ToD Part 3


Author has come back from nowhere~

Author appear mean a new chapter is updated~

Yes! I feel a bit lively

Thankfully, I hope everyone is healthy

Author is not owning fanarts

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya



In unknown Universe

Author: Huwwwwwaaaaah! Finally I have time to continue this!

Principality: it has been a month....... TwT....

Author: .... hicks... the horror of assignment and exam.......

Principality: Please just continue the ToD

Author: Right! .... let's see...... *thinking*

Principality: OwO? *waiting*

Author: ....*an hour has passed* ..... damn it!!!! I don't have any idea!

Principality OwO! Wwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuutttttttt????????!!!!!!!

Author: just kidding ..... eheq~ shall we?


In one of the biggest offices in IGDF, someone is currently signing a big pile of paperwork.

Zoffy: ....... I'm so gonna burn this building down to the ground.....

Zoffy is having a not so good morning. When he arrived at his office, he almost drops the precious black bean water to the floor.

Zoffy: .... who in the freaking hell brought this madness to my office...

And so in the radius of 100 meters every Ultra gets far away from Zoffy Office. In his angry state, Zoffy signing rate is fantastic, but his aura suffocates those who accidently pass through his office. Some Ultra immediately brought the victims to Medical wings.

Dyna : Who in his stupid mind give Zoffy-san that much paperwork?! *looking from far away*

Taro : Definitely not me*beside Dyna*

Ultraman: I can guess, it must be Seven son *guessing*

A few hours passed and the paperworks start thining up. He can see the end of the paperwork. A particular letter waiting to be opened

Zoffy: Why am I having a weird feeling after seeing this letter *opening the letter*

Good day or maybe not, Zoffy~. This is Author..... you must be wondering why am I giving you this letter... well, actually you got dare from @KaptenKaixa, a dare for Zoffy to pat Reiki head and said I love you to her~ by the way she is KaptenKaixa oc which is your daughter in another universe..... so~ do your best! No! Don't you dare burn this letter!

Zoffy really wanted to burn the letter.

Zoffy: How in the freaking Plasma Tower can I find her?! *shouting*

To his surprise a portal appeared.

Zoffy: .... thank you for always knowing all, Author *sarcasm full mode*


A beautiful scenery greets him. Flower, tree, and grass scatters. He saw a young Ultra girl standing alone at there.

???: Ah! Otou-san! *smile*

Zoffy is inspecting the girl.

Zoffy: .... you?
???: My name is Ultrawoman Reiki, you're the one who give me this name or so my real father is

Zoffy: You know that I'm your alternate father

Reiki: Ah yes, I was asking to be here so.....? *waiting and confused*

Zoffy remembers the Dare. He gets close to the girl and start patting her head. Reiki is surprised at the gesture.

Zoffy: You're cute........

Reiki: And Otou-san still Otou-san

Zoffy: What is that supposed to mean?

Reiki: Always looks grumpy? *trying hard to not laugh*

Zoffy frown come out after hearing this.

Reiki: But... even if Otou-san changing.... Reiki will always love Otou-san

Zoffy is speechless. He doesn't know how to answer that. He has never been told like that except his brothers. Reiki is a stranger to him, but she told that without any hesitation.

Zoffy: ... I think I do love you...

Reiki is happy at hearing this from Zoffy. She though, when she meets her alternate father it will be the same and yet her father look a bit more strict than the him she knows.

Reiki: .... I know your heart is soft on whoever person... *whisper*

Both of them talking about the different between the universe they live

Zoffy: ... I wish, I have a family... *thinking*


Author: Huwwwaaaaa that's so nice........ *trying hard to not crying*

Principality: TwT .... huweeeeee the bonds of family.... I'm jealous.... *practically crying*

Azure: ..... *wacthing those two crying*

Author: Know let's see *reading the next dare* ..... pppppfffftttttt.... bwahahahahahahaha!

Principality: OwO? What is it?!

Author: Let the dare begin!


Zero was near IGDF when the news about Zoffy snapping at the mountain paperwork that suddenly appear in his office. You can guess who is the culprit that could make 1 Commander type Ultra (furious), 18 Ultra Warrior (currently in hospital) and 6 Informant type Ultra (emotionally frightened).

Zero: ... Whoooppppsss, I think I went overboard?... Nah, Who cares!

Zero is walking around the Plasma Tower building. He saw a letter stick to the wall in front of him.

Zero: okay, someone is so gonna pranking me....

Yo! Zero, the passer by~ just kidding, please don't throw your slugger into you dear Author! By the way you got a dare from @KaptenKaixa,  I dare Zero to act like a cat since you slugger remind me of a Neko ear. Ahahahahaha! Neko! , stop don't you throw that things! In exchange of you acts as a cat ....... you can annoy your Old Man, Master, and Strict Uncle!~ UwU~ Aren't that awesome? Be grateful to the one who give the dare!

Zero read the letter twice and be silent for a whole 2 minutes.

Zero: ................. F***! THIS IS SO GOOD! THIS IS GOLDEN! THIS IS-......

Zero feel something twitching between his ears and wiggling. He inspects his body.

Zero: ... Damn it Author! I'm about to celebrate this day!

Zero can see his sluggers is changed into cat ears and a tail wagging lazily.

Zero: I'm still looking handsome *seeing himself in the reflective wall*.... at least my voice is not changed. Wait the dare told me to act like a cat...........

He gets a bright idea to annoy the older Ultras.

Zero: Know ..... I will act like a meow~

He starts searching his target.

Zero: I will avenge my honor!


Author: Okay, I believe, I'm forgetting something on the letter...

Azure: .....'re....

Author: Oh crap. Nah, let him suffer after annoying them~ *smirk*

Principality: Should I be scared? *hiding behind Azure*

Azure: .... yes...

Author: Ehehehehehehehehehe~ I wanted to know what will happen to those three~ *changing the view*


Zoffy just returns from the alternate universe when a letter falls in front of him.

Zoffy: .... please, I hope this is not something that could make my mood go down to the ground..

Oh, how wrong you're Zoffy.. sorry~. Hello again Zoffy~ How is it? Do you like it? I could guess you are delighted to meet her, yes? ....... Don't give that look. I will just get to the point, you still have a dare from the same person, @KaptenKaixa, I dare Zoffy, Seven and Leo to never get angry when Zero annoyed them but after this dare if finish you can do everything you want with Zero. This is interesting right? Now go and find the other and make sure you all do the exact dare.

Zoffy keeps staring at the letter like it is some sort of important document that is being complemented to be saved or throw away.

Zoffy: I better search, those two individual...

Zoffy go to the Galaxy Rescue Force building and knocked Seven office.

Seven: hm...? *confused*

Zoffy throws the letter to Seven. Seven read it.

Seven: ... it seems everyone really like giving me a dare...

Zoffy: Yeah, I think they're masochist

Seven: Why?

Zoffy: ... they dared you to do something...

Seven: I would love to hunt them...

Zoffy wisely stands far away.

Seven: .... so?

Zoffy: Leo

Seven: Oh yeah. he will be here in 3, 2, 1 ....

Leo open Seven office door without saying anything first.

Leo: Seven! I... *realise someone else is in office*... oh, sorry

Zoffy: It's fine.. *eyes looking at Seven*

Seven is wearing a smug grin on his face. His guess is right on the mark.

Leo: May I know what the commander of the IGDF doing in here?

Seven throw the letter to Leo with such accuracy like the way he throw his slugger. Yep, I bet it can slice the table in front of them into a half just by using a letter.....

Leo: ... what the heck is this?! Someone want us to suffer that much?!

Zoffy: Your son has already ruined my morning.. *glaring at Seven*

Seven: If you have a grudge on him, you can punish him. I've got too many things on my plate right know..

Zoffy: Oh, the possibilities of crack in dimensions?

Seven: Or rather a new enemy showing up.....

Those two have become silent after answering each other statement.

Leo: back to the topic please, what are we gonna do?

Seven: Let us search my wayward son

The others following Seven leads finding Zero.


Zero keep licking his hand like how cat licking its feet. His tail wagging lazily and everyone's attention on him.

Zero: Meow~

???: Kyyyyyaaaaaaaaaa so cute~

???: Ah~ my heart can't take this anymore~

???: Be my pussy cat!

Ultrafangirl keep screaming to their heart's content, making a ruckus.

Zoffy: .... I'm annoyed...

Leo: Even before Zero start annoying you?

Zoffy: He already annoys me this morning... don't you know how much paperwork I have to finish?!

Zero recognize his target.

Zero: Aha! Found you~ *thinking*

Seven:.... What happened to you?

Zero: Meoow~

Seve: ..What?

Zero: Meow~ *writing something*[I got a dare]

Leo make sure to take his picture.

Zoffy: Should we explain..

Zero: Meow~ meow! [Nope, I already know, my mission is to make you suffer!]

Zoffy: In which you have done it in spectacular way *deadpanned*

Zero: Meow?? [I don't know, what do you mean?] *cute cat look*

Zoffy: Don't give me that look!


Leo: Dammit shut the heck up you fangirl!

Zero is pouting in front of Leo.

Leo: ........... *internal screaming (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DAMMIT THAT WAS CUTEEEEEEEE) suffering from cute overloadness*

Seven: Zero you better disperse the commotion

Zero: Meow? Meow?! [Why should I? Where the fun?!]

Seven is getting more annoyed at the way Zero keeps opposing his order.

Zoffy: Zero! I think is much better for you to control your fangirl before they destroy public facilities!

Zero scratch Zoffy hand. Zoffy could only stare at Zero.

Zoffy: You will pay for that..

Zero: Meow? *questioning expression*

Leo: .... ugh *crirical hit*


Zoffy can see a few figures that he recognized. He orders them to start disband the crowd

Taiga: Wait, is that Uncle Zoffy?!

Orb : Is that a sign?

Gaia: He wants us to disperse the commotion.... come we got an order

Zoffy attention goes back to the matter at hand.

Seven: .... then we will force our way to disband your fan base

Zero: Wait! You can't do that! I know I'm famous unlike the three of you old, rusty, not cool, only have one form, and most of all..... lame~

The three Showa Generation standing still hearing it. Rage is built up like a volcano which is about to explode.

Zoffy: ... Seven, I never know that Zero have mocking as a skill, say can I beat him up for you?

Leo: ... my foot is burning... wants to kick some ass. I believe you need more training. Maybe I should throw you into the burning lava?

As for Seven he is only stares at Zero. Everyone can feel the coldness in Seven glare. He gives the most chilly stare that he ever created.

Zero: ...... F*** I'm really crossing the line here *thinking*

X: Universe.... Zero is asking to be murdered

Victory: It was an honor to know you Zero...

A few Ultra in the crowd praying for Zero life. The letter which is forgotten is vibrating in Leo hand.

Leo: ..... What?!

UwU Well done everyone! I'm proud of you. The dare has been done know you can do whatever you want~ Oh, please don't kill him, I need him on the next action~

The three Showa is smirking crazily

Zero: What?! *feeling something isn't right*

Zoffy: I see, so you do can talk...

Leo gives the letter to Zero. Zero read the content.

Zero: .... holy F***! I've been set up! ... *staring at the three Ultra in front of him* .... ummm, can I run first?
Seven: Yes, of course. I give you a minute to run.... and we shall hunt you down.. *dark smile*

Leo: Well, the game will be much fun~ if the target running aimlessly right? *smirk*

Zoffy: I Agree... It has been a long time since I'm running and stretcthing my power. This would be a good idea *face full of wrath*

Zero: ... *gulp*... Bye *gone*

Seven: Shall we?

Duo: Sure~

The next two hours, everyone can hear Zero terrified scream with a few dark laughs and destroyed building.



Principality: OwO~ I hope he is not death

Azure: ......

Author: Fuyooooohhhh that take so long....

Principality: >w<~ until we meet again, Readers!~



Zero: Ouchhhhhh that hurt!

Mother of Ultra (Mother): Whose idea to make three scariest person in Land of Light annoyed beyond believe?

Zero: But it was a dare....

Mother: I think you should ask forgiveness, after this...

Zero: But....

Mother: *glaring*

Zero: Okay..... *scared*



I hope you like it, to whoever person who gives this dare~

Author out

See you again~
