Wake Up (2\2)

Season: 01 - Episode: 01

Third Pov

Los Angeles 2020

-"Cristal?"- Alex asks looking at her, Cristal slowly nods letting the tears fall, Alex runs to her wrapping his hands around her waist taking her off the ground, all of them were crying, Cristal sobbing, she was confused how did she end up there again? it was blurry in her mind, After breaking apart it was Luke's turn to hug the girl he stood there hugging each other without saying a word, Luke couldn't help but think she looked older, her blonde hair was a little longer, Cristal, on the other hand, could not get over the fact that they looked exactly like the way they died After her and Luke break apart, Reggie stares at her and she stares back both f them nor saying a word just looking at each other smiling -"I'm going to talk to Julie"- Luke says Alex nod following him leaving the two of them alone, Reggie approaches the girl carefully, he knew she was older and he was scared she wouldn't remember -"We stick together"- She started smiling at him -"Always and Forever"- Reggie continues lifting his pinky finger-"Forever and Always"- She finishes intertwining her pinky with his. Reggie lets a relief breath out and hugs the girl as tight as he can as she does the same -"I've missed you dumie"- She says drying her tears after they break apart -"I've missed you more shorty"- He says, Suddenly Cristal remembers -"H-How long have I been dead for?"- Cristal asks taking a few steps back -"That depends on what year did you died, we're in 2020 apparently"- Reggie says, Cristal feels her eyes watering -"I- I"ve been dead for twenty-three years"- She says, -"Bobby"- She whispers -"I-I need to see Bobby"- She says, and then she puffs out, Leaving Reggie there completely confused. Cristal had no idea how she did that, she wished to see Bobby and the next thing she knows she's in this huge mansion, and then she sees him in the dining room talking to a girl about Cristal's age , he looked so much older -"Hey dad, Can I ask you a question?"- The girl asks, Cristal passes her hand in front of them, They couldn't see her, Bobby nods-"Who is Cristal?"- The girl asks -"Uh, I don't actually talk about her in a while now Carrie, let's see what can I tell about her, she was my high school girlfriend, and she was an amazing singer even tho she never admited"- Bobby says, Cristal lets a sad tear fall on her cheek, it was just too much to take in -"What hapenned to her?"- Carrie asks -" We had a fight and broke up, She ran out crossing the street when she was hit by car, it took her ten minutes to die but I stayed with her until the end of it, the last thing she told me before she passed was..."- Bobby Starts -" Never give up on music"- She says in sync with him, tears fell out of Cristal eyes, she couldn't be there anymore so she closed her eyes and imagined her self back at the house.

That time it did not work that well since she ended up in a girls room on the house, the girl looked at her suspicious -"Who are you?"- She asks, Cristal looks at her -"You can see me? I'm Cristal"- Cristal answers looking at her -"I'm Julie and humm, what are you doing in my room?"- Julie asks -"Sorry, I'm not really good at the teleporting thingy yet"-Cristal apologies, Julie looks at her up and down -"you look like Alex a little bit"- Julie says -"He's my brother"- Cristal says smiling -"oh, Do you have any other clothes?"- Julie asks looking at the bloodstain on Cristal's dress -"Not really"- She answers Julie opens her closet pulling some clothes on -"Here, try this"- She says, for Cristal's surprise she manage to grab the clothes, Julie turns around waiting for Cristal to get dressed, It was a black ripped jeans with some chains hanging on it, a crop-top red wine, and she puts Reggie's leather Jacket above -"You can turn around now"- Cristal says, Julie turns looking at her -"Wow, it looked better on you than it did on me"- Julie says -"Thank, I-I'm gonna go back to the garage now, Bye Julie"- Cristal says Julie waves at her and she disaperres.

The garage was empty when Cristal came back, she though Reggie, Luke, and Alex must have headed out, she lays in the couch processing everything that happened during the night.

Cristal was upstairs on the garage looking at her old stuff that was still on there, she hears the garage door open and close, she looks down still on the shadows seeing Julie looking around -"Guys? Cristal?"- She asks, Cristal was about to answer when she saw Julie stare at the piano with a sad expression, she picks up a paper that was on top it and sits on the piano, she puts her fingers on the piano taking a deep breath, suddenly her she starts playing and singing a beautiful song, and her voice was mind-blowing, Cristal just stays there froze watching Julie sings, as the song ended Julie had tears in her eyes, behind her Cristal could see Reggie, Alex, and Luke standing there watching her, as the song ended Julie grabs the paper holding it close and starts crying, seeing this scene sounded wrong so Cristal puffs out appearing in outside the garage in front of Luke, Reggie and Alex.

Word Count: 962

