"So, me and him were that close?" Kiko asked Ren who had finished explaining to her about Riku and and hers relationship.

Ren nodded. "You two were basically inseparable."

"How- then how could I forget-?"

"I don't know." Ren sighed.

"Have you forgotten anyone else that maybe Mako mentioned to you?" Ren asked.

"I- uh.... I forgot who he was for like two minutes. And Asami too, but I remembered who they both were after wards. It made me feel sick. I actually threw up." Kiko looked down at her feet that were bare.

Ren embraced Kiko in a hug. "It's okay."

"It's not okay, Ren." Kiko sighed. "It's not going to be okay. Not for awhile."

"Do you want me to stay the night?" Ren asked, still holding Kiko in his arms.

"No, I'm okay. I'd rather just be alone with Mako."

Ren felt a bit hurt. He wanted to stay the night with his little sister, but instead she'd much rather spend it with her "boyfriend", however, he knew he couldn't get too upset since he left her for six years. But, he wants to reconnect.

Kiko knew they would never be the perfectest of siblings. They weren't going to be close. They've had too much of a bad history. She was too tired to try and fix the pieces. It has to fix itself in its own progress.

"Thank you though."

The three stayed there for the rest of the evening and soon enough, they left.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Ren said, pulling Kiko into a quick hug. They parted away from each other.

Kiko gave Riku a slight wave but he ignored her action towards him and Judy slipped out the door. She slumped her shoulders, but they were right back up when Bolin hugged her tightly.

"Bolin, you'll hurt her!" Mako didn't really raise his voice, but said it loud enough for Bolin to be alarmed. Bolin quickly let go. "Right, sorry."

"It's okay." Kiko chuckled. She hugged Bolin, putting her arms around his neck, him wrapping his arms her. Bolin closed his eyes, smiling.

Kiko kissed his cheek. Bolin opened his eyes, widening them.

"I love you Bolin. Thank you for everything." She said softly.

"Why are you talking like its a goodbye?" Bolin asked, pulling himself away from the hug. But, Kiko just brought him towards her again, repeating her actions. "Because, it might be a goodbye... it's just in case, okay?"

Bolin nodded.

They both pulled away from the long hug. Bolin said goodbye to his brother and afterwards, he was out the door.

Mako closed the door behind him and locked it. Kiko sighed. "This is stressful."

"I know babe." Mako kissed atop of Kiko's head. "Maybe we should head to bed."

"I'm not tired... you go ahead."

Mako looked at Kiko intently. She nodded and faked smiled, telling him it's okay.

Mako nodded, going into her room.

we're like a married couple, thought Kiko.

Kiko went and sat on her couch in the living room. She put her face in her hands, just taking in the silence. "You can't forget Kiko...don't forget."
