Stand Tall (2\2)

Season: 01 - Episode 09

Third Pov

 -"What you ding here?"- Luke asks -" Such Hostility, I'm just here to congratulate you on your big night"- Caleb says he was seating in the piano in front of the four musicians, Cristal blood was boiling, she tries to run at him but Reggie's put both his arms around her waist holding it tight stopping her, Caleb chuckles at the girl's act, she almost growled at him -"Not everyone gets to play the Orpheum"- Caleb says -"No. OK, we know that it's your stamp that's hurting us We already told you, we have a band, We don't wanna join your little club"- Luke protested -"Yeah, And you can't make us either Sr"- Alex says -"We're not scared of you"- Cristal says trying to get out of Reggie's grip -"Right, you're crossing over tonight. So exciting! Funny thing about the cross over, no one really knows what's waiting on the other side, but I know what's happening on this side"- Caleb says he then blows them a kiss that forces the four ghosts to puff out before they could even try o stop it.

The four ghosts pop back at the ghost club, they weren't wearing the same clothes anymore, Alex was wearing a light pink suit with a butterfly tie, and he as holding his drum sticks, Luke had a dark blue suit and he as holding his electric guitar, Reggie was wearing a wine red suits with some black details and he was holding his bass, Cristal was wearing a dark green mid dress with shoulder sleeves and a v cleavage, she was wearing a pair of stilettos holding her keytar, the four ghosts exchange confused looks before turning back to face Caleb -"Well don't you look nice"- Caleb says -"Sweet threads"- Reggie says, if he wasn't looking so hot right now, Cristal would slap him -"How did you know your sizes?"- Alex asks Cristal roll her eyes -"that's your question?"- Luke says like he was reading the Girls mind, she was in between him and Reggie -"I know you boys and girl aren't my biggest fans and an eternity at my club might seem overwhelming But... I just put you in sweet threads, so humor me this one last pitch"- He says, Cristal was getting tensed up, she was scared, she feels Reggie interlocking their hands so she exhales trying to calm down -"Now for starters, Isn't it nice that you're all here together? And believe me, everything you want, Including willie is here"- Caleb says pointing at Alex, who widened his eyes -"And on my stage, you don't vanish when the music stops you soak in the applause for as long as you want, the connection that you will feel with that audience will be like no other, I promise"- Caleb says looking at Luke cheering is heard from beside the curtain -"Shh, did you hear that? They're waiting for you"- Caleb says, at the same time another jolt passes through their bodies making them all groan -"That one looked like it hurt"- Caleb says sarcastically -"Fuck you"- Cristal hisses through her teeth -"Now let me remind you, the three of you boys don't know if playing at the Orpheum is your unfinished business, Do you really have time to make that mistake?"- Caleb asks, he then looks straight into Cristal's eyes -"She... she know that's not her unfinished business but she willing to make that sacrifice to save you, but is it really worth it?"- Caleb says, Cristal could feel the three ghosts eyes burning a hole to her face, but she keeps the eye contact with Caleb -"yes, it is worth it, because I love them, but wouldn't understand that right?"- Cristal growls but Caleb doesn't seem faced -" I suggest you accept my offer because the clock is ticking"- Another jolt passes through they bodies making them groan -"espeacialy for her"- Caleb says, another jolt passes through Cristal's body, just hers, she screams in pain loosing her balance, quickly Reggie puts his arms around her waist holding her up with her back leaning against his chest -"You know where to find me"- Caleb says as the curtains open, once he's gone the three of them turns to Cristal -"Why didn't you tell us it wasn't you unfinished business?"- Alex asks hurt -"because it would only cause unnessessary pain Alex, I got the stamp before you guys, I have less time than you guys, and it's not like my unfinished business is easier like yours"- She says, as they watched Caleb gets on stage -"having kids"- Reggie says sundenly all the boys look at him confused-"That's your unfinished business is it? having kids"- He asks, Cristal keeps her look at Caleb on stage, but she slowly nods, the conversation stops as Caleb starts singing -"You know you wanna take a chance and be a little bit bad Ain't nothing quite like living on the edge so get ready to go I'm chasing down a thrill, and lookin' fit to kill So listen to the words a wise man said He said, "Covington, I got an offer that you can't refuse" You got nothing to lose, boys Lose, lose, lose You got nothing to lose, boys Lose, lose, lose You got nothing to lose"- As Caleb sings Alex puff out and puff back on the stage confuse but doing a killer drum set, as he finishes Reggie joins the stage doing a bass solo but his eyes were still on Cristal like he was asking for help -"Now Luke"- Caleb says, Luke walks on stage doing his best to fight it, but doing an impressive guitar solo -"Cmon Cristal"- Caleb says, Cristal tries to figt it with everything she has but it doesn't work, she enters the stage playing her keytar -"How'd do you like my new band"- Caleb ask and the crowd cheers, he then starts doing some adlips while Cristal did a keys solo, her eye passing between her friends, he ends the song the crowd cheers, the four ghosts loks at each other breathing heavly.

Julie starts playing the piano starting the song, on the inside her heart was breaking her four friends just got vanished out of existence and she did even got to sing with them one more time -"Don't blink No, I don't want to miss it One thing, and it's back to the beginning Cause everything is rushing in fast Keep going on never look back And it's one, two, three, four times That I'll try for one more night Light a fire in my eyes I'm going out of my mind Whatever happens Even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall Whatever happens Even when everything's down I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall I gotta keep on dreaming Cause I gotta catch that feeling Whatever happens Even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall"- Julie sings, Alex pops on stage playing his drums smiling at Julie she smiles back at him, Cristal pops beside Julie taking over the keys, and Reggie pops beside Cristal playing the bass -"Right now I'm loving every minute Hands down Can't let myself forget it, no Cause everything is rushing in fast Keep holding on nevеr look back"- Julie sings as the electric guitar enters, Cristal looks across the stage grabbing her keytar and walking until the middle of the stage, Luke was flickering, Cristal exchanges worried looks with Reggie and Alex, but Julie keeps singing with a smile on her face -"And it's one, two, three, four times That I'll try for one morе night Light a fire in my eyes"- Julie sings -"I'm going out of mind"- Luke sings poping on stage, Cristal sighs in reelife going back to where she was as Julie walks to middle of the stage -"Whatever happens Even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall"- Luke sings, He tore the sleeve of the suit off and the tie, Reggie had taken the bazer of, her had a black and red wine part og the suit, Alex open his blazer, Cristal Exchange the not confortable stilletos to her her confortable high heeled stradle black boots -"Whatever happens Even when everything's down I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall I gotta keep on dreaming Cause I gotta catch that feeling Whatever happens Even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall"- Luke and Julie sing, Julie walks to the walkaway in the middle os Reggie and Cristal simling at them -"Like I'm glowing in the dark I keep on going when it's all falling apart Yeah I know it with all my heart Ooh, ooh Never look back"- Julie sings, as the songs get slower they go back to stage, Alex stands grabing the mic -"Whatever happens Even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall"- He sings, Reggie walks to his mic -"Whatever happens Even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall"- Reggie he signals to Cristal joins him on the same as him, she does the second note holding it -"Stand tall"- She sings, -"Stand tall"- They all do the harmony and the chorus breaks again -"Whatever happens Even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall Whatever happens Even when everything's down I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall"- They all sing, Julie turns her mic to luke and they start to sing at same mic walking to the walkaway -"I gotta keep on dreaming Cause I gotta catch that feeling Whatever happens Even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall"- As the song ends the five of them look at each other as the crowd cheers, Reggie grabs Cristal's hand, as Luke grabs Alex's, they all bow, the four ghosts puff out.

The four ghosts appear back at the garage, Cristal looks at the three boys with tears in her eyes, why were they still here -"No"- Is all she says as she drops to her knees crying they didn't cross over, she feel a jolt run through her body asking her scream in pain -"Cristal"- the three boys call dropping in their knees, Luke grabs Cristal shoulder holding it tight -"It's over for me"- She says, she feels Alex hand on her other shoulder, as another jolt runs through her body, she screams in pain letting more tears fall -"No, it can't be"- Reggie says, he grabs her face making her look at him -"I can feel it Reg, it's over"- She says -"Always and Forever"- Cristal says giving a sad small smile -"Forever and Always"- Reggie says, another jolt hits her and she screams again, then look at the three boys in front of them -"I love you guys"- Cristal says -"No regrets"- Luke says, they were all sobbing now -"No regrets"- Cristal says, another jolts passes through her body with one last look at the boys, Cristal disappers into the air.  

Word Count: 1.832

Author's Notes: Please don't kill me for ending the chapter like this, but, fear not because THIS IS NOT THE END, from now I'll be continuing the story on my own! I wanna thank you guys for the support and love you've been giving to this story, and as always please vote and feel free the leave your thoughts on the comment section. See you guys tomorrow (ps: I cryed my eyes out writing this whole chapter)

