The next Mako recieved a letter from Ren.

He opened it up and began to read.

Dear Mako,
Yes, I am Ren Sotaro. Yes,!I'm Kiko's big brother. Yes, I'm alright. I've been staying in the earth kingdom since I left the fire nation. Is Kiko holding up alright? How is her wound? Whoever healed her on time, please, thank them for me. And, please tell Kiko that I've been wanting to write to her for so, so long. I just don't to be disappointed from getting a letter back saying "I hate you". And, I know where she's staying. I talked to my grandparents and they told me. I've been trying to go over and visit her, but, I just don't the money for transportation. Again, tell whoever healed her, thank you.
Please write back,

Mako sighed. It's been a day and a half and Sakiko still hasn't woken up. The doctor came back again, and he said the same thing he said yesterday. "What's that?" Asked Korra who just came out of Kiko's room.

"A letter." Mako answered. "From?" Korra raised her eyebrow. "Sakiko's brother."

Mako handed her the paper and she took it and began to read.

"She has a brother?!" Her eyes widened. "Yeah. I wrote to him telling him what happened to Sakiko, and he wrote back. " Mako said. "I wish I could tell her now... to tell her that her brother is okay."

"But I can't." Mako looked at the water being bended by Kya a few feet away and Korra sighed. "She'll wake up."

"Yeah." Mako nodded. "Yeah."

Korra sighed again and put her hand on his shoulder. "So her brother?" Korra said. "He should be here when she wakes up."

Mako turned to face her and smirked. "I'll get Asami and Bolin." Korra chuckled and stood up and went to go do what she said she would.

Mako decided to go to Kiko's room and say goodbye to her.

Once he reached her room, he opened the door and closed it on his way in. He sat next to her and looked at her as she seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

"Hey Sakiko." Mako smiled. He placed his hand onto hers. "It's been two whole days since you've been awake. But, you're regaining your strength, right?"

Kiko said nothing of course, her eyes still closed, her chest rising up and down, slowly.

"Yup." Mako nodded. "Well, if you- when you wake up and I'm not here, neither Asami or Bolin, it's because we'll be in the earth kingdom."

"We're going to go get your brother." Mako said. "He's okay. And he misses you."

It stays silent until Korra came into the room. "We're leaving."

Mako nodded and stood up. He looked down at Kiko and leaned down and pressed his lips onto her forehead. "I'll be back."

Korra moved so that Mako can leave and when he returned her head to Kiko's direction, she slightly smiled. "I'll see you later."

They walked out and their was a flying bison waiting for them. "Oogi was all I can get now." Korra shrugged.

They reached onto him and once they were all settled, Korra smiled. "Oogi, yip!yip!"

And flee the flying bison.

"Good job Oogi, you're such a good boy!" Bolin said. Mako and Asami laughed at the silly younger brother.

"What if we can't find him?" Asami asked. "I'm not leaving empty handed." Mako shrugged. "Maybe we should have told him we were going to come." Bolin said.

"It was unexpected and even if I sent him a letter now, it wouldn't get to him until tomorrow afternoon." Mako said.

"That's better then wandering around for days." Asami said. "Fine, do you have paper?" Mako sighed.

Bolin and Asami both shook their head and Mako rolled his eyes. "Oh well."

A few hours passed and they finally reached the Earth Kingdom. They jumped off and everyone looked at them oddly. "Where do we keep Oogi?" Asami asked.

"Oogi, fly home." Korra told him. He roared and then left. "That's our only way back!" Bolin cried. "Now we're stuck here forever!"

"Bolin, were not stuck here." Mako said. Asami laughed and Bolin raised his eyebrow. "We'll take the monorail." Korra chuckled.

"Right, right." Bolin nodded.

"So, where do we start?" Asami asked. They all turned to Mako. "It wasn't my idea." Mako rolled his eyes. "It was Korra's."

"Maybe we can go deep into town and ask a few people." Asami suggested. They all nodded, agreeing with her suggestion.
