Willie (1\2)

Season: 02 - Episode: 05

Third Pov

-"Willie?"- Alex asks, they all turn around seeing the skater ghost in front of them and he was not looking good, he was very pale, with red eyes from crying and he didn't have he's skate with him, he takes a few steps back almost falling, Alex runs to him, holding the boy by his shoulder, he guides Willie to the couch sitting him on it, Cristal could see in Alex eyes that seen Willie like that was hurting him -"What happened?"- Alex asks sting beside him, Reggie stands there beside Cristal with one arm around her waist holding her tight and pulling her close, Luke was sitting on the other side of willie also looking at him worried too -"C-Caleb found out I helped you guys and he... he punished me, He took my skate away, banned me from the club, he took my ghost powers"- Willie says looking down -"Willie we are so sorry"- Luke starts looking at Cristal for support -"We never meant for you to get in trouble because of us"- Cristal says crossing her arms against her chest, the girl just like the three other ghosts couldn't help but feel guilt and bad for Willie -"It's okay, I'd do anything for Alex"- Willie says giving the blonde boy a small smile, Alex tried really hard not to blush, while Cristal smiles a little at the boy sentence -"But he- he just let you go?"- Reggie asks -"Yeah"- Willie says -"Well, that's weird"- Reggie says earnign a death glare from Cristal, and Luke, and Alex -"It's alright, I thought it was weird too, Caleb doesn't leave loose ends"- Willie says serious, he then looks down -"There is something you're not telling me... us you're not telling us"- Alex says, Willie sighs looking straight at Cristal, like he was warnning her he was gonna say something bad -"He... humm... He also put a stamp on me"- Willie says, Cristal watches Alex breaking inside, she sees his eyes tearing up even tho she knows he won't cry, not in front of Willie -"T-Then we got to, we got to"-Luke starts but he was stumbling in his words, so he looks at Cristal for help one more time -"Figure it out what are your unfinished business"- Cristal finish Luke sentence, Reggie didn't like when she did that it makes his blood boil and he had no idea why -"I don't know what's my unfinished business is"- Willie says -"We'll help you figure it out"- Alex says putting his hand on Willie knee -"Alex"- Willie starts -"No! I'm not gonna let Caleb win"- Alex says a little too loud -"A"- Cristal calls, he needed to calm down -"Let's go outside for a minute shall we?"- Cristal says offering her hand which Alex grabs standind up, Cristal lead Alex outside the garage, once they are out of sight, Alex exales passing his hands through his hair -"Hey"- Cristal says rabbing her brother by the shoulder -"Breath okay? breath, one thought at a time"- Cristal says looking him dead in the eyes, as Alex breathing slows down, Cristal sees his eyes tearing up -" Why every time things are good something happens to mess all up?"- Alex says, he stops and takes a deep breath -"I'm gonna lose him, I don't wanna lose him, I can't lose him Cris"- Alex says with a couple of tears falling down -"I never like anyone the way I like him"- Alex says, Cristal hands move from his shoulder to his face drying his tears with her thumbs, she had tearing eyes herself -"I know that Alex, you look at him the way I look at Reggie, i know you like him, and I know you don't want to let go of him, but if losing you guys thought me anything"- Cristal starts, the tears starts falling -"Was that you have to let go, even tho it sucks, even tho it feels like is gonna tear you apart, even if you don't you, even if you can't, you have to for him and for you"- Cristal says, alex nods and pull her into a hugh -"Thank you Criss"- Alex says in the hugh -"No problem, I think I can be nominaded the official psycologist of the band"- Cristal says smiling a little, Alex chuckles at her sentece -"ready to go back in there?"- Cristal asks, Alex nods and they both enter the room, Willie was sleeping in the couch, Luke and Reggie were in a conner talking, or as Cristal thought an argument, Alex went to talk to Willie and Cristal made her way over to the boys -"What is going on here?"- Cristal asks confused, Luke looks at her -"Reggie here... is jealous"- Luke says teasingly, Reggie looks at him blushing and then ack at Cristal -"I'm not.. I'm Not Jealous"- Reggie says blushing -"Well this is for you two to talk it out, I'm gonna go check on Alex"- Luke says he blows Cristal a kiss and walk out, Cristal puts her arms around Reggie's neck and he puts his hands on her hips -"So why were you Jealous?"- Cristal asks smiling at him -"I just don't like when you to finish each other sentences"- Reggie says Cristal chuckles and kisses him passionately -"I do that everyone Reg, but you know what I only do with you?"- Cristal asks teasingly, Reggie shakes his head, and Cristal kisses him one more time -"This"- She says -"Also you admitted you were jealous"- Cristal says teasingly -"shut up"- Reggie says playfully-"Now let's cuddle I'm tired"- Cristal says earning a laugh from Reggie.

Word Count: 1.000

-See you tomorrow

