Fashion Emergency (1\2)

(Should I do a Christmas special? Ps: I know it's early to ask, but I just wanna know)

Season: 03 - Episode: 03

third pov

Los Feliz High School

When Julie enters the school she was quickly pulled into the girl's room by Flynn who had an alarmed expression on her face -"What happened?"- Julie asks carefully -"Rileyaskedmeoutonadate"- Flynn says quickly, Julie put her hands on her friend's shoulder -"Breathe"- She says, Flynn nods taking a few deep breaths -"Now tell what happened slowly"- Julie says -"Riley asked me out on a date"- Flynn says, Julie's face lights up -That's great!"- She says smiling but Flynn looked worried -"that's great, right?"- Julie asks this time, Flynn nods -"Yeah, I just never thought I would get this nervous about it, she makes me nervous"- Flynn says causing Julie to laugh -"When Luke and I first started dating I was nervous around him all the time, it's completely normal"- Julie says, the school bell rings -"let's go to class and we can go to your place after it"- Julie says pulling the girl out of the bathroom.

Julie's garage

It was a little past lunch time, Luke heard Carlos mention that Julie went to Flynn's house after school, so he, Reggie, and Cristal were just chilling at the house, Cristal was seating on top of the piano, Reggie was between her legs with his hands on waist, Luke was seating on top of the piano beside the couple, Cristal was playing with Reggie's hair, Luke sometimes felt like he was third-wheeling or being in the way of them having a moment, but Cristal and Reggie always made sure to tell him he wasn't, they liked having their friend around -"Are you sure you guys don't want me to leave?"- Luke asks-"I'm sure"- Cristal says -"Me too, you, Cristal and I, it's just right"- Reggie says, causing Cristal to laugh -"That made it sound like the three of us are dating"- Reggie says, Cristal smirks -"That wouldn't be that bad"- Cristal says, Luke's eyes go wide, Reggie looks at her serious -"I'm joking chill"- She says and the boys relax -"So Luke"- Cristal starts slowly -"Have you ever thought about meting Julie's dad and Carlos?"- She asks -"Yeah, I think about her introducing the whole band to him first you know?" Luke says with a sad expression on his face -"It's not like it's gonna happen anyway so"- Luke finishes -"I can do it"- Cristal mentions not looking at him but focused on Reggie's hair -"How?"- Luke asks, Cristal opens her mouth to answer when she feels a cold breeze down her body like someone was asking for her -"Riley"- Cristal whispers, Luke and Reggie, look at her confused -"What Riley can do to help us?"- Luke asks confuse, Cristal stands up -"She calling me"- Cristal says -"I'll explain everything when come back, bye"- Cristal says, the boys don't even have time to answer before Cristal puff out.

Rileys Room

Cristal pops up in the middle of Riley's room, the girl was staring at her clothes in the closet, Alex was beside Cristal looking at the girl who didn't even notice the two ghosts presences -"You called?"- Cristal says, Riley jumps out of trance looking at the two ghosts -"How did you know I was wishing you guys were here?"- Riley asks confused -"We're siblings Rileys, We're linked, we felt it"- Alex says, the ghost girl nods agreeing with him -"Good cause I'm freaking out here"- Riley says looking back at her coset -"What's the occasion?"- Alex asks seating in her bed -"I have a date with Flynn"- Riley says blushing, Cristal gasps -"Finally"- Alex says -"Where are you guys going?"- Cristal asks seating beside Alex -"Ice skating"- Riley answers, Cristal claps -"I taught her well"- She says to Alex, who just chuckles -"Why that?"- Alex asks casually -"Because she told me once she wanted to try ice skating"- Riley answers, the girls mom apears at the door leaning against it -"Do want help getting ready for your date with Flynn?"- Her mom asks, Alex and Cristal looks at Riley with lifted eyebrows -"I think I got it mom, thanks"- Riley says -"I'm gonna tell you something, you're gorgeous, he's one lucky guy"- Her mom says, Cristal gasps once mre and Alex chuckles, Riley's mom close the bedroom foor leaving -"She thinks she is a he"- Cristal says, Riley gave shoulder -"I just told the name, she took the gender conclusion on her own"- Riley says -"Nice"- Alex says -"So what do I wear?"- Riley asks -"What would you wear if you were wit us?"- Cristal asks, Riley looks at her closet, and take a few clothes out, a very cute black skirt, a black legging behind it, a light pink hoodie crop top, and some boots -"That"- She says -"Than wear that"- Alex says calmly -"It is a cute killer combo"- Cristal agrees with Alex, Riley nods -"Thank guys"- She says, Alex and Cristal stand up -"Remember just be your self "- Alex says -"If that's not enough for her than it's her lost"- Cristal says kissing the top of her sister head, her and Alex puff out of the room.

Julie's garage

Reggie and Luke were talking when Alex and Cristal pop up at the garage -"Is she okay?"- Reggie asks Cristal, the girl nods passing her arms around his waist hugging him -"It was a fashion emergency"- Alex explains, Reggie kisses the top of Cristal's head before turning her around, so now she was facing everyone, and Reggie had his arms around her waist -"You were saying you know a way for us to meet Julie's family"- Luke says leaning forward on the couch -"I was saying I can do it"- Cristal says leaning her back against Reggie's chest, feeling him rest his chin on the top of her head -"Like I did with Bobby"- Cristal finishes -"Do you think Julie would be up for it?"- Alex asks, Seating on the ground -"I would be up for what?"- Julie says entering the garage and taking a seat next to Luke, who quickly pass his arm around her waist pulling her even closer to him -"Us meeting your dad and Carlos"- Reggie says, Julie looks at the four ghosts -"If you guys want to, I'd be hapy about, he keeps asking when he'll meet yoou guys"-Julie says -"scheedule something then"- Cristal says, Julie nods, she already knew that Cristal could do it -"Like a dinner or something?"- Juie asks, Cristal nods -"In worse case scenario we tell them we're not hungry or something"- Reggie says behind her, Julie turns to Alex -"Invite Willie too, I want to meet him"- she says, causing alex to blush be the boy nods, that when Luke says -"family diner here we go"-.

Word Count: 1.106

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- Next chapter will be about Rilynn (Riley and Flynn)

- See you soon

