Siblings (1\2)

Season: 02 - Episode: 06

Third pov

Reggie wanted to figure it out a way to be alone with Cristal for the whole night, without them getting walked on, he wanted to take the next step with her, but he was also scared since he never has done that with anyone, but he wanted to with her, he just needed to figure it out how to be completely alone with her.

-"Alex I'm not a kid anymore!"- Cristal yells at him, they had just shown in Riley's room to hang out with her, but Alex was still lecturing her on the scene he saw yesterday -"I don't care you're m younger sister and you're not old enough to lose your virginity"- Alx shot back, Riley closes the book she was reading paying attention to the conversation -"Too late to say that"- Cristal says giving her brother a fake smile, Alex looks at her shocked -"You lost your virginity with Reggie?"- Riley asks happy -"No"- Cristal says taking a deep breath and looking down, she didn't regret t, she just knew Alex was gonna freak -"I lost it to Bobby"- Cristal says slowly -"Bobby!"- Alex exclaims pissed -"you weren't even dating"- Alex screams at her, suddenly Riley regretted entering the argument -"Yes, we were, in case you forgot I stayed alive for two years after you died"- Cristal says -"Bobby and I started dating right after, we were togther for two years Alex"- Cristal says calming down -"Still doesn't justfy the fact that you lost your virnity with him"- Alex says llodly, that was Cristal had it -"Good, cause I don't want to justfy anything Alex, It's my body, my decision, and It was my life"- Cristal yells back -"I love you Alex, you're my brothers, but you gotta understand that I love Reggie too"- Cristal says calming her self down, Alex nods agreeing with her -"I know, I'm sorry"- Alex says, Cristal hugs for a second -"It's okay"- Cristal says, she then throws herself on Riley's bed, smiling at girl -"Now we're here to hang with our sis"- Cristal says crossing her legs, Alex sits on the other side of Riley's bed -"Did Willie crossed over?"- Riley asks Alex, a big smile appears on his face -"No, he got better and the stamp it's gone, but he didn't cross over"- Alex says -"But he did kiss Alex in front of everyone"- Cristal says teasingly -"he did?"- Riley asks looking at Alex -"Yeah"- He answers blushing -"How did you hmm... How did you know you were gay?"- Riley asks kind of embarrassed, Alex and Cristal glance at each other -"I think I kinda always knew, I can think of a moment when I went I'm gay, things just kinda happened"- Alex says he takes one more look Cristal before dropping the bomb on her -"But you can say it was when Luke and I Kissed"- Alex says, Cristal gasps widen her eyes at her brother just like Riley -"you two were a thing?"- Riley asks -"Yeah, we were a thing back when we were an alive, but it didn't last that long"- Alex says, Cristal was smiling -"I have had a feeling Luke was bisexual"- Cristal says, Riley on other hand was still shocked -"My money was on Reggie I though he was the bisexual one"- Riley says, that causes Cristal and Alex to crack laughing -"He does give that vibe"- Cristal agrees, Riley turns serious again.

 Cristal knew what she had to ask, so she looks straight at Alex while talking -"So Riley, you and Flynn"- Cristal says, Riley blushes -"What is going on between the two of you?"- Cristal asks softly, Riley looks between her and Alex scared -"Het, we are not gonna judge you anything you can tell us"- Alex says putting his hand on her knee, trying to calm her down -"I- I don't know I've never that before you know, not for boys anyways"- Riley says -"And what is it exactly that you're feeling?"- Alex asks -"I feel like I can be completely myself with her, she... she makes me laugh, all she has to do is enter the room and I just get ten times happier, and sometimes I just wanna... I just wanna..."- Riley says she can't finish the sentence -"Kiss her"- Alex finishes, Riley slowly nods agreeing with what Alex says -"I like girls, I the the way I should like boys ,I figured that out some time ago"- Riley says -"But you're scared of how mom and dad are gonna react if you come out to them"- Alex says -"Because of what happened to you"-Riley says slowly -"When I came out to them, dad didn't understand why I wasn't into a girl, he taught that he didn't raise me right, and he was angry because it was wrong, he almost kicked me, the same goes to mom"- Alex says he looks at Cristal giving her a small smile -"But then Cristal came in, and lectured them, she said that love it's love no matter what, she said if they loved me they would learn to live with it, not acept tolarate because it's who I am, and I was not gonna change"- Alex says, Cristal smiles at him -"I'm trying to say it's, if you gonna come out to them, you gotta do it your own time and terms, and you need to do it confident and proud"- Alex says smiling at Riley, she nods smiling back at him -"But I do think you shoould try talking to Flynn"- Cristal says -"Are you crazy? I don't even know if she feels the same"- Riley says -"I know, that's why you gotta talk to her, how do you think Alex and Luke became a thing?"- Cristal says to her -"She's right, I just talked to him, I told him I liked him, and even he didn't feel the same it was fine, but he wanted to try"- Alex says -"Just be honest with her"- Cristal says, Alex nods agreeing with her -"okay, I'll try, now why were you two fighting about Cristal's sex life?"- Riley asks casually, Cristal found it funny how for somethings she was shy, and then there she things she was not -"He and Willie saw me and Reggie making out"- Cristal says -"You were both shirtless"- Alex protest, Riley laughs at his statement -"Got it, so you and Reggie became a thing after you died?"- Riley asks trying to understand, Cristal nods -"And why do you like him?"- Riley asks interested -"I ask my self that question everyday"- Alex answers rolling his eyes -"I like how cute, caring, beatful he is, I like his whole personality and he's good kisser, I mean he does thing where he puts his hand on my"- Cristal starts -"Oh God, No stop, my ears"- Alex screams, causing Riley and Cristal burst out laughing, the three brothers spent the whole day laughing and getting to know each other, While Reggie and Luke were in the garage planning a especial date night for Reggie and Cristal.

Word Count: 1.178

- Chapter came sooner today because I was inspired

-Just you guys for tomorrow's chapter, things are gonna get heated

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