
Hellloooooooooo, Readers!

Author here!

Sorry for the long wait, I'm having vacation

soooooo yeaaahhh 

How is your day?

Author bringing a new chapter, yeeeeaaayyyyy

Someone requested to make Mebius story

And here he is!

Author is not owning the fanart

Tsuburaya is Mebius creator



Silent atmosphere can be found in the inside of Plasma Spark Tower. Only elite Inter Galactic Defense Force members such as the , or similar figure of authority are allowed to go inside. So only few Ultra can be seen in here. A particular Ultra with white and red coloration, he have a cute face which look like a cat. He is widely known to be called the cutest Ultraman in Timely Garrison Magazine. He is Ultraman Mebius.

Mebius: Hm, the situation in here is under control

Today is his shift to watch over Plasma Spark.

Ultraman: Mebius! I see, this is your shift?

Mebius: Yes, Nii-san

They took glance on The Plasma Spark.

Ultraman: What do you think about The Plasma Spark?

Mebius: I think, it is the most powerful thing that our kind can ever create. What about you Nii-san?

Ultraman: For me The Plasma Spark is an advance technology that have the ability to grow just like us

Mebius: Eh? Really?

Ultraman: Maybe you never feel it, but to me The Plasma Spark is representation of our hope. It growing just like us.

Mebius is suprised by Ultraman answer.

Mebius: I see I still have so many thing to learn.

Ultraman: Anyways, Mebius. Where were you when Zoffy and Hikari disappear?

Mebius: Hikari and Zoffy-nii disappear? When?

Ultraman: Few days back, we are so worried searching them and you

Mebius: Ah! Uh. I don't know how to explain it, Ultraman-nii. All I know we already is some sort dimension, facing Earth as our background and question for us to answer

Ultraman: No fight? No ambush?

Mebius: No, just a questionery talk

Ultraman: I'm glad then. When everyone found out that The High Captain of IGDF and Head Chief of SSTB disappear, panic break out

Mebius: Eh?

Ultraman: I'm saying the truth, Mebius! Even Seven is going crazy trying to find the where about of Zero. Justice about to destroy our Headquarters, because Cosmos is not in SSTB. And Grigio crying because her brother sudden dissappear in front of her.

Mebius is speechless at Ultraman explanation.He never though that 'session' gave a great impact into others. After a short clarification, they focus on the task. They keep watch the plasma spark untill a strange thing happen.

Mebius: Nii-san! Something wrong with The Plasma Spark!

To everyone suprise The Plasma Spark letting out a flash of energy illuminate the tower. Even the outsider can see it.

Zero: Woah, what was that?

Seven: Weird, there is no way the Plasma Spark can release that much energy

After that stunt, everyone inside the tower come to their sense. Quickly they check what is going on with The Plasma Spark.

Ultraman: Mebius are you okay?

Ultraman is searching for Mebius, he can't find him. Unconciuosly he hears a meowing beside him. He take a look on the floor and behold he see something unexpected.

Ultraman: Oh no......


Hikari as always doing his job in his lab. He get a messenger that something happened to The Plasma Spark. Actually, he already know what is going on at there since he is watching the flash of energy emerging form the tower

???: knock knock

Hikari: I have been informed about what is going on Plasma Spark Tower, so please don't bother repeating it

???: Are you sure?

Hikari caught fishy information on that statement and open his door. Ultraman go inside Hikari lab and sit down.

Hikari: Okay, what it is?

Ultraman: This is it

Ultraman open his mantle as he is not wearing it and make it for sheltering something else. A cat peep out from Ultraman mantle. The characterise of the cat is similar to someone that Hikari.

Hikari: Wait don't tell me.......

Cat: Meow? (Hikari?)

Hikari: Mebius?

Mebius: Meow! (Yeah!)

Yeahhh, Mebius is turned into a cat. He is waving his paw

Hikari: Okay, I don't know how to express this should I be suprised or be frustated. Explain please?

Ultraman: Sooo you see the flash?

Hikari: Yeah, please don't say that Mebius is affected by the flash

Ultraman: Yeah

Mebius: Meow meow meow! (I don't ask to be like this!)

Hikari: Somehow I can understand what you want to say and 'you'*pointed at Ultraman* coming here for answer on how to turn Mebius back to normal?

Ultraman: Yes

Mebius: Meow! (of course!)

Hikari: Why is always me, who clean up the mess *frustated*. I've just get over with Zero turned into an infant and now Mebius is a cat!

Ultraman: Sorry, Hikari. You are the only one who can mix up everything to find the antitode

Mebius: Meow~~~~ Meow~~~~(Hey! Maybe becoming a cat is not that bad)

Hikari: For know. You don't know what happend next

Mebius: Meow~(sorry~)

Ultraman: I guess, good luck! I will keep an eye on Mebius, while you make the antitode. Can you check on him?

Hikari: I'm not a veterinarian!

Mebius: Meow! (I'm okay!)

Ultraman: I'm just worried

Hikari inspecting Mebius condition.

Hikari: He is healty just like any other animal or kaiju

Mebius: Meow! (Hey!)

Hikari: I will find the cure as soon as I can*sigh* so please get out, before my head give me a massive ache

Ultraman and Mebius kicked out from Hikari lab

Ultraman: It is just me or Hikari is a bit grumpy?

Mebius: Meow? (maybe?)

Ultraman: I don't understand what you are saying. Nonetheless you look soooo cute Mebius

Mebius: Meow!


Mebius is bored beyond believe. He want to go outside but Ultraman bring him to his office.

Mebius: Meow! (Nii-san!)

Ultraman: hm?

Ultraman currently doing paperwork so his attention is on the paper. Mebius is getting annoyed and scracth Ultraman.

Ultraman: Ouwch!

Mebius: Meow! (Finally!)

Ultraman: Sorry, Mebius. What do you want?

Mebius: Meow meow! ( I want to go outside!)

Ultraman: Are you hungry?

Mebius: Meow (No!) Meow Meow (! want to go outside!)

Ultraman: Do you want to......

Mebius claw screeching on the desk preventing Ultraman to finish his sentence.

Ultraman: Oh..... you want to go outside?

Mebius: Meow! (Yees!!)

Ultraman: But, Hikari said..

Mebius: Meow~~~~~ (Please~~~~)

Mebius is acting sooo cute till Ultraman can't say no to him.

Ultraman: Fine! But you must wear this!

Ultraman tie a yellow scraf in Mebius neck.

Ultraman: Becareful okay!

Mebius: Meow ~~~~ (Okay~~~)


Mebius find himself in The Plaza Center. He can see many ultra doing their own thing.

???: Waaaa a cat!

Someone lift him then hug him. He is familiar with this voice

Rosso: Grigio put that cat down!

Grigio: But, the cat is soooo cute

Blu: I agree

Rosso watch his siblings caressing the cat. Mebius is having the happiest moment of his life.

Blu: Wait, do cat can survive in Land of Light?

Rosso: That is a good question,

X: Why you always ask a question that is hard to answer

X come behind them. He notice the cat

X: Ouuuhh he look so cute

Grigio: He?

X: I'm just guessing

Rosso: You know, this cat is wild

Mebius offended hearing this. He clawed Rosso and run away form them

Duo: Rosso-niiiiii!!!

Rosso: What?

X: You are rude, I'm about to take picture

And so goes Rosso day.


Mebius run to the park. He hope he can find some peace

???: Eh? A cat? Why are you in here buddy?

Geed come across a cat which is currently enjoying itself

Mebius: Meow meow? (take breather, you?)

Geed: You must be looking for peace? Or are you waiting for prey?

Mebius: Meow~~ meow~~~ ( too tired to hunt) *licking*

Geed: huh?

Ginga: Yoooo! Geed! What are you doing?

Nexus: Hm? Cat? in Land of Light?

Ginga: Isn't supposed to life in Earth?

Geed: Must be a space cat!

Nexus: That is so cringe

Mebius: Meow~~~ meow!(I'm not a space cat!)

Ginga: I think the cat disagree with your opinion, Geed

Mebius: Meow! (Yeah!) *nod*

Nexus: Be careful

The trio caressing the cute cat and go somewhere.

Mebius: Meoowww~~~~ (peace~~~)


When Mebius go back to Ultraman office. He saw Zero and Seven take a stroll.

Mebius: Meow~~~ (hi! Seven-niii!)

Zero: Cat?

Seven: In Land of Light?

Mebius: Meow~~ (hm?)

Seven stroke Mebius behind his ears and his neck. Mebius feel blissful

Mebius:rrrrr~~~~ (is this heaven?)

Zero: Can I?

Seven: Careful or you will be scrachted by it


Ultraman is having a headache. An hour ago he get an Ultra sign from Hikari, telling him that the antitode is ready. So right know, he is looking for Mebius.

On the plaza

Ultraman: Do you see a cat with a scraf?

Grigio: I see it!

Blu: Yeah, it running away from us

Ultraman: Where?

X: To the park

Ultraman: Thank you

Rosso: Ultraman-san whose cat is that?

Ultraman: Mine!

Disappear like wind

On the park

Ultraman: Mebius! Where are you!

Ginga: Ultraman-san what are you doing?

Ultraman: I'm searching for a cat, do you see it?

Nexus: But you just shout for Me-

Geed: Ah, I saw it on the main road

Ultraman: Thanks!

Gone like mist

On the main road

Ultraman: *panting* Where are you????

Seven: What are you searching for?

Seven watch his brother searching for something.

Ultraman: My cat!

Ultraman grab Mebius and hug him like his life depend on him.

Mebius: Meow! (Ultraman-nii!)

Zero: Cat, give it back!

Ultraman: Sorry Zero but I can't

Zero: Why!

Ultraman: Because I have to send him to Hikari!

Seven: Him?

Ultraman: Yeah, this is Mebius

Mebius: Meow~~~ (Hello~~)

Zero and Seven look in disbelief.

Zero: What the h-

Mebius scracth Zero hand.

Zero: Ouwch!

Seven: No wonder it is so strange to find a cat in here

Ultraman: Come, I have to take you to Hikari

Mebius: Meow! (Let's go!)

Zero: I'm going to!

Seven: Nope you will stay in here with me *dark face*


Ultraman: Excuse us *run away with Mebius in hand*

Seven continue his talk with Zero.


After a long painful hours.

Mebius: Yeyyss! I turn back!

Ultraman: Thank goodness

Hikari: Fyuh!

Mebius: Why am I affected by Plasma Spark influx?

Hikari: Maybe your gene have something to do with that

Ultraman: Even you don't know about this?

Hikari: This is new case, I'm confused just like you

Mebius: My gene?

Hikari: Don't ask me to explain it. If we talking about gene is the same as asking at how many planets a galaxy has

Mebius: Woah

Ultraman : That is hard to imagine

Hikari: I will think on this later. Best for you to rest

Mebius: Yup! I feel like being hit by kaiju. Thank you, Hikari and you too Ultraman-nii!

Ultraman: Well It is nice to help

Hikari nod his head and continue his project. Ultraman and Mebius going out to eat something.



Taro: Mebius!

Mebius: Taro-nii?

Taro: Have you seen a cat in here?

Mebius: Uh, why?

Taro: I want it to be Taiga pet

Mebius: There is no way a cat can life in here! *sweating*

Taro: But, Rosso said th-

Mebius: It must be your imagination!



Mebius turned into a cat because of The Plasma Spark influx of energy

So, yup

That is the end of this chapter

By the way, Author will realease a new book regarding Mebius. Wait for it! 

See you on the next one!

Author out
