beach day (1\2)

Season: 03 - Episode: 06

third pov

Flynn's mom decided that the girls needed a "girls day", so she left them at the beach for a day, Cristal was very excited with the idea, I mean don't get her she loved the boys, but she missed girl quality time, Cristal was wearing a pink bikini with black dots on it that would've driven her boyfriend insane if he saw her, dressed in that and tanning, Julie had a purple and black bikini on, Flynn was wearing a yellow one while Riley had a green bikini on, the four girls we're laying on the sand with their sunglasses on and talking -"Wait, you made Luke watch Titanic?"- Cristal asks, Julie nods causing her to giggle -"Did he liked it?"- she asks -"He hated it"- Julie replied causing the girl's to laugh -"He said it was unfair and too sad"- Julie continued -"Wait but have you watched it?"- Riley asks confused -"The movie it's from 1997, didn't you guys died in 1995?"- Flynn asks just as confused as her girlfriend -"Nop, The boys died in 1995, I died 1997, after the movie came out"- Cristal answered casually -"Bobby took the movie theater to watch it, he cried a lot"- Cristal says laughing at the memory -"Sometimes I forget you're dead"- Flynn says giggling -"Me too"- Cristal answers -"Anyways, I caught Alex and Willie getting dirty last night in the garage"- Cristal mentions, Julie spills the water she was drinking, while Riley's eyes went wild and Flynn started to laugh loudly -"In my garage really?"- Julie whines -"Julie, I had sex in your garage, more than once "- Cristal says smirking, Julie shakes her head -"Okay, Stop talking please"- She says laying back down -"Must have been embarresing you catching our brother making out"- Riley says, Cristl lifts her shoulders -"Not more embarassing then the two times he caught me and Reggie"- Cristal says giggling at the memory 

-"You girls wanna get into the water?"- Riley asks standing up, with the corner of her eyes Cristal sees Flynn checking his girlfriend out before standing up along with the other girls -"Yeah"- Cristal answers and they direct themselves to the water. The water was cold, was the first thing Cristal noticed was she walked into the water, the second thing she noticed was the day was hot, so the cold water wasn't a problem and the third thing she noticed was Riley and Flynn kissing beside her, which made the girl swim closer to Julie, giving the couple privacy -"What are you thinking about Jules?"- Cristal asks his friend who seemed distant -"I got us a gig"- She says, Cristal smile open wild -"That's amazing Julie, where? when?"- Cristal asks, Julie smiles back at her -"It's on a beach Christmas show they do every year, I got an e-mail inviting us to play"- Julie says smiling -"Why do you look nervous then? this is good"- Cristal asks once again, playing with the water with her hands -"They're gonna some important famous people performing too"- Julie says -"Hey, We can do this"- Cristal says winking at her friend winning a small smile -"I'm gonna grab your sunglasses for you"- Cristal says, Julie nods, and Cristal gets out of the water, that's when she bumps into someone and hit the ground.


The boys were in the garage talking and laughing, they would never say it out loud, but they were already missing the girls, badly actually, being without Cristal it was like a piece of Reggie's heart was gone with her -"So nothing happened between you and Julie last night?"- Reggie asks Luke, he was telling the boys about the events of last night -"No, We're not there yet"- Luke says casually -"How about you and Cristal, did you guys got it on last night?"- Luke asks Reggie teasingly -"Oh, We did, it was better than every other time, I didn't think it could better, but things she does"- Reggie starts -"Nop, I do not want to hear that"- Alex intervened in the conversation, he had his back against Willie's chest, and their hands intertwined, Luke and Reggie laugh at his sentence -"But Alex and Willie were getting it on last night"- Reggie says, causing Alex and Willie to blush, and Luke to laugh loudly -"We caught them in the act, me and Cristal are sorry about that, by the way"- Reggie continues, Alex laugh sarcasticaly -"Cristal it's not sorry, she said it was payback"- Alex says causing Willie to laugh, and Reggie to smirk -"That's my girl"- he whisper to himself, the room went silent when the topic ended -"Julie made me watch a movie called Titanic last night"- Luke blurts out trying to make conversation, relizaed might not have been a good idea when Reggie roll his eyes ennoyed -"Cristal went to see that mvie with Bobby"- He says annoyed -"Reggie"- Alex calls the boy making him look at him -"I know it sucks to think that they dated or that he was important in her life, bt it's true, and ou have to get pass that"- Alex says calmly -"Cristal loves you, you can see by the way she looks at you, she loves you more than anything, 'm pretty sure wat she feels for you is stronger than she felt for Bobby"- Luke finishes, Reggie nods, God he missed her.


Cristal feels two strong hands holding her waist stopping her from hitting the ground, she looks up to see who kept her from falling, it was a boy a little taller than her, he had white dyed hair, a nose ring, and he had brown eyes -"I'm sorry"- Cristal says as the boy lets her go -"It's okay I didn't see you there either"- the boy says smiling at her, Cristal hold a laugh when he said that, for the reason that she was a ghost -"I'm Jack, by the way, Avery"- he says lifting his hand for her to grab, which she does shaking it -"I'm Cristal"- She introduce her self smiling, Cristal felt something holding her leg, she looks seeing a little girl with brown her and eyes, she squats down -"Hey little one"- she says smiling at the girl, who smiles God she was adorable -"This is my daughter Lavander"- Jack says squating down beside her -"She is gorgeous"- She says, the little girl offers her a bucket full of sand -"Do you wanna build a sand castle?"- Cristal asks still smiling, the girl only smiles back but enough for Cristal to siti on the hand holding the bucket, beside Jack -"how old is she?"- Cristal asks -"shes one year"- he answers smiling, they stay there talking and bulding the girl a sand castle for what it felt like hours, Jack was easy to talk to and funny, Cristal only realize it was getting late when she heard Julie telling her they should go, Cristal said godbye to her new friend and left -"Bye, go be with your boyfriend"- Jack says smiling, Cristal smiles back before answering -"And you go fix things with Lavs mom"- She answers turning around and leaves.

Word Count: 1.179

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-So what do you guys think of this chapter, let me know in the comment section

-You guys have no idea what I'm planning for the Christmas special (you're gonna love it, I hope)

-see you soon

