
Hello guys this is the first time I’m using English at my drabble fanfiction. So please be patients with me, because English is not my mother language and I’m still learning to use it. This is my first drabble of Ultraman, they look so cute in the fanart and look so cool in the real action.

So let’s start it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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One day in the land of light, Mebius, Zero, and Geed

Geed : Hello, senpai !

Mebius: Hi, Geed!

Zero : Yo, What’s up?

Mebius : Why do you look troubled? 

Curios at Geed

Geed : How..... old.... are you? Asking shyly

Zero : Why you suddenly asking that?

Geed : I’m curios, because whenever I go to the garrison, I will meet someone who look older than me and the two of you.

Mebius : ah, I see........ to be honest I don’t know the standart

Mebius and Geed look at Zero

Zero : Don’t ask me, I don’t want to know

Mebius : But, your father is one of commander?

Zero : But, you one of the Brother Kyoudai?

Zero question make Mebius silent, Mebius never ask the question to Taro. It seems Zero looking for a fight with Mebius

Geed : Geez......  how old are you ?

Geed stopping Zero for doing something stupid

Mebius : I’m 6.800 years old

Zero : 5.900

Geed : Wow...............

Zero : Duh, what’s wrong with that?

Geed : Nothing, my age is 19 years old

Mebius and Zero : WHAT?

Mebius and Zero was so shocked that their facial expression changed into disbelief

Geed : Yeah, I’m not joking

Geed looking at Mebius and Zero with a serious gaze, suddenly Hikari cross path with him

Geed : Hey, hey Hikari-sensei, how old are you?

Hikari : Hmn? Ah, Geed Hello, You asking how old I am? Hm... not that old.......

Unconsciously gazing at Mebius, Zero, and Geed who standing in front of him, and remember their actual age and overcome with horror

Hikari : Why is the Garrison employing children???

Mebius,Zero,Geed : WHAT?????

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And finish !!!

Yey !!!

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I hope you enjoy reading it

See you next time !!!!
