ToD part 5


Dear beloved Readers~

Are you excited to meet Author?

Yes, Author is excited to meet you all~

Soooooo Author come here to put this chapter and off to oblivion

Hm...... Author seem to be a little bit stiff...


Fanart belong to their owner

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya

Author only creating this plot of stories




Principality: (T^T) But.... Principality not eating strawberries... *sad*


Principality: TwT Principality doesn't know.....

Azure: ... Author!

Author: WHAT?!

Azure: *give a file*

Author: ......oh..... *deadpanned*

Principality: OwO??? *confused*


Principality: O_O ... Azuweee we need to bring Author to hospital ASAP!

Azure: .... nope let Author be

After a few hours of strange squel with crazy screaming.

Author: I'm back!

Principality: OvO are you crazy?

Author: Of course I'm not~ that's a silly question.... anyway let us start this ToD~


The calm morning gives a sense of freshness in the Land of Light. Everyone doing what they're wanting to do. The same goes to this Ultra. One of the most mysterious Ultra is staring at vast galaxies. Lucky for him to find a quiet place to meditate. Being in one circle with hyperactive person can make him really tired.

Tiga: huff.... maybe is enough for today

"As if that could help"

Tiga ignores the sarcasm statement in his mind. Many thought lingers in Tiga brain. But, he choose sto ignore them. He don't really like to break the peaceful morning with a screaming voice whose person is his alternate ego. The peace really helps Tiga calm his nerve. He notices a letter waiting patiently to be recognized

Tiga: A letter?.... for who?

"Are you stupid? There is only you here... of course it is for you!"

Tiga is conflicted either to open or not the letter. The Letter is getting bored so it opened itself and floating right on Tiga face.

Tiga: ..............

Good morning to you, Tiga-kun~. As you may know~ Yes, I'm your Author. Okay, I will go to the point. You see Tiga-kun you get a dare from @ryugamishinigami This will be chains of ToD so be patients~. First dare, I Dare tiga to kiss mebius on the cheek. UwU I'm waiting for it~

For almost a minute Tiga stand still, trying to comprehend what in the universe he gets.

Tiga: .....kiss his cheek?

"Why not kiss on the lips?"

The very thought brings red blush on his face.

Tiga: .... can I do this?

In the City Hall of Star Cluster, Mebius is walking with Rosso and Taiga. He is talking animatedly with Taiga then stops speaking when he sees Tiga in distraught.

Mebius: Eh??? What's going on with Tiga-san?

Taiga: Maybe he needs a bathroom and still not found it?

Rosso: As if something like that happen.... I would believe that if it Nexus-san

The two young Ultra holding their laughter at the mention of Nexus impressive adventure at marvelling the Land of Light. Mebius being the kind Ultra he is, approach Tiga. The two youngsters follow his lead.

Mebius: Tiga-san, can I help you?

Tiga is a bit taken back when his target is actually in front of him and volunteering himself.

Tiga: ..... what should I do?????

"Simple, kiss him"

Tiga: ..... shut up

Tiga still planning on what to do. He is staring at Mebius.

Rosso: Um... Tiga-san are you okay? You're being creepy....

Taiga: Woy!

At that mention Tiga stop staring at Mebius and gaze at Rosso and Taiga.

Tiga: what children doing on here??

Tiga: Um, Mebius... I need your help with something...

Mebius: Eh? You need my help? Why you didn't tell me? I will gladly help you, Tiga-san *sweet smile*

Tiga who saw the smile can only bless himself at how the universe is being kind to him, today.

Tiga: Please don't hate me..

When Tiga says that his face is already near Mebius and is getting closer to Mebius face. Mebius is oblivious to what is going on could only ask for Tiga to elaborate more.

Mebius: What do you me-...

Something wet touch Mebius cheek. Mebius is confused. His mind is still processing at what just happened. It took a minute for his mind to connect. Rosso who from the very start know that the situation is too weird to be called normal has prepared something like this happen. He close Taiga eyes from seeing what inspire in front of them.

Rosso: Child is prohibited to see this

Taiga: .... I'M MORE OLDER THAN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiga withdraws his face. He can see a shade of pink appearing on Mebius face.

Tiga: Me-mebius.. I.. I..

Mebius: E-eh-eh???????????????????????????????????????????????.....I-is o-okay, Tiga-san...

Mebius is really embarrassed. Is not everyday he get a kiss from someone and that someone is Tiga himself. Somehow Tiga feel bliss.

Tiga: ... it's actually a dare that I got... if only I could kiss you...

"I second that"

Rosso: Wait???

Taiga: What?! I never heard of this dare?!

Tiga: I've just received this dare today....

Mebius: Is it finished?

Tiga: Unfortunately.. it is said in here that this dare is still ongoing....

Rosso: .... I hope there is no dare for me

Taiga: Me too

Mebius: So when will the next dare?


Author: Oh~ you're asking for it Mebius~. I was about to give both of you a break... but it seems you're getting impatients~

Principality: (0v0) ... o-oh ... Author is .....

Author: Mwehehehehehehehe!

Principality: (0_0) Author is going crazyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Azure: .... *praying for those who get the dare*


Rosso: Ah! I remember something, Blu and Grigio waiting for me! So, bye!

Taiga: Eh?????? *watching Rosso run away* A-anoooooo I forgot that Fuma is planning to prank Orb-senpai! Good bye *running away opposite direction of his home*

Mebius: Chotto matte!!!!!!

Mebius is dumbfounded at those two. Rosso and Taiga excuse themselves. They don't want to disturb the two lovebirds. Awkward atmosphere enveloping them. Neither both do not know what to say.

Tiga: Um.... do you want to go there? *pointing at one of the cafe*

Mebius: Eh.. sure

Before they even walk there a letter magically appear in front of Tiga

Tiga: ....... I hope it is not weird...

"Nah.... I bet it is"

Mebius curiously looks at it.

Yo, Tiga-kun~ your second dares is I dare! Tiga to carry Mebius bridal style!! >:v Nyeh~ do it Tiga~ Author is rooting for you~

Tiga is staring at the letter and then glance at Mebius.

Mebius: Yes, Tiga-san? *cute curious smile*

Tiga: ....... what is this warm holiness???

"the name is overbright"

Tiga: I'm sorry Mebius

Mebius: Eh for wh-...

Before Mebius even finish his question, he find himself being carried by Tiga.

Mebius: EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?????????????????????

On reflex Mebius encircle his hand on Tiga neck. Tiga whose neck is being pulled down, is staring right at Mebius shy expression. Tiga is having a war between his dark side.


Tiga: Shut up! ..... Universe... please bear my heart... I can do this.....'

"You know.... he is really tempting~"

Tiga: ....wait what?!

Mebius: Wh-why?

Tiga snaps from his musing.

Tiga: Uh... the dare....

Mebius next reaction is covering his face with his hand. Many Ultra watch them in fascination. Including this three Ultra.

Ginga: Woah!

X: What's going on at there?

Orb: shhhhhh! Is Mebius-san and Tiga-san!

X: Huh???

Ginga: Wait a new OTP?

X: What the heck is that?!


Orb: Shut up! Both of you!....hskskskskksksksk I need to find Dyna-san!

X: Oh nononononononono you wouldn't do that!

Ginga: Yes he did...

The duo watch Orb vanish searching for someone.

X:....... this will be a disaster...

Ginga: For once.... I don't care

Back to the duo.

Mebius: ...uhhhh when will you put me down??? *embrassed face*

Tiga: Maybe at the cafe? *walking to there*

Mebius has this feeling that Tiga is enjoying the dare.

Mebius: .... ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't I just reject this?!

Mebius is confused at today event. He is hoping that there will be no weirder thing happen to him.


Author: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ this is too much sugarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Principality: OwO Principality getting a toothache! Help!

Author: Shall we go to doctor?

Principality: (TvT) Nooooooooooooooo!

Azure: .... focus!

Au&Prin: Sowwyyy


Tiga puts Mebius down in front of the cafe door.

Mebius: We enter?

Tiga: My treat

Tiga opens the door for Mebius. Mebius is getting more embarrassed as everyone at there watching them.

On the other hand.

Dyna: Damn my ancestor is really quick

Orb: I think, he is trying to make Mebius-san comfortable

Dyna: That's the same

Orb: Why are we hiding in here again?

Dyna and Orb are hiding in the bushes. They're watching every move that Tiga and Mebius do.

Dyna: Of course.... stalking *letting out his camera from nowhere*

Orb: .... what the...

Back again to the duo.

After they ordered what they want, they sit on the upper floor outdoor overlooking the street. Another silent ensue. They're the only one up there as everyone is getting this fib to scare away from there.

Mebius: ... ahhhhh so awkward

Tiga: ...what to do??

"Talk, damn it. This is the perfect damn time for you to confess!"

Tiga: I'm still waiting...

"For how long?! He is in front of you! Goddamnit! Don't tell me you don't have the courage to say that?!"

Tiga: ...shut up!

"If you're not gonna say it, then I'm gonna say it with force!"

Tiga: Don't you dare!

"I fu***** dare!*


Mebius: Tiga-san? Are you okay?

Tiga: Ah, I'm fine

Mebius: You keep dazing out.....

Tiga for all of his life, never had this feeling of hesitation. He always does what his though is right and seeing Mebius looking at him with such a lovely expression, Tiga start second guessed himself.

Tiga: Am I worthy for you?

Taking a deep breath Tiga steeling his resolve to at least try confess his feeling to Mebius.

Tiga: Mebius I .....

Mebius: Yes?

Tiga: Mebius I...... l-.....


Author: Oh no you don't! That's not the way the story goes!


Out of nowhere before Tiga could continue his sentence a letter appear between them.

Mebius: Eh?!





Principality: ...... Azure... I'm afraid (T^T)

Azure: ........... snaps out of it, Author!

Author: But he starts it first!

Azure: .... *stare*

Author: Fine! I'm not crazy, but he is! So I have to yield!

Azure: *nodding*


Tiga and Mebius are staring at the letter. They're waiting for someone to take the initiative to open the sacred letter.

"Just open it, dear light! I'm getting impatient in here!"

Tiga: could you shut up?! I can't concentrate!

Tiga picks the letter and open it.

Heya again, Tiga-kun~ this is your next dare, I dare tiga to do the ''kabedong'' challenge with mebius. You know kabedong right? So yeah~ do the dare

Tiga scan the letter again twice and look at Mebius. Mebius who is being stared at Tiga can guess what's going on.

Mebius: it is with me again?

The answers is a nod.

Mebius: Um.... I will help you Tiga-san

Tiga comes slowly to Mebius and entrapping Mebius between the wall and himself. Tiga closes his face to Mebius. Mebius incstingly looks up.

Mebius: .... is this right??? *unsure*

Tiga: ...maybe? *unsure*

Both Ultra don't really understand this kind of thing. But for everyone watching not far away, the pose really create a chain of reaction.

Grigio: Kyaaaaaaa~~

Sora: Awwwwww look!!!

Yulian: woah public affection?

Grigio; That's the famous kabedong!!! Everyone on Earth know that!

Sora: Oh oh! I know! The thing with you, your interest and the wall????

Grigio: Yes!

Beth: so sweet~ I wish someone would do that to me...

Many ultra is getting jealous at the view.


Author: oh my god!!!!!!!!!! I'm feeling so hot in here! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Principality: Water wave!

Author: Nope!! Jangan wey basah nanti!

Azure:...... English, please, Readers don't understand

Author: Whopppssiiieee sowwy~


Tiga can't fathom at how beautiful and cute Mebius is when he look up close. At how lovely that eyes stare at him shyly. And most importantly that silvery pink lips are teasing Tiga to kiss him.

Tiga: ...Wait.... that's wrong!

"Why can't we just kiss him already?! There is no rule for Ultra to not kiss someone right?!"

Tiga: Nope, like I will fall for your trap!

"Heh, you actually did that"

Tiga; What?!, I no don't!

The dark side of Tiga is in control over Tiga body. He is leaning far too close for Mebius like.

Mebius: Ti-tiga-san... too close

Tiga: ....Ne Mebius

Mebius: Eh?

Tiga: I want to know.... if your lips are as sweet as your beautiful face

Mebius: Huh?!

And to everyone's surprise, what Tiga do make them speechless.

All: Whatttttttttttttttttt????????????????????????????

Tiga kisses Mebius on the lips. Mebius stares widely at Tiga and Tiga reaction is not far from Mebius. His dark side has let go the control over the body.

"Hmmm~ so sweettttttttttttttttttttt~ I want moree~"

Tiga: Me-mebius I'm-...

Mebius: ...wahhhhhhhhh! *shocked*

Closing his face in embrassement, Mebius is flying out from there ignoring Tiga plea.

Tiga:...Nice way.... Dark *annoyed*

"My pleasure, my other side~"

Tiga: ... now he will hate me

"Nah, I bet he will fall for us"

Tiga: ... can I just kill you?

"Hah! You're killing yourself! That will be a funny headline "An Ultraman is found hanged on the tree" what a bullshit! Stop being sassy!"

Tiga: Stop bothering me!

From there on whenever Mebius sees Tiga he will immediately act weird and hastily get out from there. Tiga can only sigh in depression watching that.

Dyna: Oh man......... this is a problem

Orb: A big one



Zero: So is it true that.....

Leo: What?

Zero: Ehem... about your relationship with Oyaji?

Leo: ........................................................... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Leo smack down Zero that afternoon and throw said student into Seven offices.

Leo: Take care of your child!

Seven: ... yes, dear

The room becomes deadly silent.

Leo: ... WHAT THE F*** SEVEN?!

Seven: ... you want it now or later?

Leo is getting more dumbfounded.


Zero: Happy April 1st~ *snickering*



Principality: OwO in the land of nowhere!

Author: When I can't even differentiate which is real and dream....

Principality: UwU and my only source of answer.......


Azure: ... please ignore them.. they're high in sugar...see you again 
