33. Enigmatic Women

The incredible cover on the side was made by Eloise2424. Thank you!

Dedicated to virgogirl1 for your amazing support and love for this story. Your comments bring a HUGE smile to my face every time. Thanks for reading darling!

A huge shoutout to cherry92blossem for your wonderful votes, comments and support. Thanks hun!

IMPORTANT NOTE: For all my younger readers as well as those who are uncomfortable with some intimate content, please skip the part between *~*~* and *~*~*

This chapter is unedited so kindly excuse the grammatical errors.


Zuerien's POV

Closing the door behind me, I sighed as I felt a heaviness weighing down on me.

I wasn't always like this...

I looked at the door that now separated me from the one person in this world that I cherished more than life itself.

My Suzzanah...

It was but a measly piece of wood, but it was there, and that fact was enough to make me feel somewhat helpless and a whole lot burdened.

There will always be barriers between us, ones that were put there by others, and ones that I put up myself. Barriers...that will never let me get too close to her.

I touched the wood, the surface feeling solid, rough and cold under my palm. I was much like this wood, solid, rough and cold.

I didn't care about anything but my duties as an Alpha and as a King. The Werewolf Kingdom and all its people were my responsibility. A responsibility passed down to me by my parents, and one I would fulfill till my very last breath.

There were never any emotional attachments in my life. It was true that John, Cole and General Reginald were closer to me than others, but I could never open up to them. I could never tell them how I was...feeling.

Because feelings are for the weak...right?

As a King, and an Alpha, I could never show weakness. I could never hang my head. I could never break down.

That was all I had ever been taught, and that was all I had ever believed, since that day that my heart's most beloved ones were taken away from me.

I was okay. I didn't care much for feelings anyway. I didn't care much for anything except doing my duties. I had promised my parents and I wouldn't disappoint them.

So why is it, that with her, I can't help but want to feel...

I sighed and retrieved my hand, letting it fall to my side. I never thought something like this could happen to me. I had never thought that one day I'd come across someone who could awaken emotions within me that I didn't even think I had anymore.

I didn't think I had the ability to feel. After all, before she came along, I didn't even have a heart.

But now she is here, and no matter how I try to stop it, my heart keeps beating, it keeps beating harder...

When had I grown so attached to her? When had I given her such power over me?

Maybe it had been earlier today, when she had told both Kai and me that she would always be here, she would always be here for us.

And I'll never leave you

I don't think she noticed, but my heart had beat so fast when she had said those words. I couldn't even begin to express what it had meant to me, to hear her say that.

I had never felt so...happy...

Or maybe it had been this morning when I had found her in the woods, and I had heard her words clear as day in my head when she had thanked me.

"Thank you"... For coming for me, for worrying about me, for being there for me...for being my reassurance!

And as I kissed her with all of my being, I had wondered why she would thank me at all. After all,

There is nothing else I'd rather do

Or maybe, it had been even earlier, that day when I heard the words she had said to John about Emily.

Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day

Those words had been the only thing I had ever needed to hear since that day that I lost everyone I had loved. And when she had said those words, I had felt a deep deep sorrow within me grow lighter and lighter till it was no longer there.

And I had wondered what had been more reassuring, the words themselves, or that she had said them.

Maybe it was then, that I let her in. I let her into my life, let her see who I really was on the inside, and let her touch my cold dark soul.

Maybe it was then, that she engulfed me in her arms. She filled me with her warmth and flooded me with her light.

And she became...my heart.

"Mine", I whispered feeling a familiar unfathomable affection wash over me, one I felt every time that I was with Suzzanah.

It was an emotion I had started to recognize all too well, and an emotion I didn't think I had in me anymore.

But now I have a heart...and now I can feel...so...

What does a heart that can feel, do Zuerien?...

My eyes widened slightly at that thought and I took an involuntary step away from the door. Shaking my head, quickly turned and started to walk back to the lounge. I couldn't dwell on such things, I couldn't let myself get carried away. I was King, I couldn't be overcome by my feelings.

Suzzanah was my soulmate, she was destined for me. She was mine! Feelings didn't matter. She was my responsibility. She would never lack a thing, I would take care of her.

So...she is just a responsibility?

I exhaled in frustration, sensing just how wrong that statement sounded, even in my head. Because it wasn't true, she was more. Suzzanah was so much more.

She was everything I could have ever asked for and all I ever needed.

I would protect her with my life, I would cherish her with all of my being, I would give her everything she desired and...I would never let go, I would never let her go...

But what if what she desired was for you to let her go?...

I stopped abruptly, suddenly unable to go on. Instead of moving forward, I found myself wanting to rush back to Suzzanah and take her in my arms.

She wouldn't, she wouldn't leave me. She said so herself.

That's because she doesn't know everything about you yet. She doesn't know your dark past, the things you've done, the people you've killed...

I squeezed my eyes shut and immediately put an end to those thoughts.

Don't think about this. Don't think about this! Suzzanah is mine. And she'll always be with me.

And she will never leave me...

Embedding that thought deep within me, I walked faster down the path towards the restaurant. My uneasy mind kept trying to go back and reanalyze those disturbing thoughts from before, but I consciously kept myself from doing so.

Don't dwell on things that don't matter! You're the King! Pull yourself together!

I could sense that Kai wanted to say something, but he deliberately chose not to, and somehow, I was grateful for that.

Because I knew what he wanted to talk about, I knew what he would say.

I was almost at the restaurant now, and I quickly pushed aside all the unsettling thoughts that kept trying to cloud my minds. I had more important things to think about right now.

Once I got back to the lounge, we were all going to talk about what Prophecy had seen in the future today. Anticipation flooded my body because I knew that it would surely hold yet another key to finding the Lunas.

Rino was very sure that Annabelle had made contact with one of the Lunas, which was great because it meant that it was possible that she was here at the Games.

Even if she wasn't here, we'd still be able to single her out, with some effort. There was no way we would let this chance pass us by. Our search was finally bearing fruit.

I couldn't wait for High Council to be complete again. Both the Lunas were indispensable to our Kingdom and precious to us all. We needed to find them fast or our enemies could discover them and hurt them, and I'd be damned if I let that happen. They were part of my Kingdom and my Council. They were my responsibility. I would not let them be harmed.

As I walked into the building once again, I immediately missed Suzzanah's rich Arabian scent and found myself craving her presence once again. I was planning on telling her about the two lost Lunas tomorrow.

Suzzanah was to play a very important role, alongside Prophecy and Rino in finding the Lunas. The sooner she knew about them, the better. Knowing her, she would wholeheartedly agree to help in any way possible.

I approached the VIP lounge with anticipation flooding my body.

Soon, I told myself, Soon the lost Lunas would return to their rightful Kingdom


"Where do we begin?"

Marco asked the question that had been occupying all of our minds as I, John, Cole and Marco sat bent over the large wooden table. Talon had left soon after dinner and Rino was asleep on the couch beside the table.

I, Marco and Cole exchanged glances amongst ourselves before all three of us looked to John, the only one who would know the answer to that particular question.

He looked up from the manuscripts spread over the table and smiled, "How about in the past?" he said before placing his pencil's tip on one of the important documents we were going through, "the 22nd of June, 2015, to be precise", he said tapping on the date he had just written down on the manuscript.

All our eyes drifted to the date on the document, which was written right at the bottom of all the others. To anyone else, this manuscript would seem like nothing but scrap piece of paper with random dates penned down on it. It was but a measly piece of paper after all, but then again, so was the declaration of Independence.

Only this paper, to the Werewolf Kingdom, was probably even more important than that, it was priceless!

This particular document held a list of all the places Prophecy had teleported to in the span of the last year- The Teleportation Manuscript. It was an indispensable document which held all the keys to finding the two most important women of the Werewolf Kingdom after Suzzanah.

The two lost Lunas

"According to Prophecy", John began, "while she had been 'asleep' in the car throughout the journey here with Rino, she had been to London, where she thinks she saw a woman who could potentially be one of our lost Lunas"

Luna of Hearts or Luna of Intercession

"She checked a newspaper to know the exact date, and it was dated the 22nd of June of this year, which was nearly a month back", he continued, "Thankfully it isn't too far back in the past which means its highly likely that the Luna may still be there"

It was good news, especially because whenever Prophecy had travelled to the past before, the dates had always been spaced too far back in time for us to be able to make anything out of them. My eyes drifted to the series of dates written down on the document.

1. California, USA- Time unknown- S

2. Dublin, Ireland - Time unknown- P

3. Cambridge, England- Past (March 5th, 2012)- S

4. Muscat, Oman- Past (November 14th 2000)- S

5. The Royale Territory- Present (16th July, 2015)- S

That had been the day she had found Suzzanah in the woods when she had been wandering around in a cape, the same day that Suzzanah had also run into the mysterious blue-green eyed ghost whose identity was still unknown.

6. Paris, France- Time unknown- S

And now...

7. London, UK- Past (June 22nd, 2015)- S

I sighed as I leaned back into the chair. The 'P' and 'S' by the side of each date meant Physically or in Spirit.

Prophecy had the ability to teleport back and forth in time both physically as well as in spirit alone. When she teleported physically, she would disappear from her location in the present and exist only in the time and place she teleported herself. She would be visible to the people around her in that time, and she could converse with them, touch them and move around with them.

But when she teleported in spirit, her body stayed in present time in a comatose state and she appeared to be 'asleep', whereas in reality, her consciousness was in another place or time or both. And seeing as she went only in spirit and not physically, the people around her spirit couldn't see her, hear her or feel her around them. It made things slightly more difficult for her.

This morning, when she had been travelling here with Rino in the car, she had been asleep because her spirit had been in the past, in London, where she had apparently seen one of the lost Lunas. But of course, the woman she had seen could not see or hear her there because she had not been physically present.

My eyes then drifted to the 16th of July when she had met Suzzanah in the woods at the same time as the blue-green eyed ghost. That day too, she had teleported only in spirit and not physically, and that was the reason why I couldn't see her, even though I had been there as Kai.

But Suzzanah could...she could see her even in her spirit form.

Because for some reason, my Suzzanah can see spirits...

"Ah! There is one more date we forgot to pen down", John said leaning in onto the manuscript. The rest of us also bent forward to see what he was writing. When he was finished, he removed his hand so we could see.

8. The Royale Territory- Present (19th July, 2015)- P

That's right!

Prophecy had teleported into the woods in present time this evening, where she had run into Suzzanah. That was just before I had found Suzzanah in the clearing earlier as Kai.

"I don't understand", Marco said staring at the last date John had just written down, "Now that the Queen has already been identified and found, why does Prophecy still keep teleporting to where she is?"

Yet again, his question was one even I had been pondering over and judging from the look on Cole's face, so had he.

There were four High ladies in the Werewolf Kingdom:

Luna Queen

Luna of Intercession

Luna of Hearts

Luna of Time

The Luna Queen was the most treasured and important High Lady of the Kingdom followed by the three Lunas of the Werewolf Council Extraordinaire.

The Luna of Time, Prophecy Ronaldo, had prophesied the return of all the three High Lunas, apart from herself, this year. That meant that whenever she got teleported, the place she went to inevitably had something to do with one of the three High Ladies.

Meaning that each of the places on the list where she had teleported herself to had something or the other to do with them and their past, future or current location.

But when one or more of the High ladies were already recognized and retrieved to the Kingdom, she was supposed to stop being teleported to them and teleport only to the Luna who hadn't been found yet. But she still teleported to Suzzanah.

"Maybe it's because she hasn't met Queen Suzzanah personally yet, nor has she been able to see her face clearly", Cole said uncertainly, "Maybe because of that, her powers are going haywire and still teleporting to the Queen, even though she has already been found"

John nodded, "Yes, that's a fairly reliable explanation", he agreed, "Its best the two Lunas be introduced to each other at the earliest"

Marco bent forward and trailed his finger down the list of cities on the Teleportation Manuscript, "Once we do that, we can ask the Queen which of these places was part of her past so that we can rule them out from the list of places we may find the lost Lunas in"

Seeing as the Teleportation Manuscript contained the list of places related to the Queen as well as the lost Lunas, if we knew for sure which one of the places were related to Suzzanah, we could score them off and concentrate on the other places to find the lost Lunas.

I picked up a red pen and marked the two dates when Prophecy had run into Suzzanah, the 16th of July in the woods, and earlier today, 19th of July. It was safe to say that these two dates and destinations could be ignored in the search of the lost Lunas.

So that leaves 6 others...

"So John, Marco", I said looking at them, "What exactly did Prophecy see in London?"

John motioned for Marco to go ahead and Marco nodded, "Prophecy said she teleported first, in spirit, to some wide road from where she could see the Big Ben. That's how she knew it was London. The time there was 7:30 am, Monday, the 22nd of June 2015, she got those details off a newspaper", he said with a laugh, "Before she could look around though she said she was teleported to a huge park or reserve of some sort", he said and I frowned.

Personally, I had never been to London, so I had next to no idea where that place could have been.

"She said she had to wander the park for a very long time. There were not that many people there and the few who were there didn't seem anything out of the ordinary. But after a long while she finally reached a secluded spot surrounded on all sides by trees. That's where she saw her"

Both I and Cole leaned forward in anticipation as Marco continued.

"Prophecy said that there had been a woman sitting under the shade of the trees, reading a thick book with a light pink cover", he said narrowing his eyes in recollection, "She was dressed in a white shirt and dark jeans and was facing the other way so she couldn't see her face, but she was fair skinned and seemed to have dark hair"

There were a lot of women who would fit that description.

"Prophecy said that she had immediately felt a distinct aura around the woman, and she had felt drawn to her, as though she was the purpose for her teleportation there, or some weird shit like that", Marco said uncomfortably, "Damn, that sounds so freakin girly!"

John smiled, "That's probably how she knew it was her- one of the lost Lunas", he said to him before looking at us, "But before she could see the woman's face Prophecy had been teleported yet again, this time to a café", he said leaning back, "There were not that many people there either and the time was around 4:45 pm"

"She said that she had been teleported right next to a table on which there had been a cup of coffee and a thick novel again, with a light pink cover", Marco told us, "She had mentioned some name, I can't remember now".

"Dan Brown's Deception Point, I believe", John provided, "Prophecy had looked around but she couldn't find the woman she had seen in the park"

I frowned. Prophecy really had quite a frustrating job. She was a somewhat impatient person so I marveled at her perseverance in this particular matter.

"After that, she had been teleported yet again to a long wide lane with many large brick mansions on either side", Marco said, "And by then it was quite dark outside. And there, she had seen her again, a woman dressed in jeans and a shirt. As usual Prophecy had the worst luck ever because it had been nighttime and the woman had been standing far away from the street lamp so she couldn't see her face", Marco said in aggravation and I exhaled heavily.

That was unfortunate

"The woman had been standing alone, opposite to the seventh mansion down the right side of the lane and just staring at it wordlessly", Marco continued, his face scrunching up intermittently as he tried to remember all the details Prophecy had told him.

When it came to the Lunas, we couldn't afford to miss out any details.

"Prophecy had immediately rushed towards her", Marco said, "She said that the woman had not been very tall, maybe a little shorter than herself. She had been carrying a sling bag and there had yet again, been a thick book in her hand. The woman had had the same aura as the one in the park. She couldn't see her hair color properly but she said it was definitely not light colored hair"

So it had to be the same woman.

Marco sighed, "But yet again, before Prophecy could reach the woman, she had turned and started walking away. And just like that, Prophecy was suddenly teleported back to the car and into her body in the present. That's all she saw"

None of us spoke up immediately, and a heavy silence permeated the large room as everyone stayed immersed in their own thoughts. Mine were along the lines of what important information we had gathered from all of that, which unfortunately, wasn't much.

The Luna was in London, was slim, had fair skin and probably dark hair, possibly liked reading, possibly lived in a large brick mansion...or not, it was highly debatable.

There was hardly anything to go by. But then, it was always like this. Prophecy's teleportations always brought very vague results, but some results were better than none.

Up until now, Prophecy had never seen the faces of any of the Lunas, not even Suzzanah's. She could recognize their distinctive auras, but not their appearances. If she ever happened to be in a place where one of them was also present, it was most likely she would recognize them by that very aura and not their appearance.

So if one of the Lunas, the one who's presence Rino could apparently sense inside of Annabelle, was actually here at the Games, then Prophecy would be able to recognize them based on their aura, provided they were close enough to her.

"Okay", I said, "Now that we know one of the Lunas may well be from London, or may have visited London in June, we'll have a thorough investigation done on every single female present here to find out which of them have been to London last month. We'll concentrate more on the dark haired fair skinned women. Tomorrow we'll have Prophecy recite the entire event again, just in case she left out something"

"And then, we can go Luna hunting with Rino, Annabelle and the Queen", Marco said, "seeing as the Queen is supposed to play an important part in this search. Oh, and Prophecy is going to nag and whine and screech till she meets the Queen, so its best we get them acquainted at the earliest", he added, "That way, even if Rino's Luna isn't present here, the Queen and Prophecy may be able to find the other one, if she is here"

I nodded still wondering why Rino was the Guardian of only one of the Lunas. It struck me as quite strange that only one of them had a pre-destined guardian and not the other two. There must be some kind of purpose behind that too. Could it be that one of them needed protection more than the others? And if it was so, we needed to find her soon as possible, before someone else discovered her, before our enemies did.

"While we're at the topic of searches, Cole, how is the investigation for the identity of ghost with blue-green eyes coming?" I asked as I, John and Marco turned towards Cole.

He didn't reply as he continued to stare off blankly into space. I frowned, had he even heard me?

"Cole", Marco called out again but he still didn't respond.

The three of us exchanged glances before I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Cole!

He jerked, his head whipping towards me as he stared at me wide eyed, caught completely off guard, "Uh...what?" he said and my frown deepened.

Something was extremely wrong with him today.

"I asked how the search for the ghost that Suzzanah has been seeing is coming", I repeated and he exhaled, "Oh...not very good", he said, "I'm afraid we've gone through almost all records- employees, rogues and even other allied Supernaturals, but we've only come up with a few results, especially now, seeing as the guy is dead. I'll have those results brought in tomorrow so that the Queen can have a look just in case it is one of them. I'm afraid the basis of the search is rather vague"

I nodded in agreement. I didn't know why Suzzanah was the only one who could see these spirits. As far as I knew, there were only a handful of Seers who had that ability, and they were all witches, who could only do so after much meditation, years of practice and the use of a lot of magic, none of which Suzzanah seemed to have needed to do.

And what did these spirits want with Suzzanah anyway? What could be their purpose for approaching her? Why her? I needed to talk more about the matter with her. I didn't like that there was an aspect of her life I couldn't help with at all, especially because seeing spirits was something extremely disturbing, even for a Supernatural like myself. I didn't want Suzzanah to be afraid while I was still with her.

"Seeing as we already have quite a lot planned for tomorrow, what do you say we push the Queen's Neutral testing examinations for the day after tomorrow King?" Marco asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I don't want to burden her with too much", I said, "For tomorrow lets stick to finding out whether or not Rino's Luna is here. While we're at it, John", he looked at me, "Suzzanah needs to know more about the abilities and powers of the two other Lunas so that its easier for her to locate them. I'd like it if you could help me explain those matters to her seeing as you're the one who knows most about the Lunas"

John nodded, "Of course", he said.

"Oh hey, I'll sit in too!" Marco said grinning wider than he needed to, "I'm not entirely sure about their powers either so I'd love to keep the Queen company on this", he smirked cheekily and I resisted the urge to set fire to his seat. He must have noticed the irritation in my eyes because he immediately added, "You know, for educational purposes, so that I too have some chance of finding the Lunas, and not just Rino, the Queen and Prophecy", he said, "Who knows, they could be hot!"

I narrowed my eyes at him while John smiled, "Why don't we turn this into something of a class", he said, "It's been a while since I've taught you hasn't it Alpha", he said looking at me reminiscently and I immediately recalled the days when John used to tutor me in the affairs of the Kingdom before I had taken the throne, "We'll have Rino and Talon sit in too. And Cole, of course", he added and Cole who had yet again drifted into deep thought snapped out of it and nodded absently.

"Okay! So shall we call it a night for today?" Marco said getting up, "I'm totally beat!" he walked up to the couch where Rino was asleep, "Hey! Wake up Rino!" he said but Rino was in deep sleep and didn't even budge.

"Hey! Wake up Wizard butt, go sleep in your room!" Marco said shaking him but he simply mumbled some words sleepily before grabbing Marco's arm and using it as his pillow.

Marco let out a shout of aggravation before tugging at his hand while simultaneously yelling at him to wake up. I and John exchanged amused glances before my gaze shifted to Cole. He was lost in thought once more, his forehead creased in worry. His body was tense, just like it had been ever since he got here after patrol.

I frowned wondering what could have happened to him, and why he wasn't willingly speaking of it. When I had mind-linked him earlier before walking into the lounge, he had seemed fine. So whatever happened, had happened after that.


He looked up at me wordlessly, the tension on his face not quelling.

"What's the matter?" I asked him and John also turned to look at him.

He gulped and shook his head, "Its nothing Alpha", he replied.

It was obviously not nothing but I didn't press him further. I had never been one to push people to tell me their affairs or what was bothering them, mostly because I didn't care to know, but with Cole it was because I respected his privacy and his decision to keep the matter to himself.

If Cole wasn't telling me, it probably meant that the matter was personal and had nothing to do with the Kingdom and our people, or, that whatever it was, was something he didn't think would sit well with me.

"Cole, if it's something important, I need to know", I told him and he sighed before nodding, "I know Alpha", he replied, "Once I find out if it is, I'll let you know"

John's brow furrowed slightly but he didn't say anything and nor did I. Cole stood up and bid us both goodnight before walking to the couch where Marco had finally managed to get Rino into sitting position.

Rino rubbed his eyes, "I feel like I'm drunk Draco"

"Its Marco!" Marco corrected before slapping his head, "Get up now!"

"I'll just sleep here", he mumbled trying to curl back into the couch. Cole put a hand on his shoulder, "Come on bud. The beds are a whole lot more comfortable, trust me. You'll have better dreams if you sleep on one"

Rino yawned before running a hand through his hair, "Speaking of dreams, I dreamt of woman with long silver hair", he said leaning his head back against the couch, "she was wearing a white dress and standing by a tree. She had a bow and arrow in her hands and was wearing Santa's red Christmas hat. She was...totally awesome!" he said.

My lip twitched upward while Cole and Marco laughed softly. John just watched on wordlessly.

"Maybe she's your soul mate", Cole told him and he smiled sleepily.

"No..." he said before turning to look at me, "She is Wolfa's"

My eyes widened and so did everyone else's as all their heads whipped towards me.

"I dreamt of the Luna Queen", he said getting off the couch, "only...with silver hair. She looked beautiful. It was actually quite fitting, because you have a golden streak right Wolfa", he said and beside me I saw John tense slightly. Rino grinned, "You're a great couple. I hope she makes you smile more Wolfa"

I was taken aback by his words, my eyes widening in surprise. Cole, John and even Marco smiled before nodded their heads in agreement.

"I couldn't agree more", John said.

"I hope so too", Cole added.

"Well, a smile would make you more approachable so sure! May you smile away King", Marco said with a smirk.

See, Kai told me in my head.

I looked around at the men in the room, not knowing how to reply. I was never one to be affected by emotional or mushy gestures like these, but somehow, today, the sincerity in their words hit me hard and warmed the deepest parts of my cold soul.

And yet again...it made me feel...happy.

Damn, Suzzanah really is affecting me bad...

So completely against my nature, I did the only thing I could to both acknowledge and appreciate their gestures.

I smiled.


Suzzanah's POV

"Hello Suzzanah"

My eyes widened as I took in the sight of the familiar young fair skinned, dark haired woman whom l I had met in the woods twice already- the Spirit.

"It's you..." I whispered.

She smiled softly at me, "How are you?" she asked from where she was seated on a large rock before me.

I blinked before nodding uncertainly, "I'm...okay..." I told her.

She held her hand out to me, "Come", she said, "Join me"

I regarded her for a few seconds longer before taking uncertain steps towards her. I realized that I was in the woods again, surrounded by tall green trees. When had I come here? And how?

I reached the young woman and she patted the space next to her. I sat down still feeling puzzled as I looked around. What was going on?

I felt her hands in my hair and my head jerked towards her.

"Stay still for a little bit?" she said softly and I obliged.

She took a thick lock of my hair and began to braid it.

"O-Oh, you don't have to do that", I said but she smiled, "But you like it don't you?" she said, "You always liked it when Karina did it for you when you were younger"

I smiled as the memories came rushing in. I used to pester Karina to do my hair every morning, not so much because I liked having my hair styled or braided but because I simply loved having my hair caressed. It was something I was told parents did to their children often, something I had never had the chance to experience.

But because Karina was there, the pain of being an orphan was significantly subdued. She was my mother, my sister, my best friend, my guardian. She was my angel, my everything.

The thought of Karina made me sad. I missed her terribly. And I was so worried about her. She was in a situation I knew next to nothing about, and I couldn't ask Zuerien for help because it was apparently something he didn't like talking about.

The shadows...

I wanted nothing more than to rush to where she was, but I didn't know if I could. My sister could be in danger and I didn't know what to do.

My eyes involuntarily brimmed with tears at the thought of something bad happening to Karina. She was my only family, my own blood. The thought of something hurting her had me feeling like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.

I couldn't lose her, not her, not my Karina.

A tear slipped down my cheek but the young woman quickly reached out and caught it before it fell on my lap. She stroked my hair gently making me look at her with teary eyes.

"Don't worry yourself so much my dear", she said, "Karina is alright"

"H-how can you say that...for sure?" I asked.

She smiled, "Can't you?" she asked, "Think about it. If something had happened to Karina, you would have felt it", she took my hand and placed it over my heart, "in here, just like you always do"

I looked down at my hand over my heart and pondered her words. It was true, even when I was younger, if Karina was ever in trouble, or if she ever needed help, somehow, I had always felt it. It was like intuition, only much stronger.

"Take heart my dear Suzzanah, everything will be alright", she said and I smiled at her feeling a lot of my anxiety quell.

"Thank you..." I whispered to her and she smiled before raising her hands up to my hair again.

"You don't have to thank me", she said, "Instead promise me something will you?"

I waited for her to go on and she quickly finished with my hair before withdrawing her hands and looking at me, "Promise me...that no matter what happens, you will never let go"

I was surprised by her words as she continued, "Don't let the darkness in this world corrupt your spirit Suzzanah. Don't let the cold put out the warmth inside of you. Everything is not as it seems. Don't let the evil taint you"

"I don't...understand..." I told her and she took my hand.

"There are people who have given themselves up to the darkness", she told me, her eyes glinting with a deep sadness, "They have let hatred taint their hearts. And they will try to hurt you because you are different from them. Beware of them Suzzanah, and protect those whom you love from them. You were created for a great purpose. Remember that and believe in yourself"

She caressed my cheek lovingly, "I am very proud of you. You are everything I hoped you would be and more. And now, seeing you, I don't regret a thing"

What did she mean?

"I will always be with you and so will those around you who cherish you from the bottom of their hearts", she said, "Never let them go and never let go of the goodness inside of you. Never let go Suzzanah, promise me?"

She held her hand out to me and I smiled at her before placing my palm on hers, "I promise", I told her wholeheartedly, "I will never let go"

She smiled before placing her other hand on mine, "I'm glad", she said before slowly, her figure started to fade from my sight.

I gasped trying to hold onto her hand but it started to slip through my fingers.

"B-but wait! Who are you?!" I asked frantically.

Her fading image smiled, "I already told you, I am she who has been exactly where you are-"

"and she who knows exactly who I am!" I completed her sentence, "I know that, you said so already. But what does that mean?! And how do you know about Karina and what we used to do when we were younger?"

Her image had almost faded completely but I heard her voice say, "Because I was there. I saw it all, through your eyes"

"But how-"

"Because I'm always with you Suzzanah. You and I...we'll always be...together..."

My eyes widened and I shot off the rock but she was gone. I was left wondering who she was yet again. Before me, there suddenly flowed a beautiful stream of pure, crystal clear water, which hadn't been there before.

By now, I had realized, that all this had to be a dream, because there was no way such things could happen in reality. I walked to the stream and looked at my reflection only to gasp in surprise.

The lock that the young woman had braided for me had turned completely silver and stood out beautifully against the rest of my dark hair. At the very top of the braid, she had put a white lily in my hair which only made it look more lovely, as though the silver hair were flowing out of the delicate flower.

I touched the lock of hair and smiled at my reflection. Next time I saw the young woman I would surely ask her name. Still smiling I turned to the rock behind me to find something small placed on it, which shone brilliantly under the rays of the sun.

I squinted before slowly walking towards it, it looked familiar somehow. But just as I took one more step forward my world suddenly turned upside down and before I knew it, I found myself falling, and just before I hit the ground, everything turned black.


I heard someone cry out in shock and the next thing I knew I felt a dull ache radiating down my back. I heard a groan and realized that it was me. I fumbled around in the dark before suddenly light flooded my vision making my eyes squeeze shut to avoid going blind.

"Are you alright?"

I head a familiar voice ask and I slowly opened my eyes. I found vibrant green eyes looking down at me from very high up and I squinted at Megan in puzzlement.

"Wow, you're so tall", I mumbled and she smiled before bending down.

"That's because you're on the ground", she said making my eyes widen before I sprang up like a spring.

I looked around to find myself, yet again, sitting on the floor of my room while Megan held my blanket in her hands.

"You fell off your bed...uh...again", she told me making blood rush to my face, painting it red like jam on bread.

"Oh my gosh!" I whisper-screeched in embarrassment before quickly standing up, "I'm such a klutz. I'm sorry you have to keep seeing me like this Megan. I must seem like a complete moron!"

Why did I keep falling off the bed like some two-year-old? If Zuerien found out, he'd probably have a life-sized cradle made for me and then I'd be the only 21-year-old who slept in a baby's bed! And then I'd die of embarrassment! God!

I heard Megan's soft laughter fill the room making me look at her. She shook her head, "You really do assume the most amusing things don't you Suzzanah", she said before placing my blanket on my bed.

I frowned in confusion and she smiled, "Don't worry, I don't think you're a moron at all. My mom used to fall off the bed even up till a few years ago, so I'm kind of used to seeing this sight. It actually reminds me of home", she said.

I blushed harder, but laughed at her revelation, feeling better.

"Were you having a nightmare?" she asked and I shook my head, "No, it was actually quite a pleasant dream. I think this bed is just unlucky for me", I said glaring at my mattress.

She didn't reply and I turned to find her staring at my bed. Slowly she bent down and placed her hand under my pillow before fishing something out.

Smiling she held her hand up to me, "I guess it slipped off your chain when you were asleep", she said opening her palm.

My eyes went wide in shock when I found the same crystal, that had disappeared from my chain last night, now glistening in her palm. I gaped at her hand in incomprehension, "B-But...how? I thought I had lost it!"

"Well, I guess you didn't", she said placing it in my hand, "That's good huh?"

I wonder...

I continued to stare at the crystal in confusion while Megan just walked to her own bed and settled down on it smiling. I couldn't understand why this crystal kept returning to me. It was so odd. And why was Megan always the one who gave it to me? Did she have something to do with it?

In any case, it was just a simple piece of jewellery. Had it been harmful or dangerous, Zuerien would have noticed. Besides, Megan was human! Even if she did have something to do with this crystal, it couldn't possibly be anything supernatural.

I decided to ask Alpha Penson about it, he'd know what to do. And I needed to stop having so many doubts about Megan, she had been nothing but nice to me!

I noticed that she was already dressed and ready to go out. She was wearing a lovely white dress that hugged her slender frame and fell to her knees, she looked beautiful.

"You look stunning Megan!" I told her and she looked up at me, "Oh! Uh, thank you", she replied, her ever calm tone laced with a hint of surprise.

"What time is it?" I asked looking around the room for a clock.

"Its 7:00 am", she told me making my eyes widen.

"Really?" I asked, "It's still early. Breakfast isn't till 8 right? You must be a really early riser"

She smiled at me, "Yeah", she told me, "Force of habit. My dad was in the army and he used to make both me and my mom get up at 6:00 am every morning"

"And do what?"

"Go for a jog. Then do stretches", she said

"Even in Winter?" I asked and she nodded knowingly. I shuddered, "Wow, you're much tougher than you look Megan. The only time I run is when I'm super late"

Or when I'm being chased by big shirtless were-men.

She exhaled a laugh before typing away at her phone. I placed the mysterious gleaming crystal on my bedside table and quickly made my bed.

I was still dressed in last night's sun dress which was now a crumpled mess, but I was grateful that Zuerien hadn't taken liberties and changed my clothes when I had been asleep.

I then walked into the washroom. Before going in, I noticed that the back door of our room no longer sported the claw marks Kai had put there and realized that someone must have replaced it.

I quickly did my morning routine, brushing and bathing and singing in the bathroom. Once I was done, I tied a bathrobe around myself and walked to the mirror. I quickly checked my hair but still there was no silver streak there.

Shrugging I put a towel around my wet hair, only to realize that yet again, I had forgotten to bring my clothes into the bathroom with me. I groaned, mentally slapping myself a hundred times.

Now Megan would definitely think that I was a wierdo! But at least we were both women so it wouldn't be awkward if I walked out in a bathrobe. This one was long too, it fell to my knees, unlike the one I had worn when I had run out of Roma's room and into Zuerien and all that other chaos had happened.

I still couldn't believe that he had thrown me over his shoulder, especially because back then, I wasn't on the best terms with him. Shameless man!

Shaking my head, I opened the bathroom door and walked out only to screech in shock when I found Zuerien sitting comfortably on my bed.

His eyes immediately zeroed in on me and my throat went dry when I actually saw his eyes glaze over with desire. In a desperate attempt to conserve my dignity I jumped back into the bathroom but in a flash Zuerien was in front of me.

He grabbed the door knob and pulled it forward bringing a gobsmacked me forward with the door and right into his chest. He closed the door before pressing me into it, so that I was trapped between two solid surfaces, his chest and the door, his chest being the more solid of the two surfaces.

I was still trying to orient myself when I felt his arm slide around my waist and press me further into him. My palms immediately flattened against his chest, doing little to maintain distance while he buried his face in my neck, inhaling deeply.

"What I wouldn't give to see this sight every morning", he whispered making shivers run down my spine.


"Good morning my Suzzanah", he whispered before pressing his lips to my neck.

I involuntarily arched my back into him, biting my lip to suppress a moan. He sucked on the skin on my neck making pleasure sear through my veins.

"Zuerien, w-why are you here?" I stuttered through my haze.

"Because you're here", he replied making my heart go berserk.


"I came to get you", he raised his head so that his lips grazing my ear, "I didn't know I'd be the one getting something instead", he said huskily making my cheeks burned brighter.


"Isn't here", he cut me off, "It's just you and me, so I can do whatever I want to you my sweet Suzzanah"

He sucked on my ear-lobe and heat flooded my body, making it harder for me to think straight.

"B-But w-we need to go...to the orphanage"

"It's still too early for that", he whispered, his lips trailing along my jaw.

I had suddenly run out of excuses and was wondering what more I could do to safeguard my dignity when he spoke up again.

"I brought you something"

He moved back just enough to let me turn my head only to find a large gift-wrapped rectangular box placed on the table beside the door I was caged against. Still holding me to him with one arm, he reached for the box and gave it to me.

I blinked at it before taking it from him and looking up at him, "F-for me?" I asked and he nodded.

The only person I had ever received gifts from up until today, had been my sister. But now, holding this beautifully gift wrapped box in my hands, I felt immense joy rush through my body as I realized that Zuerien had bought this present especially for me!

My face broke into a huge smile and I immediately flung my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, while still holding the gift firmly in one hand.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I cried happily.

His hands immediately came around me as he hugged back, his large hands rubbing my back gently, "You're welcome sweetheart", he whispered and my heart warmed at the endearment he had used.

It was the very first time he had done so.

"This really means so much to me Zuerien", I told him and immediately a familiar deeper version of Zuerien's voice filled my head.

Suzzanah, this was my idea!

I laughed out loud pulling back, "Kai!" I exclaimed happily but found that Zuerien's eyes were still brown which meant it was still him.

I'm in here, I heard Kai's voice in my head and I smiled.

Thank you for the gift Kai! I told him and I saw irritation flicker across Zuerien's features.

You're welcome my Suzzanah

I looked at the box excitedly, turning it over in my hands. It was very neatly packed and I wondered if he had done it himself.

Talon did it, Kai answered my question, the human doesn't know how

I laughed and Zuerien scowled, Alright enough Kai! Don't show off, you don't know either!

Should I? Kai asked sounding bored, in either case, my paws would probably be more useful than your pudgy butterfingers


"Okay, stop! Both of you! Please", I said quickly, "I want to open it. Can I open it?" I asked excitedly.

Zuerien looked slightly uncomfortable, "Its not-" he looked away before sighing, "It's not...anything great. So don't be too excited. I didn't have much time to choose it, and if you don't like it, I'll get you another, so..."

"I love it!" I told him smiling brightly and he blinked, "But you haven't even opened it", he said.

I cupped his cheek, "I know! I love it because you gave it to me", I told him and watched contentedly as a beautiful smile graced his handsome face.

This is still the greatest gift though, I told him mentally, pressing my finger against his cheek as he smiled.

And judging by how his eyes softened and his smile widened a little more, I knew he heard me. I quickly wiggled out of his grasp and rushed to my bed, completely ignoring the fact that I was still in a bathrobe.

Even though I was eager to see the gift, I opened the wrapping carefully.

"Just tear it Suzzanah", Zuerien said from behind me and I smiled shaking my head.

"Nah, Mr. Talon put effort into it after all", I told him removing the tape slowly, "Besides which I'm used to doing it this way. Back at the orphanage, when I was younger, gift-wrap paper was rare so we used to remove it carefully and then stash it up so we could reuse it for someone else's gift", I told him.

He didn't reply but immediately after I felt him hug me from behind, his arms going around my waist as he pulled my back into his chest. His warmth immediately engulfed my body, the rich scent of wet soil bringing the comfort of a home along with it.

He placed his head on my shoulder and watched quietly as I removed the last tape. Smiling gleefully, I slowly removed the lid of the large box and gasped in awe and absolute elation as my eyes fell to the beautiful fabric inside it.

It was a velvety dark blue summer dress, that looked like it had come right out of my dreams. I took it out of the box and held it up, gaping in admiration at the stunning garment. The dress had a round neck, and long sleeves, with beautiful intricate patterns weaved into the entire length of it, and delicate lace hanging at the hem which reached about mid-thigh. It was by far the most beautiful dress I had ever seen in my entire life.

Does she like the coverings? I heard Kai ask Zuerien and I realized that I had just read his mind unknowingly.

"Do you like it?" Zuerien asked me immediately and I although it was faint, I heard the trace of uncertainty and anxiety in his voice.

I quickly turned around and put my arms around his waist, pressing my head over his chest, "I absolutely LOVE IT!" I told him honestly.

I felt his chest fall underneath my head and I realized that he had just let out a relieved breath. I smiled before looking up at him, "Thank you Zuerien!" I told him before standing on my tip-toes and pressing my lips to his cheek, "And you too Kai!" I whispered against his ear before dropping down to my soles.

Zuerien was smiling down at me affectionately when I heard Kai speak up, Don't get carried away human, that kiss was for me!

Immediately Zuerien's smile was replaced by an irritated scowl and I giggled before snatching up the dress.

"I'll go change", I told him discreetly picking up my underwear from inside my bag and hiding them in my dress as I went. I quickly reached for the doorknob of the bathroom door but a large hand grabbed it before me, keeping it closed.

"No need to go inside", Zuerien's deep voice filled my ears, "you can change right here"

Blood rushed to my face as I whipped around in shock to face him. Bad decision!

He immediately pressed my body into the door again like before, his arms going around waist.

"W-what! N-N-NO!" I stuttered wide-eyed, holding the dress to my chest, but he quickly snatched it from my hands and placed it on the table beside us. He pulled me flush against him, and I gasped as my chest pressed into his strong muscular one.


His head dipped to the crook of my neck making my retort die in my throat. I felt him reach for the towel around my hair and the next thing I knew, my thick wet locks came tumbling down my neck. He moved them to one side of my neck before ravishing the other side with his hot open-mouthed kisses.

"You smell so good", he groaned between his assault, "And you feel amazing pressed up against me", he added, his grip around me tightening.

The pleasure from his kisses was dizzying enough, but with him talking like that, I was surprised I hadn't died and gone to heaven.

"Although, this robe is in the way", my eyes shot open as he said, "I really should just take it off"

A shocked shout left my lips and I immediately pushed at his chest. Much to my horror, he didn't even budge. Lazily, he lifted his head from my neck and looked into my eyes. They were still brown, but darker than their usual chocolaty color.

His face was the picture of perfection. Tanned skin, dark eyes, straight nose, full lips, strong jaw, slight stubble, I could just keep going on and on, but that would distract me, and I couldn't afford to be distracted, not now.

Not when my coverings are in danger!

A lazy smirk played on his lips as he his eyes roamed my face, which no doubt was flushed very overtly.

"What do you say Suzzanah?" he said, his voice deep and husky, "shall we get rid of the robe"

I choked on a squeal, my eyes nearly falling out of my sockets, "You wouldn't dare!" I told him squirming in his arms.

"Oh?" he asked raising an eyebrow looking amused, "Is that a challenge mate?" he asked and immediately my blood ran cold, "In that case", he pulled me closer with one muscular arm while the other went up to my collar, "I accept"


He tugged the flimsy material hard so that my entire left shoulder was bared to him.

"ZUERIEN!" I gasped in shock while his eyes darkened further.

The other side of my robe followed so that both my shoulders and the skin above my breasts was exposed to his intense gaze.

I felt my entire body flush as his eyes roamed my skin hungrily. My breath came out ragged as I continued to wiggle in his strong grip.

"Mine", he growled out possessively before crashing his lips against mine.

I moaned into the kiss as his lips ravished my own, moving heatedly against mine, overpowering all my senses. He dominated the kiss, keeping his pace fast and urgent, and I barely managed to keep up while desperately hanging on to my sanity.

Grabbing both my hands, he pinned them above my head with one of his own, my sleeves still off my shoulders, my neck still very much bare. My eyes shot open only to squeeze shut against when he deepened the kiss, his lips still moving feverishly against my own.

I felt his other hand descend along the side of my body and my heart rate sky rocketed when I realized where it stopped.

The knot of my bathrobe. GAAAAHHH!!!


I felt him smile against my lips before I felt a sharp tug the knot and suddenly my robe felt much looser.

And I nearly died.

His lips left mine, giving me time to breathe, or so I thought, because they immediately started to trail along the side of my neck. I was shocked when I heard myself moan in pleasure as he peppered kisses along the crook of my neck and onto my bare shoulder.

My heart had gone into overdrive and I was seeing stars. I could hear myself gasp and pant breathlessly as his lips returned to the crook of my neck and sucked on my skin.

Wave after wave of electric tingles flooded my entire body as I took the pleasure he was giving me, but it was only when his lips left my neck and started to descend further that my knees nearly gave in under me.

I felt his hot lips against my collar bone and burning desire shot through my veins. My moans and gasps got louder and his sucked and nipped on the skin over my collar bone, and I knew I'd be sporting a new hickey there when he would be done.

When WOULD he be done?!

It was only when I felt yet another sharp tug at the knot holding my robe together that all my senses came crashing back into me and my eyes shot wide open.

Oh my God!

His lips descended further, as he placed open mouthed kisses over the skin above my breasts and my panic spiked when I realized where he was going.

"Z-Zuerien please, stop!" I breathed out, and cringed when it came out unconvincing and needy.

Of course he didn't stop, instead he tugged again and I let out a shout of both pleasure and shock, internally cheering that I had tied tight and multiple knots. But the robe was still slipping further apart, revealing more of my cleavage and I was barely hanging onto my consciousness as he continued his assault.


A part of me wondered why I was denying him, when I wanted this just as much as he did. It was true, I had accepted Zuerien completely. There was no part of me I was unwilling to share with him, but this particular step in our relationship was one I wanted to take a little later.

There was still so much I wanted to know about him, so much I wanted to ask, so much I wanted to learn. I realized that I didn't even know what his favorite color was or his favorite food, his likes and dislikes, his ambitions in life.

I wanted to know everything about my soulmate, so that I could truly say that I deserved, even if just barely, the right to call him mine.

I wanted to be able to take all his sorrows away and ensure that he would never feel pain again. I wanted to know what he wanted most, what was most precious to him, what excited him and what brought him more joy than anything else in the world. I wanted to give him...this...and so much more!

Zuerien lips suddenly stilled against my skin, his grip on my arms loosening. Immediately after, I was engulfed in his strong arms and pulled into his chest in a warm, comforting hug. He gently stroked my hair with one large hand before pressing a soft kiss against my temple.

I was still breathing heavily while wondering why he had stopped suddenly when I heard him say.

"The answer to all those questions you asked yourself towards the end", he said gently, his voice overflowing with affection, "is the same"

My eyes widened as I waited for his answer, the questions I had asked resounding in my mind.

What he wanted most?

What was most precious to him?

What excited him?

What brought him more joy than anything else in this word?




Hello my darling readers, hope you're all doing well. Thank you so much for being patient with me and my updates! I really appreciate it.

I went through all the lovely ship names you guys came up with and I have to say, I love each one to bits. I still can't decide on a favorite!

Hope you guys liked this update. Any Questions? Queries? Please PM me and I'll answer as best as I can. Please please do vote and comment to let me know what you think.

Next chapter will have more Zuerien and Suzzanah scenes so stay tuned.

I very recently opened a new twitter account and am still quite clueless as to how to use it, I'm stupid like that lol. The link is in my bio on wattpad. Find me on twitter at: https://twitter.com/mAy_justimagine

Next update- Still no clue

Until next time,

All my love

