

How are you?

I hope your day is awesome!

Today I bring a new chapter

This chapter is inspired by our Planet

Author is not owning the fanart above

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya



Earth, the beloved Planet that Ultras protected. In his short form, Gaia walk around his home Planet. He is careful to not be noticed by humans. He see many things, from the jungle, to the mountain untill his foot carry him to the coastline of the ocean.

Gaia: How beautiful, this is what I'm protecting

He is proud to defend this Planet. As he praised the beauty of nature,he recognise someone who standing alone on the beach side.

Gaia: Agul? What is he doing in here?

Covered with deep blue sea and silver coloration he is Ultraman Agul, Gaia counterpart. Agul is the opposite of Gaia. While Gaia is warm, Agul is cold. Agul represent the Ocean and Sea whilst Gaia represent the Earth and Nature.

Gaia: Agul!

Agul seems so dazed in his own thinking that he does'n hear Gaia shout.

Gaia: Agul! *touch Agul shoulder*

Agul almost backflip Gaia. Gaia back off after seeing how disheveled Agul.

Gaia: Are you okay?

Agul ignore Gaia concern. He choose to be silent watching the vast ocean, his home. Gaia is getting worried at Agul nonchalant. The usually frowned and cool looking Agul right know look so lost and pale.

Gaia: Come on, say something! I'm worried !

The sea breeze is the only answer that he got.

Agul: Is it worth it?

Gaia: Huh?

Agul: To protect them?

Gaia is confused at Agul refer to 'them'

Gaia: You mean humans? Of course it's worth it!

Agul: Then why? Why they keep destroying what we want to protect?

Agul stare at Gaia conflicted eyes. Silent lingering on the beach untill Agul touching his chest in hurt.

Agul: ugh! *groaning in pain* cough cough cough

He start coughing up black substance. Gaia is panicking at Agul condition.

Gaia: Agul! Are you ill? Why don't you say it to me?! I can help you!

He can guess that black substance is the one who make his partner look so pale and so sick.

Agul: Help me with what?! Do you really brave enough to destroy what make me like this!?

Gaia: Yes!

Agul: Then destroy them!

Gaia: You don't mean humans cause this?

Gaia shocked at the situation he get right know. He can't pick between humans and Agul. He can't. Agul start coughing heavily, it send haywire information in Gaia mind. Agul will never let someone see him in his most weakened state and yet Gaia saw this.

Gaia: This is not true! Tell me, what happened!

Agul is too tired to glare at Gaia for asking too much question. The cough used up his energy.

Agul: The sea, my home, is dying. Trash, waste, dangerous chemical everything human throw into the oceans is polutting my place. Every living thing in the sea is dying, they are screaming for me to help them. I can't watch them died like this. I've tried my best to make sure that the oceans still as pure as they know it, but what I did was in vain. Human keep doing it. I watch them one by one meet their end. I felt the sea mourning for the lost, for me. Right know the oceans using me as anchor. They can't keep going on like this. Even I'm affected by the pollution that human create.

Gaia is shocked to find the source of Agul disease. Agul coughing more black fluid.

Agul: Maybe I should turn into Evil Ultra then destroy them. 

Gaia: No! Please, no! They are what we want to protect!

Agul: That is what you want to protect! What I want to protect is the creatures and Earth, not humans!

Gaia: Why you hate humans so much?!

Agul: Because what they have done to the Earth! Don't you see it, The Earth is trying her best to balance natures and lives. I saw forests, mountains, and everything on the land full of fire, waste, trash and everything. Don't you dare say that you don't know about this! You know and ignore it! Why you still on their side?! They are poisoning Earths and you!

What Agul said to Gaia is the truth on what is going on Earth. Ultraman who save Earth countless time only see the beautiful side of human and Earth, but they don't know the ugly side of humans that driving their Planet into oblivion.

Gaia: Because..... because I have faith in them. If they can create this chaos, I believe they can find the solution

Agul: For how long? How long can we wait for them to find the solution? If this keep going on, even if I use my essence to save it will be meaningless. The oceans, the sea, the Earth would never be the same.

Gaia: Hang on Agul, please don't do stupid thing like giving your essence!

Agul: What choice do I have?

Gaia: You will die!

Agul: I know! And I will not regret it

Gaia: Then, what about me? What would I do without you?

Gaia words stuned Agul from his coughing. Originally they are the only being that live on the Earth untill other live form emerge. They are created to protect the Earth. They coexist to balance the ecosystem on Earth. If one of them gone what would happen to the other one?. Agul is speechless, he doesn't know how to answer Gaia. Gaia has been crying the entire argument they had.

Agul: I'm sorry I-

Gaia: It's fine, don't ever think about sacrificing yourself

Agul never think about the consequence if one of them dissappear.

Agul : I- cough cough

Gaia: Our priority right know is to get treatment for you

Agul: I can't le- cough cough

Gaia: I will find something to cure Earth! I will ask Gamu for help too!

Agul: But-

Gaia: Please, just this once believe in humans again

Gaia begging Agul to trust humans after everything that they have done to Earth.

Agul: *sigh* I will try

Gaia: Thank you, right know we must send you to Land of Light. Maybe Mother of Ultra can help easy your cough and that black liquid.

At least Agul's concern for Earth can be lifted little by little.



Agul feel much better after resting in The Land of Light. He watch many Ultra from Showa, to Heisei, then New Generation,and even Reiwa busy doing something.

Agul: Really, Gaia? You make them busy and anxious for the sake of Earth?

Gaia: Yup! Amazing right? Actually they are quite worried about you. They thought we were attacked. They saw me carrying half of your weight then enact alarm alert on possible ambush

Agul: I don't remember it

Mother: Of course, you're fainted when Gaia brought you here


Agul: Don't you dare!

Gaia: I have a new blackmail! YYYEEAAAHH!!!*run away from the room*

Agul: GAIA!

Mother: Childrens this day


Yey, finish!

Okay, we must give our respect to Nature

Please, be aware of what we have done to lands, oceans, and Earth

We don't want to lose something precious because we offend the power of nature

The Power of Nature is much stronger than anything that we ever know

So let us be kind with each other!

That is what Author wanted to tell from this chapter

By the way this is Agul first debut!

See ya!

Author off
