Triangle Arch (4)


My beloved Readersssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!

Do you miss meeee??????

U_UII sowwy for the disturbance in this intro


Author has brought you a new chapter of Triangle Arch!

OwO it will be exciting!

Read it!

Ultraman belong to Tsuburaya

Author not owning the fanart



The battle between Hudra and Darramb vs Tiga is one sided. Tiga is having a hard time maintaining his posture to defend and attack. Thankfully for him, the other Giants stop attacking, watching carefully the battle in front of them. Not that it makes Tiga feel more relieved. He feels like being played with a spectator betting on him.

"I'm betting you will be defeated in the next 10 minutes"

Tiga: It's best for you to shut your mouth!

Darramb: Surrender, My King. It's the easiest salvation

Tiga: I'm sorry, I refuse*grimacing at the wound*

Hudra: Awwww~ what with this formal talk?~ Ah, I'm reminiscing the time when we enjoy talking to conquer the Universe

Tiga frowning at the mention of past memory. He blames himself for everything that he has done.... destroy a galaxy without feeling any remorse make him sick.

Tiga: I'm not the same!

Hudra: Now you're in denial~ Believe it or not, you still the same

Tiga stunned to his core.

"...I'm.... stil... the same?' The past memory coming back to haunt him. He is not expecting an attack from Darramb.

Darramb: Fire Magnum!

Darramb slams his fist full of energy to the ground creating a desrtuctive shockwave of explosion.

"MOVE!!" the screaming voice in his head wake Tiga from his daze only to realize he couldn't dodge the attack.



A big explosion can be heard around the dimension.

Max: What was that?!

Team Seven is surveying the crack. Max and his teammates can hear the disturbance.

Cosmos: Explosion like that... must be a big battle

Orb: You don't have to explain it, we can sense that

X: Orb....

To X, Orb side talk is a bit harsh.

Seven: I don't care about your fight, but if I ever see all of you not coordinating in the fights.. let just say you will have a nice session with me

Seven's deathglare give them gooseboom, even the situation is more bearable than Seven's dark face.

Max: ... Universe give me strength....

X: ... Daichi... I wanna go back home (T^T)

Orb: ... Why the Universe is cruel to me? Having a killer leader like him...

Seven: And don't you dare grumbling about me

The three Ultra who are musing about their leader immediately shut their train of thought.

Max: Wait.. we have a few guests...

Right on cue Dark Giants appearing out of nowhere.

X: What the?!

Seven: ... Focus, we're outnumbered

Orb: Nah, is getting boring....

Max slaps Orb on the head

Max: Don't ever underestimate your enemy! You will die easily when you keep thinking like that!

Orb: I'm sorry...

Scratching his head, this is Orb first time seeing Max angry. He knows him as someone who is easy going and like to chit chat with everyone. To see him like this, make Orb wonder if Max has two different personalities?

Cosmos: We should defeat them first

Max: I will keep an eye

X: Shall we?

Team Seven shortly clashing with Dark Giants.


"Finally I'm out"

Deep baritone dark voice greets the villainous duo. From the fog appear Tiga not scratched by the attack. What makes him different is his form has changed into jet black with silvery color attached to his body. A shallow smirk clings to his face.

Hudra: Hooooo~ welcome back Dark King~

Dark Tiga: Yooo~ Hudra fancy meeting you here~ How about you shut up and just fight. I'm bored watching your battle

Hudra; Are you so sure?~ your body must be tired fencing our attack

Dark Tiga give a deathglare to those two. His purpose coming out is to smack those irritating faces to the ground. Beside, his Light side is still unconscious and only Universe knows how long it will take to wake him up.

Dark Tiga: You think that attack could defeat me? In your dream!

Swinging his leg, a dark slash appearing on thin air targeting those two. Darramb protects himself with water barrier while Hudra take the full brunt of the attack.

Hudra: Gah!

Dark Tiga: Take that sassy!

Slowly the ground turn into liquified like a splashing water.

Dark Tiga: Don't think you can entrap me in your dimension!

Tapping his leg, the illusion easily breaka like glass.

Darramb: My king...

Dark Tiga: If I'm really your king, you should have follow me! Not opposing me!

Dark Tiga uppercut Darramb till he fly across the field.

Hudra: Hah this is the King that I know! *actually having fun being trashed*

Dark Tiga: I've never guessed you like talking bullshit!

He smack Hudra's head to the ground. The land began cracking because of the force. Dark Giants around them become terrified at the power that the king hold.

Dark Tiga: how disappointing

Dark Tiga thought that he will get the fun that he always wanted in this place, but it seems everything stay the same.

Hudra: You see, My King. We are not using our full power right now. We are waiting for this moment to happen...

A big pillar of power ascend to the sky, creating disturbance. Everyone could see it from far away.

Dark Tiga: .... F***!!!!


The second team consists of Taro, Justice, Xenon, Ginga, and Victory able to see the spectacular phenomenon.

Xenon: Woah?! What was that!?

Taro: Whatever it was... it looks not good

Justice: Obviously bad, but I'm capable taking care of it without them to help


Victory tightens his fists. He badly really wants to punch the smug expression on Justice face.

Justice: Why should you help me? I'm strong enough to take care of myself.. unlike you two

Victory: YOU BAS----

Ginga: Easy, Victory.... Justice-san don't mean it right?

For once Ginga talk softly, not really wanting to cause more trouble than it already has.

Justice: I literally mean it... you are weak

That statement make the youngest Ultra generation fuming in fury.

Victory: I'm so gonna slam you to the ground until Cosmos-san don't recognize you! Why in the f****** universe Cosmos-san wants to be with you?! You're a jerk!

Ginga: Why are you antagonizing us? Have we done something wrong with you?

Justice: Have you not realize? Everything about you is wrong, to the point that I want to vomit meeting you

Victory: YOU---!


Just like his father, Taro does have a short temper when he sees a ridiculous fight in front of him. Xenon has been so quiet as if he knows that triggering an angry bull is totally definitely a wrong move.

Taro: I've had enough hearing your sassy conversation! Should I make this clear?! We are in mission! And coordinating in teamwork is a must! If the three of you can't handle your problem, then it's much better for you to not come with me! Because I only need a competent Ultra Warrior who have the ability to work togethe,r even if they have a problem with each other!

And with that words there are no more insult and negative remark for the three Ultra. Only their glare translating their silent battle.

Xenon: UwU impressive Taro-chan~

Taro: You, too, shut it! Investigate further!

Xenon: Ay, ay captain!


Dark Tiga: Shit! How many tricks do they have?! I'm being played!

Dark Tiga cursing at the pillar that slowly disintegrating. Like Tiga, the enemy transforms into something different. They turn into another form that Tiga and him never saw before.

Dark Tiga: What is that form?! Damn! Tiga wake up!

The dark lord tries to wake up his other self when A blast of energy nearly hit him.

???: Shishishi~ what do you think my king?~

Dark Tiga: What have you done Hudra?!

???: I'm not Hudra but Hudram

The air around them picking up as Hudram command them to turn into Wind Blade. Dark Tiga manage to dodge most of it and yet a few attack land on him. Another attack following after it.

Dark Tiga; Geh! Darramb!

???: ... My King, I'm not the Darramb that you know anymore. I'm Darrgon. We're under the command of Queen Carmeara to subdue and bring you to her side

Hudram: my King! Join our side! We're waiting for your awakening! Let the glories of darkness rule the Universe!

Dark Tiga: you're a bunch of lunatic!

'Said that to yourself...' slurred voice come from Dark Tiga mindscape.

Dark Tiga: waking up sleeping beauty?

'Focus!!' The voice, pointing at the water halberd targeting them. Dark Tiga quickly evade.

Dark Tiga: Start thinking! They suddenly turn into dazzling, sparkling, shining, glittering mode! AND IT HURT MY EYES!!!

'Please don't scream... you're just being jealous...'The voice deadpanned said.

A strong water current arises from nowhere entrapping Dark Tiga inside it.

Dark Tiga: DARRAMB! *furious*

Darrgon: Again, I'm not Darramb, My King. I'm Darrgon. *want to facepalm*


The water binds tightly till Dark Tiga can not move.

Dark Tiga: Curse it! I can't move darn it!

Hudram: Nice, Darrgon. Now~ shall we go to sleep?

After saying that, a big bluish ancient rune glowing below Dark Tiga restricting his movement.

'Oh No! Stay awake Dark!' the panicked voice waking Dark Tiga at the dangerous situation

Dark Tiga: ...

Slowly but surely Dark Giant starts roaring in ecstasy as the king slumped into dream.

Hudram: Finally~ we got you King~



Xenon: Taro-chan kakkoii~ (cool)

The friendly Ultra secretly taking pictures of his kouhai

Ginga: I bet he will send it to Ultra Mother

Victory: I bet he wiil send it to Ultra Father

Justice: I bet for Dyna


To be continued

Principality: OwO Nyeheq~

Author: There you are! Give me back my strawberry!

Principality: QwQ NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Azure: ... see you again
