Bobby (1\2)

Season: 03 - Episode: 01

third Pov

→Julie's Garage

Cristal's back was against the cold floor of the garage, but she was too focused on the way Reggie's lips touch against her neck felt so right, how his left hand on her thigh made her entire body feel like it was on fire, how her hands tangled right at his har, and how softly pulling them made him groan, how he was leaving some pretty dark hickeys down her neck, how even tho they were fully clothes he could make her see stars -"You're so fucking gorgeous"- Reggie murmurs against her collar bone using his free hand to slowly pull her t-shirt sleeve down, in response the blonde girl pulls Reggie's hair a little bit more while leaning her body up, that causes the boy to tighten his grip on her thigh, the couple hear some noise downstairs, Cristal turn her head a little bit seeing Julie, Luke and Alex, talking excitedly -"We got company downstairs"- Cristal says trying and failing to control her breathing, but the brunnet doesn't stop his trail of kiss nstead he lifts Cristal shirt, he stops with his head close to her belly, and her hands about to touch her boobs -"Then we have to be quiet"- he says before starting to kiss Cristal belly while massaging her boobs -"you're crazy Reg"- Cristal whispers while trying to supress a moan, her hands still tugging his hair strongly, Cristal hold her breath feeling Reggie's lps close to the hem of her shorts -"Hey love birds, if I get up there and you're not fully clothe you'll regret"- Alex screams at the botom of the stairs, Cristal roll her eyes, while putting het shirt down and standing up beside Reggie, who was trying to fix his hair, Alex put his head in the room looking straight at them -"Oh, hey mister Cock-block"- Cristal says sarcasticaly to her brother, who just smiles ather her with the same sarcastic smile

The garage doors that were open show a man standing there with some sun glasses -"Hey, Julie"- he says walking in the garage looking around nostalgicaly -"Your  dad told me ou might be in here"- He says steping into the light -"Bobby"- Reggie says beside Cristal, and just like that all ghosts end up beside Julie who was still trying to form a sentence -"Hi Trevor is there anything I could do for you?"- Julie asks being her polite self, the three ghost-boys were looking at him with serious expression, while Cristal was supressing a smile, she had an idea of why he was there -"There actualy is"- Trvor says seating in the couch, shooting a confuse look toarwds Luke, Julie seats beside him -"I was at the Orpheum when, humm, you and you're band played"- Bobby says carefully, Julie was go wide,-"You where?"- Julie asks trying to be casual -"Yes, and humm, how-how was that possible"- He asks -"How is what possible?"- Julie asks playing dumb -"The guys in your band they're... they're dead"- Bobby says -"I was there when they died, all four of them"- Bobby says looking down -"What? noo, they're holograms"- Julie says -"Julie, you can cut the crap he won't buy it"- Cristal says crossing her arms against her chest, and making Julie look at her -"They're ghosts"- She says carefully, Bobby looks at her serious, he then proceeds to look around the room -"A-Are they here now?"- he asks, Julie looks at the ghosts, Luke nods at her -"Yes, they're here"- Julie says -"I don't... I don't get it, how can you see them, what's your connection to them"- Bobby says, then something clicks inside his head -"Your mom, they met your mom the day they died"- Bobby says, Cristal was confused just like the other three ghosts -"She said she felt connected to our music"- Bobby explains -"oh, it's that girl that worked at the Orpheum"- Reggie says beside Cristal, making Julie look at him -"Can- Can I talk to them?"- Bobby asks, Julie looks at him, he looked devasted -"that's up to Cristal"- Julie says when her name leaves the girl mouth Bobby's eyes fill with water, but he blinks pulling the tears away -"What do you guys think?"- Cristal asks -"As much as we loved to appear and say everything we've been wanting to, it's your decision, I ean we al know this is more personal to you"- Luke says, Reggie agreed with him just like Alex, Cristal looks at Reggie in the eyes, almost like apologizing, before openig her arms and feeling the blue energy on her hands, and just like that, the four of them were completly visible to Bobby, but he looks at Cristal, he looke deeply a her, just like the girl was looking at him, a single tear fall down Bobby's cheek just like with Cristal, before she clears her throat to speak -"I don't know how long I can hold this, so be quick"- She says steping back, for the first time this evening Boby looks at his old band mates, they looked exactly like they did 25 years ago -"you stole our songs"- Luke says clearly trying to control hs anger -"I-I'm sorry about that, I-I've lost you guys, and, and Cristal was the only thing keeing me from doing and when she died needed money so I just used that songs"- Bobby says looking down -"Yeah, there is that too you were fucking my little sister"- Alex says a little loud -"Alex"- Cristal calls looking at him -"I loved her"- Bobby says, making Cristal head snap back at him -"I really did, she was everything I had left, I'm pretty sure I still love her and there hasn't been a day where I regret doing what did, I'm not talking abut the songs, I'm talking about the fight"- Bobby says, that was the part the boys didn't knew, about the fight and all it was said on it -"I shouldn't have said what I did, about you and Luke, not when you were still hurt"- Bobby says, Julie hearing Luke's name looks at Cristal confused -"I shouldn't have said you loved him more and not, I shouldnt have throwed on your face that you were in love with a dead man"- Boby says looking straight at her -"I shouldn't have that you were slowly killing Reggie by realizing his feeling for you, even tho thats true"- Bobby says causing Reggie to chuckle coldly -"That's enough"- Cristal says -"We've both said a lot of thing we regret that day"- Cristal says whipping the tear away -"But I forgave you the minute you risk your lfe to see of I was okay, when the car hit me, I forgave you when you stayed with me"- Cristal says -"you shoud've have at least gave us credit"- Luke says -"I know, I'm so sorry, you guys were my friends I shouldn't have done that, but Cristal was everything and lost her too and"- Bobby started but got cut off by Reggie -"It all comes back to her, don't you think you hurt her too, when you broke a promisse you made her, don't you dare bame her for your choices"- Reggie says out loud, Cristal step in grabing his arm, looking straight ino his eyes -"Reg, calm down"- Cristal says offering him a small smile, when she turn her attention back to Bobby he was looking at the two of shocked, Cristal sighs as Luke starts yelling at Bobby, and sharing a look with Julie as the sun disapears the both of them agree "this is gonna be a long night".

Word Count: 1.246

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