Family Ties (2\2)

Season: 02 - Episode: 01

Third pov

° Riley's Household °

-"Riley you okay honey? You look like you've seen a ghost"- Riley's mom, Allison, says, Riley looks at her shaking her head -"Yeah, I'm fine"- She answers -"You should get some sleep, good night sweety"- Her mom says leaving the room, as soon as the door closes Riley turns to Cristal -"Y-You're my sister, my 25 years dead sister"- Riley says, Cristal was waiting for a scream but instead she felt the girl pull her into a hug, the two of them stay hugging and crying on each other shoulder for sometime before Riley breaks the hug seating at her bed, pulling Cristal along -"Explain"- She says, Cristal then proceeds to explain the whole story to her sister. It's already morning when Riley fall as sleep, Cristal takes that opportunity to puff out

° Julie's Household °

Cristal puff inside Julie's bedroom, Julie was looking at something on her phone so she didn't notice Cristal's presence until she cleared her throat, that made Julie jump in her bed, looking at Cristal with widen eyes -"H-How are you here? the boys... the boys told me you got destroyed"- Julie says, she jumps out of bed to hug Cristal, but she passes right through her -"I thought that too, but... It's a long story"- Cristal says seating at the end of Julie's bed, the girl takes a seat beside her then proceed to tells everything -"I'm so glad you're okay"- Julie says smiling, Cristal gives her a sad smile -"Yeah, so you know the boys didn't crossover?"- Cristal asks already feeling the tears wanting to fall -"Yeah, I do, we cry, we hug each other, the stamp is gone they're fine"- Julie says, Cristal looks at her shocked -"They didn't get destroyed by the jolts?"- Cristal asks, Julie slowly nods -"I'm pretty sure they're at the studio"- Julie says, Cristal shots up -"I... I got to go talk to them, bye Julie"- Cristal says puffing out.

She appears again in the middle of the studio, Alex was laying on the couch playing invisible drums with his drum sticks just like Riley, that makes the blonde girl smile, Luke was writing something in his notebook, and Reggie was laying down on the ground looking at the ceiling, he had a sad expression o his face -"No regrets"- Cristal says catching the three boys attention, the boys stand up in seconds looking at her -"Huh, Am... Am I dreaming?"- Reggie asks with tears in his eyes -"I really hope not, because I don't wanna be on a shared dream with you"- Alex says making Cristal chuckle -"It's not possible that the three of us are having the same dream"- Luke says -"Ghosts we're not possible but look at us"- Reggie says, Cristal laughs a their little discussion -"even tho I'm pretty dreamy you guys are not dreaming"- Cristal says smiling at them, she had tears running through her face -"So is really you?"- Reggie asks, Cristal take a step forward being a inches away from him -"why don't you try finding that one out"- She says looking between his lips and his eyes, Reggie grabs her waist kissing her, Cristal could explode in happiness, she quickly wraps her arms around his neck as he takes her off the ground spinning her around -"This is so discusting"- Alex and Luke say, Cristal breaks the kiss smiling at her brother and Luke -"Say the one Julie kissed"- Reggie shots back, Cristal eyes widen -"She kissed you?"- Cistal asks Luke nods blushing -"That's my girl"- Cristal mutters -"C'mon Luke"- He hugs tha girl tight -"Come here A"- She says opening her arms, Alex quickly hugs her tightly -"I need to tell something"- Cristl says breaking the hug -"Wait hold on, how are you here?"- Luke asks -"I mean don't get me wrong but what kept us from vanishing was Julie's hug, but you weren't here for that"- Luke says -"I think what he's trying to ask you is who saved you?"- Alex says -"Riley"- Cristal says smiling, the three boys look at her confused, she looks into Alex eyes -"Our young sister Riley, saved me"- Cristal says, Alex eyes go wide -"We have a sister?"- He asks -"Yeah, we do, she's Julie's age"- Cristal says -"She literally you and me mixed, I dumped into her on my way to the Orpheum yesterday morning"- Alex was shocked -"M-Mom and dad are"- Alex started -"Alive"- Cristal says, she then roceeds to lift her hand for Alex to grab -"Wanna meet her?"- She asks, Alex looks into his sister's eyes for a second before grabbing her hand, before they puff out Cristal turns again to Reggie -"I love you"- She mutters -"I love you"- he mutters back, Cristal puff out of the garage bring her brother along.

° Riley's household °

Cristal pop up in Riley's bedroom, still holding on to Alex hand, Riley looks up from her book facing Cristal with a smile her look then turns to Alex, she looks at him in the eyes smiling, Alex was looking at her shocked it was like he was looking at Cristal mirror except she was a little taller and a lot skinnier, like unhealthy skinny, because Cristal was very skinny too -"She can see me too?"- Alex asks Cristal, Riley nods -"Yes, I can see you"- She says, Cristal could see how excited the girl was meeting Alex, point to the stop next to her on the bed, Alex takes that seat while Cristal takes a seat on the ground, they spent the rest of the catching, and laughing, the mood in the room completely changed when Riley's dad Phil, walked into the room, the three teenagers got tensed up -"Hey honey"- He says, takes a seat on the bed beside her, making alex stand up beside Cristal -"Hi dad"- Riley answered, Cristal grabs Alex hand -"Are you okay baby?, you haven't left the room the whole day"- He asks, Riley give Cristal and Alex a quick glane before turning back to her father -"yeah, I'm fine, I've just been thinking about Alex and Cristal the whole day"- She says, -"Why?"- Phil asks serious -"Don't you think about them sometimes? they were your kids"- Riley says, Cristal knew where this was going -" Yeah, I know it is just that, Me your siblings didn't have the best relationship, you know it takes a couple of wrongs to get a right"- He says chuckling *ouch that hurt* Cristal thinks letting a tear slip down her cheek, she quickly wipes it away, as Riley opens her mouth to fight her dad -"It's not worth it Riley"- Alex says -"We huh, we're gonna go back to Julie's place"- Cristal says squeezing Alex hands tightly, at least they both had this new family Ties.

° Julie's household °

Cristal and Alex pops up inside the garage, Luke wasn't there, Reggie was seating in the couch playing bass, Alex looks at Cristal he had tears in her eyes just like him -"I need to"- Alex starts -"Walk around a little bit, It's fine"- Cristal says pulling him into a hug, she kisses his cheek and her off out, Cristal looks at Reggie with a sad smile -"What happened?"- He asks softly putting his bass down -"Well you know the usual, I heard my dad say to my sister that me and Alex are mistakes"- Cristal says, she signals to Reggie to lay in the couch he was him, before she lays beside him feeling his arms around her waist, and her head against his chest -"Are you okay?"- He asks -"No, I'm not, but you know what I need right now?"- She asks looking up at him -"What?"-he asks -"I need to sleep in my beautiful dead boyfriend arms after he gies me a good night kiss"- Cristal says, Reggie chuckles kissing her -"Good night princess I love you"- Reggie says -"Good night Reg I love you more"- She says -"Not possible"- He says kissing the top of her head and just like that everything is fine.

Word Count: 1.300

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