Caged (2\2)

Season: 02 - Episode: 07

Third pov

→Hollywood ghost club

-"Caleb"- Cristal says, The girl focus on trying to puff out of the glass box, but a jolt passes through her, making the girl scream in pain -"I wouldn't do that if I were you"- Caleb says calmly, stepping into the light, Cristal fallen to her knees, her hair sticking in her face front the sweet, her blakc skirt with cahins hagging to the sides, her eyllow crop-top, all sticking in her body, and even tho she was sweeting, a cold shiver passed down her spine -"They'll find me, you can't keep me cage"- Cristal says looking down -"I'm counting on it darling"- Caleb says -"They will accept join my club if I say I will let you go, but I won't"- Caleb says -"But why keep me here?"- Cristal asks standing up, but another jolt passes through her baddy with a another pain scream Cristal falls on her knees again -"Because you're special darling"- Caleb says -"Please tell me I'm not pregnant"- Cristal whisper to herself, but the magician ghost hears -"No, you're not pregnant"-Caleb says -"But you're powerful, you haven't figured your powers yet, but you're powerful, let me tell you something about that"- Caleb says aproaching the glass box -"If I drain you, I'll get powerful"- Caleb says, another jolt passes through her making her scream even louder -"Fuck you Caleb"- Cristal growls -"You'll get used to the feeling eventually"- Caleb says and laughs a laugh walking away, Cristal was scared, not for her, she could get used to the glass box, she could get used to feeling the jolts, she would happily in let Caleb drain her, she wouldn't even fight it, but she was scared for the three boys, she didn't want them to fall into his trap, she wasn't gonna let them, not even if it mean getting drain until there was nothign left to drain, she was NOT going to let Caleb win, and everyone who met her, knew she could be really stubborn.

→Somewhere near Julie's household

When Alex woke up, his head was killing him, he was laying in the street next to Julie's house, stand up slowly he starts remembering what happened, he was talking to her, when nick appear appeared and blew dust on them and then everything went black, Alex looks around seeing the sun up in the sky, it was already the next day, but something wasn't right, something was making Alex heart skipped a beat, something was missing -"Cristal"- Alex yelled but it was no use she was nowhere to be seen, Alex took a deep breath trying not to freak out, he looks around a little bit more -"Cristal"- He yells again, the feeling that something terrible might had happen to his sister was almost suffocating -"Cristal"- He yell again trying to hold back the tears but it wasn't working, so Alx closed his eyes, taking a other deep breath -"Calm down Alex, she could have gone back to garage"- Alex says, but deep down he knew she wouldn't do that, but it best to have hope then to give in to his overthinking -"She's fine"- Alex says out loud trying to convince himself, it didn't work at all, but he pulled himself togther puffing out of the street.

→Julie's household

Alex pops up in the middle of the garage, with his breathing uneasy, and his hand shaking -"Alex, finally"- Willie says hugging the boy, but Alex didn't hug him back, he just stood there with a blank expression on his face, so Willie broke the hug looking at the boy -"Alex, you okay?"- Luke asks, they were all in the garage even Riley and Julie, Alex turned to Luke -"Please tell me Cristal is here"- Alex says, but Luke's confused expression gave it away,-"No, she went out with you remember?"- Reggie says standing up, he be goofy and slow, but something was clearly wrong, Alex had left last night with Cristal, and he came back today without her -"Alex, Where is Cristal?"- Luke asks almost like he read Reggie's mind, Alex takes a sharky deep breath -"Nick took her?"- Alex answer more like a question, he didn't understand why would Nick kidnnape her -"Nick?"- Julie asks, Riley nods since the question was on her mind too -"Yeah, he blew something on us, and then everything blacked out"- Alex says seating in the couch -"And when I woke up she wasn't there"- Alex says, as he seats down, Alex feels something on his back pocket, he puts his hand on it taking a piece of paper out, he carfully opens it, and the content inside makes his mouth dry, the air to get stuck in his through, and a pale look on his face -" Wanna join my club now"- Alex read out loud, Riley was confused, Willie was feeling guilt for putting them in contact with Caleb the first time, Julie had her hands in her mouth, Luke was pissed, Alex was scared and worried, Reggie had a blank expression on his face on the inside he was almost losing it, he was angry, sad and worried, very worried, He couldn't in even in thik about losing her, not when he though he did once, it he was misarable, he couldn't lose her, none of the three boys could -"I don't get it"- Riley blurts out, everyone looks at her -"Why Cristal? I mean it always seemed like he was most interested in you guys"- Riley says she had a point, But Julie knew the answer -"Because he knows how important she s to all of us"- Julie says -"She's Luke's best friend, Reggie's girlfriend and Alex sister"- Julie says -"she's important to all of us"- Riley says getting Julie's point -"He also know we would do anything to save her"- Reggie says -anything"- Alex repeats -"What do we do know?"- Willie asks, Reggie is the who answers for everyone -"Now we save her"-.

Word Count: 1.000

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- You guys are not ready for what it's coming, I'm not ready for what's coming

-And I don't know if you guys liked it, but I just started watching the umbrella academy, I'm season 2

-See you tomorrow

