packs and duties by 10 am.

As we walked down the cobblestone pathway I saw several Resort staff members running around removing all the decorations from last night and cleaning everything up. Several travel bags and suitcases were being transported to the parking area to be stacked into vehicles again.

People were shaking hands, hugging and saying their goodbyes and all in all everything just gave off the mood of a something having come to an end. And it left a bittersweet brewing feeling inside of me.

I will never forget these last few days for as long as live...

Zuerien entrusted the Gem ignis to someone who said they'd have it brought back within half an hour. Before leaving he had to address the entire crowd in the Game Grounds one last time and preparations for that had been completed.

The minute we walked into the lounge where we were to have our breakfast we heard Marco's agitated voice cry out.

"Why did it have to happen now?!"

"Calm down Marco, it can't be helped", we heard the General say calmly.

"What's going on?" Zuerien asked as we walked towards them.

Marco's head whipped around before he stepped away from the couch and pointed towards it, "THIS HAPPENED!" he cried out.

All our gazes flew to the couch to find the young woman laying on it unconscious and we gasped in unison.


"Oh no!" Rino said running up to the couch, "Fussy's spirit is gone again!"

"This is not good timing", Alpha Penson said thoughtfully, "When did this happen?"

"Just a minute ago", Marco said running a hand through his hair, "Who knows how long she will be out now"

"Perhaps we should change seating orders in the flight then", Cole said, "Its best we don't let Prophecy travel with her spirit not in her body"

"I agree", Zuerien replied.

"Seating order?" I asked and Zuerien looked down at me.

"We aren't all going to Dublin in the same flight", he told me, "Some of us are going in the morning while others are coming later this evening because if we all go together we'll attract too much attention and it could ward off the Shadow People"

"Marco, you, the Alpha and Prophecy were supposed to be in the first flight", Cole told me, "While I, Alpha Penson, General Reginald and Rino followed in the second one. But with Prophecy's spirit gone..."

"What about Mr. Talon?" I asked wide eyed.

"Talon isn't coming with us, dear one", Alpha Penson said and my mouth dropped, "WHAT?! Why not?"

"Because I wouldn't be of any help there child", Mr. Talon said and my spirit sank, "But-But-"

"Oh don't look at me like that child, its not like you're leaving forever", he said smiling, "You'll return in a few days and I'll be here to welcome you all back"

I sighed and nodded disheartened. It was probably best for Mr. Talon to stay behind. Things could get dangerous in Dublin after all...

"So what do we do?" Rino asked referring to the situation with Prophecy.

"We can put Prophecy on the evening flight and I can take her place with the Alpha, Luna and Marco", Cole said.

"That won't be a good idea Cole. If someone recognizes you, you and the Alpha King being seen together will be a dead giveaway of your identities", Alpha Penson said, "Rino, you go with Alpha Zuerien"

Rino's face lit up, "Okay great!"

Zuerien squeezed his eyes shut, "Oh brother", he groaned under his breath while I grinned widely.

"Why don't I go with you as well?" General Reginald said, "I would prefer not to be part of boring company", he said glancing at Alpha Penson not so subtly.

"As appealing as your idea is, Reginald, I suggest you drop it", Alpha Penson said coolly, "Marco has to go with them to check the mazes in Dublin and ensure security and since Prophecy can't go, the next best option is Rino because either Karina or Megan is his Luna"

The General huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, "I guess I'm stuck with you then", he grumbled and exchanged looks with Mr. Talon who shrugged.

I looked at Cole who was scratching his neck helplessly. He'd be stuck on a flight with two older men who couldn't stand each others guts and a woman who appeared and disappeared like a freaking ninja!

"Maybe I should stay with Pro instead", Marco said uncertainly, staring at Prophecy.

"Don't worry Marco, we'll take care of Prophecy", Alpha Penson assured, "Besides we'll only be behind you by a few hours"

"We're scheduled to reach Dublin at 8 am local time tomorrow", Zuerien said, "And Cole and the others will reach around 2 pm local time tomorrow"

"Alright, I guess", Marco said, shoving his hands in his pockets, "I mean I'm happy. I don't have to worry about baby sitting a bratty cow"

The rest of us gave him blank looks, whatever you say Marco, whatever you say

We ate breakfast hurriedly because the airport was apparently quite far and we had to hurry if we wanted to make it in time. The men still managed to scarf down 10 normal people's food while I ate a quantity that they defined as 'table scraps'.

After we had eaten we headed over to the Game Grounds where everyone had already assembled. The podium had been set up and the minute we entered, all the people in the stands stood up and bowed.

Zuerien and Marco started to walk towards the podium while the rest of us were about to make our way to the stands when Zuerien suddenly stopped and grabbed my hand.

"Come with me", he said and much to my horror he dragged me to the podium in the center of the Game grounds.

My heart rate spiked when I felt thousands of eyes boring into the mark on my neck, making it tingle. I gulped as we mounted the stage before looking around at the Grounds, immediately being hit by a strong wave of nostalgia.

So much had happened here in the last five days. I had discovered the existence of Supernaturals here, seen an Elemental use his water abilities here, been grabbed by a Supernatural shadow here, been scorned by a number of werewolves here who thankfully didn't seem to hate me anymore, participated in an archery competition here and now...

I was to witness a vote of thanks speech by my mate who was a billionaire businessman, who was an elemental werewolf, who was a mighty King and who was the man I loved.

And I couldn't help but feel grateful to life, more than ever before.

Despite still being uncomfortable with being stared at by the entire crowd, I felt reassured by the fact that the feelings that were radiating off the masses were not those of malice or hatred, but those of warmth and respect. As I looked up at the vast crowd that surrounded us, I felt thousands of unearthly bonds within me tighten and strengthen and it brought a smile to my face.

Because I now really felt like I belonged here.

Zuerien's address to the crowd was short but compelling. He was a man of few words, but the words spoken were always powerful. When he spoke, I could feel the awe, respect and love his people had for him. He may have been younger than a lot of them, but they believed in him. They believed in him to protect them, govern them and lead them to better places.

And they would never be disappointed.

Thankfully I didn't have to say anything, because if I did I'd probably have squawked like a crazy goose for a few seconds before someone decided to take the mike from me because they couldn't afford any more torn, bleeding eardrums.

Once the speech was over, everyone was dismissed, yet many people came up to us to congratulate us formally about the mark. Apparently it was a very big deal, especially because it was a matter of their King's mate. I enjoyed speaking with the different people who came up to us, although most of them were too scared of Zuerien to convey anything more than their best wishes to us.

Once they started to leave, Zuerien was about to lead me to the exit as well when I turned to look at where the bonfire had been last night and my eyes immediately shot towards a bright white line that had been drawn right at the edge of the woods.

Oh my gosh! Thats-!

Without wasting another second, I wiggled out of Zuerien's grasp and started running towards it. Zuerien's head immediately whipped around, his eyes going wide in surprise, "Suzzanah?!" he cried out alarmed.

"DEL! COME HERE! QUICK" I cried out as I ran and the large Delta immediately jumped and started running towards me wide-eyed, not understanding what was happening.



"What's happening?!"


I heard everyone cry out in absolute horror as I ran into the woods before running out again just as promptly and jumping across the white line in the sand.

"YES!" I said throwing my hands in the air like a child before pulling out Rino's penguin handkerchief from my pocket, "DEL!"

"Luna Queen?" he said, looking at me cautiously and still bewildered, like I had gone insane.

"Suzzanah?" Zuerien cried out, hurrying up to me, worry etched into his features.

"Del! You saw!" I said frantically, "I reached the finish line just now whereas Zuerien never did. So I win last night's competition!"

Realization washed over Zuerien's face and everyone else eyes went wide before all of them burst out laughing while Zuerien gave me an amused 'are-you-serious' look.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, my Luna, but the competition got over last night", Zuerien said, "And neither of us won"

"I just did!" I said, raising my head and smiling cheekily, "I have the object in question and you reached after me so there! Besides, no one said there was a time limit to the Game"


"Well...technically she is right about that", Alpha Penson said making my grin widen.

Zuerien narrowed his eyes at him, "Really John?"

"I have to say, I must agree", Del said, placing his hands on his hips, "Technically the Luna does have a point"

"Your Luna is high", Zuerien said, grabbing my waist and pulling me into him, "And we are getting late"

"Don't go back on your word Alpha!" I said, still grinning like a maniac, "I won! Both the Game and the bets you made!"

"No heart, you didn't because I wasn't even aware we were still playing", Zuerien said seriously, "So last's night's game was a tie and I am still leading by one bet"

"NO WAY!" I said waving the handkerchief in his face making him snatch it out of my hands.

Don't make me use this how I used it last night again, Luna, Zuerien's voice filled my head making my eyes widen and cheeks flush.

"I don't care what you say. I won last night's game", I said, crossing my hands over my chest, "So I deserve winning at least one bet. So we can both be even!"

Behind us I heard the confused whispers of our friends as they discussed what the two of us could possibly be arguing about.

"This is really childish", Zuerien told me, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"Oh sure, when you lose, its childish!" I said trying to get the handkerchief back from him.

"I didn't lose"

"Yes you did, Alpha"

"No I didn't, Luna"

"Yes you did, Alpha"

This time everyone- Alpha Penson, Marco, Cole, Rino, Del, General Reginald and Mr. Talon- said it with me. Zuerien turned and glared at them all with deathly eyes making them all look down at the ground, biting back smiles, except Rino of course, who continued to grin like the Cheshire cat.

Exhaling an exasperated breath, Zuerien looked back me and I gave him a smug look, "Come on, say okay. One victory for you and one for me. Win-win!"

He narrowed his eyes at me looking away, "Fine"

"YES!" I jumped, throwing my hands in the air before grinning at all my friends who grinned back gleefully.

When I looked back at my mate, his eyes resembled glowing pools of warm dark chocolate, filled with affection.

I'll get you back for this, don't you forget it, he said and I grinned mischievously.

Bring it on, Alpha, I said, before walking on ahead, wearing the biggest goofiest grin on my face.

It had been ages since I had done something stupid like this with a group of friends. It made me feel so alive and happy that I didn't care even if it was childish. And I knew deep down that neither did Zuerien.

My mate was the home to all my antics.

And I couldn't love anything more.

It was 8:45 am when we reached the parking lot with all our things thrown into the trunk of the car. After ensuring that Prophecy was okay, Marco quickly got in the car followed by Rino. I gave Mr. Talon a hug and I was glad when Zuerien did not force me away from him even though I could feel his desperate urge to do so.

"I'll see you soon, Mr. Talon", I said.

"Take care of yourself. Stay warm because its surprisingly cool in Dublin even in summer and we know you're cold intolerant. Don't talk to strangers and don't ever go anywhere alone! Be safe. Eat healthy! And message me whenever you have the time"

His list would certainly have been even longer had I not laughed and cut him off.

"I'll remember Mr. Talon", I said grinning, "And the chances of me calling you are more than me texting because you'll take an hour to text back and still manage to type stuff wrong"

He flushed and pushed up his glasses, "Well excuse me if not everyone can be tech-savvy like you young people", he said.

"You don't have to be tech-savvy to know how to type using a phone, Mr. Talon"

"Oh hush! Get in the car already, before the flight decides to leave without you"

I smiled before hugging him again, "Bye, Mr. Talon"

"Take care child. Please don't make me worry too much about you"

"I'll try", I said before turning to another person who had unexpectedly turned up to say goodbye.

"See you soon, Roomie", I said and Annabelle sighed, shaking her head.

"You and your nicknames", she said, "Just you wait, I'm going to give you an equally annoying one and won't be calling you Suzzanah or Luna for too long"

"Hey, come to think of it...you knew before Zuerien's announcement that I'm Luna...didn't you?" I asked recalling that time I had been locked in the closet and had heard Annabelle's voice in my head, "You even mind-linked me when I was locked up!"

Her eyes widened, "My mindlink reached you?!" she asked surprised and I nodded. She ran a hand through her hair, "I just mind-linked out of habit", she said, "I never thought you'd hear it"

I smiled, "You sounded very worried about me", I said wiggling my eyebrows and she rolled her eyes, "Yeah right! That wasn't worry. It was annoyance", she lied.

"Come to think of it...how did you know that I was the Luna?" I asked her, "I meant to ask you earlier but forgot"

Her lips quirked upwards, "When you went missing, the King wasn't the only one who went berserk worrying. When Roma heard from Del that you had gone missing, she freaked out but since she was with Tony and couldn't leave him, she ended up blurting everything about your true identity out to me. Besides which..."

My eyebrows rose in question and she smirked, "I sort of already did guess that you and King had a thing going on. In fact, I thought you'd end up being the King's chosen Queen"

There it was again, Chosen?

"But I never thought you'd be his mate"

She said the word with a little bitterness, but I knew it wasn't directed at me. 

"Anyway, good luck in Dublin", she said, changing the subject quickly, "Try not to cause too much trouble"

"Aren't you supposed to be my bodyguard?" I asked, "I'm surprised you're not coming along"

She immediately stiffened, a tense uncomfortable look crossing her eyes before she shook her head, "I'm only your bodyguard while you're in Royale territory", she told me.


She hesitated before saying softly, "Listen...about everything I told you about my mate-"

"I won't tell anyone, don't worry", I assured her, "Your secrets and your precious staff quarter room's door keys are both safe with me"

Her jaw fell, "Why you little bit-"

She caught herself before she could complete the word and by the way she suddenly paled I knew that Zuerien was probably glaring the life out of her right now.

She sighed before narrowing her eyes at me, "I'll settle the score with you once you get back", she said, her eyes glinting with mirth.

I grinned, "I look forward to it, roomie!" I said before surprising her and pulling her into a hug.

"Take care", I said before pulling away, "Bye"

She smiled at me and nodded, "Bye", she said, "And try not to get yourself killed, will ya?"

"I will!" I called over my shoulder before walking to the car door.

Just as I was about to get in, Cole called out to me, "Luna Queen!"

I turned around only to have all breath sucked out of my lungs at the sight of the people who were with him. All the chattering and talking behind us died down in a flash and tension flooded the air, so thick that it made it hard to me to breathe.

The people with them were all familiar too me. Too familiar. Painfully familiar.

And by the way Zuerien immediately growled, stepping in front of me, his eyes flashing deep obsidian and everyone else tensed, disapproval marring their faces, I knew they hadn't forgotten either.

Before us, behind Cole, now stood all the people who had beaten me, mocked me and locked me up in a dingy closet two days ago.

Beta Jason, the waitress from the lounge and their companions all stood with their heads bowed, eyes devoid of emotion. I cringed at the sight of their dirty, battered bodies and ragged, torn clothing and instantly knew that they had suffered a pretty intense punishment.

"Cole", Zuerien growled, his voice filled with malice, "What the hell are they doing here?"

Cole glanced at the people behind them before saying, "They wanted to speak with the Luna before she left", he said, "And I believe they owe her this"

Zuerien's fists clenched in anger but before he could deny the request I placed a hand on his arm.

"I'll hear them", I said making everyone's gazes fall on me.

"Suzzanah", Zuerien said, his eyes softening when they fell on me. I nodded at him reassuringly.

"Its okay", I said before stepping forward.

Rino and Marco also stepped out of the car again, standing around me protectively.

Cole moved aside to let Jason come forward. He didn't raise his voice as he spoke.

"....Luna", he said, and I swallowed hard at the sound of his dry, rough voice, blinking back painful memories. He breathed deeply, "We don't have....anything...to say in defense of what we did", he said in a low, tired voice, "But before you left...we wanted to say...we're..."

He licked his dry, chapped lips before breathing out brokenly, "W-we're sorry"

My heart clenched inside of me at the sound of those words. Memories of myself being locked in a dark closet, gagged and aching and crying flooded my mind and I forced myself to remain calm as I spoke.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, surprised that I could keep my voice from shaking.

Jason tensed, "For...having hurt our Luna Queen..."

"Try again", I said unwaveringly, making him raise his head slightly to look into my eyes confused.

His battered, bruised face made me wince internally but I tried not to let it show. I kept my face devoid of emotion as he searched for words.

"We're...sorry for...having acted without having known that you were our King's mate", he said sincerely and I shook my head.

"Again", I said and he gulped looking back at the others who looked just as lost and helpless as him.

He looked into my eyes and I raised my head, "Its not about me being your Luna", I told him, "Its not about me being your Queen"

His eyes widened in realization before guilt flooded his eyes and he breathed deeply before saying, "We're sorry...for having hurt you, Ms. Suzzanah", he said quietly and I felt tears prick my eyes as I nodded.

"You should be", I told him.

"We'll do anything to make it up to you", he said, bowing his head and their regret and sincerity filled my veins, "Anything you ask for"

"There is nothing you can do for me that will make me feel better", I said, making him and the others flinch, before adding except one thing.

Their heads shot up, their eyes wide as they said, "Anything"

"Don't ever treat anyone the way you treated me, without reason", I told them, "Not if they are human, not if they are werewolves or other supernaturals, not even if they are your arch enemies. No one. Ever"

Their eyes widened slowly, surprise and hope flickering in their eyes.

"Never again", Jason said through a ragged breath, "Never again. I promise"

"We all do", the waitress added, her eyes filled with pain and honesty.

"I will hold you to your word", I told him, "Even if I forgive you for what you did to me, I will not forgive you if you break your word"

"We will remember, Luna", he said, a smile making its way to his face.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, "Then please return to your respective packs and continue whatever you used to do"

Del's eyes widened, "But Luna, their punishment-"

"Has been served", I said, "Its quite evident. Besides, they wronged me, so I should get to decide their fates right?"

Del smiled knowingly before nodding, "As you wish, Luna"

I looked back at Jason and the others who were staring at me wide eyed, "Your punishment is over. You may go home. But don't for a second forget what you promised me"

"We won't", Jason said, smiling widely his bruises already looking better.

The others looked extremely relieved as well, and strangely enough, I did too. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and now I really could move forward without looking back.

"Thank you, Luna", they all said before getting down on one knee and bowing to me.

The genuineness in their gesture was not lost on me and all I could do was hope that I had made the right decision. Because everyone deserved a second chance, provided they were truly willing to make amends.

And I would have forgiven them anyway...

I felt a large hand wrap around my waist and I leaned into Zuerien's touch immediately.

"Rise", he said and everyone immediately stood, their heads still bowed. "The Luna Queen has given her verdict. Make sure it is carried out"

"Yes, Alpha", Del and Cole said and from the corner of my eye I saw them smiling at me.

I looked at Cole whose blue eyes were glinting with warmth. I smiled at him.

Thank you Cole, from bringing them here, I mind-linked and he nodded quietly, the smile never leaving his face.

Alpha Penson put a hand over my head making me turn to look at him. He smiled lovingly at me.

"I believe it is time to depart now, dear one", he said and I nodded.

Zuerien squeezed my waist and smiled down at me. Marco and Rino grinned before moving out of the way to the door.

"Lunas first", Marco said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I smiled before taking in the faces of all my friends once more before getting into the car. Zuerien slid in beside me and then Marco and Rino got in too.

"See you in a couple of hours", General Reginald said and Mr. Talon waved his handkerchief at us.

Waving goodbye, I watched everyone, including Jason and the others, till I could see them no more, feeling a warm, contented feeling settle inside of me.

Zuerien's arm came around my shoulders and he pulled me into his chest before kissing my forehead. I was still extremely sensitive to his touch and it took all my self control to not moan when his lips touched my forehead.

The kingdom is blessed to have you, heart, he told me lovingly.

I smiled and closed my eyes, letting content and relief drench my spirit and mind. And as the car flew down the forest-laden path, I realized that I had finally been able to forgive and let go. And I had finally completely accepted my fate.

I was the Luna Queen, mate of Alpha King, Zuerien Kai Royale. And I would rule our people alongside Zuerien, never giving them anything but my best. I would nurture, and cherish and protect everything I could. And because I was terrible at holding grudges and hating anyway, I wouldn't.

Instead...I will love...

The mark on my neck tingled sensitively as I watched the trees fly by outside the window before closing my eyes.

Instead...I will love...

I will love, Unconditionally.


I had never liked exceptionally long flights, but I found that I quite enjoyed this one. Zuerien had wanted to take his private jet- which I had had a heart attack when I had found out he owned several of- but that had not been an option as that would have been like announcing our arrival to the Shadow People with megaphones and loudspeakers.

So instead, I experienced for the very first time how rich people got to travel in normal airplanes. The first class seats were extremely comfortable and I had a swell time looking through random magazines and chattering about actors and animals and everything under the sun with Rino.

Zuerien and Marco discussed business related things for most of the time, or the former simply watched me and Rino quietly, contributing in an occasional comment, while the latter flirted with every air-hostess who passed by.

And although I thoroughly enjoyed raving about nothing in particular with Rino, I did so only for a limited time because I actually slept through most of the flight. I didn't know why but once had we gotten into the flight, I had suddenly felt extremely tired. Zuerien had told me that this was my body's way of coping with his mark and that it would take a little time before I started feeling perfectly normal again.

After chatting with Rino and eating random things for the initial 3 hours of the flight and sleeping through the rest of it, I felt Zuerien shake me gently and caress my hair to wake me up when the flight had landed.

I stretched tiredly, "Are we here already?" I said, blinking and rubbing my eyes.

He smiled and nodded, "We are", he said but I immediately picked up the slight tension in his voice.

When I looked up at him questioningly, he simply shook his head, "Let's go", he said.

As we got off the plane and stepped onto the ground, I immediately wrapped my arms around myself. The weather outside were quite pleasant, the temperature being around 19 degrees Celsius. But being the cold intolerant thing I was, I couldn't help but shiver occasionally.

The morning sun felt good against my skin and a cool breeze was blowing that made me feel refreshed. Rino stretched smiling to himself while Marco complained about having a headache.

The minute I had stepped out of the airplane I had felt it, that very same bizarre, momentarily disorienting feeling that accompanied the presence of one of Marco's mazes. Marco had told me that because Ireland was Neutral, shared territory between the Werewolves and Shadow People, there were thousands of mazes everywhere to prevent them from crossing into our territory. And that was probably what was causing him headaches now.

Alpha Ashford, the Alpha who governed and led all the Werewolves in Ireland, was supposed to meet us outside the airport once we completed all the formalities here. Once Zuerien had spoken with one of the airport authorities, they started to lead us through a different way so that we could finish our immigration faster.

Apparently Supernatural Kings received just as much special treatment as the human Kings did, if not more. Or maybe it was because he was a billionaire, I had no idea.

We were about to make our way off the runway and into the airport when a strange, vaguely familiar, chilly sensation washed over me making me halt in my steps. The sensation was subtle and yet disturbing, as though something big had just transpired, as though someone I knew had just passed by.

I immediately turned my head to search for the source of it, but I saw nothing. I couldn't spend much time looking around as Zuerien's arm instantly came around my waist and he started to lead me into airport.

As soon as we stepped into the air-conditioned building we were surrounded by large bodyguards, dressed in all black. It felt unreal, as though we were part of a movie. I was still trying to figure out what that strange aura had been that I had felt when one man suddenly hurried up to us and whispered.

"Alpha, Terrence Magnifis and his subordinates have landed"

Chills and heat both raced through my body at the same time, my heart rate immediately spiking. I felt both tension and joy wash over me, knowing that Terrence was here, but so was my sister.


Earlier in the flight, both I and Rino had tried to mind-link Karina again. But no matter how hard we concentrated, it hadn't worked. Now, knowing that she was under the same roof as me had excitement bombarding my body so hard that I would probably run past an army of Shadow people just to hug her.

But the minute I snapped out of my little exhilarated trance, I saw the tense, hard faces of my companions. Even Rino looked stiff, which was saying a lot.

Zuerien's grip around my waist tightened, "Make sure they don't hear about us being here until John and the others land", Zuerien told the man and he bowed, "Understood, Alpha"

Without wasting another second, Zuerien started walking down the long corridor, Rino and Marco flanking our sides while being surrounded by a parade of bodyguards. I felt us pass several mazes just while we were in the airport, and I kept looking around desperately, hoping I would catch a glimpse of my sister, but I didn't.

The immigration and baggage claim took place rather quickly and before we knew it, we were about ready to step outside the airport and into the city where several new and dangerous events awaited us.

This was the moment of truth. The city that marked the end of search for the lost Lunas- Megan and Karina.

Dublin, Ireland.

Just before we stepped out of the door that led outside, Zuerien looked down at me and took my hand.

"Here", he said and I watched mesmerised as he slid a thin beautiful golden bracelet onto my left wrist, "For you"

Marco rolled his eyes smiling, "Oh sure! Pick the time when your arch enemy is right around the corner to gift your girl sparkly jewellery", he said.

Zuerien glared at him while I gaped in shock at the beautiful gift and then found a familiar amber stone embedded right in the center of it. I gasped.

The Gem ignis that the Oba gave me!

"I told you I'd have it made more comfortable for travel right?" Zuerien said, "If you press the little elevations on the sides of the amber together then the gem comes off and you can use it if you need to", he told me showing me how its done before pressing the stone back into the bracelet.

I was absolutely ecstatic, "Thank you!" I gushed excitedly, "I love it!"

"That's really pretty", Rino said as I showed it to him and we grinned at each other.

"Handy too", Marco said, tapping his forehead with his fingers to relieve the headache.

Zuerien took my hand in his again, his eyes soft but serious, "Heart, as I've already told you, Dublin is shared territory, so you may see Shadow People around every other corner", he told me, "Try not to be too surprised by them, and just don't bother making eye contact with them. They won't come anywhere near us"

"Can't", Marco corrected him, rubbing his temples, "They can't because of the billions of mazes all over this city"

I nodded, "I understand"

Once we stepped out of here, we would enter into a world where Werewolves and Shadow People coexisted together. A place inhabited by age-old enemies of the Werewolves, by Supernaturals who ruled both darkness and light, and he would be there, the man who ruled them all.

The man who had my sister.

Terrence Elryon Magnifis

Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for everything that was to come. No matter what happened once I stepped out of this door, I would be prepared, I would not give up and I would not break down.

I would be strong.

Looking at Rino and Marco, I felt reassurance flood my body. I would be with them, so I would be safe.

And when my eyes found Zuerien's, my resolve strengthened till it was unshakable. I would be with my mate, with the man that I loved with all of my heart, so no matter what happened, I would be okay.

Zuerien Kai Royale

As long as he was here, I would be okay.

Taking my hand in his, Zuerien squeezed it gently.

Ready, Kai and Zuerien asked together, just like they always did.

I nodded, giving him a smile and as the door slid open, we all stepped into the next chapter of our lives together.

I'm Ready

