
Halo, semuanya~ (Hello, everyone~)

Intro first

Jejejejejejejejeng~ Tada!

.... What's wrong with me?

Anyway~ as usual Author come up with a new chapter and then off to nowhere

Oh yeah, this chapter is request from one of you. It is about Gaia and Zero conversation about their planet~

Are you all interested?

Read this chapter~

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya

Fanart belong to their creator



For the first time in his entire life as Ultra Warrior, Zero really take a break. His father prohibits him to go far away from the Land of Light vicinity and Ultra Mother is threatening him to not use his power.

Zero: .... I will make sure to make you suffer, HIKARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, Zero becomes one of Hikari accidentally lab rat. He can't use his power to open the portal of dimension, neither he can use the full power of his bracelet. Don't forget the fact that his father really ravage the SSTB is the understatement of the year. Seven is really furious finding his only son pass out because of Hikari experiment. As for Hikari fate,... Readers can ask Seven and Author hope Readers will not receivi a slugger as an answer. So yeah, to get out from the frightening watch of his father, Zero chooses to sit down and relax on one of the closest asteroid that happen to circle Land of Light. From here he can see how big is the planet of Ultra.

Zero: Compared to Earth, this Planet is big, powerful. But doesn't have any beauty.

Sometimes Zero gets bored easily seeing the same structure, same crystal, same plant, and yada yada. Unlike Land of Light, Earth is more colorful, more alive, and more beautiful with the blue deep sea, the green tree, the brown land or the blue light sky. Simple yet aesthetic

Zero: Ughhhhhh I should take vacation on Earth. Borrow Leitto body and explore the world~. Or if I can't do that I can play with Mayu

Zero take a liking to the little girl. She is like a daughter to him.

Gaia: Hm??

It is rare for Gaia to see Zero not creating a ruckus in Land of Light, instead he is sitting lazily lost in thought

Gaia: Zero?

He pats the young Ultra back. Shocked, Zero almost gives Gaia a point blank Emerium Slash thankfully it is not Kaiju who pat him.

Zero: .... that would be frightening ... *thinking*

Gaia: Sorry. What are you doing, Zero?

Zero: Well.... stargazing???

Gaia: On outer space???? Can we even see that???

Zero could only silently berate himself on how stupid that sounded.

Zero: I'm just... being lazy?????

Gaia gives a knowing smile.

Gaia: Oh, well. I could accompany you stargazing on here

Zero really wanted to hide his face.

Zero: Anyway, why suddenly appear behind me??

Gaia: I've just finished our mission..

Zero: Our???

Gaia: I'm with Agul

Zero: Ohhhh, then where he is????

Gaia: Um.. he is going ahead...

Zero: Are you both having a fight???

It is extremely rare for Gaia and Agul to be fighting over something. Usually Gaia would back down or agul will lose his interest. Just by seeing Gaia expression, Zero can conclude on what they're fighting is a bit complicated or on the verge of full open wrestle.

Zero: Wow.... what's going on?? *thinking*

Gaia: I've just noticed this... Land of Light is sure really big

Zero: Yeah.... but that's it. It is sparkling, bright, and most of all full of glass...

Gaia: It seems you're not happy with this? *curious*

Zero: Of course! Everything is just monotone. Same color, same structure, same principle. Somehow it could be very boring staying in there.

To be more precise Zero didn't really like staying longer in the Land of Light. His adventurous soul keeps pressuring him to explore the universe.

Zero: so, what do you think about my planet?

Zero curiosity about Gaia opinion on his planet. Almost every elder that he meets would tell him the story of how once the land of light is full of life.

Gaia: Just like you said before, your planet is bright, full of crystal. Really different from Earth. I'm quite marvelling staying in here.

Gaia is being honest. He expects to experience something new in the Land of Light and he gets it. It is not everyday being with your kind while you usually have to hide from unknown eyes. Human can be so much a bother when they set their sights on something, for example searching Agul house which is located in Atlantis.

Gaia: So what do you think about Earth??

This time it is Gaia who asks Zero opinion about the blue planet.

Zero: I love it! The Earth is my other home beside the Land of Light! It holds my most precious memory


Gaia: Precious memory???

Zero: Yep, from Earth I learn to understand what it feels to be loved and cared. To protect the most precious thing. And to depending on someone when we couldn't do it.

Earth gives Zero many things to be thought for example, family. Zero was a bit, shocked to see the bond between Leitto and Mayu. He even feels a bit jealous of seeing their harmonious bond. Unlike someone that he really knows. Taking care Mayu give Zero an experience that Zero never known before. To be a father.

Zero: ... no wonder Oyaji looked like he went to hell when he taking care of me.... *thinking*

Now back to the matter in hand. Gaia is impressed with Zero description about Earth or should he say the good memory that Zero create with his partner.

Gaia: If only everything can be that simple and beautiful...

Zero: What do you mean?

Gaia gives Zero a sad expression before explaining what he mean.

Gaia: You may know or not knowing it.... Earth is not beautiful as it is today. Once Earth is a planet full of scorching heat that couldn't contain life and there was a time when Earth become deadly cold that could freeze even the time.

Hearing this Zero become curious at Gaia somber expression.

Gaia: There was a time when Earth it's on its lowest state. A million years after me and Agul creation, the Earth was hitten by comet. A comet with diameter half of the moon. At that time we were still naive, still thinking that mother Earth would always protect us. What we saw change our mind. The meteorite cause destruction to Earth, leaving a deep wound that only time could heal. The creatures suffered. Most of them dissapear, only a few survive. I was affected the most. Half my body almost turn into light dust, if it is not because Agul I would have died at that time.

Zero is conflicted should he ask more or just stop right there.

Zero: ...Agul?

Gaia: He saves me.... When I can't do anything. When the Earth cry on how much suffering she take. He is the one who able to calm her. He is the most reasonable and dedicated to protect Earth. Not like me. I'm only a burden. At that time we already did our best, but the meteorite is too big... even if we destroy it with Kousen it still impacting the Earth. So after the meteorite crash, it becomes desolate, hot, and unbearable. Agul was the one who controls the sea to start heal the land. He reigns the tsunami to calm the raging mountains and cracking ground. He call upon the rain too fall on the land. In hope it will heal her, but what happened next we couldn't predict. The Earth start to loss, heat. When I'm awake from my slumber, it was already too late. The epicenter is the sea. The sea starts to frezee. I watch Agul slowly losing his form and enter a deep long slumber. He gave me a last smile as asurrance that everything gonna be fine, leaving me alone to oversee the Earth. It takes millions of years to see Earth improvement toward today. When Agul awake, he was in a state of rage as if someone has disturbed his slumber. He says to me that human is created to bring destruction to Earth. I have to convince him many times that human does not mean to bring apocalypse to Earth, yet sometimes is becoming so hard to keep relying on that statement.

Agul can be a tyrant if something is doesn't fit with what he wanted, just like today's argument they have. It is a simple talk about Earth condition and as always Agul will insult human so called save-earth-go-green-and-ocean-clean-from-plastic bullshit. Gaia feels offended at Agul insult and says about the human project really save Earth. Argument keep flowing, until the last blow that Agul says to him.

Agul: Why do you keep defending them?! Why do you keep siding with them?! Don't you see it?! Or has your mind and soul has been infiltrated by their meaningless promise and become blind to what I says to you?! ...... Why don't you trust me?

Gaia knows that what Agul says to him is partially right. He has been watching human from their darkest time to their glories. He knows that human is trying their best to fix what they had done. He wants Agul to believe in them. Zero is shocked to hear such tragedy happen on Earth before. He is feeling guilty when Gaia looks like he is about to cry.

Zero: Oh no, before that guy come here I have to change the atsmosphere! *thinking*

Zero: Um, you know? I heard from story that originally Land of Light had the same feature with Earth

Gaia: Really? *curious*

Zero: Yes, many times. Over and over again the elders keep saying on how once they're human and living under the warm sun. On how they remember the green trees and the freedom of blue. After the death of the star, my kinds start creating an artificial sun that you saw today.

Gaia: The Plasma Spark?

Zero: Yeppp, the Planet start to change. Natural selection happen and many inhabitant that couldn't adapt became extinct. Those who survived evolve into what you see today. And... I still prefer the Sun on Earth

Gaia: Heeeeeeee

Both of them marveling the vast milky way and the mysteries of life.

Zero: It must be a blessing that the Earth have you two

Gaia: Huh????

Zero: Unlike our planet... Earth has a guardian that will protect it no matter what happened

A small smile appear on Gaia face.

Gaia: I'm happy with Earth growth and development and I really thankful for all Ultra that help Earth.

Zero scracthes his head when Gaia nudges him.

Gaia: I wish that Mother Earth always bless all living being inside her with her protection

Zero: Wait... aren't you the Mother Earth? *confused*

Gaia: ........ WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

A flustering scream could be heard all around the Land of Light and a particular Ultra with twin slugger is being chased down by an Ultra.


Omake with a bit fluff~

In a room

Gaia: I'm sorry... I

Agul: I should be the one who said it.... I'm sorry....

Gaia saw the usual cold-glare-stay-away-from-me Agul become bashful. Gaia wanted to outrightly laught at that, but hold it for the dignity of his partner.

Gaia:Thank you, Agul

Agul: huh????

Gaia; For always protect the Earth, for always be there no matter what happened

And so they wasting their time hugging each other with a hidden camera recording that moment.

"Nyeh~ nice blackmail material~"



Oh just a little fact. Gaia have meaning as the personification of Earth.

So...... if Gaia is embodiment of Mother Earth... then who is Mother Earth?????

Author is getting confused


See you in the next few weeks~

