
Ciao, Readers!

Author in here bring a new chapter

Someone requested on Ultimate Force Zero

So here it is!

Author is not the original fanart creator!

Ultraman is created by Tsuburaya



A portal open up in front of a base that look exactly like Inter Galaxy Defense Force in Land of Light. The base is named as Mighty Base. Someone come out from the portal and fly at high speed to the base. He is Ultraman Zero, who just return from Land of Light in his Ultimate Aegis mode.

Zero: Damn, that take longer than I expect

He enter the base and greeted by one of his friend.

Mirror Knight: I see, you arrive

He is Mirror Knight, Zero teammate from the Mirror Planet. He have yellow shining looking eyes with green and silver slim body.

Zero: Yo, some interesting stuff happend?

Mirror K: Well, just Glenfire burning some equipment that Jean-Bot create, nothing more

Zero: I thought there was exciting mission that you guys pick

Mirror K: Fortunately everything seems fine

Zero: Where the others?

Mirror K: They are doing their own thing

Glenfire : What something?

Come someone behind Mirror K. His head is engulfed in flames. His name is Glenfire, Zero sparring partner.

Zero: The flame is greeting me

Glenfire: Shut it light

Jeanbot : I hear ruckus and I know you have arrived

A robotic figure stand in one of the pillar that holding the base. He is Jeanbot , the royal guard of a beautiful princess.

Jean-Nine: When you are gone the base is so quite that I can enjoy reading book

Another robotic figure stand beside his brother. He is Jean-Nine, the so called brother of Jean-bot. Both of them combined become 'The Yakitori Brother'.

Zero: Sorry, for always bringing noise into your live

Glenfire: Burrnnnnnn

Jean-Bot: So what is going on in Land of Light?

Mirror K: I'm curious, you give us a short notice then disappear

Zero: Well a false warning. One of our ally was injured quite badly. So the higher ups thought that something about to ambushe Land of Light. But the truth was, he was gravely ill.

Mirror K: ill? I never though your kind to be easily get ill

Zero: Not really. Actually he is unique ultraman, different from my kind. He came from another planet on alternate universes and dimensions

Glenfire: This is confusing, so there is many kinds of Ultraman?

Zero: Uh....... I don't exactly know how many species my kinds have, but King-jiji told me there is more than five

Jean-Nine: That is quiet handful

Mirror K : So what take you so long?

Zero: As I said earlier, the planet that he is living is polluted. It is affecting him. I and others Ultra is trying to diffuse the dangerous chemical with the help of humans.

Jean-Bot: No wonder you look so mess up

The truth is Zero run away from Land of Light. His father keep ordering him to help others on their task. When he is finished, he open up a portal then gone from there.

Zero: Thanks for the compliment, yakitori

Jean-Bot: Not you tooo!

Glenfire: Ha! Nice. Anyways this is call for ..................

Mirror K: Vacation?

Gelnfire: Yeah! you know me so well

Zero: I think I need vacation

Jean-Nine: Where do we go?

Glenfire: I have place in mind

Mirror K: Somehow I'm having a bad premonition on this


To everyone suprise, Glenfire take them into a planet. The Planet is big with crystal blue color from the outside, but when you go inside everyone have to agree this is the perfect place to relax.

All : Beach!!!!!!!!!

Yes they take vacation on the beach. White sand, high palm tree, fresh wind, clear seawater, and the hyme of wave. Really wonderful.

Zero: Perfect place! *deep breath*

Jean-Nine: Are our circuit will be fine if we swim?

Jean-Bot: Activate your saveguard, so that the seawater will not go through

Mirror K: For once you take us into a nice place

Glenfire: I always take you all on the best place!

Everyone glared Glenfire. There was a few time that Glenfire bring them into a planet with a strange enviroment. Let just say they have to run, to scream, to dodge, to dance and other weird thing.

Zero: Are you asking for a fight?

Glenfire: Bring it on!

Mirror K: Stop!

Jean-Bot: Go fight, if you wish to be crashed down by the inhabitant in here

Zero and Glenfire decide to glare at each other.

Jean-Bot: Are they children or what? Even my brother doesn't act childish!

Mirror K: Look behind you

Jean-Bot watch his brother talking with some crustacean creatures like crab in Earth.

Jean-Nine: Hello Mr. Crab, sorry for troubling you

The crab nod as if it understand what Jean-Nine speaking.

Jean-Bot: I take it back

Mirror K: Forget it. Oy! I bringing ball and floats!

Glenfire: Cool! Lets play voleyball!

Zero: I'm pass, gonna relax on floats

Glenfire: Not cool

Mirror K: Let him be, he need relaxation time

Jean-Bot: No, 'we' need it. I'm in

Glenfire: Come, Mirror! We will fight the Yakitori brother

Jean-Bot: Jean-Nine this flame need to be disciplined on naming person

Jean-Nine: I'm ready

Mirror K: I don't care about what will happend next

And so GM vs JJ start. Zero watch the play, he is amused.


It has been an hour since they arrive in here

Zero: Such a nice weather

Zero let himself calm, experiencing the serenity of nature. The gentle wave lulling him to sleep untill something caught his attention. The clear blue sea suddenly turn into dark blue.

Zero: Please, don't tell me......

Zero who act quickly moving away from the surge of splashing water. Everyone stop playing and get ready for the possible fight. From that place come out an ammonite kaiju with enormous tentacles and ugly look.

Glenfire: What is that thing?!

Zero: That's Garbados!

Mirror K: Huh?! *Watching the creature glaring at them*

Zero: It is a Kaiju that once have a fight with Joneus! Careful it can spit fire and spin like a hurricane!

Glenfire: That's too much OP

Jean-Bot: Is it too much for us taking a vacation?!

Jean-Nine: It is still far away from us! Zero use your Kousen!

Zero about to use the move when Garbados start flying. They are dumbfounded seeing this.

Glenfire: F*** why don't you tell us that things can fly!

Zero: D*** it! I don't expect it to fly either!

Jean-Bot take the changes to shoot at Garbados who is rampaging on one of the island. Garbados spit fire at the shoots that pinned on him.

Zero: I'm about to enjoy this and yet universe give me other plan?!

Mirror K: This is because we have a trouble magnet captain and a stupid minded friend as our teammate!

Zero: I'm not trouble magnet!

Glenfire: I'm not stupid!

Jean-Nine: My static tell that 50% of our trouble come from Zero tendecies to find and cause problem

Jean-Bot: Focus on the task!

Garbados is angry because they are disturbing it sleep. They don't have a choice but to fight Garbados then calm it.

Jean-Bot: We must calm Garbados!

Mirror K: How??

Glenfire: Calm the f*** down you stupid monster!!!

Garbados feel insulted and changes to furious mode.

Jean-Nine: Nice try, you make it more furious at us

Mirror K: Do you have a brain?! That is not how you calm a kaiju!

Zero: He doesn't have a brain, his head is full of fire

Mirror K: Oh right, sorry for asking the obvious!

Glenfire: D*** it! I have a brain, you morrons!

Jean-Bot: Guys! Focus, it will lauch something on us!

From the very start they are fighting it, they keep blaming others on what is going on right know. They see some projectil aimed at them.


All: Woah!

Unfortunately Mirror K can't dodge in time. The projectil is actually and arm like tentacle.

All: Mirror K!

Mirror K: Wah!

Mirror K is tossed around by it. Zero use his Emerium Slash, but it doesn't give any injury on Garbados.

Zero: S*** it skin is tough!

Glenfire: The H***, I'm seeing right know!

Jean-Bot: What do you mean!

Glenfire: This is getting more hotter the longer we fight it

Zero: Shut it! Stop your dirty mind! This is not the time d*****!

Glenfire: I can't help it, too much coicidence. Look at how Mirror K surrounded by those tentacles........

Jean-Bot: Glenfire!

Both Zero and Jean-Bot smack Glenfire head to stop him for futher imagining lewd things. Jean-Nine take pictures on Mirror K dangling on Garbados tentacle.

Mirror K: Some body help me!

Zero is about to change form to his Strong Corona before something preventing him. The crab that Jean-Nine had take corversation is growing big with the same size as Garbados. It cut the Garbados tentacle to free Mirror K.

Mirror K: Thanks!

Then push Garbados into the deep sea. They are speechless watching this.

Jean-Nine: Thank you for helping us, Mr. Crab *waving*

The crab nod and shrink to his previous form. Everyone watching the crab in wonder.

Glenfire: Okay, so the crab save us

Zero: Yup

Jean-Bot: And push that monster far away from here?

Zero: Yup

Mirror K: I'm full of seawater

Zero: Yup

Gelnfire: So this is what its feel to be saved

Zero: At least we know that we also need help from others

They watch Jean-nine talk animately with 'Mr.Crab' and enjoy the time at there for a few more hours.



In Mighty base

Glenfire: There is something wrong with the crab!

Jean-Nine: I have a pet

Mirror K: Maybe Mr. Crab can help us battle in underwater terrain

Jean-Bot: That will be helpful

Zero: So we have a new member, what will you name it?

Jean-Nine: Mr.Crab, it name is Mr.Crab

Zero: Ehem, as the leader, I officially welcome you to UFZ!

Everyone applause and ignore Glenfire outburst. 


Yey finish!

Oh, I want your opinion on this

I have this idea to create 'Ultra Chat Group', so what do you think?

See you again

Author out
