

Everything you see is black

But oh wait...

You see bubbles

Yes, bubbles like air coming from your mouth

You realise everything around you is covered by something

Something like liquid




You are in the sea

Or more like the ocean

You're diving

Or more like drowning in this vast blue

You feel breathless

You need oxygen

Your hand raised to reach the surface

But you're too intoxicating for the deep

You inhale the water

No taste at all

What a strange feeling that you feel in your chest

You stare at the below

The bottom of the ocean, you can't see

Something under the sea stirring

Big squirming

Giving a terrifying signal to your body

You feel afraid

The hollow echoing back into your head

You try to swim away

"You dare" weird sounds, but you know who is this

You anticipated

You waited

The sea began to move

Eery light shines on the sea floor

You feel weird and recognize "How come the light reach under the sea?"

You realize, the light is not coming from the sun

It is above you

Watching you

A giant humanoid with a leg-like-tail curling in the ocean

A being so big that it could swallow the entire ocean

An enormous head with eyes staring at you, complementing you

You freaking out

The water began to move

You feel the sea drawn you deeper into the ocean

The giant silently watching you dragged into the abyss


"Wahhhhh!?" someone screaming from his sleep.

Gamu: What's wrong with you?!

Fujimiya: I thought I'm...

Gamu: What???

Fujimiya: I was in the sea then.. I'm drowning, then....

Gamu: Calm down. I wil get you water

Fujimiya: No, nope

Gamu: Why?

Fujimiya: I think Agul is pranking me....
