Finally Free (2\2)

Season: 01 - Episode: 06

Third Pov

Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Cristal were at the garage as Julie walks in looking at the four ghosts -"We're so sorry"- Reggie sings popping out of being Luke -"So sorry"- Alex sings doing the same thing -"We're super-duper, crazy, stupid"- Luke sings -"Sorry"- Cristal sings with the boys harmonizing -"In case you missed it, we're really sorry"- Reggie says -"Yeah, I got that part"- Julie says -"We've been here for like three hours"- Alex says high fiving Reggie -"We almost sang to your little brother"- Cristal says -"He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom"- Reggie says -"Yeah, It's not our favorite part of the day"- Alex points out, Cristal nods agreeing with him -"But, Julie it wasn't OK that we flaked on the dance last night. We know we let you down"- Luke says -"Yeah, and none of us wanted to disappoint you. You're the best thing that happened to us since we became ghosts"- Alex says -"So in hopes that you'll rejoin the band, we booked a new gig"- Luke says approaching her, Reggie discreetly put one of his hands around Cristal waist making the girl smile -"A mega important, life-changing gig"- Reggie says -"Ok, check it out tons of managers go here to listen to new bands. All we gotta do is blow them all away and we're living the dream"- Luke says -"So this means a lot to you, huh? Kind of how playing in front of my whole school meant a lot to me"- Julie says sarcastically -" Sounds like sarcasm. I'm starting to think our plan isn't working"- Reggie whispers to Cristal -"Look we know we messed up"- Alex says -"But we need you in the band"- Cristal says -" Of course you do because without me, no one can see you guys playing, You know I thought that the music we were writing was special, but you're too obsessed with your past to even care"- Julie yells at Luke, this was not gonna end up good, Cristal felt Reggie's grip on her waist get tighter meaning he also thought this wouldn't end well-"I do care, Our band has a real chance at greatness. I'm not gonna let that gt away from us again"- Luke yells back -"Right. So then why did you bail on me to get back at Trevor?"- Julie asks but she doesn't allow Luke to answer -" I'll tell you why. 'cause there is only one thing you care about, and that's yourself"- Julie yell walking away, Luke just stands there looking at the girl disappeared feel the weight of her words, Cristal exchanges worried looks with Alex -"Dude she didn't mean it"- Alex says, but luke turns around -"Luke"- Cristal yells but here had already puffed out -"Shit"- The girl curses under her breath -"Where is he going?"- Reggie asks confused -"remember what today is Reg?"-Cristal looking at him a little sad like she predicted it did not end well.

Alex, Reggie, and Cristal puffs in front of Julie -"D-Do you got a sec?"- Alex asks, Julie seats in a different position ignoring them -"Oh my Gosh she can't see us anymore!"- Reggie says, Cristal close her breathing deeply, she really like him, but something his clueless pissed her off, Cristal seats closer to where Julie was -"Julie please"- Alex says again, Julie looks up -"I already told you that I'm done with the band"- Julie says -"Yeah, we know, all right? But before you decide that forever we just..."- Alex says trying to find the words -"We wanted you to know that Luke isn't a selfish as you think"- Cristal says -"Yeah, you've got him all wrong"- Reggie says, Julie scoffs and turns back to the book -"You remember that song, Emily? Can we at least show you who that's actually about?"- Cristal asks.

Cristal, Reggie, Alex, and Julie were at Luke's parent's house, hiding behind the bushes. Luke was inside the house seating in the balcony, watching his parents, he was crying too, Cristal always hated seeing Luke cry, he was always so full of life and joy, so when he was crying it broke her heart -" So, Emily is his mom?"- Julie asks -"Yeah, Yeah, Luke come here a lot"- Alex says -"He thinks we don't know but"- Cristal begins -"We've been following him"- Reggie finishes -"All he does is hang out like this and watch them. They never really do anything though"- Reggie says -" They're having cake, that's something"- Julie says -"it a birthday cake"- Reggie says with a sad tone, Cristal let a single tear fall -"For Luke"- Cristal says with her voice cracking a little bit -"I never knew Luke was hurting this much"- Julie says -"Yeah, It's even worse 'cause when he died he... left on bad terms"- Alex says -You know his parents didn't want their 17-year-old in a rock band, so... he just left"- Cristal says whipping her tears away -"He never got the chance to make up with them"- Alex says, Cristal finished his sentence on her head *Neither did we* she though, Lukes parents light the candle on the cake, Luke walks up to them blowing the candle still crying -"That's why Luke was so angry. If Trevor had given Luke credit for writing all the songs, then..."- Reggie says -" His parents would have known his dream was worth chasing"- Cristal finishes -"They would have been so proud"- Julie says -"Yes, they would"- Cristal says, Julie wipes a tear-away -" We know how bad it hurts whenever someone that should've had you back completely lets you down"- Alex looks at Cristal *Just like our parents* it was what they both were thinking -"We never meant to make you feel that way"- Cristal says -"Julie we love our band, and Luke does too. Please gives us another chance"- Reggie says.

Julie gave them another chance, Luke was happy, everyone was happy, right Cristal has just finished getting ready for the performance, she was wearing a red skirt, a dark blue shirt with the queen logo on, her black high heeled boots, and her black leather jacket, the necklace Reggie gave her when they were still alive hanging around her neck -"Hey Cris can I talk to you for a sec"- Alex says walking to the girl who was upstairs -"Sure"- She says seating down, Alex seats in front of her -"Is there something going on between you and Reggie?"- Alex asks, Cristal feel her heart beating get faster, she looks at him no really knowing what to say -"There is isn't there"- He says, Cristal slowly nods scared for his reaction -"We humm, we're dating"- Cristal says carefully, Alex lifts his eyebrows -"Since when?"- He asks -"Since last night"- Cristal answers carefuly -"Ok"- Alex says -"Are you mad?"- She asks -"No, NO, I'm just worried for you, you know? I-I don't want you getting hurt"- Alex says holding her hand -"Alex, You know Reggie would never hurt me, at least not intentionally"- Cristal says -"Yeah, I know is just weird my sister with my best friend"- Alex says, Cristal nods chuckling -"And I thought you were into Luke"- Alex says -"I thought that too"- Cristal agrees -"You do like Reggie a lot don't you?"- Alex asks -"You have no idea"- She says smiling -"You guys ready?"- Regie asks appearing in front of them, he takes a long look up and down at the girl -"yes, let's blow those people away"- Cristal says approaching him, she gives him a quick peek on his lips, smiling at him -"Reginald, hurt her and I'll find a way to kill even tho you're dead"- Alex says passing through them, Cristal grabs Reggie's hand interwining their finger -"Let's go get Julie"-.

They were the same cafe from earlier, watching dirty candy perform, Cristal was actually enjoying the song, out of nowhere, Alex puff in the middle of the stage, and starts dancing with the girl, he puffed out and back beside Cristal who was close to Reggie since he had his arm around her waist -"You having fun out there?"- Julie asks him, Alex clears his throat -"It's not my fault. It's my, um... it's my feet, put me back in, coach"- Alex says puff out of there, and appearing back at the stage dancing, Cristal chuckles leaning her back against Reggie, he had a shirt with no sleeves which showed his very defined arms, the song ends and Alex appears back at Cristal's side -"I was just... I was just doing that for you guys"- Alex says -"Yeah, you can stop smiling now"- Cristal says winking at him -"Not gonna lie that was kind of good"- Julie says to her friend, Cristal agrees her mentally -"Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much"- Flynn says, at that same time Carrie walks out of the stage stopping in front of them -"Hi girls, um, isn't past your bedtime?"- Carrie says, Flynn turns to Julie -"Now I remember"- Flynn says -"If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come"- Carrie says - That's not why I'm here"- Julie says, at the same time the guy announces the next performance -" Ok, It looks like we're closing the night with one more group, Julie and the Fat ones"- Thee guy says, Cristal looks at Luke with lifted eyebrows -"Really?"- Alex and Cristal says at the same time -"Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks"- Luke says, Julie enters the stage seating on the keyboard bench, she starts playing and singing -"Hearts on fire, we're no lies, So we say what we wanna say, I'm awakened, no more fakin', so we push all our fears away, Don't if I'll make it 'cause I'm falling under close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder, I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine"- Julie sings, as the chorus comes, the four ghost pop on stage, Cristal with her keytar -"I've got a spark in me. Hands up of you can see, And you're a part of me. Hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, Hands up if you believe, been too long, and now we're finally free"- everyone sings, Reggie and Luke go vibe with Alex while Cristal goes vibe with Julie -" We're all bright now, What a sight now, Comming out like we're fireworks, Marching on proud, turn it up loud, Cause now we know what we're worth"- Julie sings -"We know we can make it we're not falling down under, Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder, And I wanna fly, Comme alive, Watch me shine"- Julie and Luke sing together, as the chorus coming Reggie goes to Luke singing in the mic as him, Cristal sings on Reggie's mic -"I've got a spark in me. Hands up of you can see, And you're a part of me. Hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, Hands up if you believe, been too long, and now we're finally free I've got a spark in me. Hands up of you can see, And you're a part of me. Hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, Hands up if you believe, been too long, and now we're finally free"- They all sing, as the bridge comes Reggie goes back to his mic, and Luke sings in the same mic as Julie -" I've got a spark in me (I've got a spark in me) And you're apart of me (And you're a part of me)"- Julie and Luke sings, the three ghosts exchanges looks between then, Luke was so into him -"Not till eternity (Not till eternity) It's been too long and now we're finally free"- They sing, as chorus come again, Reggie and Cristal are singing in the same mic, and Julie is doing some impressive high notes -"I've got a spark in me. Hands up of you can see, And you're a part of me. Hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, Hands up if you believe, been too long, and now we're finally free"- They sing, the instruments get quieter as the song ends -" We're finally free, yeah"- Julie finishes they all bow, and the four ghost disappears.

They puff in seating on the table behind Julie -"Hey whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming the way"- Luke says -"She looks all business"- Alex says -"Wait. Who should do the talking?"- Reggie asks, Cristal looks at him with a lifted eyebrow -"Right, Julie, Julie"- Regie says -"You got this"- Luke whispers to her -"Hi I'm Andy Parker"- The women starts -"Julie"- Julie's dad calls clearly pissed -"Dad"- Julie says surprised -"It's time to go"- He says, and just like that this opportunity was lost, so all they could now was pray they get another one.

Word Count: 2.136

Author's Notes: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please give a vote, feel free to leave your thought and comment's on the comment section. Also if you wanna follow me and give it a look on my other fic's I would appreciate it. So what are you guys thinking so far?

