Five Seconds of Summer (1\2)

Season: 03 - Episode: 07

✨Christmas Special Part One✨

third pov

It took one day for Cristal to have the courage to tell everyone she went to talk to Caleb, she knew their reaction and she was scared of it, but she also knew she needed to tell them, that's why they were seating across the garage talking to each other while Cristal, who was standing trying to figure it out how to start -"I Went to see Caleb"- She says a little loud, everyone goes silent immediately looking at her -"You did what?"- Alex broke the silence with his question, Cristal takes a deep breath before continuing -"I needed to know what was happening to us, and I knew he had answered, and I was right he did"- Cristal explains calmly -"And what is happening to you guys?"- Julie asks -"Apparently we are coming back to life"- Cristal says, Luke laughs, everyone starts laughing, everyone but Cristal, her expression was still dead serious one by one her friends realized that and stoped laughing -"You're serious?"- Luke is the one to asks, Cristal nods -"Simplifying, We have human ancors Julie and Riley and we have someone on the other side helping us, So it's a matter of time"-Cristal explains, Julie's face frowns -"Who is helping you from the other side?"- she asks serious -"Your mom"- Cristal aswers giving the girl a small smile -"wow, that's just too much, too process"- Reggie says, Cristal breaths deeply again -"There is more?"- Alex asks earning a nods from the girl -"Us comming back to life is not the only thing happening at the moment"- Cristal begins -"There is also something happening in my boddy, something I did not think it was possible"- Cristal says, Reggie stands up looking his girlfriend with widen eyes -"You're preggnant?"-He asks shocked, Cristal nods slolwly -"Yes, I'm pregnant"- Cristal says, she watchs as a big smile takes place on her boyfriends face, as he walks up to her and kiss her passionatly, before they get interrupted -"You're What?"- Alex scream stands up shocked -"I'm Preg"-Cristal starts -"Yeah, I heard you the first time"- Alex says, he then turns to Reggie -"I'm gonna kill you again Reginald"- Alex says -"No, You're not"- Cristal says steping in front of er brother -"That is all I ever wanted A"- Cristal says placing her hands on her belly -"Be happy for me, for us, please"- Cristal says slowly, Alex's serious expression crumbl into a smile -"Congratulations C"- He says, the girl giggle throwing herself at hr brothers arms hugging him -"Not trying to ruin the party or anything"- Julie stars the the attention to her -"Isn't this a little too easy?"- Julie asks, everyone nods agreeing with her -"Yeah, but let's just hope it is"- Cristal says.--"So there is a little human being growing your belly?"- Riley asks his sister, the girls were all at Julie's room, getting ready for the gig -"yeah"- Cristal answer passing the lipstick o her lips -"How is that possible"- Flynn, who was finishing Julies makeup, asks -"I have zero ideas"- Cristal answers looking at her self in the mirror, she was wearing a white crop top with the words "Merry Christmas your fucking asshole" on it, a red skirt, black leather boots, and Reggie's leather jacket, her makeup as basic only a red lipstick and black eyeliner, her hair was loose with a Santa Claus tiara on it, Julie had a red dress with v cleavage -"I'm excited to meet the famous people that you said you'll be there"- Cristal says, Julie giggles -"We're opening, so You have time to talk to them after our performance"- Julie says -"you look amazing by the way"- Riley says -"Thanks"- Cristal says, the girls tak for about ten minutes when Julie's dad opens the door, Cristal turns invisible, he didn't knew she was there -"You ready girls?"- Ray asks, they all nod, as Cristal puff in front of the beach were it was empty excpt for the the boys that were waiting for her -"Wow, you look awsome"- Reggie was pulling her close by the waist, her arms fly to his neck -"You cleaned up nice too"- She answer peeking his lips, soon they see Ray's car pull over, and Julie, Riley, Flynn, Ray and Carlos exit the veicule and walk toawrds then -"Why are you guys out here?"- Julie asks after giving a peek on Lukes lips -"We were waiting for you"- Alex explains, Ray, Carlos, Riley and Flynn leave to go stay at the crowd, whle the band enters back stage, a guy come in and shows then where they should go get ready, so now here they were, Cristal as fixing her lipstick humming to song they're gonna perform, Reggie and Alex were talking, Julie and Luke where no where to be seing -"I'm gonna go look for Julie and Luke"- Cristal says to the two boys, exiting the rtheir tend, she starts to look around seeing alot of people in a rush -"Julie?"- Cristal calls, reponse -"Luke?"- she calls to -"That's me"- a voice says, it wasn't Luke's voice at least not the one she was looking for, a tell blonde men was infront of her, he had some really pretty green eyes -"You called?"- He asks in a australing accent -"Yes and No"- Cristal says -"I'm looking for my band mate who s also caled Luke"- She explains, the boys smiles lifting his hand for her to grab -"In this case I'm Luke Hemmings"- He says, he girl grab his hand shaking it, the three men behind him clear their troaths -"And this are my band mates, Michael guitar"- a guys with white hair -"Calum bass"-a tall guy with black hair -"And Ashton drums"- The men with black hair, they were all very attractive, Cristal hears people behind, where she sees her whole band -"I'm Cristal, keys"- She says, then turn to her band mates -"That's Luke guitar, Julie vocals and key, My brother Alex drums and my boyfriend Reggie bass"- She says, they all look at each other -"Nice meeting you guys"- Ashton says, Julie was speachless beside her boyfriend -"Julie you okay?"- her boyfriend asks, Julie nods not taking her eyes of the band infront of them -"Five Seconds of Summer, I'm a big fan"- She explains, that puts a smile on Lukes Hemmings face, Cristal didn't have to look at Luke to know he was not liking that -"Julie and Phantoms"- A guy calls -"That's us"- Alex says -"You're up"- the guy says -"It was nice meeting you guys but we got to go"- Cristal says -"cool band name"- Michael says, Cristal nods before turning arun she looks at her band -"Now Let's rock that stage"-.

Word Count: 1.115

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-I had to this crossover, sorry

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-see you soon-

