
Good day to you, my readers!

First I want to thanks all of you for getting this drabble 1.3K

Thank you for always been waiting on a new chapter!

Author is honored!

A few days back is Children Days! So is not to late to celebrate, right?

Author got request to turn Zero into a baby with Seven and others reaction on handling him, hilarious ensue

By the way, I'm laughing for half an hours creating this stories

I don't own the fanart comic! It is owned by their creator

Zero is Tsuburaya golden child, so I'm not owning him



Shout, explosion, and destroyed facility always occuring in the inside of Space Science and Technology Bureau or to be short SSTB. They have many resource to ignore broken part or annihilated building. After all this is the place where Ultras with blue coloration doing their job as scientist and inventor. They are the foundation of Land of Light prosperity and their creation help Ultra Warriors. Ultras who help behind the screen that is their nickname. We can imagine how busy they are unlike this one Ultra.

Zero: Why am I here?

Yes, Zero is standing in front of SSTB. He is in here because Seven ordered Zero to send some report into the Head Chief of this building. Different from Space Garrison or known as Inter Galactic Defense Force which can fly, SSTB building is standing tall as high as Plasma Tower. Maybe to watch over the plasma spark for far away? Who knows

Zero: This building is tall

He entered and looking around.

Cosmos: Hello, Zero! What are you doing in here?

Zero: Cosmos! Do you know who is the Head Chief?

Cosmos: What business do you have with him?

Zero: My father ask me to deliver this

Zero let Cosmos see what he wanted to give to 'him'.

Cosmos: Ohhhhhh the secret file from Galaxy Rescue Force?

Zero: Yeah, Ribut think some occurence is happening at the same time on a few planet. So he give this to my father.

They start walking to meet the Head chief.

Cosmos: So how your father fare after becoming the captain of Galaxy Rescue Force?

Zero: Don't ask, he is going insane

The way Zero talk his father unfortunate new job make Cosmos worried.

Cosmos: Something happened to him?

Zero: Nah, you don't have to be worried he is just being himself

Cosmos is confused at Zero respond while Zero don't really care at his father new position. After all his father still a bit crazy as usual. They stop for sometime because there are to many check point and arrived at the futherst place inside Bureau.

Cosmos: This is his place, I have something to do! Give my regard to your father, Zero

After saying goodbye Cosmos go turn on another corridor. Zero knock the door.

???: Yes? you can come

Without saying anything Zero open the door and face to face with Hikari with his lab coat. Zero currently in Hikari personal lab.

Zero: Hikari?

Hikari: Yes? Something wrong, Zero?

Zero: You are the Head Chief?

Ask him in disbelief

Hikari : I have taken this position for more that a thounsand of years, so is there something that you need?

Zero: F***!!! Oyajii!!!!!!!

Hikari: Your etique on language need improvement

Hikari look like someone who don't get any sleep for a years

Zero: I think you should sleep

Hikari: Focus Zero. Don't waste my time

Zero: You.. dammit I try to be nice!

Hikari: And yes you actually succesfull in doing that, I have some experiment that I have to watch over and paperwork which is piling up like Plasma Tower. So be quick!

Zero: My father send you this!

He give the secret file to Hikari. Hikari receive it and open the contend. While Hikari focusing in his task, Zero is looking at every experiment, project, and so on mixed up like a theme park. He is intrigued on one of the chemical liquid that have the same colour as his Shining mode.

Zero: What kind of thing is this?

Come on guys guess with me! What Zero gonna do with the chemical?

A. Put the chemical back on it place

B. Spill the chemical on some object to see the reaction

C. Drink it

This is Zero we are talking about, of course he choose the later. Hikari is too focused that he forgot to remind Zero to not touch anything in his lab. But Alas

Hikari: Hm? Wait where is Zero?

Hikari question is answered with a cry of a baby.

Hikari: Wait, I believe there is no baby in my lab

He is searching for the source and find a baby in one of his table.

Hikari: I should have known *exaperated*

Zero: Dadada?


Today is a great day, no paperwork, no annoyer, and no noise. Is the perfect place to relax. But it seem a problem gonna approach on specific ultra.

Seven: That is the last

Being the new head on a new made organization is tiring in Seven list on how worst life can be. Seven was about to enjoy the moment while it last like lying his head on the table when a noise came from the door. He was about to ignore and continue what he wanted to do untill he heard the voice of someone that ke know, and there is anger in that voice.

??? : I know you are in there, is best for you to open the door before I throw something into your face.

So Seven do exactly as the person talk

Seven: What are you doing in here, Hikari?

Hikari: This is my answer to your question.

In his hand there is baby Zero who playing with rubber. On the way to here Zero keep crying making Hikari almost lost his cool. Before anything happened to Zero, Hikari deliver him to his rightful father.

Seven: What the H........

Hikari: Shut your mouth before I kousen it

Seven aggred, he can see on how hagard is Hikari posture. No wonder his mouth is so sharp like slugger.

Hikari: Here take your son, I have so many thing to do

Seven: Wait! Explain, how come my son become like this?

Hikari: He drink one of my potion which is currenlty under some test. Maybe it take 3 to 5 days for the potion to be neutralise

Hikari left after saying that words.

Seven: Zero, can you just once not giving me a headache?

Zero: Dada?

Seven: I have just get my relaxation time and know you come bearing me with other trouble? You are truly troublemaker

Zero gigling at Seven statement as if he undertsand what Seven said. Seven roughly hold Zero. Zero stop gigling and change to crying.

Zero: Huuuuuuuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The sound of baby crying can be heard a hundred kilometers away. Many ultra think what kind of parent that can't handle their child.

Taro: What is going on?

Taro open the door until there is a crack in the wall

Seven: You broke my wall

Taro: That is not my concern. When did you have another child beside Zero?

Seven: This is Zero!

Taro: What! *shocked* how come he became like this?

Seven: He drink Hikari potion

Taro: Truely Zero way on catching problem *nodding*

The two was trying their best to calm Zero, they are not so succesful doing that.

??? : What ruckus I'm hearing right know?

Come four ultras in to Seven office. Two have full red body color and the others have silver and a bit red body color. The older red have something like a crown in his head and his siblings have metal in his thigh. They are the duo twin brother from planet L77. Ultraman Leo and Astra. While Zoffy is standing beside someone who have a kind smile and patience attitude. He is the oldest in the showa generation, he is Ultraman.

Taro: Oh Leo, Astra, Zoffy-nii, and Ultaraman-nii! You have to see this!

The four get close to them and saw

Astra: Is that, Zero?

Zoffy: What!

Ultraman: Huh?

Leo: He get into troble again, aren't he?

They are shocked to see mini Zero in Seven hand with cute expression in his face. As his master Leo have a good instinct about his student 'high activity'. He have to ask Zero tendecies to find and make trouble.

Ultraman: Ouhhhhh

Zoffy: He look cute

Astra: What happend to him?

Seven: I'm too tired to explain from the start

So Taro is the one who explain what is going on. Zero focused on Leo. His hand is trying to reach Leo.

Astra: Nii-san I think Zero want you to hold him

In Leo hand Zero start to blurt an unknown language. Yeah, baby language

Zero: Dadadada!

Everyone watching at Zero exciting talk

Astra: Is he even understand what we are talking about?

Seven: He doesn't understand any of it

Zoffy: Then do we understand what he is talking about?

Leo: I don't get any of it

Ultraman: Let me!

Ultraman hold Zero, he start making funny face. Zero gigle

Seven: Why in the universe Zero like to do some stupid thing!

Ultraman: He is trouble magnet, yes you are!

Ultraman teasing baby Zero.

Taro: Is your karma for being sadistic

Seven: Shut your mouth!

Zoffy: There is baby in here!

Astra: Stop making a ruckus! The big question is what are we gonna do with him?

That question make everyone shut their mouth and stare at Zero.


Day 1

Astra: What is this smell?

Leo: It come from Zero

Leo point at Zero who oblivious at what he is doing

Seven: What am I supposed to do?

Taro: Of course! Chage his diaper!

Seven: I don't know how to do that!

Taro: How come you can't do simple task like this!

Zoffy: I'm feeling sorry for Zero

Seven: Universe help me!


Day 2

Seven: He keep crying!

Ultraman: Have you feed him?

Seven: YES!

Zoffy: What did you feed to him?

Seven: Fruit?

Zoffy: SEVEN!

Ultraman: Give Zero to me, I will ask Mebius to cook some porridge

Zoffy: And you banned to feed Zero

Seven: ........


Day 3

At the lowest point of plasma spark or we can say in Earth in the middle of the night, Zero is babling.

Taro: What do you need little guy? Your father is unconciuos at the moment

Zero: Nana?

Taro: I will make you milk, then you go back to sleep okay?

Zero: Nananana?

Taro: No, you must sleep or I won't give you any milk

Zero: nana *pout*

Taro: It just my eyes or Zero is pouting? I must be tired

Zoffy: Who are you talking with?

Taro: Zero

Zoffy: I think you should go to sleep, let me watch over Zero


Day 4

Seven: I can't stand it anymore!

Zoffy : Patience, Seven

Ultraman: Beside, your son is cute like this

Zero is praised by every single person that passed.

Leo: He is giving me peace

Leo as Zero mass trouble solver is having a field day.

Zero: Dadada? *cute innocent face*

Everyone: Oooouuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh

Seven: I'm afraid my heart can't take this anymore

Seven is holding his bleeding nose. Zoffy giving Seven weird look.

Ultaraman: You actually have father-complex


Day 5

Taiga: Sooooo this is Zero?

Taro: Yup

Taiga: What hap-

Taro: Don't ask, I don't want to repeat again

???: Repeat what?

An ultrawoman is standing behind Taro. She have a gentle smile and motherly aura. She is Mother of Ultra the mother of Ultraman Taro.

Taiga: Grandma! Look its Zero!

Mother of Ultra (Mother) see Zero in Taro hand. She grab Zero.

Mother: Ouhh look at you! You look soooo cute

Zero: Dadada!

Mother: Sooo handsome!

Zero: Dadada!

Taiga: Even in this stage Zero have that much confidence

Mother: Explain to me, Taro

Taro: Yes mom *defeated by the glare Mother give him*

After explaining

Taiga: That is soooo Zero

Mother: Maybe I can help

Mother of Ultra start applying her ability to heal. To Taro and Taiga disbelief Zero change to his formerself.

Zero: Huh? Why am I here? Why do you look at me like that?

Taro: Right, I will notify Seven. He will be so 'delighted'

Taiga: I pray for your savety *patting Zero shoulder*

Zero: Wait, what I missed?



Zero: Why do I get this weird memory?

Seven: There you are Zero! We have to do some 'bonding time'!

Zero: What, bonding time?

Seven: Yes be ready. I will not go easy on you

Zero: Something wrong with that words

Seven: *stare*

Bonding time session 35

Zero: What have I done to deserve this, OYAJII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finnaly it finished


For those who curious what is going on with Zero, let just say he and his father having a match

Leo and Astra become bystander to cheers them

This is the first appearance of Leo, Astra, Ultraman, and Mother of Ultra

Wait for the others official emergence

Author out

See you!
