Do you trust me (1\2)

Season: 02 - Episode: 04

Third Pov

Cristal sitting on one of the benches at the Hollywood streets beside Alex, they've been looking for Willie the whole morning -"I'm starting to think he doesn't wanna be found, Cris"- Alex says looking down -"I think he wants to be found but he is scared that you finding him will mean you finding more trouble"- Cristal says putting her hand on her brother's shoulder -"He cares about you Alex, and he thinks you better without him"- Cristal keeps going -"Well, I'm not"- Alex screams in frustration -"I'm not"- He says lower now -"He helped us, Cris, I wanna help him too"- Alex says taking a deep breath -"I know that A, I wanna help him as much as do, but we can't help someone who doesn't wanna be helped"- Cristal says giving her brother a hug -"He'll come to us eventualy, we just have to wait for it"- Cristal says giving him a small smile, Alex nods agreeing with his sister -"Shouldn't you be on a date with Reggie?"- Alex asks kinda discussed causing Cristal to chuckles -"Yeah, He canceled"- Cristal says with a serious facial expression -"Why, is there something you two?"- Alex asks -"Something is diferrent now, he's not being his goofy self, he closed up to me, like, he's been dengerously serious and distant"- The blonde girl says looking at the street in front of them -"Do you know why? or where he's been going?"- Alex asks, Cristal nods -"He is going to where his house used to be the whole week, and he just stands there"- Cristal says -"Today was his parent's marriage anniversary"- Cristal says holding back the tears -"He misses them and you know how he felt about them getting a divorce"- Cristal says -"Plus he's the only one of us, who hasn't seen his family yet"- She adds letting a tear slip -"At least he didn't have to hear from his dad that he was a mistake"- Alex says sarcastically making Cristal chuckle between the tears -"I think I know what to do to cheer him up"- Cristal says drying her tears -"You know who's been down these days too?"- Alex asks, Cristal nods -"Luke"- He says -"Julie"- She says at the same time -"They're just figuring things out, you know like how to be in a relationship when one of them is alive and the other isn't"- Cristal says, Alex nods -"Have you heard from Riley yet?"- Alex asks -"Nop, I actually gonn head to her place, I need her help"- Cristal says standing up -"Bye A, Love you"- She says kissing her brother on the cheek -"Love you too"- She heas him say before puffing out.

the girl appears in the middle of Riley's room. Riley was smiling at her phone like crazy, she didn't even notice her sister's presence -"Hey Rileys"- Cristal says sitting in the bed beside her sister, she quickly closes her phone placing it beside her -"Hey Cris, how are you?"- Riley asks blushing, Cristal looks at her with lifted eyebrows -"Is it a boy?"- She asks, Riley shakes her head laughing -"Is it a girl?"- Cristal asks, Riley blushes shaking her head fastly, Cristal looks at her worried but shakes it off -"So, I'm here because I need your help"- Cristal says changing the subject -"Sure, what do you need?"- Riley says -"I need you to figure it out where Reggie' parents are living"- Cristal says seriously -"Sure"- The living girl answers sitting in front of her laptop -"I'm gonna need their full names"- Riley says -"Okay"- Cristal says.

After half an hour of Riley searching the name of Reggie's parents on this thing called Facebook, which Cristal didn't understand it's purpose, And Cristal looking at pictures, the two girls finally found the address of Reggie's parents, Cristal writes them down in a paper, just as she finished her mom Allison enters the room -"Hey honey, your friend from school is here"- She says stepping away for Flynn to walk in the room smiling, Cristal sees Riley's face lit up at the sight of her friend -"I'm gonna leave you two be, bye Rileys love you"- Cristal says, Riley discreetly sent her kiss.

Cristal appear on the beach in front of Reggie's parent's house, a few steps behind Reggie, She fixes the white mid skirt she was wearing a long with her light blue crop-top and Reggie's leather jacket, she walks up to him and stops right beside him, not saying a word just staring at the bike where his house used to be -" I fought so hard for them to stay together"- Reggie says still not looking at her -"They weren't happy with each other Reg"- Cristal starts lowly -"They were fighting nonstop I know you remember that, how it was a broken home, the only thing keeping them together was you, and they lost you"- Cristal stops in her tracks clearing her throat -"So they sit talked and realized that it just wasn't going to work, so they got a divorce at least until I was alive they were still friends"- Cristal says looking at Reggie, he wasn't looking at her but she could see the tears falling on his cheeks, It broke Cristal's hearts seeing him like that -"So they split because I died, it's my fault"- Reggie says, Cristal grabs his face forcing him to look at her -"It is not you fault!"- Cristal screams at him -"What I'm trying to say is that they're gonna get divorced even if hadn't died, people fall in love but they also fall out, there is no shame in that"- Cristal says drying his tears with her thumbs -"I just... I missed them"- Reggie says -"I know you do Reg"- Cristal says -"That's why I have this"- She says pulling the piece of paper out of her jacket pocket -"What is this?"- Reggie asks, Cristal lift her hand for him to grab -"Do you trust me?"- Cristal asks, Reggie gives her peek in the lips grabbing her hand -"Every bit of my self"- He answers, Cristal smiles at him before puffing them both out.

Word Count: 1.011

Author's Notes: I'm back guys! And I have a few questions to ask you guys, so please answer your favorite writer here.

1- I was thinking about doing a Q and A with the characters, so drop your question for them on comment section please

2- If I did a book with imagines from Julie and the Phantoms would you guys read it?

-Please Vote, and feel free to leave your thoughts on the comment section

- See you tomorrow

