Triangle Arch (1)


Is it okay for Author to talk a bit long?

Well, Author is stressed....

I don't know anymore...

And I don't care....

*sighing* Author need some breath and this is the breath that I need

Please don't follow my example, okay?

When you get an assignment, please make sure to finish it first

Forget about the statement above...... Author don't want to make Readers stressed more..

Well, this is a new arch~

Yes I know, Readers would think... "Why know? After 25 indepedent chapter, why know?" because to be honest..... Author don't know too...


I hope you love it~

Ultraman is Tsuburaya creation

Fanart above is owned by モルハラ



Tiga is having the bad day ever in his entire life.

"Good day to you, my otherself" says the voice mockingly. Tiga stay silent ignoring the voice.

"Oh..... you choose to be silent.... fine I can torment you more throughly" the voice chuckling in his mind. This condition keep happening since the time he saw that 'accident'. Usually the voice would just converse shortly then gone. But it seems that 'accident' trigger something more deep inside of him. His nerves is going hirewire at the prospect of losing another chances. A chances to have family.

"You know.... He is not that particulary strong either he is brave...."

"He is the best among the best" the voice seems to know how to make his other half start talking.

"Well, if I have to pick. I will pick that young one with the twin slugger. He is strong...... imagine the child...."

"Nope. He has been corrupted with darkness, once" Tiga steel mind leave no argument.

"Hm! Your standart is too high. A clean Ultra without any darkness inside he/she? Are you trying to fool me? There is no way we can find someone as high as your criteria!"

"But I found him" that answer make the misterious voice silent. Tiga want to sigh in relief, but the voice start to talk again.

"A being like us, fall to Mixed breed? Are you serious?"

"The one you recommend is actually Mixed breed too"

"Why can't you just hog that flat-face"

"You mean Nexus?"

"Who else, he is the only one who somehow fall in the same race as us"

"No, I want him" Tiga still choose what his heart wanted.

"Then why are you still waiting? Why are you not start courting him?"

"He is too young. He still have a bright future ahead. I don't want to take it away from him" for once Tiga is taken by dilema. Age is one of the factor that could prevent a union. And he is afraid of the same tragedies happening again.

"And then lose him in the process? ARE YOU TRYING TO INSULT ME?! TIGA! WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 30 MILLION OF YEARS AND YET YOU STILL WANT TO WAIT?! ARE YOU JOKING WITH ME?!" the misterious voice furious make Tiga a bit angry as well.

"DO YOU THINK I WANT THIS TOO? He has many suitor who want to propose him and he is still oblivious with this thing! Are you asking me, to take him by force?!"


"Then I better choose to be alone forever!" the finality in Tiga voice, make the misterious voice shut up.

"He remind you of him" the voice didn't have to ask anymore as he is know the answer. They keep procupied themself with something. Tiga take his attention to the city below and above him. He can feel the strong ray of Plasma Spark through the window. For once he want to go back, to the darkness that has been following him.

"Do you not feel how irritating the light is" Tiga have to agree, The Light of Plasma Spark start to irritating him. Then, he realise something important.

"Don't tell me...........!!!"

"Yes, they're coming"

Without further ado, Tiga get out from his current place.

Dyna: Where are you going, Ancestor? *confused*

Dyna is curious at why Tiga suddenly start preparing himself.

Tiga: Somewhere far away from here *leave*

Dyna: But there will be a lesson!

Dyna was about to stop him when Tiga has already gone to nowhere. Dyna is confused at Tiga cold attitude.

Dyna: There must be something going on in here.........


In one of the big building in Ultra Estrela University. There are many Ultra at there waiting for something.

Zero: Why in the fricking Universe I have to go to college?!

Gaia: Am I too old to enter something like this?

Titas: My exercise......

Agul: Can I get out?

Rosso: But..... my college is still not finished!

Blu: Will we get like some sort of assigntment? If we get something like that I'm so gonna be death....

Cosmos: Learning is important!

???: For you...

An Ultra with serious expression tickled at his predicament. He is Ultraman Justice, Cosmos partner.

Cosmos: Don't be like that!

Victory: Please, stop spreading PA (Public Affection)

Orb: Please remember that time you get the dare.......


Everyone close their ears.

Grigio: Am I the only female in here?

Fuma: It seems so...

Blu: Don't worry, Grigio! I and Rosso-nii will protect you!

Grigio smile at that.

Geed: Are we forgetting someone?

Taiga: Who?

Nexus is staying silent. He is quitely watching everyone talking animately. X is typing something on his tablet. Z is trying to calm his shisou with Geed help. Suddenly the door is forcely opened by someone.

Dyna: AM I LATE???!!!

Agul: Shut your mouth!

Justice: Noise!

Zero: Yes, you're!

Geed: No..... Zero!

???: Ehem. Please sit down

Everyone attention is on someone behind Dyna. Ultraman 80 is staring at Dyna who is blocking the class way. Okay, I will warn you, 80 can change into several form. The lecturer form and the easy-going from. You better respect him when he is explaining something on the class.

Dyna: Sowwy! *searching for empty seat*

80: Know we will start the lesson *start writing on the glasses board*

Zero: The f***!

80 throw a pen into Zero mouth

Zero: Owch!

Fuma&Taiga:Ouch! *pretending that they get smacked by a pen*

80: Language please!

Zero: Why do I need to attend a lesson?!

80: Because you're still uneducated

Rosso&Blu: Burn!!!!

Ginga: Take that, you bull-shit!

Zero throw the pen to Ginga.

Ginga: Aw!

80: Students! Before starting this, call me 80-sensei

Dyna: Um sorry sir, but I'm much older than you

80 throw another pen to Dyna mouth.

Dyna: Ouw! This is violence again a student!

80: Do you want Zoffy or Seven become your teacher?

The younger generation start shaling their head whil the older stay quite.

80: I'm the teacher in here and please bear with me. Know we will be talking about goverment in here and Ultraman species. Before that, do any of you have question?

Gaia: I have a question, why do we need to attend this?

80: Because most of you come from different dimensions or planet and a few skip class because on some unknown reason.....

80 eyes fall on Zero, Trisquad, and Z. Everyone know understand why they got in here.

80: the purpose of this is we want Ultra Warriors have knowledge regarding their field, even if it is only a little...

Blu raise his hand.

80: Yes?

Blu: We got another species beside Ultraman?

Everyone is confused.

Blu: I mean I'm not talking about Ultraman-san but ultraman you know.......... uhhhhh

80: I understand what you mean.... and yes there is more than the Ultraman that you usually saw. If there is no other question, I will explain to you the goverment in here. Land of light goverment is Monarchy with princess Yulian as the head of the kingdom. The goverment politics goes to Prime Minister which is currently occupied by Father of Ultra....

Most of the Ultra in the class pay attention, few start playing a game, and some start sleeping like Zero. He has already sleeping in the middle of a lesson.

80: Any question?

Geed: 80-Sensei what is the purpose of Ultraman King?

80: Ironically, he does not hold any purpose neither the position of king despite his name

Grigio: poor him.......

X: Then why his name is King?

80: His name is actually Ultraman Pico but I don't know why he chage it

A few Ultra who come from Earth secretely snickering at the name or outwardly laught like Dyna and Ginga.

80: Any question? no? Then I have a question for you. Can you guess my occupation?

Z: A teacher?

80: Well, yes I'm currently become your lecturer.... beside that?

Orb: A chef?

Zero: A seller?

Everyone who hear those two random answer give them the most deadpanned expression.

80: Are you serious?

Zero: I'm serious!

Orb: I thought you're!

80: I'm so gonna tell this to Seven and Leo

Zero&Orb: No, Don't!

Rosso: Um.......Ministry of Education?

80: Good asnwer Rosso! Yes, I'm the Ministry of Education. It seems that you are well informed, Rosso

Rosso: Uh, no sensei.. I'm just guessing

Grigio: Lucky!

80: A good guessing then, I'm really dissappointed that some of you who is actually born in here didn't know their own ministry

Zero, Z, and Trisquad: Is he insulting us? *in their mind*

Agul: Be my friend, good sir

Justice: I second that

80: I will after this lesson. So we will go into the next one, The Ultraman species. In here I will explain it more slowly so you will understand. We classified Ultras in a few categories. The first is Origin Ultra. Origin Ultra is a species of the normal Ultra that you usually saw. Yes, they can be found mostly in Land of Light.

Right know everyone is facinated at this particular information.

80: Second is Ultra Crystal. This species Ultras have crystal in he/she body. They use the cyrstal as power bank. This kind of Ultra is unique. They're adept at any enviroment and their fighting style differ to any normal Ultras. Few of you is actually Ultra Crystal.

Geed: Who?

80 pointing at Ginga and Victory.

Victory: Me and this guy?

Ginga: Oy!

80: You may not realize it, but when you get close to crystal source, your power output will be much stronger

Victory and Ginga is oh-ing at the new information.

80: Know continue, then we have the Siren Ultra. Siren Ultra is species Ultra who live under the sea. They leg turn into a long tail. Their voice and song is beautiful yet deadly. Usually it is their weapon to attack and defend. In military troops, Sirens placed in support group. Can you give an example of Siren Ultra?

A long silence permeat the room. Everyone is thinking on someone who have the characterise of this species.

Victory: Definitely not Ginga

Ginga: Are you mocking me?!

Victory: Your voice is not beautiful at all

Cosmos: I have to agree... with Victory

Ginga: Not you too! Cosmos-san

Zero: More like shouting than singing

80: Focus!

Grigio: Ah! Idol Voice-chan?

80: Good job Grigio. Know to the next one. Ultra Morph is one of the Ultras kind that have special body struture with an animal charecterise. For example they have cat ears, strong tail, fure, fang, and so on. Do you ever meet one?

Blu: Oh! Mika-tan!

80: Can you elaborate more?

Blu: Ah is Grigio friend. She have a cute face, cat ears, and a lovely tail~

80: Hm..... your description is correct I would love to meet her *staring at Grgio*

Grigio: Um..... I will let her know!

Grigio: What should I do? *in her mind*

X: I have question, why the Sirens is not added in Morph?

80: Good question, the thing is Sirens has already exist a long time ago with Crystals. Then Morphs came after them. Morphs itself is almost familiar with the Mixed.

X: Mixed?

80:Yes, Mixed Ultra is Ultra species whose birth is combination from different DNA. They're usually strong and easily mastering the arts of combat. They have what it means Gene carrier that make them different from Origin. Example in here is Zero and Geed.

Everyone staring at Zero and Geed.

Geed: I am?

80: I will continue to Armory Ultra. This Ultra species have his/her body full of armour whether it is inside or on the outside. X is the example of this species.

Orb: Wait you wear an armour???

X: I've just realise it!

Gaia: I don't understand the new generation way of thinking....

Justice: And here everyone said they're special?..... how ridiculious

Cosmos: Justice!

Tense atsmosphere lingering on the room. The new generation stare at Justice.

80: Ehem, I'm still in here.... Anyway continue to the last one. The last Ultra spesie is Mystic Ultra. This Ultra race is the rarest among the rest. You could think they are as the pureblood among any other Ultras. They're naturaly blessed by the planet or in impossible case the universe. This statement is still debated till now.... any question?

Taiga: 80-sensei, do you have an example?

80: Hm........ wait

80 gaze stop at someone.

80: Nexus is the living prove

Nexus get everyone attention.

Nexus: What?

Dyna: Dude! You never tell us!

Nexus: About what?

Gaia: That you're some sort of....

Zero: You're a god

Nexus: Why the need? You has already know my origin

Rosso: Good answer

Justice: this is the end, right?

80: Is there some urgent things that you have to attend?

Justice: Well, it just that I hate gathering with incompetent group *sneering at the new generation*

X: Excuse me?!

Victory: Are you searching for a fight?!

Justice: No, but I'm searching for the truth

Geed: Truth about what?

Justice: All of your ability. Is really a shame that the new generation can only fight by the help of our power

Blu:HEY! We're fghting with our own power!

Justice: Really, are you sure? Then what about the fusion? The form change? The power ability? Aren't all of that came from us? Where is your dignity as an Ultra?

The new generation speechless and even the reiwa is shocked at Justice statement.

Gaia: Justice, stop!

Justice: Aren't you agree with me? They don't know how hard it is to obtain that power and yet they carelessly use it. I will not just stare and turn a blind eye on this! I wanted to know.... are all of you still strong without our power?

The new generation felt insulted at Justice words while the other heisei generation silent and listen to what Justice says. The Reiwa is watching the battle that's going to happen.

Zero: I'm out from this shit!

Zero decide he will not help either the heisei or the new.

Z: 80-Sensei you must do something!

80: I will see where this is going...

Fuma: Holy shit! I can't decided!

80: Is best for you who is still not dragged to not join any force

Taiga: But......

Titas: They are.... our senpai..

The debate keep going on in which Justice vs New generation. The Heisei maybe silent, but they have to agree with Justice judgement. All of that happening, yet Nexus is still calmly look at the battle that is about to explode. Untill......


The noise caught everyone attention.

All: What?

Max who broke the door still catching his breath.

Max: huft... huft... huft ...a....huft...a

Nexus: A crack in dimension is opening up......... *stand and looking through the window*

All: WHAT?!

Nexus: What are you thinking, Tiga? *talking in his mind*



Ultra-fangirls1: Kyyaaaaaa do you know? The Heisei Generation is in here!

Ultra-fangirls2: Mouuuuu you have to see the New Generation!

Ultra-fangirls3: Anooooo the Reiwa is in here too......

Ultra-fangirls1: Heisei is the best!

Ultra-fangirls2: NOOO the New is the best!

Ultra-fangirls1: Yuck, they only know to borrow power

Ultra-fangirls2: What did you say?!

A fight is happening on University field.

Ultra-fangirls3: Anooooooo....

Ultra-fangirls4: Let them be.... you can't save them. But you have to know, Zero-sama is perfect~


What do you think?

The omake is a bit strange....... I don't know why.....

Author will hibernate

See you~
